Obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's

his approval rating will go up and down between the low 40s to low 50s between now and the election... barring some major screw-up.

he'll win again, but it'll be closer than last time I think.
guatama is a stool who hates the American republic: there is no other answer that describes him.


You are the typical Obamarrhoidal stooge, one of the common herd that is easily deluded by charlatans who promise "CHANGE".....and when the semi-black MONUMENTAL FRAUD, the stone-cold MARXIST Obami-Salaami could not deliver......political idiots like you stick your heads further back in your arse, disregarding the TRUTH that if any change occurred.....it was for the worse.

I get the strong feeling that if there was just a nanogram of something that is more wrong with you, you'd turn into a brainless turnip.

gaytrauma pipes in.

Where are the other crazies?


I consider it the ultimate compliment when you and the other Obamarrhoidal stooges attempt to slander me.

It means I am effective as ever in exposing your rotten Commie, Muslim Arselicking agenda.

Just sayin......

Well put. These people are very clearly activist propagandists; the most dedicated, fair-means-or-foul I've ever seen one one board. name-calling, skewed facts, cherry picked times, dates and sources.

In fact, just look at what's happened here: On a simple thread about Obama's poll numbers going down, instead of giving a few remarks and letting it go, they keep coming back and back and back, denying, skewing, and all the while in every way trying to keep morale high - "Obama will win again", they say, ignoring the laws being enacted in several states demanding Obama turn over his citizenship records or not get on the ballot for 2012 in those states. This isn;t discussion fom these people, this is activist propaganda, possibly with a structure like SDS weathermen, the terrorists from the 60's that claimed peace but had a military structure with "generals" and "colonels" while blowing up buildings and killing innocent people for the goal of replacing capitalism with soviet-style socialism.

Speaking of which, did you know out president was involved with these same killers later in their lives? true. Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorn have been close friends of Obama's. here's a couple of videos of Dorn. And a man who kept their company closely is now our president. nice, eh?

CBS Evening News, Oct 6, 1970

Dorn today

Ayers planned to murder a theoretical 25 million people who might have been unable to be 're-trained' into socialist doctrine.

Some of Ayres' victims actually survived.

1995 Obama says that rev Wright, who he thinks is a great man, "represents the best of what the church has to offer."

See a pattern? You say, "No"? then you're a fucking liar or dumb as a post.

Nobody needs someone like Marxist, terrorist pal like Obama as president. There are 300 million people in America better suited for the job.
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gaytrauma pipes in.

Where are the other crazies?


I consider it the ultimate compliment when you and the other Obamarrhoidal stooges attempt to slander me.

It means I am effective as ever in exposing your rotten Commie, Muslim Arselicking agenda.

Just sayin......

Do they have high-speed at the sanitorium, gaytrauma?
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Well put. These people are very clearly activist propagandists; the most dedicated, fair-means-or-foul I've ever seen one one board. name-calling, skewed facts, cherry picked times, dates and sources.

In fact, just look at what's happened here: On a simple thread about Obama's poll numbers going down, instead of giving a few remarks and letting it go, they keep coming back and back and back, denying, skewing, and all the while in every way trying to keep morale high - "Obama will win again", they say, ignoring the laws being enacted in several states demanding Obama turn over his citizenship records or not get on the ballot for 2012 in those states. This isn;t discussion fom these people, this is activist propaganda, possibly with a structure like SDS weathermen, the terrorists from the 60's that claimed peace but had a military structure with "generals" and "colonels" while blowing up buildings and killing innocent people for the goal of replacing capitalism with soviet-style socialism.


Yeah, that's it Beelzebubber. You hit it on the head exactly. In the meantime, why don't you pop over to the birfer state law tracking thread and see how things are shaking out. FFS, in at least two states, we have found that the bills introduced would disqualify candidates for President from their own states since those states don't have the birth certificates required in the bills. Yeah, real rocket scientists, those birfers. :thup:
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gstarz is clearly birfer and a hater of a dark colored person in the presidency.

