Obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's

obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's


=http://www.realclearpolitics.com/e...election other - president obama job approval

rcp average -- 2/7 - 2/26 -- approve 49.8 -- disapprove 44.2

rasmussen reports -- 2/24 - 2/26 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 51

gallup -- 2/23 - 2/25 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 42

newsweek/daily beast -- 2/12 - 2/15 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 44

cbs news -- 2/11 - 2/14 -- approve 48 -- disapprove 41

democracy corps -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 44

fox news -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 43

reuters/ipsos -- 2/4 - 2/7 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 46

pew research -- 2/2 - 2/7 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 42

To my fellow conservatives, I want to call your attention to this amazing scene.

I post Obama's numbers on a day in which he dips badly on a continuing downward trend, and the moment he elevates up a bit - but still overall on a downward trend - liberals go absolutely crazy defending Obama by posting numbers WHICH WOULD STILL CAUSE HIM TO LOSE IF THE ELECTION WAS HELD TODAY, because where the wide disparities are, the depth of the his dis-approvals outweigh the height of the approvals.

Obama has essentially lost his ability to be re-elected entirely; a careful analysis shows that every time he makes some speech of public remark, his approvals go up to a very small degree compared to most presidents and then go downward even more. The only way he can rise in the overall polls if he simply stays hidden. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HIM - as is evidenced by last November's elections. democrats no one ever heard of lost re-election simply because he shared the same party with Obama!

The majority disapprove of Obama - the numbers and November's landslide GOP victory prove it .

But why should anyone approve of a President when they find out his close friends are terrorist Bill Ayres, and Ayre's terrorist wife Bernadine Dorn?

So, let me get this straight. You start a thread proclaiming Obama's approval numbers are in the low 40's and sinking. You're shown polls that contradict your claim. And your response is to give us your uninformed theory on the meaning of poll results and to show right-wing nut conspiracy theory videos.


To my fellow conservatives, I want to call your attention to this amazing scene.

I post Obama's numbers on a day in which he dips badly on a continuing downward trend, and the moment he elevates up a bit - but still overall on a downward trend - liberals go absolutely crazy defending Obama by posting numbers WHICH WOULD STILL CAUSE HIM TO LOSE IF THE ELECTION WAS HELD TODAY, because where the wide disparities are, the depth of the his dis-approvals outweigh the height of the approvals.

Obama has essentially lost his ability to be re-elected entirely; a careful analysis shows that every time he makes some speech of public remark, his approvals go up to a very small degree compared to most presidents and then go downward even more. The only way he can rise in the overall polls if he simply stays hidden. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HIM - as is evidenced by last November's elections. democrats no one ever heard of lost re-election simply because he shared the same party with Obama!

The majority disapprove of Obama - the numbers and November's landslide GOP victory prove it .

But why should anyone approve of a President when they find out his close friends are terrorist Bill Ayres, and Ayre's terrorist wife Bernadine Dorn?

So, let me get this straight. You start a thread proclaiming Obama's approval numbers are in the low 40's and sinking. You're shown polls that contradict your claim. And your response is to give us your uninformed theory on the meaning of poll results and to show right-wing nut conspiracy theory videos.


The numbers speak for themselves, America is now finally aware of the Obama/Ayres/Dorn intimate connection. Your post is old news. Get a new song. And the laws are well on their way to passage, despite what big-shot river gambler Skippy says. Liberals are just trying to raise hopes in the desperate chance that wishful thinking will turn things around. It won't. Last November's elections said it all -America no longer trusts the democrats, and this includes Obama.
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gstarz, you wanker, here are your words: "The numbers speak for themselves" Yes, they do, and you have gotten your ass spanked royally here. You and the rectoroiadfarriht and namvet and some of the other wacks are fun to watch implode.
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To my fellow conservatives, I want to call your attention to this amazing scene.

I post Obama's numbers on a day in which he dips badly on a continuing downward trend, and the moment he elevates up a bit - but still overall on a downward trend - liberals go absolutely crazy defending Obama by posting numbers WHICH WOULD STILL CAUSE HIM TO LOSE IF THE ELECTION WAS HELD TODAY, because where the wide disparities are, the depth of the his dis-approvals outweigh the height of the approvals.

