Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

There is little doubt that the man is hiding something. What is the question, and I am surprised that none of our law makers give a shit what it is.

Me? I think it's as simple as his parents were never legally married.

As I've said many times, we have a Bastard in the White house. Everything's normal.

oh fuck. now you've started it. Prove Obama's parents were married.....

marriage certificate please..:lol::lol:
There is little doubt that the man is hiding something. What is the question, and I am surprised that none of our law makers give a shit what it is.

Me? I think it's as simple as his parents were never legally married.

As I've said many times, we have a Bastard in the White house. Everything's normal.

oh fuck. now you've started it. Prove Obama's parents were married.....

marriage certificate please..:lol::lol:

Actually, prove that Obama Senior was divorced from his wife in Kenya......
There is little doubt that the man is hiding something. What is the question, and I am surprised that none of our law makers give a shit what it is.

Me? I think it's as simple as his parents were never legally married.

As I've said many times, we have a Bastard in the White house. Everything's normal.

I agree with you SFC OLLIE....:lol:
Who has the authority to investigate this? They could validate the story or debunk it.
The story is not only stupid, it's completely irrelevant. *shrug*

It's also completely at odds with all of the other dozen or so birfer nutcase theories out there. Desperate people who grasp at straws end up with.....a handful of straw. No shock.
The story is not only stupid, it's completely irrelevant. *shrug*

It's also completely at odds with all of the other dozen or so birfer nutcase theories out there. Desperate people who grasp at straws end up with.....a handful of straw. No shock.

But it cannot be denied that it does appear he is hiding something. We simply have no real clue as to what it is. Are you not in the least curious?
Consider the possibility that, if Obama really is doing anything to drag this issue out, it is because he likes having the birthers out there. Using issues like his birth certificate to distract from more relevant issues sounds like a tactic most politicians would be happy to employ.
I don't doubt that he was born a U.S. citizen. I would like to know if he received financial aid by applying as a non-citizen.

Yes - he got that financial aid when he went to Occidental in California.
If Obama wasn't born in the US Hillary Clinton would have blown that whistle, then the GOP would have, then the Supreme Court would have. It's a non-issue, and I think people are just clinching onto any hope of getting Obama out of office pre-maturely.
The issue is the Constitutional requirement that the POTUS be born in the USA. The burdon of proof is on Obama not us. Why is he being so coy about it? Embarassment? We already know his father was an alcoholic bigamist and his mother was a ditzy left wing flower girl. What's left to hide?
The story is not only stupid, it's completely irrelevant. *shrug*

It's also completely at odds with all of the other dozen or so birfer nutcase theories out there. Desperate people who grasp at straws end up with.....a handful of straw. No shock.

But it cannot be denied that it does appear he is hiding something. We simply have no real clue as to what it is. Are you not in the least curious?

What do you mean "it cannot be denied"? I deny it.

Everything that's relevant has been put out there. When irrational people demand irrelevant information in an attempt to harass and annoy it's abuse of process. Why do you think the birfer lawyers keep getting sanctioned over...and over...and over again?

If instead of demanding Obama prove a negative over questions and insinuations that are completely irrelevant to his performance or position, y'all had actual evidence of a cover up that actually affects his eligibility or job performance....different story.

But all the birfers have are innuendos and vague leading questions from bloggers with money to rake in and an ax to grind. That's not evidence, it's trash.
All this is going on my nerves. Yes, he is. No, he's not. Neither side is giving up.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hawaii Governor said he's going to prove Obama is born there. Now he can't, so everyone has to take his word for it.

Hawaii won't release Obama birth info

HONOLULU -- Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said Friday.

No question asked, it's against the state law.

State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can't disclose an individual's birth documentation without a person's consent.

Why Obama doesn't give his consent and finish with this once for all. Longer he waits, more questions will be asked, and question is: What is he hiding?
The issue is the Constitutional requirement that the POTUS be born in the USA. The burdon of proof is on Obama not us. Why is he being so coy about it? Embarassment? We already know his father was an alcoholic bigamist and his mother was a ditzy left wing flower girl. What's left to hide?

The only "burden" Obama had was to prove eligibility in the '08 election, which he did as verified by the State of Hawaii in accordance with federal election law.

That's the end of the debate, legally speaking. Birthers don't understand that they don't get to impose additional legal burdens simply because they aren't personally satisfied. I don't blame Obama for not capitulating to the demands of the inherently unreasonable.

You guys are more than welcome to keep talking about it. It's not going to change a damn thing.

Just ask Inmate Terry Lakin, who is now sitting in the Disciplinary Barracks in Leavenworth for refusing to deploy unless Obama produced a Birth Certificate.

The Army wouldn't even allow him to introduce Obama's eligibility in his defense as it was seen as being completely unrelated to the fact that he dis-obeyed lawful orders.

There is a moral here: just because you guys are insistent that you are right does not make it so. You can scream about the way things "should be" until the cows come home. It won't change the inevitable truth.
Interesting theory:

The real issue regarding Obama's birth certificate is not his birth place, but his adopted name. In Hawaii, birth certificates are amended if a child is adopted and has a change of name. Obama's legal name may actually be Barry Soetero.


