Obama’s Anti-Netanyahu Boycott Is Collapsing


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama lobbying campaign doesn't seem to be working...:cool-45:


The final numbers are not yet in, but it seems clear that the White House-orchestrated campaign to boycott Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress is collapsing.

Despite two weeks of intense anti-Netanyahu leaks, insults, and pressure, the White House has so far succeeded in persuading only a handful of Democratic members of Congress to stay away from the speech.

A grand total of two Senators and twelve Representatives have publicly announced that they are boycotting Israel’s prime minister. Assuming that those figures change only marginally in the days ahead, it will mean that 98% of the Senate and 95% of the House of Representatives will be in attendance.

Obama s Anti-Netanyahu Boycott Is Collapsing FrontPage Magazine
There's nothing more American than letting a foreign leader use the building that symbolizes and houses our government to campaign for re-election in his foreign land while disparaging our President. Right cons?

Nutanyahoo is a despicable little piece of shit.
There's nothing more American than letting a foreign leader use the building that symbolizes and houses our government to campaign for re-election in his foreign land while disparaging our President. Right cons?

Nutanyahoo is a despicable little piece of shit.
He's just more of the same. Israel keeps electing hawkish nutters who have no interest in an end to any conflict. It's like if the U.S. kept electing Dick Cheney to the Presidency and couldn't figure out why we couldn't muster up any allies and why we're constantly at war.
Man oh man the anti Israel hatred is strong in this thread.


Anti Israel is just so trendy these days. Anti Jew too. I bet our USMB bigots are just drooling for more attacks on Jews in Europe.
Obama lobbying campaign doesn't seem to be working...:cool-45:


The final numbers are not yet in, but it seems clear that the White House-orchestrated campaign to boycott Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress is collapsing.

Despite two weeks of intense anti-Netanyahu leaks, insults, and pressure, the White House has so far succeeded in persuading only a handful of Democratic members of Congress to stay away from the speech.

A grand total of two Senators and twelve Representatives have publicly announced that they are boycotting Israel’s prime minister. Assuming that those figures change only marginally in the days ahead, it will mean that 98% of the Senate and 95% of the House of Representatives will be in attendance.

Obama s Anti-Netanyahu Boycott Is Collapsing FrontPage Magazine
I would like to WELCOME Netanyahu to our country.......................Most of Americans are glad you are visiting our country...........

Please ignore the ignorant ones who think that only their opinions count..................Like Obama.............we know that he has been against you from the onset.......like the oops open mike talk........................

They don't represent the American Opinion on you and our country.

Gee, sounds like it's time for a beer summit between Bam and Netanyahu. Obama should listen to others and not just the Muslim Brotherhood.
There's nothing more American than letting a foreign leader use the building that symbolizes and houses our government to campaign for re-election in his foreign land while disparaging our President. Right cons?

Nutanyahoo is a despicable little piece of shit.

He wants his country to be left alone by the radical Muslims. Not too much to ask. Don't blame him for defending the borders of Israel. It's people like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas that are pieces of shit.
Fuck Nutanyahoo! He is a disgrace to honorable Jews!
This is an example of what not to listen to on your visit..............Not only are they hateful they aren't house broken either.................

They'll pee on your shoes and carpet...........Please avoid these types while here so you can enjoy your visit here..............
He wants his country to be left alone by the radical Muslims. Not too much to ask. Don't blame him for defending the borders of Israel. It's people like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas that are pieces of shit.

If you want Muslims to leave you alone, isn't setting up a country with nothing but Muslims for hundreds of miles in any direction that isn't water a really stupid idea?
There's nothing more American than letting a foreign leader use the building that symbolizes and houses our government to campaign for re-election in his foreign land while disparaging our President. Right cons?
And you were against Obama going to Europe in the middle of his campaign, right?

And campaigning? Is that what you think he is doing. I mean, there are a lot of American votes open for grabs in his election after all. I think all 0 of 0 are up for grabs.
There's nothing more American than letting a foreign leader use the building that symbolizes and houses our government to campaign for re-election in his foreign land while disparaging our President. Right cons?
And you were against Obama going to Europe in the middle of his campaign, right?

And campaigning? Is that what you think he is doing. I mean, there are a lot of American votes open for grabs in his election after all. I think all 0 of 0 are up for grabs.
How many countries did he visit intending to slap the leader in the face?
Man oh man the anti Israel hatred is strong in this thread.


Anti Israel is just so trendy these days. Anti Jew too. I bet our USMB bigots are just drooling for more attacks on Jews in Europe.
Actually, anti Muslim seems a more popular position on USMB

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