Obama's Auntie: "you have the obligation to make me a citizen"

Ditto. I would spend your every last penny to get her out of the country.
I agree.

In my experience, the only ones who make statements like the one you made are racists trying to rationalize away their dastardly ways. If race wasn't an issue to you, you probably wouldn't have even made that post.:eusa_whistle:

Obama's Auntie: "you... 09-23-2010 10:25 AM Charles_Main You get one of my very rare neg reps. for accusing me of racism for something Crusaderfrank said. Which was by the way not even racists.

I got a negative rep from a moron.

No you get a well deserved Neg rep from another one of your victims.
Unless you are a kitten that died as a result of me jerking off, you are not one of my victims.
Maybe you need to learn to read there bud, I was not the one who made the comment in the first place CrusaderFrank said it. I simply want to know why you think it is racist. She is after all from Kenya and here illegally telling us all that we owe it to her to just make her a citizen.

In my experience you do not have a clue what you are talking about. In my experience people like you who toss around accusations of Racism based on what you think the person means when what they said is not racists. Cheapen the whole debate, and Take away from those who experience real racism.

Even though I am not the one who made the comment. I will tell you right now, That I do not care if they are from Kenya, or Mexico, or Germany. If someone here illegally from any of those places had the balls to say we owed them citizenship when they over stayed their VISA. I would want them returned to their country of origin. That is not racism at all, it is common sense. The fact that she is black and from Kenya means nothing to me. The fact that she is here illegally and demanding to be handed citizenship ahead of Millions of Others from around the world trying to come here legally is enough for me.

I demand since you think it is ok to say I am a racists based on what CrusaderFrank said, that you show some proof. I dare you to find one post I have ever made on this board in the last 6 Years that can be described as racists. That or you could just STFU and stop making accusations you can not back up, based on things I did not even say.

I did not say you were a racist. I simply made the observation that the very premise of that question makes it appear as though race is an issue to you.

Since I don't particularly care about your sensibilities on this tender issue due to your overreaction, I will leave it at this: I did not call you a racist.:eusa_whistle:

The issue for me and most people is not race, it is legal status.

You simply are unable to argue against those facts so choose to make it about race.

So clearly race is an issue for you.

The fact that you are still hung up on this shows otherwise. Oh, and someone already gave me a good rep specifically to erase your bad rep.:lol:
Obama's Auntie: "you... 09-23-2010 10:25 AM Charles_Main You get one of my very rare neg reps. for accusing me of racism for something Crusaderfrank said. Which was by the way not even racists.

I got a negative rep from a moron.

No you get a well deserved Neg rep from another one of your victims.
Unless you are a kitten that died as a result of me jerking off, you are not one of my victims.
I did not say you were a racist. I simply made the observation that the very premise of that question makes it appear as though race is an issue to you.

Since I don't particularly care about your sensibilities on this tender issue due to your overreaction, I will leave it at this: I did not call you a racist.:eusa_whistle:

The issue for me and most people is not race, it is legal status.

You simply are unable to argue against those facts so choose to make it about race.

So clearly race is an issue for you.

The fact that you are still hung up on this shows otherwise. Oh, and someone already gave me a good rep specifically to erase your bad rep.:lol:

keep telling yourself that when you make baseless claims that people are motivated by Race, there is no victim.

Good for you for the pos rep.

Everyone got to see what went down. So I have nothing left I need to say.

Peace my friend.
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Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.
Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.


I find it funny we get accused of thinking about race all the time. By people who are clearly thinking about race all the time :)
Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.
Denying that you're racist proves that you're racist because your defensiveness when you're called racist reveals that you know it's true...

or some shit like that
Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.
Denying that you're racist proves that you're racist because your defensiveness when you're called racist reveals that you know it's true...

or some shit like that

yeah, I've heard some shit like that somewhere before....
Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.
Denying that you're racist proves that you're racist because your defensiveness when you're called racist reveals that you know it's true...

or some shit like that

Yep, Yet assuming any white person opposed to Obama, or Illegal immigrations. Is somehow not racists or bigoted at all.

