Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

Now do I think Obama, or any other democrat for that matter, will be convicted of a crime? Hell no!!!!!!!!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

According to the media and history, here is what we know about democrats

1. They never commit sexual abuse

2. They never are racist

3. They never commit a crime.

It's almost as if they are God's elect righteous chosen. Not even a small demographic society can measure up to the righteous democratic party. They would have even been high priests in the Catholic church had they not been appalled at all of the pedophiles within the church.

Speaking of church, I personally think they should convert churches into buildings to worship the DNC. Take the crosses down and erect statues of FDR, Marx, and Barak Obama.

It would be silly to say Democrats never commit crimes, but it's obvious that they don't commit them anywhere near as often as right wingers do.
You mean like Charley Rangel who did not pay his taxes among the myriad of crimes he committed. Or how about Conyers who sexually molested women and paid them off to keep quit courtesy of the US taxpayer? Both not only escaped jail, they were allowed to retire with lavish retirements courtesy of the US taxpayer.

13 May 2020 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson
When former president Barack Obama told supporters last week that the Justice Departmentā€™s decision to drop the case against former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn is a ā€œthreat to the rule of law,ā€ he was relying wholly on the fiction, willingly propagated for years by a pliant media, that the Russia-Trump collusion probe launched by his administration was lawful and legitimate.
But of course it wasnā€™t. A string of recently released documents have confirmed that the entire Russia-Trump investigation, which eventually entrapped Flynn and forced then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself, was an unprecedented abuse of power that amounted to organized effort by the Obama administration to nullify the results of the 2016 presidential election. It was in effect an attempted coup.
If you havenā€™t picked that up from the news media, itā€™s not your fault. Instead of grappling with the implications of newly released details about what Obama officials were doing to undermine the incoming Trump administration during the transition, the mainstream media have fixated on Trumpā€™s use of the term ā€œObamagate,ā€ dismissing it as a conspiracy theory.
Hereā€™s Why Americans Need to Understand the Flynn Case
The Flynn case is just one piece of a much larger story about how the Obama administrationā€”with the full knowledge and support of both Obama and Bidenā€”targeted incoming Trump officials in a failed attempt to cripple the new administration with allegations it had colluded with Moscow.
The complexity of their scheme, and the efforts to hide it and mislead the American people, are frustrating. The cast of charactersā€”from high-ranking Obama administration officials to relative nobodies loosely associated with Trumpā€™s 2016 presidential campaignā€”is long, as is the timeline of events. Details have come out slowly, in fits and starts, over the course of years. Following all the leaks and declassified transcripts and congressional hearings requires constant vigilance, and if you donā€™t keep up with it you can easily lose the thread.
That all works to the advantage of those who perpetrated this hoax, because itā€™s easy to get overwhelmed and tune it all out, or simply accept the corporate mediaā€™s deceptive reporting. But the ongoing revelations about the FBIā€™s targeting of Flynn canā€™t be ignored. They demand a full accounting. If ever there was a threat to the rule of law, it was the Obama administrationā€™s abuse of power and its weaponization of intelligence agencies in an attempt to take down Trump.
However convoluted it might seem, pay attention to it. Itā€™s the biggest political scandal of our time.

If you had asked me twenty years ago that I would regard the top echelons of the FBI, NSA and CIA as likely criminals and even possibly traitors, I would have laughed. I'm not laughing any more.
It's was sad to find that a few corrupt politicians when they turned the IRS against our citizens. It unconscionable that they weaponized and turned the full force of our intelligence communities against American citizens.
And let's not forget Fast and Furious and all the other scandals the Obama Administration, the most corrupt Administration in American history, was involved in.
Lest we forget, there are many media talking heads who are the unindicted co-conspirators that assisted in this debacle unlike Watergate.
You have to wonder if this is all about Globalism, or just the selfish need for power. There again substitute the word Globalism for Marxist Socialism power and you may have the answer to the true motive of the failed coup d'etat.
Obama began his administration with the promise of the "Fundamental Transformation of America". He nearly succeeded in accomplishing his goal of turning this nation into a third world country. It's the citizens who thankfully disagreed with him and his sycophants.
The election of Donald J. Trump by the American citizenry has turned the revolution around and now the vanquished must pay the piper. Time for those who seditious players that violated our Constitution and Bill of Rights to pay their bill in spending time in the gray bar hotel one and all.
It's the huge mistake Americans made by sending a communist to the white house.

