Obama's Brother Shows Obama Birth Certificate: KENYA

Both Trump and Clinton told the the Moon Bats that Obama was a Kenyan but the Moon Bats wouldn't listen. They never listen to anything. The fact that Obama refused to release his college transcripts where he enrolled as a foreign born students should have been a red flag. Also the fact that the Hawaiian birth certificate was a poorly made computer generated document should have been all the proof needed.

A man knows where his brother was born and has the real bitch certificate, not the fake modern computer generated one release by the lying Obama staff. Now we know for sure that the Moon Bats elected a filthy ass Kenyan, who was ineligible to be President.

Obama's whole disastrous administration was a sham from the very beginning and was illegal.

The Moon Bats were absolute idiots voting for the sonofabitch and the country paid for it.
Obama is old news, obviously his brother and him don't get along. But one thing is for sure Obama was one hell of a gun salesman… Best ever!
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
That bogus document has been around for eight years
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
I have documementation showing Trump born in Jamaica Hospital
Google "obama birth certificate kenya hoax". This story is vintage fake news.
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
You ever get sick of sucking obama dick?
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."

Why would anyone shoot you? When normal people come across an idiot, we want to help.

What can we do to help you?
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
You ever get sick of sucking obama dick?
I ain't the one that follows orders from a cult leader whenever ordered. That is you. Trump attacked Obama and his cult followers are now standing in line doing the same.
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
You ever get sick of sucking obama dick?
I ain't the one that follows orders from a cult leader whenever ordered. That is you. Trump attacked Obama and his cult followers are now standing in line doing the same.
The problem is I did not vote for Trump...
i wrote in a candidate... elmer fudd. It made no difference up here in South Dakota trump overwhelmingly won the state.
I happened to be a libertarian… By the way the hildabeast lost. get over it
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."

And there it is. Trump was right.
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
You ever get sick of sucking obama dick?
I ain't the one that follows orders from a cult leader whenever ordered. That is you. Trump attacked Obama and his cult followers are now standing in line doing the same.

His own brother? Obama should go to jail for Impersonating A President and a US Citizen.
Both Trump and Clinton told the the Moon Bats that Obama was a Kenyan but the Moon Bats wouldn't listen. They never listen to anything. The fact that Obama refused to release his college transcripts where he enrolled as a foreign born students should have been a red flag. Also the fact that the Hawaiian birth certificate was a poorly made computer generated document should have been all the proof needed.

A man knows where his brother was born and has the real bitch certificate, not the fake modern computer generated one release by the lying Obama staff. Now we know for sure that the Moon Bats elected a filthy ass Kenyan, who was ineligible to be President.

Obama's whole disastrous administration was a sham from the very beginning and was illegal.

The Moon Bats were absolute idiots voting for the sonofabitch and the country paid for it.
A SHAM....Obama's REAL 'Legacy'?!
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
You ever get sick of sucking obama dick?
I ain't the one that follows orders from a cult leader whenever ordered. That is you. Trump attacked Obama and his cult followers are now standing in line doing the same.
The problem is I did not vote for Trump...
i wrote in a candidate... elmer fudd. It made no difference up here in South Dakota trump overwhelmingly won the state.
I happened to be a libertarian… By the way the hildabeast lost. get over it
Ya, well, I'm a Huntsman supporter, so I guess I kind of won..But you are still a sucker doing trump's bidding and promoting an eight-year-old hoax that was debunked when it first came out.
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
'Bad Stuff about Obama' - that's called 'HIS RECORD'. :p

Obama's brother is a 'cult member'?
The cult got its marching orders. Demonize Obama, even if it means bringing out the old birther stuff. Just flood the net with bad stuff about Obama.
You ever get sick of sucking obama dick?
I ain't the one that follows orders from a cult leader whenever ordered. That is you. Trump attacked Obama and his cult followers are now standing in line doing the same.
The problem is I did not vote for Trump...
i wrote in a candidate... elmer fudd. It made no difference up here in South Dakota trump overwhelmingly won the state.
I happened to be a libertarian… By the way the hildabeast lost. get over it
Ya, well, I'm a Huntsman supporter, so I guess I kind of won..But you are still a sucker doing trump's bidding and promoting an eight-year-old hoax that was debunked when it first came out.
I don't know where Obama was born, it really makes no difference to me. But his terms in office only suited his supporters… He was not a president for all Americans. He did not try to be.
Ok, Obama supporters are going to say all day this is fake, and Obama detractors will say all day this is legit.

If it's not, the world goes on. If TRUE...Let's talk about the implications:

Everything Obama did / signed goes 'bye-bye'?
He gets deported?
He goes to JAIL?

(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."
You really really miss Former President Obama.
You really really miss Former President Obama.
No, no I really don't. This is 'news'. (It's as much 'news' as snowflakes declaring 'The Russians hacked the election'.)

Had this been about an Ex-GOP President you honestly KNOW this would be up all over the board right now. This was going to be posted today at some point, so I went ahead and posted it.

Want to talk about CONTENT now or just keep making 'drive-by's?

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