Obamagate is Worse Than Watergate

She deleted her records. The receivers have records on other systems. And the NSA hoovers up everyones records.

She assumed she would win and could then keep a lid on her homebrew server. That didn't quite work out as planned.

Winner, winner...chicken dinner.

Thanks! I'll collect at Chick-fil-A!

You must be a tech guy.

I'm a gal who works in tech. ;)
So you know how to connect wires to a box..Do you know anything about electricity?

Sure, insert a wire into one side of an outlet, insert a second wire into the other side. Grab hold of a wire in each hand...now you can tell your kids what not to do and why.
Stay complacent, swampy.

It will be more amusing to see your wee peabrain sized head explode if the pressure continues to build up.

What pressure. Judicial Watch is run by the originator of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, an affiliation you seem to share.

Of course Obama has Clinton’s emails. She was his SS. They were in constant touch.

Clinton’s server wasn’t illegal. There is nothing nefarious about it. Everyone in Washington knew about it. They passed a law against using private servers AFTER Clinton left office because of Hillary.

It only became an issue in 2016 as a way to smear her potential candidacy and you lemmings are still on about it.

The whole Hillary email scandal was a witch hunt, and about as valid as the brother hysteria.

Gawd but conservatives will fall for anything!

^^^ Dwelling in a hardened Prog Bubble ^^^

I dwell in a foreign country you stupid bitch. I get media from all around the world and only on this message board do I read this level of Russian based propaganda being spewed by a hardcore group of Russian trolls.

Every day, you filth are trying to convince Americans that their President is not undermining their democracy, the Russians are a fun bunch, and Trump is the best President ever, all reasonable evidence to the contrary. Trump is destroying farmers in the Mid-West in his trade war with China, he's destroying manufactuing in the North-East with his steel tariffs, and agriculture everywhere by ignoring climate change. But he's all over trying to build that wall.

You are a sorely misguided, misinformed and delusional (as well as vulgar) loon.
Heinous Bitch is her alias.
She learned it from viewing and being one with Lady Macbeth.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Hillary used her one email for everything so of course Obama would get State Dept mails from Clinton.

Are you people this stupid?
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Hillary used her one email for everything so of course Obama would get State Dept mails from Clinton.

Are you people this stupid?

You poor widdle dim bulb. Obama received emails from hiLIARy's personal account on her homebrew server. He also emailed her using a non-government email account, which is one of the things covered up during the Comey presser.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Hillary used her one email for everything so of course Obama would get State Dept mails from Clinton.

Are you people this stupid?

Yep, and she used only the one devise, I mean only her two devises, no three devices, not even close...she only used her thirteen devices...dumbass. But I'm sure it was out of convenience only.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Hillary used her one email for everything so of course Obama would get State Dept mails from Clinton.

Are you people this stupid?

You poor widdle dim bulb. Obama received emails from hiLIARy's personal account on her homebrew server. He also emailed her using a non-government email account, which is one of the things covered up during the Comey presser.

You stupid idiot. Hillary's server WAS NOT ILLEGAL. Of course Obama was emailing her both on her private account and her SoS account.

The law banning the use of private servers by government employees was passed AFTER Hillary left office, by the Republican House and Senate BECAUSE of Hillary's private server - even though the entire Bush Administration ran on a private server and shredded 500,000 documents as they left office.

The entire email "scandal" was a phoney witch hunt and Republicans knew it.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Hillary used her one email for everything so of course Obama would get State Dept mails from Clinton.

Are you people this stupid?

You poor widdle dim bulb. Obama received emails from hiLIARy's personal account on her homebrew server. He also emailed her using a non-government email account, which is one of the things covered up during the Comey presser.

You stupid idiot. Hillary's server WAS NOT ILLEGAL. Of course Obama was emailing her both on her private account and her SoS account.

The law banning the use of private servers by government employees was passed AFTER Hillary left office, by the Republican House and Senate BECAUSE of Hillary's private server - even though the entire Bush Administration ran on a private server and shredded 500,000 documents as they left office.