Well, the communists on this board don't think so.
True. Trump supporters find it absolutely great that a communist Russian pawn is our president today and they want to give him a second term.
You're such a good little minion, IM2. The Masters are proud of you.
The truth is hitting the light and you won't be able to hide behind your lies any longer.
More dumb white racism. Fuck the republican party. If I really wanted to be a slave, I'd be a black republican.
Really? Politicizing the DOJ and FBI to wiretap opposing campaigns is ok with you?
Except that the DoJ and FBI werenā€™t being political. They were doing their job and investigating crimes.

They were doing their job and investigating

The job of investigating a phone call, with the transcript in front of them?
If youā€™re referring to Flynn, they never wiretapped him.

I never said they did.
It's the huge mistake Americans made by sending a communist to the white house.

Well, the communists on this board don't think so.
True. Trump supporters find it absolutely great that a communist Russian pawn is our president today and they want to give him a second term.
You're such a good little minion, IM2. The Masters are proud of you.
The truth is hitting the light and you won't be able to hide behind your lies any longer.
More dumb white racism. Fuck the republican party. If I really wanted to be a slave, I'd be a black republican.
Not racism at all, not surprised you took it that way. You just carry the water of your party
blindly. Now that it's all being exposed, you still carry the water blindly.
Knock off your racism shit, dude. You're a one trick pony and you're the biggest fucking racist
on this board, bar none.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

Now do I think Obama, or any other democrat for that matter, will be convicted of a crime? Hell no!!!!!!!!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

According to the media and history, here is what we know about democrats

1. They never commit sexual abuse

2. They never are racist

3. They never commit a crime.

It's almost as if they are God's elect righteous chosen. Not even a small demographic society can measure up to the righteous democratic party. They would have even been high priests in the Catholic church had they not been appalled at all of the pedophiles within the church.

Speaking of church, I personally think they should convert churches into buildings to worship the DNC. Take the crosses down and erect statues of FDR, Marx, and Barak Obama.

It would be silly to say Democrats never commit crimes, but it's obvious that they don't commit them anywhere near as often as right wingers do.
You mean like Charley Rangel who did not pay his taxes among the myriad of crimes he committed. Or how about Conyers who sexually molested women and paid them off to keep quit courtesy of the US taxpayer? Both not only escaped jail, they were allowed to retire with lavish retirements courtesy of the US taxpayer.
I think both men ended up resigning. I could be wrong though. But, the most corrupt administration in modern history was republican. Nixon and Agnew. A vice president and a president forced to resign. It doesn't get much more crooked than that.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

Now do I think Obama, or any other democrat for that matter, will be convicted of a crime? Hell no!!!!!!!!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

According to the media and history, here is what we know about democrats

1. They never commit sexual abuse

2. They never are racist

3. They never commit a crime.

It's almost as if they are God's elect righteous chosen. Not even a small demographic society can measure up to the righteous democratic party. They would have even been high priests in the Catholic church had they not been appalled at all of the pedophiles within the church.

Speaking of church, I personally think they should convert churches into buildings to worship the DNC. Take the crosses down and erect statues of FDR, Marx, and Barak Obama.

It would be silly to say Democrats never commit crimes, but it's obvious that they don't commit them anywhere near as often as right wingers do.
You mean like Charley Rangel who did not pay his taxes among the myriad of crimes he committed. Or how about Conyers who sexually molested women and paid them off to keep quit courtesy of the US taxpayer? Both not only escaped jail, they were allowed to retire with lavish retirements courtesy of the US taxpayer.
I think both men ended up resigning. I could be wrong though. But, the most corrupt administration in modern history was republican. Nixon and Agnew. A vice president and a president forced to resign. It doesn't get much more crooked than that.
Stay tuned
Really? Politicizing the DOJ and FBI to wiretap opposing campaigns is ok with you?
Except that the DoJ and FBI werenā€™t being political. They were doing their job and investigating crimes.

They were doing their job and investigating

The job of investigating a phone call, with the transcript in front of them?
If youā€™re referring to Flynn, they never wiretapped him.

I never said they did.
Well that was the obvious implication of your series of statements.
It's the huge mistake Americans made by sending a communist to the white house.

