Obama's Brother Shows Obama Birth Certificate: KENYA

You conservatives wonder why liberals think you are gullible and uneducated. This is why. You keep spewing nonsense like the birther movement. Fuhrer Trump even said Obama was American.

A SHAM....Obama's REAL 'Legacy'?!

Not only will Obama's legacy be that he was the worst President this country ever had but he was an illegal one.

Shame on thee stupid Moon Bats that voted for the sonofabitch. It is not like they weren't warned that not only was he not qualified but he was an extreme far Left ideologue, who had a Muslim culture background that wasn't even eligible to be President under the Constitution.
... WHY? This brand new revelation is 'NEWS'...NEW news. Sorry bringing it back up disturbs you so much. Perhaps you should write Obama's brother a very nasty ,sarcastic letter condemning him for doing so?!

News!! News!! I say...

2009: FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth

"Another Barack Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” of dubious origin was offered for sale by one Lucas Smith via eBay in August 2009:


This document exhibited many of the same red flags as the previous forgery, including its identification of the location of Barack Obama Jr.’s birth as Mombasa, even though that city was very far away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.’s family lived:

The image is part of the extremely ill-informed conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Mombasa — conveniently, one of the more Muslim parts of the country.

This has always been a red flag for conspiracy theorists, so it deserves some explanation. Barack Obama Sr. was born and educated in Nyanza Province, in southwestern Kenya, on Lake Victoria. This is the area where Obama’s family lived and continues to live; Sarah Obama, the step-grandmother of the president, lives in Nyang’oma Kogelo, a small town in the province. But Mombasa is a city on the Indian Ocean, a thousand miles to the east. It didn’t even have an international airport until 1979.

In September 2009, Orly Taitz attempted to introduce the second “Kenyan birth certificate” in the case of Rhodes v. MacDonald as evidence that Barack Obama was born outside the United States U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land dismissed the complaint and threatened to sanction Ms. Taitz if she filed any similarly frivolous motions in the future:

Plaintiff has demonstrated no likelihood of success on the merits. Her claims are based on sheer conjecture and speculation. She alleges no factual basis for her “hunch” or “feeling” or subjective belief that the President was not born in the United States … Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.

Plaintiff’s counsel, who champions herself as a defender of liberty and freedom, seeks to use the power of the judiciary to compel a citizen, albeit the President of the United States, to “prove his innocence” to “charges” that are based [solely] upon conjecture and speculation. Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning [the] fundamental principles upon which our country was founded in order to purportedly “protect and preserve” those very principles.

Plaintiff’s counsel is hereby notified that the filing of any future actions in this Court, which are similarly frivolous, shall subject counsel to sanctions.

A spoof web site, the Republic of Kenya Birth Certificate Generator, allows Internet users to create their very own fake Certified Registration of Birth documents from Kenya.
Why didn't they do tests on the document instead of quickly denying it?
The discussion is your obsession with a topic that was debunked years ago....even your so-called president has admitted that. And yet you persist. Ask yourself why.
Why? That's easy (no pun intended), TROLL. Obama's brother just released what is supposed to be Obama's REAL birth certificate, which as noted, is a helluva lot more 'authentic-looking' than the one Barry tried to pass off.

WHY? This brand new revelation is 'NEWS'...NEW news. Sorry bringing it back up disturbs you so much. Perhaps you should write Obama's brother a very nasty ,sarcastic letter condemning him for doing so?!
"Just released"? Hmmmm......so tell us why you "have the goods" on our Former President when 8 years of you birthers failed and failed and failed and failed to prove your hate-fueled fantasies?
You conservatives wonder why liberals think you are gullible and uneducated. This is why. You keep spewing nonsense like the birther movement. Fuhrer Trump even said Obama was American.
But you cannot answer the questions I posed. I don't give a damn what Trump said. I want definitive proof.
The real question continue:

1. Why did it take so long for Obama to submit his "birth certificate' when it initially came up?

2 Why did the governor state initially there was no b.c. for Obama in Hawaii while being a supporter of his?

3. The governor said there was a note in the file about the birth certificate, but failed to release what the note said. Why?

4. Why was there a pamphlet written by Obama and in the front stated he was from Kenya?

5. Why hasn't his college applications been released as asked?

6. Why wasn't there tests done on the paper, seal (or lack of) and ink on the two birth certificates? That would reveal the date of the document.

7. Why does Obama have the social security number of a dead man in Connecticut when he never visited the state?

8. Why do Obama supporters continue to deny these many questions but instead only clamor for Trump's tax records which would not reveal his bogus citizenship, and that is a needless document when considering the fact that Trump was a citizen while living in the US?

