Obama's approval rating on par with Reagan at this point in presidency. Bush was at 32%

comparing barry to Reagan now, libs? You are delusional BEYOND belief. barry couldn't even lick Ronald's boots.
And yet you can't deny that we have had unprecedented job growth under Obama. A stretch of job creation going back to 2009. We have regained all the jobs lost plus a few million more since the Great Recession that began under Bush. It only took 6 months of Obama's presidency to end it. Now look where we are with unemployment? Under 5%. You can bitch all you want about the U6 rate but that was still higher under Bush.
When the economy turns around and really improves. A record number of people on welfare will tremendously come down. It hasn't, so we have liberals lying to try to make Obama look like a successful president. You are failing.
Well, remember this is the same group of losers that credit clinton with leaving a surplus even though the republicans controlled the house and Senate for 7 of his 8 years.

They are hypocrites. They are ignorant as hell. They are all about the bandwagon and so they allow themselves to be pawns for their socialist devils.
Reagan, Clinton & Obama would have each easily won 3rd terms had the constitution not been tampered with by Republicans hoping to avoid losing the White House for 4 consecutive terms to one president like they did 80 years ago.

I'm thinking Obama will leave office with about a 55% approval and it will jump into the 60's after he leaves office and people look back and tip their caps to the fact he rescued capitalism and put America in a position of being able to move forward and prosper again, finally.

I'm a liberal, and a Liberal re: Canadian Politics. Also a progressive admirer of Bernie. I won't say I had a tingle up my leg when Obama first got elected 'cause somebody already got laughed out of the building for that. But I've been disheartened and disappointed by Obama's lack of ambition in pursuing any sort of disruptive progress in American politics. He seems more than satisfied with the status quo. I'm so disheartened I'm worried his nomination for the SCOTUS vacancy will be some stock unimaginative jurist so meek the Republicans will drop their "No to any appointment!" stance and grab their chance before a new Democratic Pres. is elected who won't have insurmountable barriers to appointing 2 or 3 lively Justices with vision. "He rescued Capitalism" without any restricting modifiers is not much more than a footnote for his "legacy". And when when "moving forward" means higher stock prices the middle class can't afford and more of the nation's wealth moving upwards, I can't characterize that as the country as a whole prospering. It did in the 50's and 60's and part of the 70's when the economic paradigm had built in machinery to guarantee forward motion for anyone meant everyone was moving forward. He hasn't made the smallest attempt to reinstall any of that progressive machinery the Reaganite/Friedman's sabotaged and has been losing the cogs and gears of economic equity for decades. Reaganite gremlins in the fiscal machinery have dislodged the middle class from their hard-earned position and elevated the Oligarchs as sure as the Enclosure Laws displaced the freedman from the Commons and land-enriched the aristocracy in 18th century England. No, Obama has resulted in much sadness and reflection for "Black Republican" types such as myself. He had a place of honor for the ages within reach and just didn't make the stretch.

Take Bernie, please.
comparing barry to Reagan now, libs? You are delusional BEYOND belief. barry couldn't even lick Ronald's boots.
And yet you can't deny that we have had unprecedented job growth under Obama. A stretch of job creation going back to 2009. We have regained all the jobs lost plus a few million more since the Great Recession that began under Bush. It only took 6 months of Obama's presidency to end it. Now look where we are with unemployment? Under 5%. You can bitch all you want about the U6 rate but that was still higher under Bush.
When the economy turns around and really improves. A record number of people on welfare will tremendously come down. It hasn't, so we have liberals lying to try to make Obama look like a successful president. You are failing.
Well, remember this is the same group of losers that credit clinton with leaving a surplus even though the republicans controlled the house and Senate for 7 of his 8 years.

They are hypocrites. They are ignorant as hell. They are all about the bandwagon and so they allow themselves to be pawns for their socialist devils.

It was actually 6 of 8 years.

Kinda funny how as soon as Republicans controlled all three branches of government we went into deficit though.
Theowl32 13733738
Well, remember this is the same group of losers that credit clinton with leaving a surplus even though the republicans controlled the house and Senate for 7 of his 8 years.

That is how it works. Presidents get credit or blame for the well-being or wreckage of the economy.