Well, the communists on this board don't think so.
True. Trump supporters find it absolutely great that a communist Russian pawn is our president today and they want to give him a second term.
You're such a good little minion, IM2. The Masters are proud of you.
The truth is hitting the light and you won't be able to hide behind your lies any longer.
More dumb white racism. Fuck the republican party. If I really wanted to be a slave, I'd be a black republican.
Not racism at all, not surprised you took it that way. You just carry the water of your party
blindly. Now that it's all being exposed, you still carry the water blindly.
Knock off your racism shit, dude. You're a one trick pony and you're the biggest fucking racist
on this board, bar none.
Fuck you. I am going to call out your racism every time you do it. That master/slave shit is a one trick pony and it's racist. You republicans keep repeating that racist garbage about how we are told to be democrats and how we can't think for ourselves unless we are republicans., You can stop trying to gaslight me boy, because it ain't going to stop me from saying what I do. I will stop exposing the racism here when whites stop posting racist bullshit. I don't see you in places where racists are cheering the deaths of blacks like the Amaud Arbery threads where you have multiple threads going which I thought was against the rules.

I am a democrat because republican policies suck. They do not address the issues I face. Until they do, fuck the republican party. Understand? So you take your master and slave plantations bullshit and stick it up your white ass. I'm tired of reading you whites posting this bullshit all the fucking time.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

Now do I think Obama, or any other democrat for that matter, will be convicted of a crime? Hell no!!!!!!!!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

According to the media and history, here is what we know about democrats

1. They never commit sexual abuse

2. They never are racist

3. They never commit a crime.

It's almost as if they are God's elect righteous chosen. Not even a small demographic society can measure up to the righteous democratic party. They would have even been high priests in the Catholic church had they not been appalled at all of the pedophiles within the church.

Speaking of church, I personally think they should convert churches into buildings to worship the DNC. Take the crosses down and erect statues of FDR, Marx, and Barak Obama.

It would be silly to say Democrats never commit crimes, but it's obvious that they don't commit them anywhere near as often as right wingers do.
You mean like Charley Rangel who did not pay his taxes among the myriad of crimes he committed. Or how about Conyers who sexually molested women and paid them off to keep quit courtesy of the US taxpayer? Both not only escaped jail, they were allowed to retire with lavish retirements courtesy of the US taxpayer.
I think both men ended up resigning. I could be wrong though. But, the most corrupt administration in modern history was republican. Nixon and Agnew. A vice president and a president forced to resign. It doesn't get much more crooked than that.
Stay tuned
Stay tuned to what? More trump corruption? Because this administration puts Nixons to shame.
It's the huge mistake Americans made by sending a communist to the white house.

Well, the communists on this board don't think so.
True. Trump supporters find it absolutely great that a communist Russian pawn is our president today and they want to give him a second term.
You're such a good little minion, IM2. The Masters are proud of you.
The truth is hitting the light and you won't be able to hide behind your lies any longer.
More dumb white racism. Fuck the republican party. If I really wanted to be a slave, I'd be a black republican.
Not racism at all, not surprised you took it that way. You just carry the water of your party
blindly. Now that it's all being exposed, you still carry the water blindly.
Knock off your racism shit, dude. You're a one trick pony and you're the biggest fucking racist
on this board, bar none.
Fuck you. I am going to call out your racism every time you do it. That master/slave shit is a one trick pony and it's racist. You republicans keep repeating that racist garbage about how we are told to be democrats and how we can't think for ourselves unless we are republicans., You can stop trying to gaslight me boy, because it ain't going to stop me from saying what I do. I will stop exposing the racism here when whites stop posting racist bullshit. I don't see you in places where racists are cheering the deaths of blacks like the Amaud Arbery threads where you have multiple threads going which I thought was against the rules.

I am a democrat because republican policies suck. They do not address the issues I face. Until they do, fuck the republican party. Understand? So you take your master and slave plantations bullshit and stick it up your white ass. I'm tired of reading you whites posting this bullshit all the fucking time.

Grab me a sandwich and some coffee kid.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

Now do I think Obama, or any other democrat for that matter, will be convicted of a crime? Hell no!!!!!!!!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

According to the media and history, here is what we know about democrats

1. They never commit sexual abuse

2. They never are racist

3. They never commit a crime.

It's almost as if they are God's elect righteous chosen. Not even a small demographic society can measure up to the righteous democratic party. They would have even been high priests in the Catholic church had they not been appalled at all of the pedophiles within the church.

