Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

Even Trump doesn’t have any idea what Obamagate is
Even while calling it the crime of the century.

The president was asked by Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker about tweets he had written in reference to “Obamagate” and the “biggest political crime in American history.”

“What is the crime exactly that you’re accusing him of?” Rucker asked as a follow-up when Trump wouldn’t answer a question about what crime former President Barack Obama may have committed.

“You know what the crime is,” the president responded. “The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”
lard donnie has learned to deflect from providing proof from posters here.
"The biggest political crime in American history"
"What is the crime exactly you're accusing him of?
"You know what the crime is......"

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You dumb asses don't know what unmasking means. The evidence showed that someone was known to be in communication with Russian officials, but that person's name was masked. Nobody knew who he was. They couldn't have been targeting Flynn with the request, because they didn't know it was Flynn. They didn't know it was him until he was unmasked.

Are you really trying to argue all 39 people getting the information needed to know? It doesn't matter, it's HIllaryous. Can't wait for all the declarations as to why each and every one of these clowns needed to have the information.

Better yet, can't wait for the main ones in front of the Senate Judiciary hearings. I'm sure you'll watch, you haven't been off the couch in years.
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So what, Flynn admitted he lied and he did lie and met with the Russians. His only defense is they lied to me. Well you work for a liar and despite being a respected General who served his country. You got tied up with a dean of liars. I can understand trying to fit in but he should have just said no and told the truth in the beginning.

Whereas Trump has called Hillary crooked since day one but she has never been charged with anything. Ranging from Bengazi, emails, her foundation and Uranium deal. He has called her “Crooked Hillary” on Twitter 127 times. whereas her foundation is still going on , Trump has closed his down.

he has meet privately with Putin and we still do not know what he talked about. What tangible results came from that meeting. hey we are buddies. Hey you could have just called him and said that instead of costing the taxpayers money to have a meeting.

Ivanka and Jared Trump have used private emails for doing government work. Pence has used private email server.

Trumps Bengazi well Khashoggi should have had Trump demand answers instead of shrugging his shoulders and said he did not know anything about it. It was a brutal attack in their embassy.

All quite on the western front

He has accused OBama of not being a natural born America.

What facts does he have. None.

How petty is the president for calling people crooked with no proof.
So what, Flynn admitted he lied and he did lie and met with the Russians. His only defense is they lied to me. Well you work for a liar and despite being a respected General who served his country. You got tied up with a dean of liars. I can understand trying to fit in but he should have just said no and told the truth in the beginning.

Whereas Trump has called Hillary crooked since day one but she has never been charged with anything. Ranging from Bengazi, emails, her foundation and Uranium deal. He has called her “Crooked Hillary” on Twitter 127 times. whereas her foundation is still going on , Trump has closed his down.

he has meet privately with Putin and we still do not know what he talked about. What tangible results came from that meeting. hey we are buddies. Hey you could have just called him and said that instead of costing the taxpayers money to have a meeting.

Ivanka and Jared Trump have used private emails for doing government work. Pence has used private email server.

Trumps Bengazi well Khashoggi should have had Trump demand answers instead of shrugging his shoulders and said he did not know anything about it. It was a brutal attack in their embassy.

All quite on the western front

He has accused OBama of not being a natural born America.

What facts does he have. None.

How petty is the president for calling people crooked with no proof.
Under duress.
Only question is does Trump pardon him or let it go to SCOTUS to bitch slapyou Leftards more.
Felony for Joe to unmask Flynn.
So what, Flynn admitted he lied and he did lie and met with the Russians. His only defense is they lied to me. Well you work for a liar and despite being a respected General who served his country. You got tied up with a dean of liars. I can understand trying to fit in but he should have just said no and told the truth in the beginning.

Whereas Trump has called Hillary crooked since day one but she has never been charged with anything. Ranging from Bengazi, emails, her foundation and Uranium deal. He has called her “Crooked Hillary” on Twitter 127 times. whereas her foundation is still going on , Trump has closed his down.

he has meet privately with Putin and we still do not know what he talked about. What tangible results came from that meeting. hey we are buddies. Hey you could have just called him and said that instead of costing the taxpayers money to have a meeting.

Ivanka and Jared Trump have used private emails for doing government work. Pence has used private email server.

Trumps Bengazi well Khashoggi should have had Trump demand answers instead of shrugging his shoulders and said he did not know anything about it. It was a brutal attack in their embassy.