But Clinton deserves all the credit for raising taxes as Rebublicans dished out the basic schtick that raising taxes would destroy the economy. It didn't. Clinton was right - Republicans were wrong.
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comparing barry to Reagan now, libs? You are delusional BEYOND belief. barry couldn't even lick Ronald's boots.
And yet you can't deny that we have had unprecedented job growth under Obama. A stretch of job creation going back to 2009. We have regained all the jobs lost plus a few million more since the Great Recession that began under Bush. It only took 6 months of Obama's presidency to end it. Now look where we are with unemployment? Under 5%. You can bitch all you want about the U6 rate but that was still higher under Bush.
When the economy turns around and really improves. A record number of people on welfare will tremendously come down. It hasn't, so we have liberals lying to try to make Obama look like a successful president. You are failing.
Well, remember this is the same group of losers that credit clinton with leaving a surplus even though the republicans controlled the house and Senate for 7 of his 8 years.

They are hypocrites. They are ignorant as hell. They are all about the bandwagon and so they allow themselves to be pawns for their socialist devils.

It was actually 6 of 8 years.

Kinda funny how as soon as Republicans controlled all three branches of government we went into deficit though.

You fucking loser. The country was attacked and we went to war. Wait a minute, you are a truther who thinks BOTH wars were unjust and BOOOOSH led US into BOTH OF THEM.

So why the fuck am I even wasting my time with and asshat like you?

I also do know the economy recovered and the unemployment rate was a 4.6 when the republicans last had majority power. That was at the end of 2006. Then watch what happened when the democrats took over majority at the beginning of 2007, or you going to ignore what happened after the pathetic criminals took over when Pelosi took the hammer? Yeeeeah, you ignore all of that, just like you ignore the fact that the democrats propagated the existence of wmds BEFORE BOOOOSH took office.

Just like the hypocritical talking piles of crap I call you every day here.


So, once the Nancy Pelosi took over power in 2007, what happened? Super majority in 2009? What happened? What happened since the republicans took power beginning in 2010 and then had senate along with the House in 2014?


BTW, do you actually think you made a point when you claimed the republicans controlled the House and Senate for SIX years (the last SIX YEARS) of clinton?

Do you?


The pathetic thing about you truthers is.....

Well, in all fairness, everything is pathetic about you. Everything.
comparing barry to Reagan now, libs? You are delusional BEYOND belief. barry couldn't even lick Ronald's boots.
And yet you can't deny that we have had unprecedented job growth under Obama. A stretch of job creation going back to 2009. We have regained all the jobs lost plus a few million more since the Great Recession that began under Bush. It only took 6 months of Obama's presidency to end it. Now look where we are with unemployment? Under 5%. You can bitch all you want about the U6 rate but that was still higher under Bush.
When the economy turns around and really improves. A record number of people on welfare will tremendously come down. It hasn't, so we have liberals lying to try to make Obama look like a successful president. You are failing.
Well, remember this is the same group of losers that credit clinton with leaving a surplus even though the republicans controlled the house and Senate for 7 of his 8 years.

They are hypocrites. They are ignorant as hell. They are all about the bandwagon and so they allow themselves to be pawns for their socialist devils.

It was actually 6 of 8 years.

Kinda funny how as soon as Republicans controlled all three branches of government we went into deficit though.

You fucking loser. The country was attacked and we went to war. Wait a minute, you are a truther who thinks BOTH wars were unjust and BOOOOSH led US into BOTH OF THEM.

So why the fuck am I even wasting my time with and asshat like you?

I also do know the economy recovered and the unemployment rate was a 4.6 when the republicans last had majority power. That was at the end of 2006. Then watch what happened when the democrats took over majority at the beginning of 2007, or you going to ignore what happened after the pathetic criminals took over when Pelosi took the hammer? Yeeeeah, you ignore all of that, just like you ignore the fact that the democrats propagated the existence of wmds BEFORE BOOOOSH took office.

Just like the hypocritical talking piles of crap I call you every day here.


So, once the Nancy Pelosi took over power in 2007, what happened? Super majority in 2009? What happened? What happened since the republicans took power beginning in 2010 and then had senate along with the House in 2014?


