Obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know it's wiki, but the jump to the relevant section is well-referenced. But they only list 10 states. Maine is the 11th--here's the direct link to LD34.

HP0027, LD 34, item 1, An Act To Require Candidates for Public Office To Provide Proof of Citizenship

I wouldn't be surprised if xotoxi is behind it... :eusa_think:

HA HA! It is only Wiki and it's VERY old news! that's good, though! keep the troops energized; how they'll cry when Obama makes excuses!!!! Those bills have been re-fashioned and are heading back through again, tweaked to accommodate the legislators and at least half are expected to pass! LOL!!!

By the way, do your homework genius; Tennessee is the 11th. And that happened weeks ago!!!! LOL!!!!!

Obama's long time friend, Bernadine Dorn, the murdering terrorist on CBS news, 1970

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I don't get it Birthers, he already showed proof that he is a Natural Born American. Thats how he could run for President. So again how is this even an issue?

The chance of this occurring is less than Jesus appearing tomorrow . . . that in a very short time Obama will have to turn over his citizenship records or be kept off the 2012 ballot in several states!

BHO's number are very good for re-election; check the elections of 1948, 1956, and 1994 . . . one reason why Obama's shitty poll numbers matter - he's losing his political protection.

OK, on this we argre!!!! . . . Birthers are still crazy!"

Reference #2 above . . . the past November elections proved by historic numbers,

1. Obama is not a socialist. 2. Obama is a net positive, better than Truman in 48, Eisenhower in 56, and Clinton in 96 . . . America is sick and tired of Comrade Obama and his bullshit socialist allies.

My answers are above in red. Gstarz is a hoot!!!

If you need to believe these fairy tales in red to keep your enthusiasm up, and keep your lame-ass loser-liberal stormtoopers morale energized for 2012, that's fine; raise their expectations unrealistically - they'll crash all the harder when Obama starts making up excuses for not being on the ballot in several states. You're dreaming if you think these laws will not be enacted. Arizona has as many co-sponsors as the bill need to pass! LOL!

You are as crazy as my friend Orly.

“Birther” lawyer rebuffed : SCOTUS Aug 16, 2010 ... “Birther” lawyer rebuffed. The Supreme Court on Monday put an end to a running battle between a California lawyer — “Birther” lawyer rebuffed : SCOTUSblog

This will be the result in every superior court in the land.

Obama so has the reactionary far right weirdos on the ropes.
I don't get it Birthers, he already showed proof that he is a Natural Born American. Thats how he could run for President. So again how is this even an issue?

It's not except for 36 weirdos. Boehner, the Speaker of the House, accepts Obama at his word. All good Americans do, and the certificate has been verified by the State of Hawaii. Every dollr and effort the birthers put into this silly effort merely weakens the next GOP candidate.

Gstarz is a scared tabby that is chasing its own tail.
Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know it's wiki, but the jump to the relevant section is well-referenced. But they only list 10 states. Maine is the 11th--here's the direct link to LD34.

HP0027, LD 34, item 1, An Act To Require Candidates for Public Office To Provide Proof of Citizenship

I wouldn't be surprised if xotoxi is behind it... :eusa_think:

HA HA! It is only Wiki and it's VERY old news! that's good, though! keep the troops energized; how they'll cry when Obama makes excuses!!!! Those bills have been re-fashioned and are heading back through again, tweaked to accommodate the legislators and at least half are expected to pass! LOL!!!

By the way, do your homework genius; Tennessee is the 11th. And that happened weeks ago!!!! LOL!!!!!

I don't care what order they were proposed in. If you actually read the article, you'll see that most of the states introduced or reintroduced their bills in January or February 2011, so unless those bills have been summarily rejected within the past couple weeks--which would not good news for your camp--the article should be current info.

But by all means if you have a more comprehensive and nuanced list of each states' bill and related news, post it. Nobody is stopping you from backing up your statements.
Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know it's wiki, but the jump to the relevant section is well-referenced. But they only list 10 states. Maine is the 11th--here's the direct link to LD34.

HP0027, LD 34, item 1, An Act To Require Candidates for Public Office To Provide Proof of Citizenship

I wouldn't be surprised if xotoxi is behind it... :eusa_think:

HA HA! It is only Wiki and it's VERY old news! that's good, though! keep the troops energized; how they'll cry when Obama makes excuses!!!! Those bills have been re-fashioned and are heading back through again, tweaked to accommodate the legislators and at least half are expected to pass! LOL!!!

By the way, do your homework genius; Tennessee is the 11th. And that happened weeks ago!!!! LOL!!!!!

I don't care what order they were proposed in. If you actually read the article, you'll see that most of the states introduced or reintroduced their bills in January or February 2011, so unless those bills have been summarily rejected within the past couple weeks--which would not good news for your camp--the article should be current info.