Go figure.
Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.
Denying that you're racist proves that you're racist because your defensiveness when you're called racist reveals that you know it's true...

or some shit like that

Yep, Yet assuming any white person opposed to Obama, or Illegal immigrations. Is somehow not racists or bigoted at all.

Go figure.

You know only white people are racist :cuckoo:
Denying that you're racist proves that you're racist because your defensiveness when you're called racist reveals that you know it's true...

or some shit like that

Yep, Yet assuming any white person opposed to Obama, or Illegal immigrations. Is somehow not racists or bigoted at all.

Go figure.

You know only white people are racist :cuckoo:

Except in Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and Antartica.

I get a bit tired of the stereotyping of liberals as the ones that "care about the less fortunate". Seems they always want everybody else to take care of the less fortunate with our money, rather than folks caring for their own. I'd give up a lot and cut a lot of corners to help a family member in need. In fact, I have for family, friends and neighbors when the situation called for it, and others have done so for me. Government assistance should be a last-resort safety net is necessary for those who have nowhere else to turn, not a lifestyle.

What sucks is that Obama who is a multi millionaire didn't help his aunt financially.

What does that say about him?
Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.
Denying that you're racist proves that you're racist because your defensiveness when you're called racist reveals that you know it's true...

or some shit like that

So "damned if you do, and damned if you don't?"

I get a bit tired of the stereotyping of liberals as the ones that "care about the less fortunate". Seems they always want everybody else to take care of the less fortunate with our money, rather than folks caring for their own. I'd give up a lot and cut a lot of corners to help a family member in need. In fact, I have for family, friends and neighbors when the situation called for it, and others have done so for me. Government assistance should be a last-resort safety net is necessary for those who have nowhere else to turn, not a lifestyle.

What sucks is that Obama who is a multi millionaire didn't help his aunt financially.

What does that say about him?

It says he's a jerk. Worse, she gave $200 to his campaign and he took it!

I feel about her $200 the same way I did about the dead beat dad's $1000 he gave to the Bush Sr campaign....GIVE IT BACK!!!! Or in the case of the dead beat dad, give it to the mother of his kids.....

We are not wealthy and we spend $400 to $600 a month to help support my father in law. Family is family, apparently Obama doesn't understand that, or doesn't care. It's HIS job to take care of his aunt, and what's more, he actually has the money to do it.

We go without so that we can help support our last parent and Obama takes everything he can and forgets about his family. I think someone who won't take care of his family is not exactly going to take care of the people of his country either.
Jesus fucking Christ, it's not about race. How many times do we have to explain this to some people?

An illegal is an illegal. It doesn't matter if the come from Mexico, Palestine, China, Canada, or Kenya. They are in our country breaking our laws, and we reward them for it. It's BS, plain and simple and the race card does not come into play.
Denying that you're racist proves that you're racist because your defensiveness when you're called racist reveals that you know it's true...

or some shit like that

So "damned if you do, and damned if you don't?"

Damnation? What's with you racist right-wing neocon fascists always trying to turn America into a theocracy? :evil:

I get a bit tired of the stereotyping of liberals as the ones that "care about the less fortunate". Seems they always want everybody else to take care of the less fortunate with our money, rather than folks caring for their own. I'd give up a lot and cut a lot of corners to help a family member in need. In fact, I have for family, friends and neighbors when the situation called for it, and others have done so for me. Government assistance should be a last-resort safety net is necessary for those who have nowhere else to turn, not a lifestyle.

What sucks is that Obama who is a multi millionaire didn't help his aunt financially.

What does that say about him?

It says he's a jerk. Worse, she gave $200 to his campaign and he took it!