BTW, do you actually think you made a point when you claimed the republicans controlled the House and Senate for SIX years (the last SIX YEARS) of clinton?

Do you?


The pathetic thing about you truthers is.....

Well, in all fairness, everything is pathetic about you. Everything.

Laughing......so your ilk have been bitching about the economy for the last 8 years. And NOW you're trying to claim credit for it?

LMAO! In 8 more years can we hear you try and take credit for same sex marriage?

What's really funny? The very numbers you're citing....you called fake in 2014:

Theowl32 said:
So. No one knows how many fulltime that fake number represents?

Did a liberal attempt to explain why if the economy is doing so well why the foodstamp recipients increased?

So how does the unemployment rate decrease and foodstamp list increase at the same time?

Post 197
Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

But now the numbers are legitimate because its convenient to your argument? Where you lying then or are you lying now?

I've got pages of you trash talking the economy.

TheOwl32 said:
For much of the presidency of Barack Obama, a record number of Americans have subsisted in part or in whole on taxpayer-subsidized programs.

For much of his presidency, Obama has claimed that is because he "inherited" the worst economy in modern history and that government programs were necessary in order to keep families from starving.

In 2009, Obama and fellow Democrats declared the Great Recession officially over. In spite of this, the number of Americans who have become dependent on various food assistance programs is the highest it has ever been in relation to the total population.

Ed Feulner wrote in The Daily Caller that in 2008, fewer than 30 million Americans utilized the so-called "food stamp" program, which is administered by the Department of Agriculture. Today, that figure is roughly 46.5 million.

Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

Obamerica folks. Brought to you by the community organizing kenyan who hated this country his entire contrived affirmative action life.

Here you go.....

Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

But now you're claiming CREDIT for everything that's happened since 2010?

Laughing......fuckin' conservatives. You're comedy gold.
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Theowl32 13737726.
The country was attacked and we went to war.

When did an Iraqi sponsored or harbored terrorist group harm one single Americans on US soil after Bush took office in 2001 and prior to Bush's decision to invade and occupy Iraq? You suffer a right-winger delusion for which there apparently is no cure.

Theowl32 13737726.
I also do know the economy recovered and the unemployment rate was a 4.6 when the republicans last had majority power. That was at the end of 2006.

Bush started his term suffering from the obscene horror (as perceived by Republicans) of Clinton budget surpluses. Bush then cut taxes including most for the top tier of wealthy families and individuals while as you say 'we went to war'. Stupid, very stupid that policy was. Then you say that in 2006 the 'economy recovered and the unemployment rate was at 4.6' which therefore means to you that a 4.6 unemployment rate measured then as it is now, is considered a recovered economy.

Obama started his term suffering from the absolutely true obscene horror of record deficits, and an economy losing up to a million jobs a month and the U.S. Auto industry on the brink of collapse and two unfinished wars. And now the unemployment rate from the Bush era has been reduced to half at 4.9 which is .3 points above your own 'recovered economy' rate of 4.6.

So with the miracle of Republican hokus pokus, Obama has made the economy worse than the one Bush left us.

The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, in a time of war, were supposed to create jobs. How's come it murdered way too many jobs in 2008 and the first few months of 2009?

Obama forced Republicans to allow tax cuts for wealth Americans to expire and unemployment is at 4.9. Why is that?
Theowl32 13737726.
The country was attacked and we went to war.

When did an Iraqi sponsored or harbored terrorist group harm one single Americans on US soil after Bush took office in 2001 and prior to Bush's decision to invade and occupy Iraq? You suffer a right-winger delusion for which there apparently is no cure.

Theowl32 13737726.
I also do know the economy recovered and the unemployment rate was a 4.6 when the republicans last had majority power. That was at the end of 2006.

Bush started his term suffering from the obscene horror (as perceived by Republicans) of Clinton budget surpluses. Bush then cut taxes including most for the top tier of wealthy families and individuals while as you say 'we went to war'. Stupid, very stupid that policy was. Then you say that in 2006 the 'economy recovered and the unemployment rate was at 4.6' which therefore means to you that a 4.6 unemployment rate measured then as it is now, is considered a recovered economy.