9. Why is there no footprint, seal or Doctor's name on the fictitious b.c. given by Obama's cohorts?

You call it trolling but if that evidence was lodged against Trump, he's be gone. You are a bunch of fools and follow blindly like sheep. Get a brain.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
"Despite this new document not being the one mentioned in the 2009 article"
??? It's the exact same one.
I thought the article said the new one is slightly different... If not, my bad. Thanks.
"Just released"? Hmmmm......so tell us why you "have the goods" on our Former President when 8 years of you birthers failed and failed and failed and failed to prove your hate-fueled fantasies?
That's EXACTLY why I asked much earlier, 'Why NOW?' It did not make any sense.
You conservatives wonder why liberals think you are gullible and uneducated. This is why. You keep spewing nonsense like the birther movement. Fuhrer Trump even said Obama was American.
Then answer these questions. No lib wants to touch them because they have no answers:
The real question continue:

1. Why did it take so long for Obama to submit his "birth certificate' when it initially came up?

2 Why did the governor state initially there was no b.c. for Obama in Hawaii while being a supporter of his?

3. The governor said there was a note in the file about the birth certificate, but failed to release what the note said. Why?

4. Why was there a pamphlet written by Obama and in the front stated he was from Kenya?

5. Why hasn't his college applications been released as asked?

6. Why wasn't there tests done on the paper, seal (or lack of) and ink on the two birth certificates? That would reveal the date of the document.

7. Why does Obama have the social security number of a dead man in Connecticut when he never visited the state?

8. Why do Obama supporters continue to deny these many questions but instead only clamor for Trump's tax records which would not reveal his bogus citizenship, and that is a needless document when considering the fact that Trump was a citizen while living in the US?

9. Why is there no footprint, seal or Doctor's name on the fictitious b.c. given by Obama's cohorts?

You call it trolling but if that evidence was lodged against Trump, he's be gone. You are a bunch of fools and follow blindly like sheep. Get a brain.
The real question continue:

1. Why did it take so long for Obama to submit his "birth certificate' when it initially came up?

2 Why did the governor state initially there was no b.c. for Obama in Hawaii while being a supporter of his?

3. The governor said there was a note in the file about the birth certificate, but failed to release what the note said. Why?

4. Why was there a pamphlet written by Obama and in the front stated he was from Kenya?

5. Why hasn't his college applications been released as asked?

6. Why wasn't there tests done on the paper, seal (or lack of) and ink on the two birth certificates? That would reveal the date of the document.

7. Why does Obama have the social security number of a dead man in Connecticut when he never visited the state?

8. Why do Obama supporters continue to deny these many questions but instead only clamor for Trump's tax records which would not reveal his bogus citizenship, and that is a needless document when considering the fact that Trump was a citizen while living in the US?

9. Why is there no footprint, seal or Doctor's name on the fictitious b.c. given by Obama's cohorts?

You call it trolling but if that evidence was lodged against Trump, he's be gone. You are a bunch of fools and follow blindly like sheep. Get a brain.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I agree it is funny you cannot answer even one of those questions, fool! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
"Just released"? Hmmmm......so tell us why you "have the goods" on our Former President when 8 years of you birthers failed and failed and failed and failed to prove your hate-fueled fantasies?
That's EXACTLY why I asked much earlier, 'Why NOW?' It did not make any sense.
Oh we know why now.......and if you think about it, and are honest, you really know why now too.
The real question continue:

1. Why did it take so long for Obama to submit his "birth certificate' when it initially came up?

2 Why did the governor state initially there was no b.c. for Obama in Hawaii while being a supporter of his?

3. The governor said there was a note in the file about the birth certificate, but failed to release what the note said. Why?

4. Why was there a pamphlet written by Obama and in the front stated he was from Kenya?

5. Why hasn't his college applications been released as asked?

6. Why wasn't there tests done on the paper, seal (or lack of) and ink on the two birth certificates? That would reveal the date of the document.

7. Why does Obama have the social security number of a dead man in Connecticut when he never visited the state?

8. Why do Obama supporters continue to deny these many questions but instead only clamor for Trump's tax records which would not reveal his bogus citizenship, and that is a needless document when considering the fact that Trump was a citizen while living in the US?

9. Why is there no footprint, seal or Doctor's name on the fictitious b.c. given by Obama's cohorts?

You call it trolling but if that evidence was lodged against Trump, he's be gone. You are a bunch of fools and follow blindly like sheep. Get a brain.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I agree it is funny you cannot answer even one of those questions, fool! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Too.funny! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Why isn't CNN running this "Shocking Story" 24-7?

That is a Notarized Birth Certificate.
Looks legit.

Especially with The Footprint.

Malik (Obama Bin Lying's Brother) has always asserted his brother was born in Kenya and was a Marxist and that his mother conspired to fake American Citizenship for Obama.

Apparently his mother hid this Birth Certificate for 50 plus years.
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"Just released"? Hmmmm......so tell us why you "have the goods" on our Former President when 8 years of you birthers failed and failed and failed and failed to prove your hate-fueled fantasies?
That's EXACTLY why I asked much earlier, 'Why NOW?' It did not make any sense.
Oh we know why now.......and if you think about it, and are honest, you really know why now too.
Probably because some delusional conservative is trying to lash back at Obama for attempting to undermine the Trump administration.

Fake crap is not necessary to 'expose' Obama. CNN already reported he illegally obtained personal info on Trump and his team, gave it to hold-overs in 16 Intel agencies, and they later illegally leaked it - meaning Obama facilitated illegal leaks.

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