Obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's

very cute.

I'll try this again (this is like rainbow Glitter bear debating a liberal - exactly the same!); Obama cannot run without showing at least a few states his long form birth certificate. Stop acting like some uber-cool riviera gambler, because i don't think you've saved enough from mowing lawns to cover the wager, so answer the question instead : Obama needs to show his long form birth certificate to run in all the states in 2012. what will obama do?

answer or lose by default. Your play money is of no value to me.

:lol: Oh gosh..it be a birther!

Alinski's tactic of demeaning the opposition without addressing the facts has played out on this one.

Damn right I'm a "Birther", and firmly ensconced amongst the liberals like Chris Matthews, the Huffington Post and Mother Jones News, among others. Oh, yes, not to mention about 45% - 60% of polled Americans, depending on the poll, as well as the legislators and governors of several states who together are enacting new laws demanding that all candidates for president in 2012 show their long form birth certificates - those new laws are not an accident. they're being enacted because of we 'crazy tinfoil hat birthers".

That puts you, my friend, not only a probable national minority, but a severe tactical disadvantage, because those states are demanding a long form and Obama has made it clear he won't release his. There will be no stand-off on this, and if Obama doesn't disclose his records, he's going to look like the ass of all time no matter what, and so will his vocal supporters. What will he do? Does he have a long form? will he turn it over? if not, as seems the case, will he challenge the laws in court? (LOL!) Will he ask for people to write him in? Drop out citing "health concerns' or "love for his family"?

So I ask you, then. What will he do? This isn't theoretical - the laws are going to be passed in at least half a dozen states for sure, and all it takes is one to screw him up royally. So you tell me, since "Skippy' refuses to answer: what will he do?

Alinsky thinks birthers are morons
Obama's friend, Weather Underground leader murder/terrorist Bernadine Dorn in her own words from CBS news, 1970

Facts of associations and friends like this, as they are learned, might have something to do with Obama's poll numbers, eh?
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A Beelzebubber!

Here we go, usual liberal misrepresentation. I never - ever - said Obama might be Satan. I said that because his name in Hebrew translates into the words that Jesus used to describe Satan in Luke, that devout Christians have a legitimate concern about it. I stand by that. Fact and translation trumps casual pop culture perception for me. As far as the rest, read the very bottom of my signature before saying anything else, because you're proving it.

Simple question: Might Obama be Satan, yes or no?

BTW, if you answer "I don't know," that is an implicit answer that you believe Obama might be Satan.

If he's "Satan," then he would be the Anti-Christ and beloved by all. Obama is obviously hated by many, for one reason or another, and when they can't think of any, they just make something up.
Damn right I'm a "Birther", and firmly ensconced amongst the liberals like Chris Matthews, the Huffington Post and Mother Jones News, among others. Oh, yes, not to mention about 45% - 60% of polled Americans, depending on the poll,


Please link polls showing that 45% to 60% of polled Americans are birfers.

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I pray that Huckabee doesn't run. We dont need him.

I say very seriously that this is very sad. I really hope the Republicans can come up with SOME candidate that combines all the finest qualities of those currently way at the bottom of this latest polling by Gallup. If these three dominate the news cycle for the next 2 years, meaning the others won't stand a chance, the GOP is in serious trouble. I'm looking forward to serious, grownup debates on the issues that affect us all, and I don't see that happening if the Republicans can't come up with a credible candidate.

Huckabee, Palin, Romney Tie for Lead in GOP '12 Preferences

I wonder, who do you have besides Obama, because with 11 states passing laws demanding he turn over the citizenship records he's fighting in court to keep hidden - laws even ultra-liberal Mother Jones News seems to believe will end Obama's presidency, it looks like Obama won't actually be on the ballot.

Those 11 states are NOT demanding that he turn over citizenship records. Do a google search yourself, if you didn't believe the link I posted. Those states would have to pass laws for that to happen, and...it ain't happened yet. Stop projecting your ignorant presumptions. Even if some states do pass such a stupid law, it would be challenged in court on any number of legal precedents regarding voter suppression.
Assuming by some chance this guy is correct and Obama's name was kept off, how would anyone be disenfranchised by this? They are more than free enough to vote for Obama even if his name isnt on the ballot.

I see such an effort as backfiring, big time, if states decide to go that route. For one thing, just the legality of it would probably take up so much potential court time that the entire national election would have to be postponed just because of the blatant ignorance of a few states who, as it progressed, would become laughing stocks. Just ask yourself if you would want to be a citizen of some state where "The Birfers" succeeded in their bigoted agenda. (And that IS what it is.)

agenda? LOL! You don't know my race, and have no idea if I have dated or even married black, Hispanic, Indian or, even, white if I'm anything other than white. You'd be surprised. In fact, you sound just like The Hawaiian Governor Bear, who is a perfect illustration of your thinking :

Oh I'm so sure the Birfers are just overflowing with black folk. :lol:
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I wonder, who do you have besides Obama, because with 11 states passing laws demanding he turn over the citizenship records he's fighting in court to keep hidden - laws even ultra-liberal Mother Jones News seems to believe will end Obama's presidency, it looks like Obama won't actually be on the ballot.

