Obama's Brother Shows Obama Birth Certificate: KENYA

Ok, Obama supporters are going to say all day this is fake, and Obama detractors will say all day this is legit.

If it's not, the world goes on. If TRUE...Let's talk about the implications:

Everything Obama did / signed goes 'bye-bye'?
He gets deported?
He goes to JAIL?

You are such a dope. It's pathetic. One of the things that made birthers look so stupid is that even if the conspiracy bullshit were true and Obama was born in Kenya, his mother is an American that lived in America the required amount of time to automatically make Obama a citizen.
Ok, Obama supporters are going to say all day this is fake, and Obama detractors will say all day this is legit.

If it's not, the world goes on. If TRUE...Let's talk about the implications:

Everything Obama did / signed goes 'bye-bye'?
He gets deported?
He goes to JAIL?

You are such a dope. It's pathetic. One of the things that made birthers look so stupid is that even if the conspiracy bullshit were true and Obama was born in Kenya, his mother is an American that lived in America the required amount of time to automatically make Obama a citizen.
Like I said, all day people like you will declare it's fake while others declare it's real, which makes for REALLY lame comments / discussion, as you have proven. Let's make the discussion more interesting:

Assuming it is valid, what then?

Everything Obama did would be null and void - every EO, every regulation...his IRAN TREATY, etc...

Could / Would he be arrested?

Obama gave away STOLE and gave away nearly a BILLION tax payer dollars to the UN. The 1st amount, he claimed it was for Zika in the US...and then gave it to the UN to fund their new 'GLOBAL initiative' - That's FRAUD and theft. The 2nd amount he gave, he didn't even try to hide it before he left office. Could 'Kenyan citizen / US Impersonator' Obama be arrested for all the money he defrauded Americans out of?

You really really miss Former President Obama.
No, no I really don't. This is 'news'. (It's as much 'news' as snowflakes declaring 'The Russians hacked the election'.)

Had this been about an Ex-GOP President you honestly KNOW this would be up all over the board right now. This was going to be posted today at some point, so I went ahead and posted it.

Want to talk about CONTENT now or just keep making 'drive-by's?
As I said, you really really miss Former President Obama....:lol: It's quite obvious. You can't stop obsessing over him. If you were an honest person (which I'm not saying you are) you would do a little self-reflection to ask yourself why.
Ok, Obama supporters are going to say all day this is fake, and Obama detractors will say all day this is legit.

If it's not, the world goes on. If TRUE...Let's talk about the implications:

Everything Obama did / signed goes 'bye-bye'?
He gets deported?
He goes to JAIL?

You are such a dope. It's pathetic. One of the things that made birthers look so stupid is that even if the conspiracy bullshit were true and Obama was born in Kenya, his mother is an American that lived in America the required amount of time to automatically make Obama a citizen.
No, that is not right.
...even if the conspiracy bullshit were true and Obama was born in Kenya, his mother is an American that lived in America the required amount of time to automatically make Obama a citizen.
IF it is true that Obama was born in Kenya then the story that he filed for school as a 'foreign' student. Rejected his US citizenship because of his father's anti-colonial beliefs and hatred for the US...his father those name he took? Hmmm...
As I said, you really really miss Former President Obama....:lol: It's quite obvious. You can't stop obsessing over him.
So you are going to avoid discussion and just 'Troll' the whole thread.... got it.
There is a seal of authenticity on the Kenya birth disclosure and not on the Hawaiian birth certificate. I am going with the authentic birth certificate to be from Kenya.
The Kenyan faggot's Presidency was the lowest point in American political history. But he and his Shadow government are still clinging on like a black insect, a tick for example. Clean the swamp!
As I said, you really really miss Former President Obama....:lol: It's quite obvious. You can't stop obsessing over him.
So you are going to avoid discussion and just 'Troll' the whole thread.... got it.
The discussion is your obsession with a topic that was debunked years ago....even your so-called president has admitted that. And yet you persist. Ask yourself why.
Doesn't matter if its true or not. Damage has been done.

Though I'm sure if it was true Hillary would be annoyed. She could have beaten McCain lol
I am extremely skeptical of this.

1st question - Why NOW?

Family Loyalty? He really going to screw his brother...and again - why now?
As president, Obama had many ways to retaliate against his brother. Not so easy now. His brother may have feared for his life.
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The discussion is your obsession with a topic that was debunked years ago....even your so-called president has admitted that. And yet you persist. Ask yourself why.
Why? That's easy (no pun intended), TROLL. Obama's brother just released what is supposed to be Obama's REAL birth certificate, which as noted, is a helluva lot more 'authentic-looking' than the one Barry tried to pass off.

