Obama’s Classless Exit


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Commentary: Obama’s Classless Exit

"President Barack Obama’s final days in office would be laughable if they weren’t so insulting, self-aggrandizing and, frankly, sad.

Obama entered office in 2009 as the “people’s president,” a leader supposedly dedicated to the welfare of the common man. He’s leaving office fixated on two things: building his own legacy and paying back the numerous sycophantic lackeys who bowed to his every desire for eight seemingly endless years."


1. "The insanity began in November, when an emotional Obama handed out Medals of Freedom to a slew of teary-eyed celebrities who had coincidently just so happened to be big Obama supporters. Among those awarded were Ellen DeGeneres, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Jordan, Bruce Springsteen and, of course, Robert De Niro. The Medal of Freedom is the highest award given to civilians, and I’m sure you can’t think of any group of people more deserving than a bunch of millionaires from Hollywood, right?"

2. "Obama’s celebrity payback was just the start. Earlier in January, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter awarded Obama with the Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, “the highest honorary award presented by the Secretary of Defense to non-career Federal employees, private citizens, and foreign nationals.”

3. "As ludicrous as all this is, the height of the Obama-farewell absurdities may have come on Thursday, when Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to his own vice president, Joe Biden, for having “faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generations.”

"For those of you who remain believers in the Obama gospel: Does any of this strike you as even the least bit silly? Or selfish? Or, I don’t know, stupid?

For all of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) quirks, I think he might be one of only a few people associated with the Democratic Party who understands, at least partially, why Donald Trump won an election no one in the world thought he should (except Trump himself, of course): The idea the Democratic Party is still the “party of the working man” is so far from reality that it borders on the delusional."
I would not enter The White House until it was scrubbed clean for several days. From what I understand there were several Kenyans (east Africans who carry weird diseases) occupying rooms there on taxpayer money.
i dont know how Obama will function now that no one will be writing up his teleprompters, is he going to start bringing scripts to wherever he dines?
back to his ole job


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