Obama's Bootlicking Press


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011

Not surprising:

"That’s why it’s so extraordinary that polling news has practically vanished from the Big Three evening newscasts in 2014 as President Obama’s approval ratings have tumbled and the public opposes defining administration policies like ObamaCare. Just last Thursday, for example, Gallup found Obama’s approval rating at a record low of 38 percent, yet none of the three broadcast networks bothered to mention this on their evening or morning newscasts.

Such coverage is in stunning contrast to how those same newscasts relentlessly emphasized polls showing bad news for George W. Bush during the same phase of his presidency. Media Research Center analysts reviewed every reference on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts to public opinion polls from January 1 through August 31, 2014, and from the same time period in 2006. Eight years ago, the networks aired 124 evening news reports which cited public opinion polls about either President Bush’s overall approval rating or his handling of specific policies. In 2014, those same broadcasts produced only nine reports which mentioned public opinion surveys related to President Obama.

MRC Study TV Buries the Bad News on Obama s Collapsing Polls
Rush periodically plays an audio compilation of Wolf Blitzer literally gushing over W's 30-something new poll number throughout his show one day, and it just goes on and on. Every time they came back from a commercial break the Blitzer would orgasm all over again about the big news of his low poll number. But hardly a word when his boy Barry tanks.

No wonder they're constantly battling MSNBC for the ratings basement.
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These numbers are a glaring example of how easy it is to be a Dim. The Progressive/Marxist media alliance is a huge advantage. Coupled with how dumbed down most Americans are these days, you can float any collectivist utopian harebrained idea and the illiterate masses will slurp it up and pull the lever for whoever will give them the most free stuff. Not if but when the unintended consequences of these liberal faculty lounge policies come home to roost, the media is there to shine the flashlight away from the disaster.

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