You keep echoing that horseshit like it's already a done deal. It isn't, fool.

Alinsky's Rule #7:
A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

Bye bye.
Damn right I'm a "Birther", and firmly ensconced amongst the liberals like Chris Matthews, the Huffington Post and Mother Jones News, among others. Oh, yes, not to mention about 45% - 60% of polled Americans, depending on the poll,


Please link polls showing that 45% to 60% of polled Americans are birfers.


I'd rather he just link that Gstarz got his GED...
Oh, clarification.

I absolve USMB completely of any wagering that may occur.

This, in fact, is not a wager. It is a hedge, like hedging movements in the stock market, or the weather.

I will take on all comers. $10,000 for anyone who thinks Obama will step aside or be denied the nomination because of his birth certificate. We can set it up as a trust.

Only a fool would take that wager, er, hedge. Obama is black, well, half-black. If that were to happen, another civil war would break out. No, Obama is a member of a protected class and he cannot be touched.
The Gstarz debating strategy here: start a thread that makes Obama looks bad, and

1. Attack and/or dismissively mock any who disagree even though Gstarz's evidence supports the opposite of the OP.
2. Change the subject, endlessly
3. Spin the minutia to run out the clock

Saul Alinski in the 21st century adopted by Gstarz.

Give it up, Gstarz: you don't have what it takes to survive here.
I wonder, who do you have besides Obama, because with 11 states passing laws demanding he turn over the citizenship records he's fighting in court to keep hidden - laws even ultra-liberal Mother Jones News seems to believe will end Obama's presidency, it looks like Obama won't actually be on the ballot.

You keep echoing that horseshit like it's already a done deal. It isn't, fool.

This issue - Obama having to turn over his records to get on the 2012 ballot - the one thing that really seems to terrify liberals, and that terror infuriates them ans they strike out. in every way except taking a good shot at answering the question.

Relax. Calm down. It is essentially a done deal because at least one of those bills is certain to pass, and to hear the voices in the various state houses and senates involved, probably several.

But that's beside the point. You act like speculating that that will happen is meaningless. It's no more meaningless than speculating that none of those states will pass the law(s) because at least one is certain to. All it takes is one to screw Obama up totally, and there are some places that haven't cared for his agenda very much.

So take a deep breath, end the angry hysteria and tall me: what will Obama do when the time comes to turn over his records? Just say it. It's 100% as relevant - and more likely - than the idea being that he won't. So have at it. What will he do?

Debating anything else about Obama's political future seems futile without coming to some sort of consensus on this, because it isn't simply going away. This is beyond Obama's control.

And you're right, I am going to keep asking. I'm going to keep asking because I believe in getting a reasonable answer to my question before engaging in anyone else's, thanks.
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:lol: Oh gosh..it be a birther!

Alinski's tactic of demeaning the opposition without addressing the facts has played out on this one.

Damn right I'm a "Birther", and firmly ensconced amongst the liberals like Chris Matthews, the Huffington Post and Mother Jones News, among others. Oh, yes, not to mention about 45% - 60% of polled Americans, depending on the poll, as well as the legislators and governors of several states who together are enacting new laws demanding that all candidates for president in 2012 show their long form birth certificates - those new laws are not an accident. they're being enacted because of we 'crazy tinfoil hat birthers".

That puts you, my friend, not only a probable national minority, but a severe tactical disadvantage, because those states are demanding a long form and Obama has made it clear he won't release his. There will be no stand-off on this, and if Obama doesn't disclose his records, he's going to look like the ass of all time no matter what, and so will his vocal supporters. What will he do? Does he have a long form? will he turn it over? if not, as seems the case, will he challenge the laws in court? (LOL!) Will he ask for people to write him in? Drop out citing "health concerns' or "love for his family"?

So I ask you, then. What will he do? This isn't theoretical - the laws are going to be passed in at least half a dozen states for sure, and all it takes is one to screw him up royally. So you tell me, since "Skippy' refuses to answer: what will he do?

Alinsky thinks birthers are morons

So do state courts, federal courts, and the United States Supreme Court.
Alinski's tactic of demeaning the opposition without addressing the facts has played out on this one.

Damn right I'm a "Birther", and firmly ensconced amongst the liberals like Chris Matthews, the Huffington Post and Mother Jones News, among others. Oh, yes, not to mention about 45% - 60% of polled Americans, depending on the poll, as well as the legislators and governors of several states who together are enacting new laws demanding that all candidates for president in 2012 show their long form birth certificates - those new laws are not an accident. they're being enacted because of we 'crazy tinfoil hat birthers".

