Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.
/——-/ Here ya go Cupcake:
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
Would you like to explain to us why Flynn was talking to Russians about the sanctions?
National Security Advisor Mike Flynn discussed hacking-related sanctions with the Russian ambassador before the Trump administration took office, contrary to the public assertions of Vice President Mike Pence and White House spokesman Sean Spicer, a U.S. intelligence official told NBC News.

The official said he was told there was no quid pro quo and that there has been no finding inside the government that Flynn did anything illegal.
/——-/ “Yes Trump asked Ukraine to "do him a favor" and make shit up about Biden.”

You know that is a lie and you know you‘ll be called out on it, so why do it? “I would like you to do us (not me but us)a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it, Trump said. “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation.”
We’re sick of you having to explain what trump really meant, or that he was just kidding. Or that he didn’t say what we heard him say.
/——-/ “We’re sick of you having to explain what trump really meant”
Too bad Spanky, we will always smack your TDS upside the head.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

Inconvenient truths are labeled as conspiracies by the left, and their lapdogs in the media assist in the cover up. Remember how everybody on the Left and media was freaking out and calling it a "right wing conspiracy" when Trump declared that Obama and his minions had spied on Trump and others in his campaign and administration? Well, look at what we have now. Once again, without a doubt, he was right.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?
So what, Flynn admitted he lied and he did lie and met with the Russians. His only defense is they lied to me. Well you work for a liar and despite being a respected General who served his country. You got tied up with a dean of liars. I can understand trying to fit in but he should have just said no and told the truth in the beginning.

Whereas Trump has called Hillary crooked since day one but she has never been charged with anything. Ranging from Bengazi, emails, her foundation and Uranium deal. He has called her “Crooked Hillary” on Twitter 127 times. whereas her foundation is still going on , Trump has closed his down.

he has meet privately with Putin and we still do not know what he talked about. What tangible results came from that meeting. hey we are buddies. Hey you could have just called him and said that instead of costing the taxpayers money to have a meeting.

Ivanka and Jared Trump have used private emails for doing government work. Pence has used private email server.

Trumps Bengazi well Khashoggi should have had Trump demand answers instead of shrugging his shoulders and said he did not know anything about it. It was a brutal attack in their embassy.

All quite on the western front

He has accused OBama of not being a natural born America.

What facts does he have. None.

How petty is the president for calling people crooked with no proof.
Under duress.
Only question is does Trump pardon him or let it go to SCOTUS to bitch slapyou Leftards more.
Felony for Joe to unmask Flynn.

Trump will have to pardon him as SCOTUS does it job and Trump just knows how to dance
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

What crime did he commit?

Presidenting while black. Blob supporters will never get over it or forgive him. If/When Kamala Harris ever gets elected; look the hell out.
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Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

I'm amazed at how closely you follow my posts. It's a weird mix of flattering and creepy. I'm afraid I don't follow your posts much. Sorry.

So that we don't end up in yet another leg-humping session, I'll try to answer in a clear and concise way: First, let's examine my personal definition of "winger" or "nutter" -- A partisan who regularly exhibits counter-productive behaviors such as spin, deflection, distortion, denial, hyperbole, straw man arguments, childish personal insults, nasty personal name-calling, tribalism, intellectual myopia, intellectual laziness and outright lies.

So what Republicans would not fit that description, in my estimation? Well, several. I'd think most of them would be considered RINOs and commies by most Trumpsters, though. But here we go anyway, to try to please you and get this over with in one fell swoop.

Who pops to mind? Well, Jeb would be one. Kasich, Thune, Earnst, Collins, Portman, Tim Scott, Toomey, Crenshaw. In the media, George Will, Jonah Goldberg. Off the top of my pointy little head. I'm sure there's oodles more on the national level. I also have many friends and acquaintances in my personal life -- including local politics -- who fit that description. Folks who are able to clearly able to conduct themselves in a respectful, dignified, intellectually honest way on a regular basis.

There ya go. You're welcome. Neither your agreement nor your approval is required.
Last edited:
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

Inconvenient truths are labeled as conspiracies by the left, and their lapdogs in the media assist in the cover up. Remember how everybody on the Left and media was freaking out and calling it a "right wing conspiracy" when Trump declared that Obama and his minions had spied on Trump and others in his campaign and administration? Well, look at what we have now. Once again, without a doubt, he was right.

Obama didn't spy on Trump dumb ass. If he did, why didn't he release any of that information before the election? Your dumb claim is just more conspiracy theory crap.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

Those who believe right wing media are nut bags.
The Russian collusion hoax has finally come to an end and we're just ironing out a few details, but Obamagate is just getting started.

We now have crystal clear evidence that the FBI and Justice Department under the Obama administrations actively and purposely faked evidence because they didn't have any real evidence, created the Steele dossier and pretended it was credible so they could illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
Now that names have been released and the bread crumbs are starting to lead to the former President, things are looking really bad for him.

"This is Barack Obama's blue dress," said Mark Levin. "That's what that is without the DNA on it. Let me explain what I mean. We are supposed to believe that during the Obama administration, the FBI went rogue, the Department of Justice went rogue, the CIA went rogue, the DNI went rogue, the NSC went rogue."

