Obama's Auntie: "you have the obligation to make me a citizen"

So the same judge who ordered her to leave the country changes his mind after her nephew becomes President?
Do you have proof that the judge changed his mind for that exact reason, or are you just speculating? It's a rhetorical question because I know you're just speculating.
Yes I question this and the people should demand an appeal.
The people? Which ones? The people of that state? The people of America? That would fall under the Federal government to appeal if the latter is what you mean... :lol:
What is wrong with us that we cannot follow our own laws and allow Judges to dictate them from the bench?
According to our laws and the legal system we have set in place, a judge is always dictating from the bench. That is what a judge does. Just because you don't happen to agree with that judges decision does not change anything, unless you think we should violate the law and not have a judge making decisions...:cuckoo:
And it is not an attack on Obamas family rdean, it is an attack on all illegal immigrants in this country. This one just happens to be conveniently related to the person who lives in the White House.

Of course I do expect rdean to see it as racism, that's all he usually sees.
In May 2010, Onyango's case went back before the same judge who ordered her out of the country in 2004. This time she was granted asylum in the United States. The ruling said a return to Kenya might put Onyango in danger.

How is that a rational basis for allowing someone here illegally to stay? Deporting basically any illegal immigrant puts them in a more dangerous situation than allowing them to stay in the States...
What pisses me off further is the ingratitude. It seems that WORKING LEGAL immigrants tend to love this country and are grateful for the opportunity just to live here. The ones sucking on the govt teat are never satisfied. That goes for U.S. citizens as well. Spoiled children.

Yep. I have a friend who's in the US Army and he's a naturalized American - all legal and above board. He says it was worth every minute of the process because he loves this country. He defends it. People like him are what built our country.... not these fuckers who sponge off us.

Because Obama is fundamentally changing America....these are the people that will be building....uh...burying our country. :dig:
What pisses me off further is the ingratitude. It seems that WORKING LEGAL immigrants tend to love this country and are grateful for the opportunity just to live here. The ones sucking on the govt teat are never satisfied. That goes for U.S. citizens as well. Spoiled children.

Yep. I have a friend who's in the US Army and he's a naturalized American - all legal and above board. He says it was worth every minute of the process because he loves this country. He defends it. People like him are what built our country.... not these fuckers who sponge off us.

Because Obama is fundamentally changing America....these are the people that will be building....uh...burying our country. :dig:

Obama is changing America? I guess the people who elected Obama don't have just a little to do with the change do they? :lol:
from the link;

Zeituni Onyango said she came to the United States in 2000 and had every intention of leaving. Then, however, she says she got deathly ill and was hospitalized. When she recovered, she said she was broke and couldn't afford to leave.

For two years Onyango said she lived in a homeless shelter, before she was assigned public housing despite thousands of legal residents also awaiting assistance. "I didn't take any advantage of the system. The system took advantage of me."

"I didn't ask for it; they gave it to me. Ask your system. I didn't create it or vote for it. Go and ask your system," she said unapologetically.

And she's right. The system provided her assistance despite her status as an illegal immigrant.

so she got a visa came here got sick and went broke, I would not wish that on anyone, you're in a strange place, apparently no friends or relatives to call?


- why didn't dshe reach out to anyonoe? Why did she come here?

we'll never know unless shes says why she never looked barak up for help.

- did she ever go to the Kenyan embassy and ask for a ticket home, many embassies do that, they give you a ticket if you're indigent and the deal is you're supposed to pay it back when you get home.

- why isn't Obama helping her now? he could buy her a ticket give her money and she can go home.

- why isn't the Kenyan embassy taking any action? has anyone like back channeled them from Obamas side? apparently not.


IF this was a bush or a reagan or a rep. senators relative laboring under similar circumstances we would hear weekly how this is just another example of rep.s who hate the 'little' people and won't even take care of their own family, which is symptomatic of how they see and treat the poor yada yada yada......

Her apparent anger and remarks are totally uncalled for. Gratitude indeed has a short half life.
What sucks is that Obama who is a multi millionaire didn't help his aunt financially.

What does that say about him?

Worse, she, on public assistance, donated $200.00 to his campaign. I remember when that hit the news and was totally ignored by Obama's groupies.
Can you buy me an iPhone since you have all this money to throw around?

I don't even have an IPhone!

I think this is the ungrateful bitch this thread is referring to:
Send her home. If that is all she wants, i am sure a ticket in steerage is LESS then all of the government hand outs she is receiving now. This could aslo be why obama is so keen for amnesty, he has a passel of relatives all lined up and waiting.
I would spend my last penny to get her ungrateful/illegal ass out of our country.
Ditto. I would spend your every last penny to get her out of the country.
Send her home. If that is all she wants, i am sure a ticket in steerage is LESS then all of the government hand outs she is receiving now. This could aslo be why obama is so keen for amnesty, he has a passel of relatives all lined up and waiting.
I agree.

How is it Racist to suggest an illegal from Kenya, should return to Kenya?
In my experience, the only ones who make statements like the one you made are racists trying to rationalize away their dastardly ways. If race wasn't an issue to you, you probably wouldn't have even made that post.:eusa_whistle:
No, you're suggesting that.

I used the phrase "peevish senses of entitlement".
And 'family trait', hinting at a genetic factor.

Taken along with the fact that all who oppose the Messiah are racists and reject our nation's salvation wholly out of racism, and it's clear what you meant, my Amerikkkan friend.


Wow, this is fun! And so much easier than making a coherent argument!@ No wonder they do it!

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