The entire email "scandal" was a phoney witch hunt and Republicans knew it.

You sad little dupe. It was illegal for her to use the homebrew server for government classified communications.

Espionage Act: 18 U.S. Code § 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Hillary used her one email for everything so of course Obama would get State Dept mails from Clinton.

Are you people this stupid?

You poor widdle dim bulb. Obama received emails from hiLIARy's personal account on her homebrew server. He also emailed her using a non-government email account, which is one of the things covered up during the Comey presser.

You stupid idiot. Hillary's server WAS NOT ILLEGAL. Of course Obama was emailing her both on her private account and her SoS account.

The law banning the use of private servers by government employees was passed AFTER Hillary left office, by the Republican House and Senate BECAUSE of Hillary's private server - even though the entire Bush Administration ran on a private server and shredded 500,000 documents as they left office.

The entire email "scandal" was a phoney witch hunt and Republicans knew it.

You sad little dupe. It was illegal for her to use the homebrew server for government classified communications.

Espionage Act: 18 U.S. Code § 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

First off, Hillary's server wasn't some "homebrewed server", it was the private server of the former President of the United States of America - who frequently is given sensitive and classified information, so it wasn't your standard home computer.

Secondly, neither the server, nor its use were illegal.

Thirdly, you law 793 is not applicable. She didn't remove any documents from their place of custody, nor did she deliver anything to people not entitled to receive. None of her documents were stolen or destroyed.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Hillary used her one email for everything so of course Obama would get State Dept mails from Clinton.

Are you people this stupid?

You poor widdle dim bulb. Obama received emails from hiLIARy's personal account on her homebrew server. He also emailed her using a non-government email account, which is one of the things covered up during the Comey presser.

You stupid idiot. Hillary's server WAS NOT ILLEGAL. Of course Obama was emailing her both on her private account and her SoS account.

The law banning the use of private servers by government employees was passed AFTER Hillary left office, by the Republican House and Senate BECAUSE of Hillary's private server - even though the entire Bush Administration ran on a private server and shredded 500,000 documents as they left office.

The entire email "scandal" was a phoney witch hunt and Republicans knew it.

You sad little dupe. It was illegal for her to use the homebrew server for government classified communications.

Espionage Act: 18 U.S. Code § 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

First off, Hillary's server wasn't some "homebrewed server", it was the private server of the former President of the United States of America - who frequently is given sensitive and classified information, so it wasn't your standard home computer.

Secondly, neither the server, nor its use were illegal.

Thirdly, you law 793 is not applicable. She didn't remove any documents from their place of custody, nor did she deliver anything to people not entitled to receive. None of her documents were stolen or destroyed.

Think that if it gives you comfort. You're wrong, but I somewhat admire your dogged persistence in being so.
Oopsie! Dems are very worried indeed that the Horowitz report is going to blow up their fake Trump investigations.

But there’s another reason to assume IG Horowitz’ report will have an impact: His record. Horowitz’ previous reporton the Clinton investigation had an impact as did his report on Andrew McCabe, which led to McCabe’s firing. The only way Horowitz’ report won’t have an impact is if he found nothing of import in the past year. And that seems very unlikely. There have already been suggestions that his report will take aim at Christopher Steele and his dossier. We’ll have to wait and see what else it contains but Democrats are right to be worried.

Democrats worry the forthcoming IG report could undercut their Trump investigations
Mueller's report covers up the fact that a key figure it uses to implicate Russian connections to Trump was actually a State Department Intelligence source. Imagine that!

In a key finding of the Mueller report, Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is tied to Russian intelligence.

But hundreds of pages of government documents — which special counsel Robert Mueller possessed since 2018 — describe Kilimnik as a “sensitive” intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukrainian and Russian matters.

Why Mueller’s team omitted that part of the Kilimnik narrative from its report and related court filings is not known. But the revelation of it comes as the accuracy of Mueller’s Russia conclusions face increased scrutiny.