"I can tell you that you're not going to go to the FISA court going after a Trump surrogate without letting the president of the United States know," he said. "You're not going to send spies in the opposition campaign without giving the president a heads up. You're not going to mess around with a dossier like they did without the president of the United States knowing about the dossier."

"The one man who is never questioned about this by any reporter at any time or any investigative organization is Barack Obama," Levin added.

BJ -
To quote Joe Biden - This is a big fucking deal ( unless one hates the USA)
Some days ago it was Schiff going to jail. Yesterday it was Obama. Who will be going to jail in today's Trump cult conspiracy theory?

Trump cultists, be sure to check with your masters and find out. You wouldn't want to be the last one spouting the new conspiracy theory. That would be so embarrassing, and you'd lose major brownie points with the cult.
Some days ago it was Schiff going to jail. Yesterday it was Obama. Who will be going to jail in today's Trump cult conspiracy theory?

Trump cultists, be sure to check with your masters and find out. You wouldn't want to be the last one spouting the new conspiracy theory. That would be so embarrassing, and you'd lose major brownie points with the cult.
Both should be in jail right beside you.....
Some days ago it was Schiff going to jail. Yesterday it was Obama. Who will be going to jail in today's Trump cult conspiracy theory?

Trump cultists, be sure to check with your masters and find out. You wouldn't want to be the last one spouting the new conspiracy theory. That would be so embarrassing, and you'd lose major brownie points with the cult.
this is what a brainwashed cult looks like ..... i mean look at those idiots ... 1589471136208.png
Some days ago it was Schiff going to jail. Yesterday it was Obama. Who will be going to jail in today's Trump cult conspiracy theory?

Trump cultists, be sure to check with your masters and find out. You wouldn't want to be the last one spouting the new conspiracy theory. That would be so embarrassing, and you'd lose major brownie points with the cult.
how many times do you plan to vote in nov 1, 2, or maybe 20 times ?
how many times do you plan to vote in nov 1, 2, or maybe 20 times ?

Two weepy posts? You are triggered. But that's good. You wouldn't have been triggered unless part of you knew you were being a Useful Idiot.

You've taken the first step by realizing you were played. Now take the next, and leave the Trump cult.
Both should be in jail right beside you.....

Trump and his cultists have threatened prosecution for over 20 different Democrats now.

Prosecuting the political opposition is a standard authoritarian dictator tactic.

Obama never did that. No president before Trump ever did that. Trump's campaign to turn the USA into a banana republic is something entirely new in American politics. Trump's followers all share in that lust to end American democracy.
Both should be in jail right beside you.....

Trump and his cultists have threatened prosecution for over 20 different Democrats now.

Prosecuting the political opposition is a standard authoritarian dictator tactic.

Obama never did that. No president before Trump ever did that. Trump's campaign to turn the USA into a banana republic is something entirely new in American politics. Trump's followers all share in that lust to end American democracy.
No president ever did what Obama did...how can you still be in such denial?.....you must be considered a lost cause if you still can't see the truth....look who is still here with you....a bunch of hate Trump clowns....all of the reasonable intelligent dems and libs that post here are staying away...only the nuttiest of nuts are here on your side....
Both should be in jail right beside you.....

Trump and his cultists have threatened prosecution for over 20 different Democrats now.

Prosecuting the political opposition is a standard authoritarian dictator tactic.

Obama never did that. No president before Trump ever did that. Trump's campaign to turn the USA into a banana republic is something entirely new in American politics. Trump's followers all share in that lust to end American democracy.

The outgoing administration uses all of the powers at it's disposal to negate a Presidential election and initiate a soft coup attempt -

The victim of the attempt thwarts attempt and seeks justice.

One of those is symbolic of a banana republic, not the one that you think, though.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

I'm amazed at how closely you follow my posts. It's a weird mix of flattering and creepy. I'm afraid I don't follow your posts much. Sorry.

So that we don't end up in yet another leg-humping session, I'll try to answer in a clear and concise way: First, let's examine my personal definition of "winger" or "nutter" -- A partisan who regularly exhibits counter-productive behaviors such as spin, deflection, distortion, denial, hyperbole, straw man arguments, childish personal insults, nasty personal name-calling, tribalism, intellectual myopia, intellectual laziness and outright lies.

So what Republicans would not fit that description, in my estimation? Well, several. I'd think most of them would be considered RINOs and commies by most Trumpsters, though. But here we go anyway, to try to please you and get this over with in one fell swoop.

Who pops to mind? Well, Jeb would be one. Kasich, Thune, Earnst, Collins, Portman, Tim Scott, Toomey, Crenshaw. In the media, George Will, Jonah Goldberg. Off the top of my pointy little head. I'm sure there's oodles more on the national level. I also have many friends and acquaintances in my personal life -- including local politics -- who fit that description. Folks who are able to clearly able to conduct themselves in a respectful, dignified, intellectually honest way on a regular basis.

There ya go. You're welcome. Neither your agreement nor your approval is required.

Relax, I won't agree or approve. You might want to ease up on the respect and dignity talk until you behave in such a way. Your blanket statements on all Trump supporters is far from intellectually honest. I realize you don't care what I think, and that's fine. I tried to discuss ideas with you once upon a time, I have no problems talking to people with different positions, but in the end, you gave up. Pat yourself on the back and troll away.

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