Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

when we tell/ told you Obama LOONS you deny it ; the SOB is crooked the mo FO ..is from KENNYA and the mother fkr is NO CHRISTIAN. YOU WERE LIED TO!!

Shouldn’t we get to the bottom of all of the Obama Administration’s criminality once and for all?

We have all been saying it for years… All roads lead to Obama. What was once speculation of the obvious has become the facts that have the left scrambling.

The release of real evidence from the DOJ tying Obama to the coup of the next administration has been slowly seeping out. While the Coronavirus intensity played cover in April of 2020 the DOJ released this telling email revealing POTUS control saying as the Gateway Pundit reported:

GP-We need to discuss what happens if DOJ directs us, or directly tells, VPOTUS or anyone else about the [redacted] specifically w/r/t [with regards to] what we do directly with him. I think it will be very difficult not to do some sort of overt step with him, a defensive briefing or interview under light “defensive briefing” pretext unless WH specifically directs us not to.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

Now do I think Obama, or any other democrat for that matter, will be convicted of a crime? Hell no!!!!!!!!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

According to the media and history, here is what we know about democrats

1. They never commit sexual abuse

2. They never are racist

3. They never commit a crime.

It's almost as if they are God's elect righteous chosen. Not even a small demographic society can measure up to the righteous democratic party. They would have even been high priests in the Catholic church had they not been appalled at all of the pedophiles within the church.

Speaking of church, I personally think they should convert churches into buildings to worship the DNC. Take the crosses down and erect statues of FDR, Marx, and Barak Obama.

It would be silly to say Democrats never commit crimes, but it's obvious that they don't commit them anywhere near as often as right wingers do.

Actually, it's obvious they are much better at burying their shit.

So right wingers are stupid too.

No - They are just more honest. The dems are devious and manipulative.
One of the most monumental piles of shit in human history. Had evidence that collusion never existed but kept pushing it anyway. Typical two faced Democrat. When you meet a Democratic member of Congress you better check for your watch and your wallet before you walk away.
YAWN.......This again? How many times are you going to let shills like Carlson whip you up into a frenzy over something that will never happen unless Barr and Durham manufacture evidence. Damn, it really is disappointing. I gotta ask, what happened to conservatives over the last four decades? When did you all devolve into whiny little bitches? I love the fact that Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years despite the absolute river of bile and hatred coming from the right wing in this country. 8 years. No grand juries convened, no indictments, no prison sentences handed down. He'll be remembered as a good President. Well liked and respected. Any day now....Snooooooooze.....
Like Russia Russia Russia whipped you assholes into a frenzy...then it ends up a huge nuthin burger. Lol, you poor lil thing
Typical Trumpette who does not care and is actually happy that Russia inteferred in our election tio help Trump win. Not important at all to you.

Typical Trumpette who does not care and is actually happy that Russia inteferred in our election tio help Trump win.

Exactly! A couple of thousand Russian dollars was needed to defeat Hillary's $1.2 billion in ads.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Spying on your opponents campaign isn’t illegal. The original Watergate charge was Burglary. The Break-In at DNC headquarters.

What got Nixon impeached wasn’t spying on the Democrats, which is all very legal, it was the obstruction of justice and the coverup of the break in.

Spying on your opponents campaign isn’t illegal.

Really? Politicizing the DOJ and FBI to wiretap opposing campaigns is ok with you?
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment
These guys are just mad because Obama, a former president, commented on his predasessor. Sorry I can't spell. Anyways, the point I want to make is how many months after Trump leaves office will he comment on his predisesser? I say 1 week. So it's funny watching Republicans mad about it now but they would forgive Trump no problem if/when he does it. WHEN he does it. The only way he won't is if he doesn't live beyond or suffers a terrible stroke and can no longer talk.

It's never enjoyable to watch PROGS defend their own with speculation based on emotional responses, even less when they avoid context, which you did.

I'm reminded of Bill Maher. For years he's been riding the train "what will we do when Trump refuses to leave office". I'm sure Maher is a fucking moron. Kicker of it is, as all things PROG his short-think took a spin on him, because his favorite POTUS Obama proved he had no intention of leaving office from a mental standpoint. After all, he instructed his admin. and justice depts. to circumvent the incoming admin. under false pretenses., and that's proven.

CONTEXT MATTERS, it's just that it's inconvenient huh?
Ah, from a mental standpoint. That's just like not leaving office after you've been voted out.

Like I said, Trump won't wait 6 weeks before he starts weighing in on the next POTUS especially if they are a Democrat. So STFU really
Obama is fucked! Justice Department reviewing ‘unmasking,’ but source suggests decision on releasing files is DNI's 'call'
Let us know when this hits the mainstream media.

Is this punishment for Obama speaking out? Wow. Trump is a dictator who's going to jail his adversaries.

But so far only people who've gone to jail are Trump guys. Go figure.

Let us know when Obama is officially fucked.
Fake dossier, spying on Trump campaign, AG meeting with lying Bill at an airport tarmac, faked evidence to obtain FISA warrants. Obama didn't do shit for this country but give out free phones to welfare bums, wasted billion dollar "shovel ready jobs" package and kissed Iran and China's ass. Stupid motherfucker and his horse faced Sec of State wanted to give Iran a nuclear weapon while shitting on our ally Israel at same time.
I love it. Bill can't meet with the AG at the airport but Trump can call in the AG and make him be his political puppet. Do you understand the level of hypocricy here is mindblowing?

Or call Comey in and demand his loyalty and then fire him when he doesn't get it.

Funny Trump can fire whoever he wants for whatever he wants. And he can get caught asking a President of another country to make up shit on his political opponent, and all that is ok, but you hold Democrats to a higher standard. Interesting don't you think?
A. Bill was out of office and his wife was subject to a DOJ investigation.
B. Trump never asked a foreign leader to "make shit up" on a political opponent. Biden did threaten to withdraw aid to help his retarded, dope addict, sister-in-law fucking, son.
C. Trump is President of the United States so yes, he can fire who he wants.
D. I do not hold Democrats to a higher standard because they cannot even make the lowest of standards as they are beneath even that. Democrats have no moral compass and no common sense or intelligence. Your post has just verified that.
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

they prefer patties - looks more like a pile of bullshit
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

Go find it yourself. There are only 40 billion links available for keywords obama, weaponized, rivals, political.

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