Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

Yes. Only because the stupid birthers deserve neither civility or rational discourse.

We don't worry about offending Klansmen when we discuss their bigoted viewpoints.

Thank you for unintentionally proving the hypocrisy of the Left crying for this new Civility.

It's a sham behind which you all hide in order to lob your vile insults.

Wondering what Obama is hiding is not Racism, but you'll use that accusation to keep the truth from being known.

The desperation is very telling.

Of course. Because you're too dumb to realize we're just laughing at you and the rest of the nutter birfers.

Anybody who buys this baloney then yells "hypocrite" when they're called on it isn't worth any attempt at civility.

Oh... I see, you dipshits make up the rules as ya go.

Yes. Only because the stupid birthers deserve neither civility or rational discourse.

We don't worry about offending Klansmen when we discuss their bigoted viewpoints.

Thank you for unintentionally proving the hypocrisy of the Left crying for this new Civility.

It's a sham behind which you all hide in order to lob your vile insults.

Wondering what Obama is hiding is not Racism, but you'll use that accusation to keep the truth from being known.

The desperation is very telling.

Of course. Because you're too dumb to realize we're just laughing at you and the rest of the nutter birfers.

Anybody who buys this baloney then yells "hypocrite" when they're called on it isn't worth any attempt at civility.

Apologies for not replying at your level. Here's something more appropriate:

I am rubber
You are glue
Everything you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you

Now don't you have a Bush Blaming thread or something to start?
Apologies for not replying at your level. Here's something more appropriate:

I am rubber
You are glue
Everything you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you

Now don't you have a Bush Blaming thread or something to start?

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Thank you for unintentionally proving the hypocrisy of the Left crying for this new Civility.

It's a sham behind which you all hide in order to lob your vile insults.

Wondering what Obama is hiding is not Racism, but you'll use that accusation to keep the truth from being known.

The desperation is very telling.

Of course. Because you're too dumb to realize we're just laughing at you and the rest of the nutter birfers.

Anybody who buys this baloney then yells "hypocrite" when they're called on it isn't worth any attempt at civility.

Oh... I see, you dipshits make up the rules as ya go.


This dipshit is merely making a statement of opinion.

It's not like it's not on the record on a whole bunch of threads started by other birfer idiots.

Morons of the tinfoil hat caliber are beyond any attempt at civility, it's like trying to have a reasonable conversation with a troll. Too emotionally invested in the con job, no interest in rationality, not enough willingness to see facts or they would know better.

So I mock them and laugh at them. It's something to do on a boring afternoon. :D
Thank you for unintentionally proving the hypocrisy of the Left crying for this new Civility.

It's a sham behind which you all hide in order to lob your vile insults.

Wondering what Obama is hiding is not Racism, but you'll use that accusation to keep the truth from being known.

The desperation is very telling.

Of course. Because you're too dumb to realize we're just laughing at you and the rest of the nutter birfers.

Anybody who buys this baloney then yells "hypocrite" when they're called on it isn't worth any attempt at civility.

Apologies for not replying at your level. Here's something more appropriate:

I am rubber
You are glue
Everything you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you

Now don't you have a Bush Blaming thread or something to start?

As I posted earlier when I saw this thread....birfers. It's not just for grownups anymore. :thup:
You mock because you don't have a valid response.

That's what bothers you the most.
This dipshit is merely making a statement of opinion.

It's not like it's not on the record on a whole bunch of threads started by other birfer idiots.

Morons of the tinfoil hat caliber are beyond any attempt at civility, it's like trying to have a reasonable conversation with a troll. Too emotionally invested in the con job, no interest in rationality, not enough willingness to see facts or they would know better.

So I mock them and laugh at them. It's something to do on a boring afternoon. :D

The problem here is... we (average Americans) who simply ask a legtitamate question get lumped in with the idiots. I think it is a good question to want to know why he wont just prove himself to be honest and forthright.
Are we differentiating between birfers and anyone who questions whether or not he may be covering up something else of interest to many Americans?? I don't see a problem with being curious.
It says a great deal about the people who insult anyone who dares asks questions about The One (complete with Styrofoam Pillars and a Corporate Logo).
Ame®icano;3241842 said:
All this is going on my nerves. Yes, he is. No, he's not. Neither side is giving up.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hawaii Governor said he's going to prove Obama is born there. Now he can't, so everyone has to take his word for it.

Hawaii won't release Obama birth info

HONOLULU -- Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said Friday.

No question asked, it's against the state law.

State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can't disclose an individual's birth documentation without a person's consent.

Why Obama doesn't give his consent and finish with this once for all. Longer he waits, more questions will be asked, and question is: What is he hiding?

That's not what it's about. Didn't you read the OP? Hell, at least half the retarded birfers out there don't even ascribe to theories that would have Obama born anywhere but Hawaii. The BC doesn't matter.

