Obama's approval rating on par with Reagan at this point in presidency. Bush was at 32%

Theowl32 13754680
You are an utter fucking loser who says you understand that our paradigm shifted post 911 on how we would deal with terror sponsored nations? Yeah, of course you do you fucking liar.

You have no explanation for why you suspect that I am lying. Any goon call call another more intelligent and knowledgeable a liar. The proof that you are a goon is your inability to explain why you think I'm a liar.

I understand the paradigm shift but history did not end with the shift. There is much more to understand. I understand that Bush called for resolving Iraq's WMD violations peacefully through the UN and getting inspections resumed.

You are too much of an idiot apparently to know more than one thing. It's the UN WMD inspections stupid. They occurred in parallel with the paradigm shift. Don't you know about them?
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Reagan disapproval ratings with 8 months left was 37%. Obama's is 46. Try again.

Are you attempting to compare Obama to Reagan? Dear Lord, that boy isn't qualified to wipe President Reagan's ass.

Reagan was a mob-like criminal. He wiped his ass with the US Constitution every day he was in office. How anyone can admire that scumbag is one of life's great mysteries.
Reagan was a mob-like criminal. He wiped his ass with the US Constitution every day he was in office. How anyone can admire that scumbag is one of life's great mysteries.

You should click off Bill Maher - or whatever dumb source you get your "facts" from - and think for yourself/draw your own independent conclusions, idiot.
Reagan disapproval ratings with 8 months left was 37%. Obama's is 46. Try again.

Are you attempting to compare Obama to Reagan? Dear Lord, that boy isn't qualified to wipe President Reagan's ass.

Reagan was a mob-like criminal. He wiped his ass with the US Constitution every day he was in office. How anyone can admire that scumbag is one of life's great mysteries.
25 years on a liberal butts are still hurting. Now that is one hell of a legacy, and so befitting the greatest president of modern American history.
Reagan was a mob-like criminal. He wiped his ass with the US Constitution every day he was in office. How anyone can admire that scumbag is one of life's great mysteries.

You should click off Bill Maher - or whatever dumb source you get your "facts" from - and think for yourself/draw your own independent conclusions, idiot.

130+ of Reagan's administration were indicted or convicted.

You need to do some reading, and try non-fiction this time. Reagan was a criminal, that is no one's opinion that is fact.
Reagan was a mob-like criminal. He wiped his ass with the US Constitution every day he was in office. How anyone can admire that scumbag is one of life's great mysteries.

You should click off Bill Maher - or whatever dumb source you get your "facts" from - and think for yourself/draw your own independent conclusions, idiot.

130+ of Reagan's administration were indicted or convicted.

You need to do some reading, and try non-fiction this time. Reagan was a criminal, that is no one's opinion that is fact.

Convicted of what ?

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