WHY? This brand new revelation is 'NEWS'...NEW news. Sorry bringing it back up disturbs you so much. Perhaps you should write Obama's brother a very nasty ,sarcastic letter condemning him for doing so?!
As president, Obama had many ways to retaliate against his brother. Not so eady now. His brother may have feared for his life.
How long before his brother has an 'accident' or is forced to issue a retraction?
... WHY? This brand new revelation is 'NEWS'...NEW news. Sorry bringing it back up disturbs you so much. Perhaps you should write Obama's brother a very nasty ,sarcastic letter condemning him for doing so?!

News!! News!! I say...

2009: FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth

"Another Barack Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” of dubious origin was offered for sale by one Lucas Smith via eBay in August 2009:


This document exhibited many of the same red flags as the previous forgery, including its identification of the location of Barack Obama Jr.’s birth as Mombasa, even though that city was very far away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.’s family lived:

The image is part of the extremely ill-informed conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Mombasa — conveniently, one of the more Muslim parts of the country.

This has always been a red flag for conspiracy theorists, so it deserves some explanation. Barack Obama Sr. was born and educated in Nyanza Province, in southwestern Kenya, on Lake Victoria. This is the area where Obama’s family lived and continues to live; Sarah Obama, the step-grandmother of the president, lives in Nyang’oma Kogelo, a small town in the province. But Mombasa is a city on the Indian Ocean, a thousand miles to the east. It didn’t even have an international airport until 1979.

In September 2009, Orly Taitz attempted to introduce the second “Kenyan birth certificate” in the case of Rhodes v. MacDonald as evidence that Barack Obama was born outside the United States U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land dismissed the complaint and threatened to sanction Ms. Taitz if she filed any similarly frivolous motions in the future:

Plaintiff has demonstrated no likelihood of success on the merits. Her claims are based on sheer conjecture and speculation. She alleges no factual basis for her “hunch” or “feeling” or subjective belief that the President was not born in the United States … Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.

Plaintiff’s counsel, who champions herself as a defender of liberty and freedom, seeks to use the power of the judiciary to compel a citizen, albeit the President of the United States, to “prove his innocence” to “charges” that are based [solely] upon conjecture and speculation. Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning [the] fundamental principles upon which our country was founded in order to purportedly “protect and preserve” those very principles.

Plaintiff’s counsel is hereby notified that the filing of any future actions in this Court, which are similarly frivolous, shall subject counsel to sanctions.

A spoof web site, the Republic of Kenya Birth Certificate Generator, allows Internet users to create their very own fake Certified Registration of Birth documents from Kenya.
Despite this new document not being the one mentioned in the 2009 article, it bears many of the same 'trademarks' of being fake like that one. Thank you for posting this, Paper.

As I said earlier, this new birth certificate did not make sense - why NOW? And again, I doubt his brother would be the one to release it...family loyalties and all.

Same document that was offerred on ebay 8 years ago -->> "Another Barack Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” of dubious origin was offered for sale by one Lucas Smith via eBay in August 2009"

ON SALE? Might as well print the words 'FAKE' over the front of it. :p
Despite this new document not being the one mentioned in the 2009 article, it bears many of the same 'trademarks' of being fake like that one. Thank you for posting this, Paper.

As I said earlier, this new birth certificate did not make sense - why NOW? And again, I doubt his brother would be the one to release it...family loyalties and all.
"Despite this new document not being the one mentioned in the 2009 article"

??? It's the exact same one.
The real question continue:

1. Why did it take so long for Obama to submit his "birth certificate' when it initially came up?

2 Why did the governor state initially there was no b.c. for Obama in Hawaii while being a supporter of his?

3. The governor said there was a note in the file about the birth certificate, but failed to release what the note said. Why?

4. Why was there a pamphlet written by Obama and in the front stated he was from Kenya?

5. Why hasn't his college applications been released as asked?

6. Why wasn't there tests done on the paper, seal (or lack of) and ink on the two birth certificates? That would reveal the date of the document.

7. Why does Obama have the social security number of a dead man in Connecticut when he never visited the state?

8. Why do Obama supporters continue to deny these many questions but instead only clamor for Trump's tax records which would not reveal his bogus citizenship, and that is a needless document when considering the fact that Trump was a citizen while living in the US?

9. Why is there no footprint, seal or Doctor's name on the fictitious b.c. given by Obama's cohorts?

You call it trolling but if that evidence was lodged against Trump, he's be gone. You are a bunch of fools and follow blindly like sheep. Get a brain.

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