But by all means if you have a more comprehensive and nuanced list of each states' bill and related news, post it. Nobody is stopping you from backing up your statements.

ARE WE ON THE SAME SIDE? YOU JUST BACKED ME UP. YES, THOSE BILLS WERE JUST INTRODUCED! And polls through the legislatures indicate several are definitely headed for passage!

Obama is toast!
HA HA! It is only Wiki and it's VERY old news! that's good, though! keep the troops energized; how they'll cry when Obama makes excuses!!!! Those bills have been re-fashioned and are heading back through again, tweaked to accommodate the legislators and at least half are expected to pass! LOL!!!

By the way, do your homework genius; Tennessee is the 11th. And that happened weeks ago!!!! LOL!!!!!

I don't care what order they were proposed in. If you actually read the article, you'll see that most of the states introduced or reintroduced their bills in January or February 2011, so unless those bills have been summarily rejected within the past couple weeks--which would not good news for your camp--the article should be current info.

But by all means if you have a more comprehensive and nuanced list of each states' bill and related news, post it. Nobody is stopping you from backing up your statements.

ARE WE ON THE SAME SIDE? YOU JUST BACKED ME UP. YES, THOSE BILLS WERE JUST INTRODUCED! And polls through the legislatures indicate several are definitely headed for passage!

Obama is toast!

You said the info link was "very old news". In response I said no, it's relevant info and has happened in the past two months. And now you're agreeing with me, which means you're disagreeing with yourself from five minutes ago.

You're flopping around like a fish out of water. Keep it up, Nemo. :lol:
Gstarz is merely a racist, period, looking for any reason to get a person of color out of the Presidency.

Two words: fuck Gstarz.
All those remarks from anxious-but-playing-it-superior liberal mindless obama-defenders are cute for talking up confidence to other Alinski-taught-Obama-zombie-liberals, but doesn't change the reality that in a very short time Obama will have to turn over his citizenship records or be kept off the 2012 ballot in several states!

It will happen because the 'racists" who are in charge of legislation in those "backwater' states have essentially proven they have the vote numbers - Arizona has as many sponsors as it needs votes to pass! And they know their constituents are tired of Obama. This is one reason why Obama's shitty poll numbers matter - he's losing his political protection.

Then what will you poor liberals do when Obama swaggers in front of the teleprompter, says he is not running, wants to devote time as a family man, blames right-wingers for making his heart too unhappy to continue? Say, "It had nothing to do with the birth certificate! Birthers are still crazy!" Of course you will. But with these new laws being quickly enacted, unless Obama has the bona fide records, he's finished. His rein of financial and socialistic terror is over, so prepare yourselves. This is reality. It's coming. Just ask the legislators in those 11 states.

And America will cheer, because as the past November elections proved by historic numbers, America is sick and tired of Comrade Obama and his bullshit socialist allies.

Tick tock... can you hear it? It's the sound of the clock ticking away the moments until Obama needs to show his records to half a dozen states - at least - or be off the ballot in those states. tick tock....

It's a done deal.

Have fun! I know I will!

Do you feel closer to GOD with the large, bold font?

The chance of this occurring is less than Jesus appearing tomorrow . . . that in a very short time Obama will have to turn over his citizenship records or be kept off the 2012 ballot in several states!

BHO's number are very good for re-election; check the elections of 1948, 1956, and 1994 . . . one reason why Obama's shitty poll numbers matter - he's losing his political protection.

OK, on this we argre!!!! . . . Birthers are still crazy!"

Reference #2 above . . . the past November elections proved by historic numbers,

1. Obama is not a socialist. 2. Obama is a net positive, better than Truman in 48, Eisenhower in 56, and Clinton in 96 . . . America is sick and tired of Comrade Obama and his bullshit socialist allies.

My answers are above in red. Gstarz is a hoot!!!

If you need to believe these fairy tales in red to keep your enthusiasm up, and keep your lame-ass loser-liberal stormtoopers morale energized for 2012, that's fine; raise their expectations unrealistically - they'll crash all the harder when Obama starts making up excuses for not being on the ballot in several states. You're dreaming if you think these laws will not be enacted. Arizona has as many co-sponsors as the bill need to pass! LOL!

Be my guest - raise their hopes unrealistically today for a more devastated democrat party tomorrow. trust me - I want you to! Their minimal pro-Obama enthusiasm will not effect the passage of these laws! LOL!

Oh, by the way, remember Obama's long-time friend Bernadine Dorn, wife of his pal Bill Ayres? Here she is on CBS News on Oct 6, 1970, announcing the bombing plans and threats of the terrorist Weather Undergound, of which she was the ringleader!