The incomplete portrayal of Kilimnik is so important to Mueller’s overall narrative that it is raised in the opening of his report. “The FBI assesses” Kilimnik “to have ties to Russian intelligence,” Mueller’s team wrote on Page 6, putting a sinister light on every contact Kilimnik had with Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman.

What it doesn’t state is that Kilimnik was a “sensitive” intelligence source for State going back to at least 2013 while he was still working for Manafort, according to FBI and State Department memos I reviewed.

Kilimnik was not just any run-of-the-mill source, either.

In a key finding of the Mueller report, Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is tied to Russian intelligence.

But hundreds of pages of government documents — which special counsel Robert Mueller possessed since 2018 — describe Kilimnik as a “sensitive” intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukrainian and Russian matters.

Why Mueller’s team omitted that part of the Kilimnik narrative from its report and related court filings is not known. But the revelation of it comes as the accuracy of Mueller’s Russia conclusions face increased scrutiny.

The incomplete portrayal of Kilimnik is so important to Mueller’s overall narrative that it is raised in the opening of his report. “The FBI assesses” Kilimnik “to have ties to Russian intelligence,” Mueller’s team wrote on Page 6, putting a sinister light on every contact Kilimnik had with Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman.

What it doesn’t state is that Kilimnik was a “sensitive” intelligence source for State going back to at least 2013 while he was still working for Manafort, according to FBI and State Department memos I reviewed.

Kilimnik was not just any run-of-the-mill source, either.

Apres Horowitz - Le Barr Deluge. After the IG investigation is wrapped, Barr and the DOJ are unleashed to investigate Spygate-Obamagate!

Barr could have just expanded Horowitz’s investigation, Crawford noted in her interview with the attorney general. Yes, he could have. Like Sessions, Barr could have left the broader investigation into the origins of the targeting of the Trump campaign in the hands of the OIG. But he didn’t.

He explained: “Well the inspector general at the department, Mike Horowitz, who you know is a superb government official, he has limited powers. He doesn’t have the power to compel testimony, he doesn’t have the power really to investigate beyond the current cast of characters at the Department of Justice. His ability to get information from former officials or from other agencies outside the department is very limited.”

Further, while Sessions purported to sidestep that concern by appointing Huber to assist in the investigation as necessary, as we know now, the mere existence of the IG investigation “handicapped” the DOJ. By refusing to expand Horowitz’s probe, Barr has ensured that is no longer the case.

So, while the upcoming release of Horowitz’s report on the FISA targeting of Carter Page is significant in its own right, the closing of the final IG investigation into the Russia collusion investigation promises to open the flood gates for previously undisclosed information and indictments. And President Trump’s decision to authorize Barr to declassify documents, and Barr’s selection of U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the investigation, suggests it will only be a matter of time before the deluge.

Oopsie. Steele had strong ties to the State Department prior to the FBI laundering his Fake Russian Dossier.

Judicial Watch today released 43 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that State Department “Special Coordinator for Libya” Jonathan Winer played a key role in facilitating dossier author Christopher Steele’s access to other top government officials, prominent international business executives. Mr. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.


“It’s amazing how hard our government tries to keep the truth from the American people,” said Daily Caller News Foundation President Neil Patel. “Thankfully, with Judicial Watch filing a lawsuit on our behalf, we have been able to uncover phony dossier author Christopher Steele’s previously hidden contacts with the Obama State Department. These guys at Judicial Watch are bulldogs and we can’t thank them enough.”

“These documents show that Fusion GPS and Clinton spy Christopher Steele had a close relationship with the Obama State Department,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The State Department under John Kerry is emerging as another center of the Spygate conspiracy against President Trump.”

In February 2018, Winer wrote an op-ed claiming anti-Trump dossier author Christopher Steele and Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal approached him with separate dossiers. Winer wrote: “In the summer of 2016, Steele told me that he had learned of disturbing information regarding possible ties between Donald Trump, his campaign and senior Russian officials.” Also, “While talking about that hacking, Blumenthal and I discussed Steele’s reports. He showed me notes gathered by a journalist I did not know …”

Judicial Watch Releases State Department Emails Showing Dossier Author Christopher Steele’s Close Relationship with State Department - Judicial Watch
Oopsie. The dots are getting closer to Obama as the ringleader for Spygate-Obamagate!

