Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

See what happens when facebook ads amount to collusion
and phone calls become impeachable...it sets a precedence

trump broke the law. This is a sham con job by trump and barr to try discrediting Biden in the upcoming campaign.
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

they prefer patties - looks more like a pile of bullshit
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

Go find it yourself. There are only 40 billion links available for keywords obama, weaponized, rivals, political.
None of that happened.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

These things did not happen.
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

they prefer patties - looks more like a pile of bullshit
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

Go find it yourself. There are only 40 billion links available for keywords obama, weaponized, rivals, political.
None of that happened.
Yeah, it did.
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

they prefer patties - looks more like a pile of bullshit
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

Go find it yourself. There are only 40 billion links available for keywords obama, weaponized, rivals, political.
None of that happened.
Yeah, it did.
Afraid not.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

These things did not happen.

it sure looks like thats exactly what happened .... and this is not hearsay or biased opinion ,but evidence that is being revealed by documents and other proof thats being uncovered .... remember the prosecutors dropped the case on Flynn ...... dems lie once again and say thats because Barr has politicized the doj ....but the prosecution has been trying to destroy Flynn for nearly 3 yrs ! they would not flush all that hard work down the toilet for something as fickle as political opinions ....obama and his cronies went after Flynn because he was viewed as a road block in their attempted coup against the POTUS .
Inside the mind of a Trump hater. Saying "You can grab her by the pussy" in a private conversation is an inexcusable crime. But sending hundreds of semi-automatic weapons to the Mexican drug cartel is fine.

They're hypocrites. Their word is worthless.
I think it's even worse. They are brainwashed into believing words are the most important things and illegal or damaging actions are fine.
Inside the mind of a Trump hater. Saying "You can grab her by the pussy" in a private conversation is an inexcusable crime. But sending hundreds of semi-automatic weapons to the Mexican drug cartel is fine.

They're hypocrites. Their word is worthless.
I think it's even worse. They are brainwashed into believing words are the most important things and illegal or damaging actions are fine.
What we don't beleive is crap coming from the alt right racist Obama hating media.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.
/——-/ Here ya go Cupcake:
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
Would you like to explain to us why Flynn was talking to Russians about the sanctions?
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

they prefer patties - looks more like a pile of bullshit
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

Go find it yourself. There are only 40 billion links available for keywords obama, weaponized, rivals, political.
None of that happened.
Yeah, it did.
Afraid not.
afraid not ? thats makes 2 uncharacteristically short retorts from you .... usually you bore us with several paragraphs to make your point ..... it seems that you are at a loss for words for what is being revealed .... now when i say this im not trying to say that you or most left wing communist traitor scum have a problem with your comrades in power lying and breaking the law to achieve their goals .....the problem is its starting to look like they were caught red handed and its getting harder to lie and deflect their way out of it !that the problem the left is having....
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.
/——-/ Here ya go Cupcake:
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
Would you like to explain to us why Flynn was talking to Russians about the sanctions?
/——-/ Get your Google fixed: Official: Flynn discussed sanctions with Russians before taking office
National Security Advisor Mike Flynn discussed hacking-related sanctions with the Russian ambassador before the Trump administration took office, contrary to the public assertions of Vice President Mike Pence and White House spokesman Sean Spicer, a U.S. intelligence official told NBC News.

The official said he was told there was no quid pro quo and that there has been no finding inside the government that Flynn did anything illegal.
Inside the mind of a Trump hater. Saying "You can grab her by the pussy" in a private conversation is an inexcusable crime. But sending hundreds of semi-automatic weapons to the Mexican drug cartel is fine.

They're hypocrites. Their word is worthless.
I think it's even worse. They are brainwashed into believing words are the most important things and illegal or damaging actions are fine.
What we don't beleive is crap coming from the alt right racist Obama hating media.
official documents are not media bias ....they are cold hard indifferent factual evidence .
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment
These guys are just mad because Obama, a former president, commented on his predasessor. Sorry I can't spell. Anyways, the point I want to make is how many months after Trump leaves office will he comment on his predisesser? I say 1 week. So it's funny watching Republicans mad about it now but they would forgive Trump no problem if/when he does it. WHEN he does it. The only way he won't is if he doesn't live beyond or suffers a terrible stroke and can no longer talk.

It's never enjoyable to watch PROGS defend their own with speculation based on emotional responses, even less when they avoid context, which you did.

