Obamas Begins Latino Campaign With Eva Langoria Ad


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Weeeeeeell, it's time to reel in the Latinos. Even though he refuses to deal with immigration, he's trying for the Hispanics now. Dream Act not withstanding.

Esta Eleccio'n Si Importa.

Btw, the Dream Act is a gimmick. It is not a solution.

I like the way this guy can claim he's deported more Latinos than Bush yet he's on their side.

How does that work???

Get involved at Latinos.BarackObama.com

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imLFVfgwmLQ&feature=relmfu]Eva Longoria Shares Why She Supports President Obama - Get Involved at Latinos.BarackObama.com - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz45PpzNmWk&feature=relmfu]Elena: Esta Elección Sí Importa - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXFXVRW5eng&feature=relmfu]Rodrigo: Esta Elección Sí Importa - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America - YouTube[/ame]
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Obamas Begins Latino Campaign With Eva Langoria Ad
...While Republicans are alllllllllllllllllllllllllll about.....​

Eva Longoria actually said that America occupied Mexico. Beck schooled the shit out of her.

What a moron! But I guess a desperate campaign needs a Desperate Housewife.

We Never Occupied Mexico: Beck Schools Eva Longoria On Mexican History

May 15, 2012

You might have caught actress Eva Longoria‘s recent appearance on Bill Maher’s “Real Time” in which she claimed that Hispanics would not be moved to vote for Mitt Romney simply because he might tap Marco Rubio to be his vice president.

The mere thought of it would be, as she put it, “insulting.” After all, she claims that Mexico was “occupied” by the United States.

More from Beck's history smackdown of Eva:

What’s more, Beck pointed out that the U.S. agreed to 
buy the land from Mexico for $15 million, even though it was won squarely in victory and there was no obligation to do so.

Not at any time did the United States occupy nor rule Mexico. The United States did not subject Mexicans to our form of government nor did it leave troops stationed in the country.

Eva Longoria actually said that America occupied Mexico. Beck schooled the shit out of her.

You Bimbos are pretty, fuckin'.....​


1846: The U.S., fulfilling the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, goes to war with Mexico and ends up with a third of Mexico's territory.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww]Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question - YouTube[/ame]​
For years I thought everyone was an "American". Not "African American", not "Latino American" or "Hispanic American" or "Asian American".

Just proudly an American. Pity what the Democrats have done by consistently playing to divisiveness. Divide and conquer really takes on a new meaning with the DNC.

So now to campaign, Obama has to have a "brand" from each hyphenated voting block. How bizarre!
How sad.
Eva Longoria actually said that America occupied Mexico. Beck schooled the shit out of her.

You Bimbos are pretty, fuckin'.....​


1846: The U.S., fulfilling the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, goes to war with Mexico and ends up with a third of Mexico's territory.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww]Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question - YouTube[/ame]​

Crayon man, America never "occupied" Mexico. Yes they went to war with Mexico, but they never "occupied" any territory whatsoever.

Put down your crayolas some time and read some history.
Here crayon man. One more time.

in 1846 the Mexican-American war began in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas. Mexico considered Texas part of its territory despite the Texas Revolution nearly a decade prior. Mexico never acknowledged Texas’ independence.

Ultimately, the Americans won the war with Mexico but on February 2 ,1848, the two countries signed the Treaty of Guadalupe which stated that U.S. troops would withdraw from Mexico, including Mexico City and take ownership of the Southwestern United States.

What’s more, Beck pointed out that the U.S. agreed to 
buy the land from Mexico for $15 million, even though it was won squarely in victory and there was no obligation to do so.

Not at any time did the United States occupy nor rule Mexico. The United States did not subject Mexicans to our form of government nor did it leave troops stationed in the country.

Words have meaning. America occupied nada.
Eva Longoria actually said that America occupied Mexico. Beck schooled the shit out of her.

What a moron! But I guess a desperate campaign needs a Desperate Housewife.

We Never Occupied Mexico: Beck Schools Eva Longoria On Mexican History

May 15, 2012

You might have caught actress Eva Longoria‘s recent appearance on Bill Maher’s “Real Time” in which she claimed that Hispanics would not be moved to vote for Mitt Romney simply because he might tap Marco Rubio to be his vice president.

The mere thought of it would be, as she put it, “insulting.” After all, she claims that Mexico was “occupied” by the United States.

More from Beck's history smackdown of Eva:

What’s more, Beck pointed out that the U.S. agreed to 
buy the land from Mexico for $15 million, even though it was won squarely in victory and there was no obligation to do so.

Not at any time did the United States occupy nor rule Mexico. The United States did not subject Mexicans to our form of government nor did it leave troops stationed in the country.

Don't know what you're laughing about, you and Beck are both dumbshits. The SW was Mexico! If I come to your house, point a gun at your head and offer you money for property you don't want to sell, have I done it fair and square? It was a land grab in the name of "Manifest Destiny". Look it up before looking foolish again.
For years I thought everyone was an "American". Not "African American", not "Latino American" or "Hispanic American" or "Asian American".

Just proudly an American. Pity what the Democrats have done by consistently playing to divisiveness. Divide and conquer really takes on a new meaning with the DNC.

So now to campaign, Obama has to have a "brand" from each hyphenated voting block. How bizarre!
How sad.

He feels that some groups deserve more attention than others. His promises to each are different. Until he can address all the citizens at one time, I cannot take him seriously.
Eva Longoria actually said that America occupied Mexico. Beck schooled the shit out of her.

What a moron! But I guess a desperate campaign needs a Desperate Housewife.

We Never Occupied Mexico: Beck Schools Eva Longoria On Mexican History

May 15, 2012

You might have caught actress Eva Longoria‘s recent appearance on Bill Maher’s “Real Time” in which she claimed that Hispanics would not be moved to vote for Mitt Romney simply because he might tap Marco Rubio to be his vice president.

The mere thought of it would be, as she put it, “insulting.” After all, she claims that Mexico was “occupied” by the United States.

More from Beck's history smackdown of Eva:

What’s more, Beck pointed out that the U.S. agreed to 
buy the land from Mexico for $15 million, even though it was won squarely in victory and there was no obligation to do so.

Not at any time did the United States occupy nor rule Mexico. The United States did not subject Mexicans to our form of government nor did it leave troops stationed in the country.


Why would it be insulting? I'm confused, he has Cuban heritage, is that why'? Romney is of Mexican heritage and Rubio is Cuban. Why does such insult her?
Maybe we should just take over Mexico and be done with it. They have a lot of beach front land just ready for some of us gringos to buy up.
CaféAuLait;5450746 said:
Why would it be insulting? I'm confused, he has Cuban heritage, is that why'? Romney is of Mexican heritage and Rubio is Cuban. Why does such insult her?

Because she is in the mindset that he would pick Rubio solely because he is of hispanic descent as some sort of token choice to get hispanic voters. She can't comprehend that Rubio might be chosen because of who he is as a person. She sees only race/ethnicity.
CaféAuLait;5450746 said:
Why would it be insulting? I'm confused, he has Cuban heritage, is that why'? Romney is of Mexican heritage and Rubio is Cuban. Why does such insult her?

Because she is in the mindset that he would pick Rubio solely because he is of hispanic descent as some sort of token choice to get hispanic voters. She can't comprehend that Rubio might be chosen because of who he is as a person. She sees only race/ethnicity.

What happened to being colorblind I wonder?

Sounds like Rubio may be seen as a big threat.

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