In a Nov. 28, 2016, email, Silverberg—while addressing Nuland as “Toria”—said: “It was a delight to speak today, notwithstanding the context. You’ve been a warrior on these issues, and I look forward to speaking further to preserve and wherever possible strengthen the important work you have done. I’ll follow up regarding a possible working group meeting.”

Nuland responded the next day, copying Winer and saying: “Thanks, Daniel. I look forward to continuing our collaboration in whatever capacity life brings. Copied here is Jonathan Winer, who has some legal ideas that may be of interest to you and Cong. Hoyer.”

Silverberg told Winer: “Great. Jonathan, I am all ears.”

In a Dec. 10, 2016, email, Winer tells Silverberg: “I’ve reached out per our call yesterday. Please call me to talk further at your early convenience. Weekend best but can also talk Monday.”

“These documents further confirm the Obama State Department was obviously a way station for Steele’s smear dossier and other anti-Trump activism,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

An excellent summary of the known facts that prove that Obama and Hillary conspired with foreign agents to undermine the 2016 election process and used the power of the Executive Branch to spy on the political opposition:
  • Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with close ties to the Kremlin and an intense hatred for Donald Trump was paid by Hillary Clinton’s lawyers and the Democrat Party to compile a file of damaging information on candidate Trump. He did so without registering as an agent of a foreign power.
  • This file was replete either with unverifiable fabrications, old accusations that were already out in the open or which were deceptively repackaged to implicate Donald Trump, or outright propaganda Steele had “acquired” from his contacts associated with Russian intelligence.
  • Steele was deemed so unreliable and biased a political actor by the FBI and the State Department, that he was terminated as a source by the Bureau.
  • Senior DoJ official Bruce Ohr’s wife worked for Fusion GPS, the company that hired Christopher Steele, and he funneled anti-Trump opposition research from his wife to the FBI.
  • The DNC dispatched a contractor to the embassy of Ukraine to collect proffered opposition research on Donald Trump from the government in Kiev with a plan to coordinate a smear campaign with officials from that non-NATO nation, foreign power.
  • As the Trump campaign grew in strength, Clinton’s allies in the Obama Administration initiated an unprecedented cross-agency operation code-named CrossFire Hurricane to target Donald Trump and his associates.
  • This involved the exploitation of foreign “liaison services,” especially in the UK (and possibly Italy and Australia as well) in order to circumvent constitutional protection that forbid U.S. intelligence agencies from spying on Americans citizens for political reasons. John Brennan, Obama’s CIA director, was the pivotal actor driving these operations, which led in part to the sudden resignation of the director of GCHQ, the British equivalent of the NSA, and included FBI Director James Comey as well.
  • On multiple occasions, U.S. intelligence assets were tasked with penetrating the Trump campaign to lure its representatives into what they believed were attempts to connect with the Russia government.
  • This included targeting George Papadopoulos, a minor figure in the campaign, via the offices of the Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, and a female FBI “analyst” known as Azra Turk who no one has been able to locate. (Note: When Downer was Foreign Minister he funneled $25 million of taxpayer dollars to the Clinton Foundation).
  • The NSA’s massive database of surveillance intercepts was repeatedly accessed illegally, often by contractors with no authority to do so.
  • At a rate never seen before in the history of the U.S. Intelligence Community (I.C.), the identity of hundreds of American citizens innocently caught up in NSA intercepts were “unmasked” by senior Obama Administration officials. Some of the officials who authorized the unmaskings weren’t even members of the I.C. and who had no plausible reason for the unmasking, including Samantha Power, Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations.
  • The fabricated allegations provided by Russian government sources that Clinton and the DNC bought from Christopher Steele were used to obtain a secret FISA Court warrant to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign. The unverified quality of the “Steele dossier” and the fact that is was opposition research paid for by Donald Trump’s political opponent was hidden from the secret FISA court.
In sum: Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party paid a foreign agent to collect or manufacture damaging information about the Republican candidate for president, information that was sourced from the Russian government. The subsequent propaganda file was used to surveil members of the Trump campaign, illegally, as NSA and British assets were also used to spy on those associated with Clinton’s political rival, and as human intelligence assets were deployed in an attempt to entrap Trump advisers and members of his staff.