It's slowly creeping information like this certain to continue to drive Obama's pols down further, because patriots are getting the word out about just what kind of Marxist creep is currently in the white house, and who is friends and associates are!

:cuckoo: Obviously you're a card-carrying member of Prison Planet, soak up Alex Jones bullshit like a sponge, and when you have time, get more confirmation of your screwed-up head from Jesse Ventura and Glenn Beck. It must be exhausting.
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My answers are above in red. Gstarz is a hoot!!!

If you need to believe these fairy tales in red to keep your enthusiasm up, and keep your lame-ass loser-liberal stormtoopers morale energized for 2012, that's fine; raise their expectations unrealistically - they'll crash all the harder when Obama starts making up excuses for not being on the ballot in several states. You're dreaming if you think these laws will not be enacted. Arizona has as many co-sponsors as the bill need to pass! LOL!

You are as crazy as my friend Orly.

“Birther” lawyer rebuffed : SCOTUS Aug 16, 2010 ... “Birther” lawyer rebuffed. The Supreme Court on Monday put an end to a running battle between a California lawyer — “Birther” lawyer rebuffed : SCOTUSblog

This will be the result in every superior court in the land.

Obama so has the reactionary far right weirdos on the ropes.

Even Sarah Palin doesn't buy into the Birther BS.

PostPartisan - Palin gets it right on birthers and Obama's faith
"Do you question his faith and citizenship?" Palin was asked today during an onstage interview hosted by the Long Island Association. Her answer was brief and to the point.

"I don't, and those are distractions," she said to some applause. "What we're concerned about is the economy. And we're concerned about the policies coming out of his administration and what he believes in terms of big government or private sector. So, no, the faith, the birth certificate, others can engage in that kind of conversation. It's distracting. It gets annoying and let's just stick with what really matters."

Now Starz will say he's not a Palin fan. Wait for it.
Palin, as wrong as she is about many things, would spit on Gstarz's birther lies.
Arizona has as many sponsors as it needs votes to pass!

The bill appears to have died in committee!

It doesn't look like Barack Obama will need to get his original birth certificate to state officials to be on the presidential ballot in Arizona next year.

On a 5-3 vote Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee defeated SB 1526 which would let Arizona impose its own requirements on what someone needs to prove before being on the ballot in the state. Three Republicans voted with the two Democrats on the panel to kill the plan offered by Sen. Ron Gould, R-Lake Havasu City.

Virtually identical legislation was introduced in the House in the form of HB 2544. But that measure has never gotten a hearing.

Presidential candidates won't need to show birth certificate for Arizona ballot - East Valley Tribune: Arizona

Oh, too bad, so sad!


Apparently, the Smart Wing of the Republican Party prevailed over the Crazy Wing.
Arizona has as many sponsors as it needs votes to pass!

The bill appears to have died in committee!

It doesn't look like Barack Obama will need to get his original birth certificate to state officials to be on the presidential ballot in Arizona next year.

On a 5-3 vote Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee defeated SB 1526 which would let Arizona impose its own requirements on what someone needs to prove before being on the ballot in the state. Three Republicans voted with the two Democrats on the panel to kill the plan offered by Sen. Ron Gould, R-Lake Havasu City.

Virtually identical legislation was introduced in the House in the form of HB 2544. But that measure has never gotten a hearing.

Presidential candidates won't need to show birth certificate for Arizona ballot - East Valley Tribune: Arizona

Oh, too bad, so sad!


Apparently, the Smart Wing of the Republican Party prevailed over the Crazy Wing.

LOL! That was 10 days ago, Skippy! The bill has already been re-routed and tweaked and is unexpected to go for a full vote and pass! What, did you think - that there were only less than a dozen people in the Arizona congress?! Moron! LOL!
Arizona has as many sponsors as it needs votes to pass!

The bill appears to have died in committee!

It doesn't look like Barack Obama will need to get his original birth certificate to state officials to be on the presidential ballot in Arizona next year.

On a 5-3 vote Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee defeated SB 1526 which would let Arizona impose its own requirements on what someone needs to prove before being on the ballot in the state. Three Republicans voted with the two Democrats on the panel to kill the plan offered by Sen. Ron Gould, R-Lake Havasu City.

Virtually identical legislation was introduced in the House in the form of HB 2544. But that measure has never gotten a hearing.

Presidential candidates won't need to show birth certificate for Arizona ballot - East Valley Tribune: Arizona

Oh, too bad, so sad!


Apparently, the Smart Wing of the Republican Party prevailed over the Crazy Wing.

LOL! That was 10 days ago, Skippy! The bill has already been re-routed and tweaked and is unexpected to go for a full vote and pass! What, did you think - that there were only less than a dozen people in the Arizona congress?! Moron! LOL!

Prove it.

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