All quite on the western front

He has accused OBama of not being a natural born America.

What facts does he have. None.

How petty is the president for calling people crooked with no proof.
It was all about making money. Hang with Trump and all goes to hell.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

Fast and Furious was conceived and executed at a local level. It didn’t rise to main justice until it was over. The IRS scandal was a tempest in a teapot. It was undertaken again by midlevel bureaucrats. The allegations of political discrimination were far overblown as it wasn’t just conservative groups that were audited, but lots of progressive groups as well.

You don’t have much to go on here.
So what, Flynn admitted he lied and he did lie and met with the Russians. His only defense is they lied to me. Well you work for a liar and despite being a respected General who served his country. You got tied up with a dean of liars. I can understand trying to fit in but he should have just said no and told the truth in the beginning.

Whereas Trump has called Hillary crooked since day one but she has never been charged with anything. Ranging from Bengazi, emails, her foundation and Uranium deal. He has called her “Crooked Hillary” on Twitter 127 times. whereas her foundation is still going on , Trump has closed his down.

he has meet privately with Putin and we still do not know what he talked about. What tangible results came from that meeting. hey we are buddies. Hey you could have just called him and said that instead of costing the taxpayers money to have a meeting.

Ivanka and Jared Trump have used private emails for doing government work. Pence has used private email server.

Trumps Bengazi well Khashoggi should have had Trump demand answers instead of shrugging his shoulders and said he did not know anything about it. It was a brutal attack in their embassy.

All quite on the western front

He has accused OBama of not being a natural born America.

What facts does he have. None.

How petty is the president for calling people crooked with no proof.

I demand the tax records of everyone on the unmasking list. I'll take it to the SCOTUS. Hillaryous funded this treason. Russia produced the Steele dossier and HIllaryous funded it too. All with the money from her "foundation".

Face it, Trump brought down the American Communists and you're going to have to face that fact. You lost and know we know all the names. Can't wait for the Senate hearings.
Biden has already been caught lying about Flynn....if this were Trump and not Obama Trump would be in prison.....
What lie is that?
Turn off CNN and turn on FOX and find out.....
Why would I deliberately tune into a channel to get lied to?
Dude you are short on the truth so obviously you are being lied to now......
Lol, that's kinda funny coming from the RWNJ echo chamber.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

Fast and Furious was conceived and executed at a local level. It didn’t rise to main justice until it was over. The IRS scandal was a tempest in a teapot. It was undertaken again by midlevel bureaucrats. The allegations of political discrimination were far overblown as it wasn’t just conservative groups that were audited, but lots of progressive groups as well.

You don’t have much to go on here.

Ya sure, nothing much is ever going on when it's Democrats doing it, including when Biden raped a woman by cornering her then forcibly sticking his finger up her vagina. But I'm sure you'll stand all day in line just to vote for him, because all women are to be believed.
You dumb asses don't know what unmasking means. The evidence showed that someone was known to be in communication with Russian officials, but that person's name was masked. Nobody knew who he was. They couldn't have been targeting Flynn with the request, because they didn't know it was Flynn. They didn't know it was him until he was unmasked.
Thinking error: Hopover

They lied. You want flynn behind bars cuz he lied correct?
But you can't stomach that a dem lies...correct?
You dumb asses don't know what unmasking means. The evidence showed that someone was known to be in communication with Russian officials, but that person's name was masked. Nobody knew who he was. They couldn't have been targeting Flynn with the request, because they didn't know it was Flynn. They didn't know it was him until he was unmasked.
BS. Your CNN BS is done.

Which part of my post do you think is wrong, and why?
You dumb asses don't know what unmasking means. The evidence showed that someone was known to be in communication with Russian officials, but that person's name was masked. Nobody knew who he was. They couldn't have been targeting Flynn with the request, because they didn't know it was Flynn. They didn't know it was him until he was unmasked.
Unmasking someone without a valid intelligence or law enforcement reason -- something on the level of probable cause -- constitutes a deprivation of someone's rights and may be charged as a federal criminal offense.

So tell us why the VP and Obama’s Chief of Staff would be involved in unmasking Flynn?

I'm not privy to the FISA request, and their stated reason for the request. Are you? If you have anything other than innuendo from Carlson, Hannity, et.al , then please present it.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

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