The fact that Obama was adopted by Indonesian Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s, and his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro at that time, is most likely the reason he is spending millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate. He never filed the papers to change his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, so any birth certificate produced by the state of Hawaii would list him as “Barry Soetoro”.

It’s easy to see why he never wants this to come to light. Aside from the legal ramifications of this, how would the American people feel about Obama lying to them about his NAME all this time? And if he lied about something as simple as that, what else has he lied about? It would open a whole host of new questions for most people about this man of deliberate mystery.


I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.

It is seriously this straightforward.

* Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961

* Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s

* Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” — most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro” on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia

* All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro” on all of it.

* Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong” name on it: Barry Soetoro

It is as simple as this, folks....

HAWAII GROUND REPORT: Could Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie not be as incompetent and foolish as he appears, but orchestrating a deliberate birth certificate recovery dead end to cover his own papakole? UPDATED: Mystery solved! Reason Obama will n

No, the moronic birthers are the issue. Btw, birthers have been rejected so often, nobody but extremist, rightwing, Obama haters would even attempt to address it anymore.

Just so you understand this ya extremist, rightwing, Obama hater. :lol:

Sub-par intellect response.. as usual.

Way to go!
Ame®icano;3241842 said:
All this is going on my nerves. Yes, he is. No, he's not. Neither side is giving up.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hawaii Governor said he's going to prove Obama is born there. Now he can't, so everyone has to take his word for it.

Hawaii won't release Obama birth info

HONOLULU -- Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said Friday.

No question asked, it's against the state law.

State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can't disclose an individual's birth documentation without a person's consent.

Why Obama doesn't give his consent and finish with this once for all. Longer he waits, more questions will be asked, and question is: What is he hiding?

That's not what it's about. Didn't you read the OP? Hell, at least half the retarded birfers out there don't even ascribe to theories that would have Obama born anywhere but Hawaii. The BC doesn't matter.

There are those who float this utter nonsense about his legal name being Soetoro, as though it matters. They spout a bunch of crap about his mother being too young to pass on her US citizenship no matter where he was born. They claim against all law, logic and reason that native born and natural born are two different things, or that we allow Britain or Indonesia determine what does and does not constitute a US citizen under our own sovereign law. They try to claim Obama relinquished his citizenship as a small child in Indonesia, or that a double super secret possible adoptive parent was allowed to do it on his behalf. Crazy shit, irrational shit, and none of it based in anything but fantasy and the latest piece of trash some failed pornographer or cab driver looking for extra cash could cook up and sell from his pc. It certainly has no basis in law.

The birth certificate doesn't matter to these people, it will do nothing to address the questions their viral e-mails put in their heads. But they're told to demand it anyway....so they demand it, never questioning or realizing the fact that even by their own crackpot arguments and theories it's completely and utterly meaningless. The industry made sure of that, so in case it were ever to be release they could just move the goalposts and keep the cash cow mooing. Screw 'em.

They claim to be upholding the constitution but clearly have no concept of what the constitution actually says when they try to claim any form of proof of citizenship other than that required by Congress under the auspices of Article 4 Section 1 is "required".

Do I have nothing for contempt for this level of brainwashedness and ignorance? Abso-fucking-lutely. And there are some otherwise intelligent people who've been snookered by the cottage industry that is birferdom, too. A sucker's born every minute and they know how to reel 'em in.

Hell no, if it were me I'd tell the birfers to go pound sand too. It just makes Obama's opposition look like tinfoil hatted nutjobs. That would work for me. :thup:
Do I have nothing for contempt for this level of brainwashedness and ignorance? Abso-fucking-lutely. And there are some otherwise intelligent people who've been snookered by the cottage industry that is birferdom, too. A sucker's born every minute and they know how to reel 'em in.

I am beginning to suspect that this is not a cottage industry at all. I think, at the core of the birther rhetoric (i.e. World Net Daily and various members of the far-far right pundatry - not idiots like Orly Taitz) is a well funded smear campaign that is being bankrolled by some serious money simply to try and cast doubt's on Obama and sway the 2012 election.

Legally, they know it's a non-starter, and they aren't interested in winning a legal battle. They just want to perpetuate the appearance of a controversy.

While I realize this sounds a little conspiratorial, it has happened before and the financier was Richard Mellon Sciafe.

Arkansas Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of Scaife's lackeys from the Arkansas Project was Joseph Farrah, who went on to start World Net Daily, which is one of the leading sources of birther nonsense.
The story is not only stupid, it's completely irrelevant. *shrug*

It's also completely at odds with all of the other dozen or so birfer nutcase theories out there. Desperate people who grasp at straws end up with.....a handful of straw. No shock.

But it cannot be denied that it does appear he is hiding something. We simply have no real clue as to what it is. Are you not in the least curious?

What do you mean "it cannot be denied"? I deny it.