Obama started his term suffering from the absolutely true obscene horror of record deficits, and an economy losing up to a million jobs a month and the U.S. Auto industry on the brink of collapse and two unfinished wars. And now the unemployment rate from the Bush era has been reduced to half at 4.9 which is .3 points above your own 'recovered economy' rate of 4.6.

So with the miracle of Republican hokus pokus, Obama has made the economy worse than the one Bush left us.

The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, in a time of war, were supposed to create jobs. How's come it murdered way too many jobs in 2008 and the first few months of 2009?

Obama forced Republicans to allow tax cuts for wealth Americans to expire and unemployment is at 4.9. Why is that?
You stupid fucking loser. You having a hard time with the FACT that the democrats propagated WMDs long before Booooosh took office?

You and your ignorant types obviously have no clue how the paradigm shifted in this country post 911 on how we were going to deal with perceived threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. When we all saw what 19 SANDNIGGERS did with out a fucking gun. We knew we could no longer be reactive considering what sort of threat saddam posed. Oh yeah, want me to show you again who propagated the existence of WMDs again before Booooosh took office? Thought not.

You and every single piece of shit loser truther are wastes of time. Fucking ignorant as hell about everything.


I will also remind your stupid ass ONCE AGAIN that the republicans controlled Clintons spending over the last SIX FUCKING YEARS Clintons presidency.

You ignoring that? Yeeeahhh you sure are.

Fucking loser. You lose again. How does it feel to be so fucking ignorant? How does it feel to be such a useful idiot?
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Theowl32 13742955
. You stupid fucking loser. You having a hard time with the FACT that the democrats propagated WMDs long before Booooosh took office?

I supported Bush's dual responses to the 9/11/01 attack. The first decision to topple the Taliban and REMEMBER !!THIS!! ... Bush's second decision in September 2002 to threaten Saddam Hussein with the use of military force if he did NOT allow the resumption of WMD inspections by the UN. So guess what you foul mouthed ignoramus? Dems and Republicans "propagating" WMDS prior to the resumption of inspections in December 2002 as a FACT means nothing to me since I agreed with Bush on that matter as well. It is a fact and I accept it you moron.

Theowl32 13742955
You and your ignorant types obviously have no clue how the paradigm shifted in this country post 911 on how we were going to deal with perceived threats from nations that sponsored terrorism.

I understand the shift quite well. You are the clueless moron that blames Dems for "propagating" WMDS but you believe that Bush invaded Iraq because Iraq sponsored the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11.

Bush did not request the UN inspectors to go into Iraq looking for ties to terrorists. Bush requested the UN to go into Iraq to resolve whether he had or had not the suspected stockpiles of WMDS and programs.

Theowl32 13742955
. You and every single piece of shit loser truther are wastes of time. Fucking ignorant as hell about everything.

I 'truthed' what?

Theowl32 13742955
. Oh yeah, want me to show you again who propagated the existence of WMDs again before Booooosh took office? Thought not.

You think wrong. I addressed it. You need to think before unleashing your foul mouth again.

Are you saying Bush is a spineless wimp who could not make a stand against the WMD 'propagators? Think about what you are saying. Bush is a wimp and the object of your idolatry.
The real difference that needs to keep being brought to the attention of the American people is Reagan was a criminal. Not figuratively, literally.

Obama has had one of the most honest administrations ever. And he's had to fight the racist Republicans all the way.
Theowl32 13742955
You stupid fucking loser.

You and every single piece of shit loser truther are wastes of time. Fucking ignorant as hell about everything.


Fucking loser. You lose again. How does it feel to be so fucking ignorant?

Where is foul Owl? I responded to Owl's foul crap. Must have gone way too intelligently and factually over his head.
And yet you can't deny that we have had unprecedented job growth under Obama. A stretch of job creation going back to 2009. We have regained all the jobs lost plus a few million more since the Great Recession that began under Bush. It only took 6 months of Obama's presidency to end it. Now look where we are with unemployment? Under 5%. You can bitch all you want about the U6 rate but that was still higher under Bush.
When the economy turns around and really improves. A record number of people on welfare will tremendously come down. It hasn't, so we have liberals lying to try to make Obama look like a successful president. You are failing.
Well, remember this is the same group of losers that credit clinton with leaving a surplus even though the republicans controlled the house and Senate for 7 of his 8 years.