Better get used to it, guys, he's going to be there until 2016 unless the GOP runs somebody like Romney, and then it will still be a close run race.
This isn;t discussion fom these people, this is activist propaganda, possibly with a structure like SDS weathermen, the terrorists from the 60's that claimed peace but had a military structure with "generals" and "colonels" while blowing up buildings and killing innocent people for the goal of replacing capitalism with soviet-style socialism.

ACORN pays us per post.

gaytrauma pipes in.

Where are the other crazies?


I consider it the ultimate compliment when you and the other Obamarrhoidal stooges attempt to slander me.

It means I am effective as ever in exposing your rotten Commie, Muslim Arselicking agenda.

Just sayin......

Well put. These people are very clearly activist propagandists; the most dedicated, fair-means-or-foul I've ever seen one one board. name-calling, skewed facts, cherry picked times, dates and sources.

In fact, just look at what's happened here: On a simple thread about Obama's poll numbers going down, instead of giving a few remarks and letting it go, they keep coming back and back and back, denying, skewing, and all the while in every way trying to keep morale high - "Obama will win again", they say, ignoring the laws being enacted in several states demanding Obama turn over his citizenship records or not get on the ballot for 2012 in those states. This isn;t discussion fom these people, this is activist propaganda, possibly with a structure like SDS weathermen, the terrorists from the 60's that claimed peace but had a military structure with "generals" and "colonels" while blowing up buildings and killing innocent people for the goal of replacing capitalism with soviet-style socialism.

Speaking of which, did you know out president was involved with these same killers later in their lives? true. Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorn have been close friends of Obama's. here's a couple of videos of Dorn. And a man who kept their company closely is now our president. nice, eh?

CBS Evening News, Oct 6, 1970

Dorn today

Ayers planned to murder a theoretical 25 million people who might have been unable to be 're-trained' into socialist doctrine.

Some of Ayres' victims actually survived.

1995 Obama says that rev Wright, who he thinks is a great man, "represents the best of what the church has to offer."

See a pattern? You say, "No"? then you're a fucking liar or dumb as a post.

Nobody needs someone like Marxist, terrorist pal like Obama as president. There are 300 million people in America better suited for the job.

Yep, that was the rightwing propaganda that was so effective in keeping Barack Obama from being elected president in 2008;

I'm sure it will be equally effective if he tries again in 2012.
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obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's


=http://www.realclearpolitics.com/e...election other - president obama job approval

rcp average -- 2/7 - 2/26 -- approve 49.8 -- disapprove 44.2

rasmussen reports -- 2/24 - 2/26 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 51

gallup -- 2/23 - 2/25 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 42

newsweek/daily beast -- 2/12 - 2/15 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 44

cbs news -- 2/11 - 2/14 -- approve 48 -- disapprove 41

democracy corps -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 44

fox news -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 43

reuters/ipsos -- 2/4 - 2/7 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 46

pew research -- 2/2 - 2/7 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 42
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Barack Obama aka Barry S (2 different last names beginning with S!)The Little Prince is back to where he was for most of last year, in the low 40's approval rating. Maybe this would be different if he didn't freak normal people out - his diehard supporters don't qualify - by bowing to Saudi princes, demanding that NASA's(!) first priority be to "reach out to Muslims" and continue to hide his citizenship records (don't debate why he's doing it, he's just doing it, and that could mean anything from sadism to paranoia to holding the office illegally - ya gotta know if that had been about George Bush the NY Times would have it on the front page every day, like they did Bush's ultimately phony military records created by liberals to embarrass Bush.)

This from Rasmussen Reports, the polling agency that liberals loved when they said Bush's poll numbers were low, but now they hate because they're saying Obama's are poor!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18 (see trends).