Speaking of church, I personally think they should convert churches into buildings to worship the DNC. Take the crosses down and erect statues of FDR, Marx, and Barak Obama.

It would be silly to say Democrats never commit crimes, but it's obvious that they don't commit them anywhere near as often as right wingers do.
You mean like Charley Rangel who did not pay his taxes among the myriad of crimes he committed. Or how about Conyers who sexually molested women and paid them off to keep quit courtesy of the US taxpayer? Both not only escaped jail, they were allowed to retire with lavish retirements courtesy of the US taxpayer.
I think both men ended up resigning. I could be wrong though. But, the most corrupt administration in modern history was republican. Nixon and Agnew. A vice president and a president forced to resign. It doesn't get much more crooked than that.
Stay tuned
Stay tuned to what? More trump corruption? Because this administration puts Nixons to shame.

You're quite the tough guy eh?
They are toast. Per the released documents exposing Biden (who just yesterday did his Sgt Shultz impersonation):

ā€œEach individual was an authorized recipient of the original report and the unmasking was approved through NSAā€™s standard process, which includes a review of the justification for the request,ā€

Now we need to see the requests themselves. What was the justification from Biden for example. I mean the VP doesnā€™t need to do anything other than stump for the president. What about the chief of staff. What in godā€™s name was the justification from him for this other than to deliver the information to Obama.

Last edited:
Nope. It's just a conspiracy theory.

tRump is desperate for a distraction, he followers might notice how has a job he's done on the Covid19 response and how many people he has gotten killed.

Way to go falling for it, though.

Then why is the players of the former administration running scared with the announcement and delivery of the declassified testimonies?
They are?

It's the huge mistake Americans made by sending a communist to the white house.

Well, the communists on this board don't think so.
True. Trump supporters find it absolutely great that a communist Russian pawn is our president today and they want to give him a second term.
You're such a good little minion, IM2. The Masters are proud of you.
The truth is hitting the light and you won't be able to hide behind your lies any longer.
More dumb white racism. Fuck the republican party. If I really wanted to be a slave, I'd be a black republican.
Not racism at all, not surprised you took it that way. You just carry the water of your party
blindly. Now that it's all being exposed, you still carry the water blindly.
Knock off your racism shit, dude. You're a one trick pony and you're the biggest fucking racist
on this board, bar none.
Fuck you. I am going to call out your racism every time you do it. That master/slave shit is a one trick pony and it's racist. You republicans keep repeating that racist garbage about how we are told to be democrats and how we can't think for ourselves unless we are republicans., You can stop trying to gaslight me boy, because it ain't going to stop me from saying what I do. I will stop exposing the racism here when whites stop posting racist bullshit. I don't see you in places where racists are cheering the deaths of blacks like the Amaud Arbery threads where you have multiple threads going which I thought was against the rules.

I am a democrat because republican policies suck. They do not address the issues I face. Until they do, fuck the republican party. Understand? So you take your master and slave plantations bullshit and stick it up your white ass. I'm tired of reading you whites posting this bullshit all the fucking time.

Grab me a sandwich and some coffee kid.
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

Now do I think Obama, or any other democrat for that matter, will be convicted of a crime? Hell no!!!!!!!!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

According to the media and history, here is what we know about democrats

1. They never commit sexual abuse

2. They never are racist

3. They never commit a crime.

It's almost as if they are God's elect righteous chosen. Not even a small demographic society can measure up to the righteous democratic party. They would have even been high priests in the Catholic church had they not been appalled at all of the pedophiles within the church.

Speaking of church, I personally think they should convert churches into buildings to worship the DNC. Take the crosses down and erect statues of FDR, Marx, and Barak Obama.

It would be silly to say Democrats never commit crimes, but it's obvious that they don't commit them anywhere near as often as right wingers do.
You mean like Charley Rangel who did not pay his taxes among the myriad of crimes he committed. Or how about Conyers who sexually molested women and paid them off to keep quit courtesy of the US taxpayer? Both not only escaped jail, they were allowed to retire with lavish retirements courtesy of the US taxpayer.
I think both men ended up resigning. I could be wrong though. But, the most corrupt administration in modern history was republican. Nixon and Agnew. A vice president and a president forced to resign. It doesn't get much more crooked than that.
Stay tuned
Stay tuned to what? More trump corruption? Because this administration puts Nixons to shame.

You're quite the tough guy eh?
Maybe, maybe not.

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