Obama's Brother Shows Obama Birth Certificate: KENYA

You conservatives wonder why liberals think you are gullible and uneducated. This is why. You keep spewing nonsense like the birther movement. Fuhrer Trump even said Obama was American.
Then answer these questions. No lib wants to touch them because they have no answers:
The real question continue:

1. Why did it take so long for Obama to submit his "birth certificate' when it initially came up?

2 Why did the governor state initially there was no b.c. for Obama in Hawaii while being a supporter of his?

3. The governor said there was a note in the file about the birth certificate, but failed to release what the note said. Why?

4. Why was there a pamphlet written by Obama and in the front stated he was from Kenya?

5. Why hasn't his college applications been released as asked?

6. Why wasn't there tests done on the paper, seal (or lack of) and ink on the two birth certificates? That would reveal the date of the document.

7. Why does Obama have the social security number of a dead man in Connecticut when he never visited the state?

8. Why do Obama supporters continue to deny these many questions but instead only clamor for Trump's tax records which would not reveal his bogus citizenship, and that is a needless document when considering the fact that Trump was a citizen while living in the US?

9. Why is there no footprint, seal or Doctor's name on the fictitious b.c. given by Obama's cohorts?

You call it trolling but if that evidence was lodged against Trump, he's be gone. You are a bunch of fools and follow blindly like sheep. Get a brain.
Another brain injury victim of the Bowling Green Massacre. ^

Exactly why would Malik Obama assert for 50 years Obama was born in Kenya even before Obama ran for his Absentee Senate seat?
Be a good boy, and take your medication when the nurse delivers them to you.


Exactly why would Malik Obama assert for 50 years Obama was born in Kenya even before Obama ran for his Absentee Senate seat?
Be a good boy, and take your medication when the nurse delivers them to you.


So you have no answer then? Again, why would Obama Bin Lying's Brother testify for 50 plus years that Obama Bin Lying was born in Kenya and that his own mother conspired to fraudulently arrange for him to appear to be an American Citizen?

What kind of guy throws his brother and his mother under the bus like that?

No one would do that over a lie. They would however clear their conscience by telling The Truth about something that was troubling them for 50 Plus Years.
Breitbart had it right in 2011 proving he was from Kenya!

Why are you people so obsessed over the birth certificate? His being born in Hawaii or Kenya either one is not what makes him a US citizen. His mother was a US citizen and therefore, so is he.

Much ado about nothing and so many wasted electrons!
Why are you people so obsessed over the birth certificate? His being born in Hawaii or Kenya either one is not what makes him a US citizen. His mother was a US citizen and therefore, so is he.

Much ado about nothing and so many wasted electrons!

This (above) is not true.

And it is exactly why Obummer's place of birth matters. Well, it did matter, that is. It's too late to do anything about it now though.
Why are you people so obsessed over the birth certificate? His being born in Hawaii or Kenya either one is not what makes him a US citizen. His mother was a US citizen and therefore, so is he.

Much ado about nothing and so many wasted electrons!

This (above) is not true.

And it is exactly why Obummer's place of birth matters. Well, it did matter, that is. It's too late to do anything about it now though.

Why is it not true? I noticed you couldn't be bothered to say.
If he was ineligible then he never was president and every EO, every bill he signed are all void. And, as a bonus he gets billed for travel taken under false pretense and, HEY PRESTO, the national debt can be retired. I think I'm starting to like Malik!
Obama will end his days either in prison, or in front of a firing squad.
Both are too good for him.
Life is good.
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."
Wow, that's a new one. Guess you guys were right all along. :dunno:
Why are you people so obsessed over the birth certificate? His being born in Hawaii or Kenya either one is not what makes him a US citizen. His mother was a US citizen and therefore, so is he.

Much ado about nothing and so many wasted electrons!
Because everyone could sense he was a liar. It was just hard to prove.
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."

I'm not a fan of Obama first off, but this is bullshit and doesn't mean a thing. Obama's mother was an American citizen, therefore, a citizen, natural born according to our laws, end of story.
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."

I'm not a fan of Obama first off, but this is bullshit and doesn't mean a thing. Obama's mother was an American citizen, therefore, a citizen, natural born according to our laws, end of story.

But The Wire Tapper In Chief was born in Kenya, and is a Radical Muslim. So he committed Fraud, and he was not eligible to even run for President.
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."

I'm not a fan of Obama first off, but this is bullshit and doesn't mean a thing. Obama's mother was an American citizen, therefore, a citizen, natural born according to our laws, end of story.

But The Wire Tapper In Chief was born in Kenya, and is a Radical Muslim. So he committed Fraud, and he was not eligible to even run for President.

Right. And trump has bigly hands and a bigly penis, and John Miller is his publicist. lol!
If he was ineligible then he never was president and every EO, every bill he signed are all void. And, as a bonus he gets billed for travel taken under false pretense and, HEY PRESTO, the national debt can be retired. I think I'm starting to like Malik!

NOPE. Once given the oath of office, he becomes president whether eligible or not. Look at the presidential succession act, if they swear in the wrong person, out of succession order, they can't fix it later.
Obama will end his days either in prison, or in front of a firing squad.
Both are too good for him.
Life is good.

You have to ask, if there was proof of this, why release it when Trumps ass is in a sling? When his wiretaping claim has fallen apart. And Trump is on the ropes.

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