Everything that's relevant has been put out there. When irrational people demand irrelevant information in an attempt to harass and annoy it's abuse of process. Why do you think the birfer lawyers keep getting sanctioned over...and over...and over again?

If instead of demanding Obama prove a negative over questions and insinuations that are completely irrelevant to his performance or position, y'all had actual evidence of a cover up that actually affects his eligibility or job performance....different story.

But all the birfers have are innuendos and vague leading questions from bloggers with money to rake in and an ax to grind. That's not evidence, it's trash.

It doesn't appear that he's hiding something? really? Then why is everything hidden? You are much smarter than denying this. We do not know how the man was able to afford his education, We do not know where all he may have traveled as a student and on what passport, We don't have a clue even if his parents were legally married. If Bush had any of these secrets the MSM would have torn him apart. Hell they even tried to get a secretary to try to remember one paper (Out of 10,000 or better) she had typed 40 years earlier. But this guy who has everything sealed has nothing to hide? Nothing? I can't believe that.
The issue is the Constitutional requirement that the POTUS be born in the USA. The burdon of proof is on Obama not us. Why is he being so coy about it? Embarassment? We already know his father was an alcoholic bigamist and his mother was a ditzy left wing flower girl. What's left to hide?

The only "burden" Obama had was to prove eligibility in the '08 election, which he did as verified by the State of Hawaii in accordance with federal election law.

That's the end of the debate, legally speaking. Birthers don't understand that they don't get to impose additional legal burdens simply because they aren't personally satisfied. I don't blame Obama for not capitulating to the demands of the inherently unreasonable.

You guys are more than welcome to keep talking about it. It's not going to change a damn thing.

Just ask Inmate Terry Lakin, who is now sitting in the Disciplinary Barracks in Leavenworth for refusing to deploy unless Obama produced a Birth Certificate.

The Army wouldn't even allow him to introduce Obama's eligibility in his defense as it was seen as being completely unrelated to the fact that he dis-obeyed lawful orders.

There is a moral here: just because you guys are insistent that you are right does not make it so. You can scream about the way things "should be" until the cows come home. It won't change the inevitable truth.

The burdon of proof is on Obama to prove that the photo-copy he produced in '08 is genuine. The governor of Hawaii is a die-hard Obama supporter and said he was present when the savior was born. It was a lie and now the governor can't find documentation that Obama was born in the USA. The whole thing is unravling and the left wing media is ignoring it.
The burdon of proof is on Obama to prove that the photo-copy he produced in '08 is genuine. The governor of Hawaii is a die-hard Obama supporter and said he was present when the savior was born. It was a lie and now the governor can't find documentation that Obama was born in the USA. The whole thing is unravling and the left wing media is ignoring it.

The "photo-copy" he produced on a website is not what made him eligible. He was vetted and approved as eligible, as per federal election laws, by the state of Hawaii in 2008 under the Republican Administration of Linda Lingle by a Lingle appointee.

Abercrombie just took office and foolishly decided to get in a pissing match with a bunch of skunks.

What Abercrombie said was that he had personally seen the document, but he couldn't legally release it wiithout Obama's consent (which is a no brainer).

If you got your news from World Net Daily on this issue, they lied to you.
Do I have nothing for contempt for this level of brainwashedness and ignorance? Abso-fucking-lutely. And there are some otherwise intelligent people who've been snookered by the cottage industry that is birferdom, too. A sucker's born every minute and they know how to reel 'em in.

I am beginning to suspect that this is not a cottage industry at all. I think, at the core of the birther rhetoric (i.e. World Net Daily and various members of the far-far right pundatry - not idiots like Orly Taitz) is a well funded smear campaign that is being bankrolled by some serious money simply to try and cast doubt's on Obama and sway the 2012 election.

Legally, they know it's a non-starter, and they aren't interested in winning a legal battle. They just want to perpetuate the appearance of a controversy.

While I realize this sounds a little conspiratorial, it has happened before and the financier was Richard Mellon Sciafe.

Arkansas Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of Scaife's lackeys from the Arkansas Project was Joseph Farrah, who went on to start World Net Daily, which is one of the leading sources of birther nonsense.

The money to pay the hard core comes from somewhere. But every tinfoil hat brigade also has profiteers.

Do you honestly think every two bit website with the latest "revelation" or hawking birfer t-shirts and bumper stickers is part of one grand conspiracy? Hell no.

One of the leading WND theorists on the NWO crap a few years back was a guy that's fairly local. He drives a cab part time and dabbles in other sources of revenue nobody wants to think much about.

After he tried to set up an internet porn business and it failed (how can you be dumb enough to fail at internet porn?) he started writing conspiracy pamphlets and hawking them online from his living room.

Books and blogging gigs followed, and he was revered in tinfoil hatland for his 15 minutes. Laughing all the way to the bank.

Nope, there may be somebody pouring cash into it - probably is, actually - but once it goes viral and you get the vast array of "theories" out there, you know at least part of it is a bunch of Vinces playing con man.

After all, who's an easier mark than a tinfoil hatter?

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