Obama has essentially lost his ability to be re-elected entirely; a careful analysis shows that every time he makes some speech of public remark, his approvals go up to a very small degree compared to most presidents and then go downward even more. The only way he can rise in the overall polls if he simply stays hidden. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HIM - as is evidenced by last November's elections. democrats no one ever heard of lost re-election simply because he shared the same party with Obama!

The majority disapprove of Obama - the numbers and November's landslide GOP victory prove it .

But why should anyone approve of a President when they find out his close friends are terrorist Bill Ayres, and Ayre's terrorist wife Bernadine Dorn?

So, let me get this straight. You start a thread proclaiming Obama's approval numbers are in the low 40's and sinking. You're shown polls that contradict your claim. And your response is to give us your uninformed theory on the meaning of poll results and to show right-wing nut conspiracy theory videos.


The numbers speak for themselves, America is now finally aware of the Obama/Ayres/Dorn intimate connection. Your post is old news. Get a new song. And the laws are well on their way to passage, despite what big-shot river gambler Skippy says. Liberals are just trying to raise hopes in the desperate chance that wishful thinking will turn things around. It won't. Last November's elections said it all -America no longer trusts the democrats, and this includes Obama.

His post is "old news", but Bill Ayers isn't?

You know, statistically speaking, Obama is almost guaranteed to win in 2012.
It's nice to see there are people who are still holding on to the name Bill Ayers, clutching vainly onto a meme that failed horribly in 2008.

Are you familiar with the expression "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results"?
It's nice to see there are people who are still holding on to the name Bill Ayers, clutching vainly onto a meme that failed horribly in 2008.

Are you familiar with the expression "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results"?

The definition of insane is thinking Obama was born in Kenya, may be the devil, etc.

Oppose Obama, being a Republican, dislike stimulus = OK
Birfer + Beelzibubber = nutter
obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's


=http://www.realclearpolitics.com/e...election other - president obama job approval

rcp average -- 2/7 - 2/26 -- approve 49.8 -- disapprove 44.2

rasmussen reports -- 2/24 - 2/26 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 51

gallup -- 2/23 - 2/25 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 42

newsweek/daily beast -- 2/12 - 2/15 -- approve 50 -- disapprove 44

cbs news -- 2/11 - 2/14 -- approve 48 -- disapprove 41

democracy corps -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 44

fox news -- 2/7 - 2/9 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 43

reuters/ipsos -- 2/4 - 2/7 -- approve 51 -- disapprove 46

pew research -- 2/2 - 2/7 -- approve 49 -- disapprove 42

To my fellow conservatives, I want to call your attention to this amazing scene.

I post Obama's numbers on a day in which he dips badly on a continuing downward trend, and the moment he elevates up a bit - but still overall on a downward trend - liberals go absolutely crazy defending Obama by posting numbers WHICH WOULD STILL CAUSE HIM TO LOSE IF THE ELECTION WAS HELD TODAY, because where the wide disparities are, the depth of the his dis-approvals outweigh the height of the approvals.

Obama has essentially lost his ability to be re-elected entirely; a careful analysis shows that every time he makes some speech of public remark, his approvals go up to a very small degree compared to most presidents and then go downward even more. The only way he can rise in the overall polls if he simply stays hidden. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HIM - as is evidenced by last November's elections. democrats no one ever heard of lost re-election simply because he shared the same party with Obama!

The majority disapprove of Obama - the numbers and November's landslide GOP victory prove it .

But why should anyone approve of a President when they find out his close friends are terrorist Bill Ayres, and Ayre's terrorist wife Bernadine Dorn?

Some things are just worth repeating.
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I'm still trying to get my head around the idea that someone approves of him at all. I mean, we know that 10% or so of the U.S. are crazy-eyed fanatics... but hey... 40%?

I think I'm not the only one here that doesn't find it surprising that there are simple easily understood concepts that you

jes caint git yer head aroun'!!!
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And the latest number from the Republican pollster Rasmussen...

...Obama at 49%.

Good timing, OP, you goober. lol
gstarz is not a conservative. He is only a birfer race hater. Nothing else. His OP exploded on the first page.

To my fellow conservatives, I want to call your attention to this amazing scene.

I post Obama's numbers on a day in which he dips badly on a continuing downward trend, and the moment he elevates up a bit - but still overall on a downward trend - liberals go absolutely crazy defending Obama by posting numbers WHICH WOULD STILL CAUSE HIM TO LOSE IF THE ELECTION WAS HELD TODAY, because where the wide disparities are, the depth of the his dis-approvals outweigh the height of the approvals.

