Obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's

LOL! That was 10 days ago, Skippy! The bill has already been re-routed and tweaked and is unexpected to go for a full vote and pass! What, did you think - that there were only less than a dozen people in the Arizona congress?! Moron! LOL!

And it is "unexpected to go for a full vote?"

Thus far, you have shown yourself to be bereft of information to back up your claims, re: 45%-60% of Americans are birthers & Rasmussen is the most accurate pollster. So I have created a thread to track all the state birfer bills. Instead of posting unsubstantiated and incorrect opinion, post something meaningful. Thus far, the bill that you said would get passed in Arizona was killed in committee. So the onus is on you to back up your claim. Post something, anything, that tells us the bill will pass in Arizona.


I scanned the Arizona legislature web page for birth certificate bills but couldn't find anything that was reintroduced into the Legislature.


This is what two Republican Senate Judiciary Committee Members said about the bill, from the link above.

"I think it's inappropriate for the state of Arizona to establish its own criteria for a federal office that goes beyond what the (U.S.) Constitution requires," said Sen. John McComish, R-Phoenix. And Sen. Adam Driggs, R-Phoenix, said this could create a situation where each of the 50 states would be screening presidential candidates using different standards.

BTW, how does a bill that is defeated in committee get passed?
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The bill appears to have died in committee!

Presidential candidates won't need to show birth certificate for Arizona ballot - East Valley Tribune: Arizona

Oh, too bad, so sad!


Apparently, the Smart Wing of the Republican Party prevailed over the Crazy Wing.

LOL! That was 10 days ago, Skippy! The bill has already been re-routed and tweaked and is unexpected to go for a full vote and pass! What, did you think - that there were only less than a dozen people in the Arizona congress?! Moron! LOL!

Prove it.

Gstarz can't prove anything about it. He has no evidence except his big fat mouth.

From your beloved Real Clear Politics - he's up today a bit - funny you chose today, just coincidentally, and Rasmussen whom you say is biased, is in a statistical dead heat with Gallup and left-leaning CBS, at below 50%. Only the obviously pro-left places have him above 50. nice try.


Let's look at the big picture, shall we, from your own beloved real clear that averages in a statistically high number of left-leaning polls than neutral of right. The DOWNWARD SLIDE IS THE APPROVAL RATING.

By the way, have you ever heard of Obama's friend, terrorist murder Bernadine Dorn, wife of his close pal Bill Ayres?

Here she is 4 short years ago, while still a close friend of obama's.

November 2010, elections!

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Obama Hits 50 Percent Approval Rating, According to New Newsweek/Daily Beast Poll - The Daily Beast
A new Newsweek/Daily Beast poll shows that while the American people are gradually warming to President Obama's job performance—he's at 50 percent approval ratings, versus 44 percent who disapprove—the American electorate remains deeply skeptical toward the plans of both the Democrats and Republicans in Congress, and gives Congress itself a distinctly negative rating.

Some of the specific are as follows:

• Only 30 percent approve of the job Congress is doing, versus 58 percent who disapprove.

• Only 37 percent support the health-care reform law, versus 56 percent who oppose. But in terms of repealing it, the verdict is split: 41 percent want to repeal, 44 percent oppose such a move.

• Only 37 percent believe the GOP puts forward positive proposals, versus 49 percent who believe the party is primarily interested in criticizing Obama. The president scores far better in this regard—58 percent believe he puts forward positive proposals—but pluralities still doubt he has solutions to key issues facing the country.

• A full 66 percent of respondents are satisfied with how Obama has handled the Egypt crisis.

Polling methodology: Conducted by Douglas E. Schoen, LLC, a national public opinion research firm. The survey interviewed a random sample of 918 likely voters by telepone using a standard procedure that gave every respondent a theoretically equal chance of being selected. Both landlines and cell phones were included. Interviewing was conducted between February 12 and February 19, 2012. he margin of error for the poll is 3.5%.

[Conducted using the same methodology as Rasmussen.]
Is this supposed to suggest, somehow, that Obama is doing well?!


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Gstarz the clawless kitten. Obama is doing much better at this time in the president. Ronnie was getting ready to have unemployment go to 10.8% that year.

Your hatred for your betters is obvious.
When you start getting pwnd on the Internet, the best thing to do is to speak in big bold letters, preferably with color, and post non sequitur youtube videos.