They are hypocrites. They are ignorant as hell. They are all about the bandwagon and so they allow themselves to be pawns for their socialist devils.

It was actually 6 of 8 years.

Kinda funny how as soon as Republicans controlled all three branches of government we went into deficit though.

You fucking loser. The country was attacked and we went to war. Wait a minute, you are a truther who thinks BOTH wars were unjust and BOOOOSH led US into BOTH OF THEM.

So why the fuck am I even wasting my time with and asshat like you?

I also do know the economy recovered and the unemployment rate was a 4.6 when the republicans last had majority power. That was at the end of 2006. Then watch what happened when the democrats took over majority at the beginning of 2007, or you going to ignore what happened after the pathetic criminals took over when Pelosi took the hammer? Yeeeeah, you ignore all of that, just like you ignore the fact that the democrats propagated the existence of wmds BEFORE BOOOOSH took office.

Just like the hypocritical talking piles of crap I call you every day here.


So, once the Nancy Pelosi took over power in 2007, what happened? Super majority in 2009? What happened? What happened since the republicans took power beginning in 2010 and then had senate along with the House in 2014?


BTW, do you actually think you made a point when you claimed the republicans controlled the House and Senate for SIX years (the last SIX YEARS) of clinton?

Do you?


The pathetic thing about you truthers is.....

Well, in all fairness, everything is pathetic about you. Everything.

Laughing......so your ilk have been bitching about the economy for the last 8 years. And NOW you're trying to claim credit for it?

LMAO! In 8 more years can we hear you try and take credit for same sex marriage?

What's really funny? The very numbers you're citing....you called fake in 2014:

Theowl32 said:
So. No one knows how many fulltime that fake number represents?

Did a liberal attempt to explain why if the economy is doing so well why the foodstamp recipients increased?

So how does the unemployment rate decrease and foodstamp list increase at the same time?

Post 197
Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

But now the numbers are legitimate because its convenient to your argument? Where you lying then or are you lying now?

I've got pages of you trash talking the economy.

TheOwl32 said:
For much of the presidency of Barack Obama, a record number of Americans have subsisted in part or in whole on taxpayer-subsidized programs.

For much of his presidency, Obama has claimed that is because he "inherited" the worst economy in modern history and that government programs were necessary in order to keep families from starving.

In 2009, Obama and fellow Democrats declared the Great Recession officially over. In spite of this, the number of Americans who have become dependent on various food assistance programs is the highest it has ever been in relation to the total population.

Ed Feulner wrote in The Daily Caller that in 2008, fewer than 30 million Americans utilized the so-called "food stamp" program, which is administered by the Department of Agriculture. Today, that figure is roughly 46.5 million.

Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

Obamerica folks. Brought to you by the community organizing kenyan who hated this country his entire contrived affirmative action life.

Here you go.....

Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

But now you're claiming CREDIT for everything that's happened since 2010?

Laughing......fuckin' conservatives. You're comedy gold.

It is just a fact. When republicans took over the congress in 1994 and 2010 the economy started to grow. I don't think anyone has ever said the economy was doing well. It is kind of OK but I'm old enough to remember what a real booming economy looked like. I hope mom and dad keeps those doors open for the next generation of democrats.
Theowl32 13742955
You stupid fucking loser.

You and every single piece of shit loser truther are wastes of time. Fucking ignorant as hell about everything.


Fucking loser. You lose again. How does it feel to be so fucking ignorant?

Where is foul Owl? I responded to Owl's foul crap. Must have gone way too intelligently and factually over his head.

You are an utter fucking loser who says you understand that our paradigm shifted post 911 on how we would deal with terror sponsored nations? Yeah, of course you do you fucking liar. You of course blame Boooooosh for the war in Iraq and you of course deny the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before booooosh took office.

You cry that saddam is still not in power all while claiming you are on the side of the Iraqi citizens.

You fucking double talking loser. I dispatched you a long time ago.

Now go fuck yourself you dumb fucking hypocritical American hating waste of shit. Vote for hillary and keep on thinking how intelligent you are.

You are not worth a pint of warm piss.

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