Obama has essentially lost his ability to be re-elected entirely; a careful analysis shows that every time he makes some speech of public remark, his approvals go up to a very small degree compared to most presidents and then go downward even more. The only way he can rise in the overall polls if he simply stays hidden. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HIM - as is evidenced by last November's elections. democrats no one ever heard of lost re-election simply because he shared the same party with Obama!

The majority disapprove of Obama - the numbers and November's landslide GOP victory prove it .

But why should anyone approve of a President when they find out his close friends are terrorist Bill Ayres, and Ayre's terrorist wife Bernadine Dorn?

Some things are just worth repeating.

Hey thanks!!! I get to not watch your dopey videos again!!!
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Has ANYBODY in this thread actually even watched any of those videos? :lol:

And another question. Is there any substantive difference between Tardz and gaytrauma? They seem like one in the same to me.
Has ANYBODY in this thread actually even watched any of those videos? :lol:

And another question. Is there any substantive difference between Tardz and gaytrauma? They seem like one in the same to me.

Well, if anyone doesn't want to just be an ignorant, blindly partisan, fuck-off liberal I should think they would. if you haven't, Sheldon, then I submit to you that you qualify with flying colors.

By the way, I suppose Michelle Obama was a "birther" too, in 2008

Everyone in DC knows he isn't qualified, and states are enacting laws to catch the smarmy little shit at his own game by demanding his birth records, which he still not only refuses to disclose, but more importantly, is pro-actively fight in court to keep hidden, on the taxpayers dime, no less! What a jerk-off. He is so busted and one-term it isn't funny. PLUS he completely fucked up the economy, so people hate him for that, too.

Obama is done. Anyone who thinks that the majority would still vote for him and there is nothing that has yet triggered probable cause on the issue of his citizenship really are the "tinfoil hatters". The world must be a happy place with rainbows and unicorns and daisies everywhere, which is where your head is if you think Obama is still popular after last November's elections.

Obama is done and only his most blindly devoted followers don't know it. All the educating videos and connections to Obama that have come to light since his election in 2008 that prove he is a terrorist-loving Marxist who led the democrats into the deepest loss in generations, and whose wife proudly shot off her mouth repeated about Obama being from Kenya, have made him politically radioactive - just ask all the guys last year for whom he campaigned - and lost, by historic numbers on top of it. If Obama couldn't save them, he's certainly in no position to save himself.
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Conservatard debating strategy

1. Claim Obama was not born in Hawaii.
2. Claim Obama might be the devil
3. Claim Obama is a Marxist.
4. Claim Obama is a Muslim.
5. Post YouTube videos by other nutters to substantiate 1 through 4.
6. Post obviously rogue polls. Say that is the only poll that matters. Ignore all other polls, including by the same polling firm which contradicts the rogue poll.
7. Rant.
8. Make completely unsubstantiated claims, i.e. half of Americans are birfers, then ignore calls to back up those claims.
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Conservatard debating strategy

1. Claim Obama was not born in Hawaii.
2. Claim Obama might be the devil
3. Claim Obama is a Marxist.
4. Claim Obama is a Muslim.
5. Post YouTube videos by other nutters to substantiate 1 through 4.
6. Post obviously rogue polls. Say that is the only poll that matters. Ignore all other polls, including by the same polling firm which contradicts the rogue poll.
7. Rant.
8. Make completely unsubstantiated claims, i.e. half of Americans are birfers, then ignore calls to back up those claims.

Excuse me, Skippy, but whether you think the videos are posted by 'nutters' or not, before she got her shit together, in 2007 and 2008, Michelle Obama ran around categorically qualifying that Obama was from Kenya. or to your simple mind, let me re-phrase it: MICHELLE OBAMA SAYS BARACK OBAMA IS FROM KENYA. I'm not saying it, she said it, you swaggering, moronic, fuck-head.

I will repeat that because you're in idiotic denial; Michelle Obama ran around saying Barack Obama was from Kenya. I can post several videos. Would you like to see them Skippy? Then what will you say? They were dubbed? Fakes? What an asshole you are, I swear to God.

Michelle Obama repeatedly said that Barack Obama was from Kenya. Get it, now, Skippy? So shut the fuck up, hotshot.

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