Videos of Bernadine Dorn as leader of the terrorist Weather Underground are extremely relevant in any discussion in which Obama is a subject or partial subject, because who and what he is colors his thinking, and these videos of those with whom he associated right up until he took the oath of office demonstrate who he really is and what his agenda is most likely to be. They have not changed their views by their own admission. As long as liberals proceed with discussions on the assumption that Obama is not a Marxist ideologue who will associate with terrorists, then these reminders need to be posted at every possible opportunity. And they will be. Rely on it.

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]Videos of Bernadine Dorn as leader of the terrorist Weather Underground are extremely relevant in any discussion in which Obama is a subject or partial subject, because who and what he is colors his thinking, and these videos of those with whom he associated right up until he took the oath of office demonstrate who he really is and what his agenda is most likely to be. They have not changed their views by their own admission. As long as liberals proceed with discussions on the assumption that Obama is not a Marxist ideologue who will associate with terrorists, then these reminders need to be posted at every possible opportunity. And they will be. Rely on it.

Well, at least you've found a hobby. I guess it was either that, or a stronger prescription. I look forward to your further non-contributions to this board, especially in the Birther Bill Tracking thread our resident ACORN agent has started.
Barack Obama aka Barry S (2 different last names beginning with S!)The Little Prince is back to where he was for most of last year, in the low 40's approval rating. Maybe this would be different if he didn't freak normal people out - his diehard supporters don't qualify - by bowing to Saudi princes, demanding that NASA's(!) first priority be to "reach out to Muslims" and continue to hide his citizenship records (don't debate why he's doing it, he's just doing it, and that could mean anything from sadism to paranoia to holding the office illegally - ya gotta know if that had been about George Bush the NY Times would have it on the front page every day, like they did Bush's ultimately phony military records created by liberals to embarrass Bush.)

This from Rasmussen Reports, the polling agency that liberals loved when they said Bush's poll numbers were low, but now they hate because they're saying Obama's are poor!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18 (see trends).

Yesterday and today mark the president’s lowest ratings since mid-December. It remains to be seen whether this is merely the result of statistical noise or a change in perceptions of President Obama. For most of 2010, more than 40% of voters voiced Strong Disapproval of the president. However, following his December agreement with Senate Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts, the level of Strong Disapproval had declined.

HERE'S the complete story

why are you lying?

RCP Average is still at 49% approval rating.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
sucks being you.


BULLSHIT.....Trashilian......Yours is the usual BULLSHIT !!!

Latest polls (the non-Soros-type) all show that Obami Salaami, the semi-exposed MONUMENTAL FRAUD .....is becoming fully exposed and his approval rating is tanking.

Why do YOU continue to lie ?????
Barack Obama aka Barry S (2 different last names beginning with S!)The Little Prince is back to where he was for most of last year, in the low 40's approval rating. Maybe this would be different if he didn't freak normal people out - his diehard supporters don't qualify - by bowing to Saudi princes, demanding that NASA's(!) first priority be to "reach out to Muslims" and continue to hide his citizenship records (don't debate why he's doing it, he's just doing it, and that could mean anything from sadism to paranoia to holding the office illegally - ya gotta know if that had been about George Bush the NY Times would have it on the front page every day, like they did Bush's ultimately phony military records created by liberals to embarrass Bush.)

This from Rasmussen Reports, the polling agency that liberals loved when they said Bush's poll numbers were low, but now they hate because they're saying Obama's are poor!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18 (see trends).

Yesterday and today mark the president’s lowest ratings since mid-December. It remains to be seen whether this is merely the result of statistical noise or a change in perceptions of President Obama. For most of 2010, more than 40% of voters voiced Strong Disapproval of the president. However, following his December agreement with Senate Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts, the level of Strong Disapproval had declined.

HERE'S the complete story

why are you lying?

RCP Average is still at 49% approval rating.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
sucks being you.



Gautama, the under the rock dweller, continues his lies. What a weirdo.

gaytrauma pipes in.

Where are the other crazies?


I consider it the ultimate compliment when you and the other Obamarrhoidal stooges attempt to slander me.

It means I am effective as ever in exposing your rotten Commie, Muslim Arselicking agenda.

Just sayin......
guatama is a stool who hates the American republic: there is no other answer that describes him.
President Obama Job Approval

RCP Average

Spread +5.0

From today, just in case this thread is still on topic.


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