What Hillary and Obama Actually Did
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Why would anyone be shocked that the WH had emails from the SoS office? I didn't vote for Hillary because she whored her office for donations and tried to wipe emails, and I was disappointed Obama ever appointed her to his admin. But your outrage is …. overripe and misplaced.

And of course there's now the added irony of Trump and Jared trolling the middle east for bailing out the Kushner debacle, and of course the war in Yemen and Trump's Iran obsession, and the Trump hotels run by Ivanka.

We had an election without real choices. And the dems appear bent on destroying anyone not gladly embracing socialism and open borders.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Why would anyone be shocked that the WH had emails from the SoS office? I didn't vote for Hillary because she whored her office for donations and tried to wipe emails, and I was disappointed Obama ever appointed her to his admin. But your outrage is …. overripe and misplaced.

Obama knew hiLIARy had a homebrew server. He lied when he said he found out about it in the press.

And he clearly colluded with the hiLIARy campaign to spy on Trump. This is the worst scandal in U.S. history. Barr's investigation will finally make that clear to everyone who is not a terminal moonbat.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Why would anyone be shocked that the WH had emails from the SoS office? I didn't vote for Hillary because she whored her office for donations and tried to wipe emails, and I was disappointed Obama ever appointed her to his admin. But your outrage is …. overripe and misplaced.

Obama knew hiLIARy had a homebrew server. He lied when he said he found out about it in the press.

And he clearly colluded with the hiLIARy campaign to spy on Trump. This is the worst scandal in U.S. history. Barr's investigation will finally make that clear to everyone who is not a terminal moonbat.
Oh it's the worst, and you've got judicial watch, trump and barr. You've always been nuttier than AOC when it comes to Obama Whatver the fuck gets u off
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch
Why would anyone be shocked that the WH had emails from the SoS office? I didn't vote for Hillary because she whored her office for donations and tried to wipe emails, and I was disappointed Obama ever appointed her to his admin. But your outrage is …. overripe and misplaced.

Obama knew hiLIARy had a homebrew server. He lied when he said he found out about it in the press.

And he clearly colluded with the hiLIARy campaign to spy on Trump. This is the worst scandal in U.S. history. Barr's investigation will finally make that clear to everyone who is not a terminal moonbat.
Oh it's the worst, and you've got judicial watch, trump and barr. You've always been nuttier than AOC when it comes to Obama Whatver the fuck gets u off

Sorry to disappoint, but I do not derive any form of sexual arousal from political events, unlike you rabid Progs.
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch

Stay complacent, swampy.

It will be more amusing to see your wee peabrain sized head explode if the pressure continues to build up.

What pressure. Judicial Watch is run by the originator of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, an affiliation you seem to share.

Of course Obama has Clinton’s emails. She was his SS. They were in constant touch.

Clinton’s server wasn’t illegal. There is nothing nefarious about it. Everyone in Washington knew about it. They passed a law against using private servers AFTER Clinton left office because of Hillary.

It only became an issue in 2016 as a way to smear her potential candidacy and you lemmings are still on about it.

The whole Hillary email scandal was a witch hunt, and about as valid as the brother hysteria.

Gawd but conservatives will fall for anything!

Wow, the level of blatant ignorance in that one post was mind boggling! Of course Clinton's servers were illegal! She violated 18 U.S. Code § 1924. She lied to Congressional investigators when she said she had turned over all materials related to the Benghazi incident. Everybody in Washington DIDN'T know about Hillary's servers...their existence was only revealed by the investigation into Benghazi! Ironically her attempt to hide the truth about what happened in Libya ended up costing her the election. If she'd simply admitted she didn't do her job of protecting our diplomats it would have never been revealed that she was running her little "pay for play" scheme at the State Department!

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