There are those who float this utter nonsense about his legal name being Soetoro, as though it matters. They spout a bunch of crap about his mother being too young to pass on her US citizenship no matter where he was born. They claim against all law, logic and reason that native born and natural born are two different things, or that we allow Britain or Indonesia determine what does and does not constitute a US citizen under our own sovereign law. They try to claim Obama relinquished his citizenship as a small child in Indonesia, or that a double super secret possible adoptive parent was allowed to do it on his behalf. Crazy shit, irrational shit, and none of it based in anything but fantasy and the latest piece of trash some failed pornographer or cab driver looking for extra cash could cook up and sell from his pc. It certainly has no basis in law.

The birth certificate doesn't matter to these people, it will do nothing to address the questions their viral e-mails put in their heads. But they're told to demand it anyway....so they demand it, never questioning or realizing the fact that even by their own crackpot arguments and theories it's completely and utterly meaningless. The industry made sure of that, so in case it were ever to be release they could just move the goalposts and keep the cash cow mooing. Screw 'em.

They claim to be upholding the constitution but clearly have no concept of what the constitution actually says when they try to claim any form of proof of citizenship other than that required by Congress under the auspices of Article 4 Section 1 is "required".

Do I have nothing for contempt for this level of brainwashedness and ignorance? Abso-fucking-lutely. And there are some otherwise intelligent people who've been snookered by the cottage industry that is birferdom, too. A sucker's born every minute and they know how to reel 'em in.

Hell no, if it were me I'd tell the birfers to go pound sand too. It just makes Obama's opposition look like tinfoil hatted nutjobs. That would work for me. :thup:

You can blow smoke until you are blue in the face, but, as you may have figured out by now, you are not going to succeed in silencing questions over why Obama refuses to produce a hospital-issued birth certificate. Every time a post like this comes up you try to get the moderators to move it to the conspiracy board. Don't know what has you so worried about the discussion of Obama's bc but I can tell you this. Questions about it will not go away until he produces the document and shows the American people what it is he has been trying to hide. Go birthers!
You mock because you don't have a valid response.

That's what bothers you the most.

A valid response to what? The unsupported crap you posted in the OP that's been laughed out of several courts already? Why should it bother me that you support that garbage?

I think it's funny as hell. People like you provide endless free entertainment. :thup:

You really don't get it. You will never, ever be able to accept that the law has no obligation to conform to your personal whims and demands, and that everything legally required to prove the issue of eligibility has been satisfied.

Have you lapped up and spewed forth all of your official talking points for today yet? If you have spam to read, don't let me stop you. I'm just bored and needed a laugh. :lol:
All GC is doing is continuing to provide proof that she read the OP without comprehension.
You can blow smoke until you are blue in the face, but, as you may have figured out by now, you are not going to succeed in silencing questions over why Obama refuses to produce a hospital-issued birth certificate. Every time a post like this comes up you try to get the moderators to move it to the conspiracy board. Don't know what has you so worried about the discussion of Obama's bc but I can tell you this. Questions about it will not go away until he produces the document and shows the American people what it is he has been trying to hide. Go birthers!

Hell no, I don't want to silence you. You provide too much free entertainment. :thup:
Which is far more than we can say of you, dearie.
Are we differentiating between birfers and anyone who questions whether or not he may be covering up something else of interest to many Americans?? I don't see a problem with being curious.

I think there's a difference, but there's also a difference between people who say "I don't trust him" and people who start threads posting and advocating birfer theories but claim not to be birfers.

The former is something I don't agree with and is unsupported by evidence, but it's not being a birfer.

The latter is dishonesty in action.

Then there are the idiots who say "go birfers". :rolleyes:

All this crap does is keep some con artists in business, provide some blind hacks with yet another opportunity to take potshots with no substance, highlight ignorance and provide some entertainment....and distract from the real criticisms of things that actually matter. Like, oh I don't know, policy? Leadership?
As usual, boring you are.
Yes. Only because the stupid birthers deserve neither civility or rational discourse.

We don't worry about offending Klansmen when we discuss their bigoted viewpoints.

Thank you for unintentionally proving the hypocrisy of the Left crying for this new Civility.

It's a sham behind which you all hide in order to lob your vile insults.

Wondering what Obama is hiding is not Racism, but you'll use that accusation to keep the truth from being known.

The desperation is very telling.

Are you a birther? If not, then why do you care what I consider them to be?

At this point, two years into watching the birthers cling to their foolish cause (and watching the ones with a lick of sense split off after realizing that it's a lost cause) my belief is that they are being driving out of pure bigotry.

I didn't say they are the same as the klan, but they sure as hell have something in common. They are all bigots.

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