I feel about her $200 the same way I did about the dead beat dad's $1000 he gave to the Bush Sr campaign....GIVE IT BACK!!!! Or in the case of the dead beat dad, give it to the mother of his kids.....

We are not wealthy and we spend $400 to $600 a month to help support my father in law. Family is family, apparently Obama doesn't understand that, or doesn't care. It's HIS job to take care of his aunt, and what's more, he actually has the money to do it.

We go without so that we can help support our last parent and Obama takes everything he can and forgets about his family. I think someone who won't take care of his family is not exactly going to take care of the people of his country either.
Obama is NOT a multi-millionare and where did you get that lie? Name one of his resources? Doubt if he is even close to being a milionare. His dad and grandparents did not leave him any money. And why isn't Mexico not taking care of it's people here?
I would not consider obama's dad's half sister family? He never knew his dad or his half sister. AND she don't want his help.:eusa_hand::eusa_hand:

Hello, bail outs, stimulus package, senior rebates, healthcare, unemployment?????:confused:
From the Aunt's attitude, peevish senses of entitlement appear to be an Obama family trait.

upity arrogance. Did you see Obama dissing that woman who said she originally supported him but was sick of defending him now?

I guess you failed to hear all she said. She still support him but was not FEELING the change as much as she wanted to.:eusa_hand:

I get a bit tired of the stereotyping of liberals as the ones that "care about the less fortunate". Seems they always want everybody else to take care of the less fortunate with our money, rather than folks caring for their own. I'd give up a lot and cut a lot of corners to help a family member in need. In fact, I have for family, friends and neighbors when the situation called for it, and others have done so for me. Government assistance should be a last-resort safety net is necessary for those who have nowhere else to turn, not a lifestyle.

It says he's a jerk. Worse, she gave $200 to his campaign and he took it!

I feel about her $200 the same way I did about the dead beat dad's $1000 he gave to the Bush Sr campaign....GIVE IT BACK!!!! Or in the case of the dead beat dad, give it to the mother of his kids.....

We are not wealthy and we spend $400 to $600 a month to help support my father in law. Family is family, apparently Obama doesn't understand that, or doesn't care. It's HIS job to take care of his aunt, and what's more, he actually has the money to do it.

We go without so that we can help support our last parent and Obama takes everything he can and forgets about his family. I think someone who won't take care of his family is not exactly going to take care of the people of his country either.
Obama is NOT a multi-millionare and where did you get that lie? Name one of his resources? Doubt if he is even close to being a milionare. His dad and grandparents did not leave him any money. And why isn't Mexico not taking care of it's people here?
I would not consider obama's dad's half sister family? He never knew his dad or his half sister. AND she don't want his help.:eusa_hand::eusa_hand:

Hello, bail outs, stimulus package, senior rebates, healthcare, unemployment?????:confused:

Obamas Tax Return RELEASED For 2009: President Pulled In $5.5 Million Last Year
Obamas Tax Return RELEASED For 2009: President Pulled In $5.5 Million Last Year

And he referred to this woman in one of his books as a favorite Auntie or some such endearing phrase.

Didn't know you were an Obama apologizer. But at least know what you are talking about please.
President Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango: 'This Country Is Owned By ...
Sep 21, 2010 ... "President Obama, I'm his aunt, I'm the only person on earth allowed to pinch ... (9/21/2010); President's Aunt Zeituni Will Not Be Deported ...
wbztv.com/local/obama.aunt.Zeituni.2.1924422.html - Cached

Aunt Zetty is going no where and why are you people so angry at one little ole sick black women when there are 30 million just like here taking advantage of the government. and a half million anchor babies that are draining the system.
Judge made the decision, live with it or else......
I see, you only care about the Mexican illegals. If there's one that is black and a relative of the great Obama then that's a different story.

Thanks for showing us your true colors. Now STFU you are no longer relevant.
How did she, without even a Social Security number, cut ahead of the thousand people on the wait list for Boston Public Housing?

Any ideas?

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