Yesterday and today mark the president’s lowest ratings since mid-December. It remains to be seen whether this is merely the result of statistical noise or a change in perceptions of President Obama. For most of 2010, more than 40% of voters voiced Strong Disapproval of the president. However, following his December agreement with Senate Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts, the level of Strong Disapproval had declined.

HERE'S the complete story

why are you lying?

RCP Average is still at 49% approval rating.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
sucks being you.


BULLSHIT.....Trashilian......Yours is the usual BULLSHIT !!!

Latest polls (the non-Soros-type) all show that Obami Salaami, the semi-exposed MONUMENTAL FRAUD .....is becoming fully exposed and his approval rating is tanking.

Why do YOU continue to lie ?????

ALL the polls are listed here:

Obama: Job Ratings

So who's lying? Oh, and you might not realize that straw polls taken on blogsites and message boards don't count. :lol: :eusa_whistle:

Wow. That can be taken two ways, you know.
I'm still trying to get my head around the idea that someone approves of him at all. I mean, we know that 10% or so of the U.S. are crazy-eyed fanatics... but hey... 40%?
guatama is a stool who hates the American republic: there is no other answer that describes him.

He's not even that. None of these ignorant extremists are. I think they're poor souls who, prior to the Internet, were friendless outcasts and now they have found a way to release all that anger. You can tell that their worlds are very tiny amid a tightly knit bunch of other similar losers and they never, ever, venture outside the box to avail themselves of any information other than what they share amongst them. It's rather pathetic, really.
This isn;t discussion fom these people, this is activist propaganda, possibly with a structure like SDS weathermen, the terrorists from the 60's that claimed peace but had a military structure with "generals" and "colonels" while blowing up buildings and killing innocent people for the goal of replacing capitalism with soviet-style socialism.

ACORN pays us per post.

Do NOT say things like that. You're dealing with brainless parrots here who wouldn't recognize satire if it rose up and slapped 'em across the face.
I'm still trying to get my head around the idea that someone approves of him at all. I mean, we know that 10% or so of the U.S. are crazy-eyed fanatics... but hey... 40%?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the economy IS beginning to correct, albeit too slow, and in general people aren't in the mood to upset the apple cart. Plus the fact that the Republicans still have no real agenda on how to make sure the economy continue to move forward. All the talk about long-range deficit cuts don't speak to the immediate problems.
obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's


=http://www.realclearpolitics.com/e...election other - president obama job approval

rcp average -- 2/7 - 2/26 -- approve 49.8 -- disapprove 44.2

rasmussen reports -- 2/24 - 2/26 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 51

gallup -- 2/23 - 2/25 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 42

newsweek/daily beast -- 2/12 - 2/15 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 44

cbs news -- 2/11 - 2/14 -- approve 48 -- disapprove 41

democracy corps -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 44

fox news -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 43

reuters/ipsos -- 2/4 - 2/7 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 46

pew research -- 2/2 - 2/7 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 42

To my fellow conservatives, I want to call your attention to this amazing scene.

I post Obama's numbers on a day in which he dips badly on a continuing downward trend, and the moment he elevates up a bit - but still overall on a downward trend - liberals go absolutely crazy defending Obama by posting numbers WHICH WOULD STILL CAUSE HIM TO LOSE IF THE ELECTION WAS HELD TODAY, because where the wide disparities are, the depth of the his dis-approvals outweigh the height of the approvals.

Obama has essentially lost his ability to be re-elected entirely; a careful analysis shows that every time he makes some speech of public remark, his approvals go up to a very small degree compared to most presidents and then go downward even more. The only way he can rise in the overall polls if he simply stays hidden. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HIM - as is evidenced by last November's elections. democrats no one ever heard of lost re-election simply because he shared the same party with Obama!

The majority disapprove of Obama - the numbers and November's landslide GOP victory prove it .

But why should anyone approve of a President when they find out his close friends are terrorist Bill Ayres, and Ayre's terrorist wife Bernadine Dorn?

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