I'm reminded of Bill Maher. For years he's been riding the train "what will we do when Trump refuses to leave office". I'm sure Maher is a fucking moron. Kicker of it is, as all things PROG his short-think took a spin on him, because his favorite POTUS Obama proved he had no intention of leaving office from a mental standpoint. After all, he instructed his admin. and justice depts. to circumvent the incoming admin. under false pretenses., and that's proven.

CONTEXT MATTERS, it's just that it's inconvenient huh?
Ah, from a mental standpoint. That's just like not leaving office after you've been voted out.

Like I said, Trump won't wait 6 weeks before he starts weighing in on the next POTUS especially if they are a Democrat. So STFU really
Obama is fucked! Justice Department reviewing ‘unmasking,’ but source suggests decision on releasing files is DNI's 'call'
Let us know when this hits the mainstream media.

Is this punishment for Obama speaking out? Wow. Trump is a dictator who's going to jail his adversaries.

But so far only people who've gone to jail are Trump guys. Go figure.

Let us know when Obama is officially fucked.
Fake dossier, spying on Trump campaign, AG meeting with lying Bill at an airport tarmac, faked evidence to obtain FISA warrants. Obama didn't do shit for this country but give out free phones to welfare bums, wasted billion dollar "shovel ready jobs" package and kissed Iran and China's ass. Stupid motherfucker and his horse faced Sec of State wanted to give Iran a nuclear weapon while shitting on our ally Israel at same time.
I love it. Bill can't meet with the AG at the airport but Trump can call in the AG and make him be his political puppet. Do you understand the level of hypocricy here is mindblowing?

Or call Comey in and demand his loyalty and then fire him when he doesn't get it.

Funny Trump can fire whoever he wants for whatever he wants. And he can get caught asking a President of another country to make up shit on his political opponent, and all that is ok, but you hold Democrats to a higher standard. Interesting don't you think?
A. Bill was out of office and his wife was subject to a DOJ investigation.
B. Trump never asked a foreign leader to "make shit up" on a political opponent. Biden did threaten to withdraw aid to help his retarded, dope addict, sister-in-law fucking, son.
C. Trump is President of the United States so yes, he can fire who he wants.
D. I do not hold Democrats to a higher standard because they cannot even make the lowest of standards as they are beneath even that. Democrats have no moral compass and no common sense or intelligence. Your post has just verified that.

Trump was the subject of an investigation and he wanted to fire the investigator.

Yes Trump asked Ukraine to "do him a favor" and make shit up about Biden.

Yes, Trump can fire who he wants even if its for nefarious reasons.

Yes you do hold Democrats to a higher standard. Take for example back when Obama was giving us 2.3% growth every year. You Republicans said it wasn't good enough. You'd give us 3 4 even 5% growth. Last year Trump had 2.3% growth. Yes you do hold Democrats to a higher standard. That was a failure for Obama but you fucking were saying Trump made America great last year with identical numbers.
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

they prefer patties - looks more like a pile of bullshit
Weaponized spying on political rivals. Liberals hate this country and the people.

Go find it yourself. There are only 40 billion links available for keywords obama, weaponized, rivals, political.
None of that happened.
Yeah, it did.
Afraid not.
afraid not ? thats makes 2 uncharacteristically short retorts from you .... usually you bore us with several paragraphs to make your point ..... it seems that you are at a loss for words for what is being revealed .... now when i say this im not trying to say that you or most left wing communist traitor scum have a problem with your comrades in power lying and breaking the law to achieve their goals .....the problem is its starting to look like they were caught red handed and its getting harder to lie and deflect their way out of it !that the problem the left is having....

I'll say it.
Ask Susan Rice....or read the email the dumbass sent to herself

Yeah, you're too chickenshit to post it here, you and your fellow morons will live in Trump's ass forever.

""The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book," Rice wrote, according to an excerpt included in the senators' letter. "From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming [Trump] team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia."

OH MY! That's some bad shit, ain't it? Oooooo-eeeeee!

Trump does one thing really, really, really well......

BULLDOG, Barry Hussaine Obama orchestrated or at least signed off on several plots to overthrow our President by weaponizing the Department of Justice among other things. Stop watching fake news and you would know!
So, what crime was committed there?

Obama's crime of winning in 2008 and again in 2012.
Trump is desperately trying to divert, deflect and deter his sheeple from the rising death toll and economic catastrophe that threatens his re-election in November.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

Even Trump couldn't name a crime.

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