That puts you, my friend, not only a probable national minority, but a severe tactical disadvantage, because those states are demanding a long form and Obama has made it clear he won't release his. There will be no stand-off on this, and if Obama doesn't disclose his records, he's going to look like the ass of all time no matter what, and so will his vocal supporters. What will he do? Does he have a long form? will he turn it over? if not, as seems the case, will he challenge the laws in court? (LOL!) Will he ask for people to write him in? Drop out citing "health concerns' or "love for his family"?

So I ask you, then. What will he do? This isn't theoretical - the laws are going to be passed in at least half a dozen states for sure, and all it takes is one to screw him up royally. So you tell me, since "Skippy' refuses to answer: what will he do?

Alinsky thinks birthers are morons

So do state courts, federal courts, and the United States Supreme Court.

So does every comedian...birthers make good material
All those remarks from anxious-but-playing-it-superior liberal mindless obama-defenders are cute for talking up confidence to other Alinski-taught-Obama-zombie-liberals, but doesn't change the reality that in a very short time Obama will have to turn over his citizenship records or be kept off the 2012 ballot in several states!

It will happen because the 'racists" who are in charge of legislation in those "backwater' states have essentially proven they have the vote numbers - Arizona has as many sponsors as it needs votes to pass! And they know their constituents are tired of Obama. This is one reason why Obama's shitty poll numbers matter - he's losing his political protection.

Then what will you poor liberals do when Obama swaggers in front of the teleprompter, says he is not running, wants to devote time as a family man, blames right-wingers for making his heart too unhappy to continue? Say, "It had nothing to do with the birth certificate! Birthers are still crazy!" Of course you will. But with these new laws being quickly enacted, unless Obama has the bona fide records, he's finished. His rein of financial and socialistic terror is over, so prepare yourselves. This is reality. It's coming. Just ask the legislators in those 11 states.

And America will cheer, because as the past November elections proved by historic numbers, America is sick and tired of Comrade Obama and his bullshit socialist allies.

Tick tock... can you hear it? It's the sound of the clock ticking away the moments until Obama needs to show his records to half a dozen states - at least - or be off the ballot in those states. tick tock....

It's a done deal.

Have fun! I know I will!
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The chance of this occurring is less than Jesus appearing tomorrow . . . that in a very short time Obama will have to turn over his citizenship records or be kept off the 2012 ballot in several states!

BHO's number are very good for re-election; check the elections of 1948, 1956, and 1994 . . . one reason why Obama's shitty poll numbers matter - he's losing his political protection.

OK, on this we argre!!!! . . . Birthers are still crazy!"

Reference #2 above . . . the past November elections proved by historic numbers,

1. Obama is not a socialist. 2. Obama is a net positive, better than Truman in 48, Eisenhower in 56, and Clinton in 96 . . . America is sick and tired of Comrade Obama and his bullshit socialist allies.

My answers are above in red. Gstarz is a hoot!!!
Well, thus far, GStarz has claimed that Rasmussen is the most accurate pollster but can't back it up. Then he claimed that half of all Americans are birfers but hasn't backed that up either. So we will remain skeptical of any "done deals."

BTW does anyone know what are the 11 states?

The chance of this occurring is less than Jesus appearing tomorrow . . . that in a very short time Obama will have to turn over his citizenship records or be kept off the 2012 ballot in several states!

BHO's number are very good for re-election; check the elections of 1948, 1956, and 1994 . . . one reason why Obama's shitty poll numbers matter - he's losing his political protection.

OK, on this we argre!!!! . . . Birthers are still crazy!"

Reference #2 above . . . the past November elections proved by historic numbers,

1. Obama is not a socialist. 2. Obama is a net positive, better than Truman in 48, Eisenhower in 56, and Clinton in 96 . . . America is sick and tired of Comrade Obama and his bullshit socialist allies.

My answers are above in red. Gstarz is a hoot!!!

If you need to believe these fairy tales in red to keep your enthusiasm up, and keep your lame-ass loser-liberal stormtoopers morale energized for 2012, that's fine; raise their expectations unrealistically - they'll crash all the harder when Obama starts making up excuses for not being on the ballot in several states. You're dreaming if you think these laws will not be enacted. Arizona has as many co-sponsors as the bill need to pass! LOL!

Be my guest - raise their hopes unrealistically today for a more devastated democrat party tomorrow. trust me - I want you to! Their minimal pro-Obama enthusiasm will not effect the passage of these laws! LOL!

Oh, by the way, remember Obama's long-time friend Bernadine Dorn, wife of his pal Bill Ayres? Here she is on CBS News on Oct 6, 1970, announcing the bombing plans and threats of the terrorist Weather Undergound, of which she was the ringleader!

It's slowly creeping information like this certain to continue to drive Obama's pols down further, because patriots are getting the word out about just what kind of Marxist creep is currently in the white house, and who is friends and associates are!
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It's slowly creeping information like this certain to continue to drive Obama's pols down further, because patriots are getting the word out about just what kind of Marxist creep is currently in the white house, and who is friends and associates are!

I take it you were in a cryogenic chamber during the 2008 campaign?

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