Obama's college transcripts have been released.

Ok....straight to the point.

Has he released his transcripts?
Why not?
Reagan transcripts are on public display at the Reagan Library.

Ok....straight to the point.

Has he released his transcripts?
Why not?

Kindly name every President who has done so.

Name every one? Ok. One at a time....starting with the last one, GW Bush:
George W. Bush's YALE Transcript: GeorgeWBush.org :: Official Site to Re-Select Bush/Cheney in 2004!

George W Bush released his Yale transcript AFTER it was already leaked to the press. And you'll notice that Bush didn't release his Harvard Transcripts....as they hadn't been leaked to the press.

Now....where is Obamas?

Where's Reagans? Nixon's? Bush 1's?
Reagan transcripts are on public display at the Reagan Library.

Says who? Show me, don't tell me.

And what didn't Reagan release his transcripts while in office? What was Reagan hiding? What was Reagan afraid of?
Reagan transcripts are on public display at the Reagan Library.

Says who? Show me, don't tell me.

And what didn't Reagan release his transcripts while in office? What was Reagan hiding? What was Reagan afraid of?

Nothing. They're on display now.

W released his. Of course....they were leaked by liberals at the colleges. Obamas?? Nope. Libs would treat them like the Holy Grail.

He's a Muslim or a Commie. His college shit would show it too.
I love NaziCon conspiracy threads. Enjoy the fantasy until sane media debunk it.

If Obama's college transcripts had honesty and legally been released, the mainstream media would have reported on it. If any of those transcripts contained anything that would get him impeached, the gop congress would have jumped on it in a New York minute. Yet we hear nothing from the media and nothing from the gop in congress.

We all know why.

These people are pathetic. Just as they forged and faked a Kenyan birth certificate twice. Just as they forged and faked a student ID card.

All they have is lies and I personally am so sick of it. It's been going on so long I automatically don't believe one thing from any of them. I'm sure the majority of the people in our nation have had enough of their lies and now automatically don't believe one thing they say.
If this is true then it is huge fucking news. On the otherhand, Biden would become President and would likely be able to run for his own term..

If it was true the real media would have reported it by now.

If it was true the gop in congress would have commented on it and already have hearings scheduled.

I can't believe any intelligent person would believe anything from those pathological liars.
Reagan transcripts are on public display at the Reagan Library.

Says who? Show me, don't tell me.

And what didn't Reagan release his transcripts while in office? What was Reagan hiding? What was Reagan afraid of?

Nothing. They're on display now.

Says who? So far there is you, citing you. Which is an excuse for a source. Show me. Don't tell me.

And of course, Reagan refused to release his transcripts when he was in office. Why? What was Reagan hiding?

W released his.

W released his Yale transcript AFTER it had already been leaked to the press. Never before. And never his Harvard transcript. No president has voluntarily released their transcript.

Why then would you expect Obama to? You didn't expect Reagan to. You didn't expect Bush 1 to. Or Clinton. But oddly, you do for Obama.

Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records

It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

The claim that Obama’s birth certificate is “sealed” is pure nonsense. Copies of both the so-called “short” and “long” certificates have been released, and state officials in Hawaii have said repeatedly that Obama was born there in 1961 and is a “natural born American citizen.”

The claim that Obama got “foreign student aid” is untrue. That wild falsehood began as an absurd April Fools’ Day hoax in 2009, which we quickly exposed.


In Star Wars, they say "the force is strong".

Well, for you ignorant nitwits, the tardation is strong within your "kind". And you truly are nitwits and the tardation is very, very strong.
Says one of the biggest retards on this board.
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
"AP – WASHINGTON D.C. In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College … Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program."

Released to who? Oh right, no one.


January 11, 2014 by Dean James

Sure thing, two years later and nothin'...

Freedom of information only applies to records belonging to the US Government.

Occidental College is a private school so nothing they have in any of their records is a record belonging to the US Government.

A college isn't the US government. So the claim that a freedom of information case was brought is hysterical.

These people are relying on stupid people not actually knowing the law and how the freedom of information act applies and who it applies to.

But I will say they are wonderful comic relief to those of us who have two working brain cells or more. We should just sit back and enjoy laughing at such incredibly stupid people who have no problem showing all of cyberspace just how stupid they are. LOL.

By law all college transcripts are private and can only be released with written consent from the person whose name is on the transcripts. If those transcripts are released without that written permission, the school is open for a huge lawsuit.

So just sit back and enjoy laughing at such stupid people. I know I am.

Freedom of Information Act (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect.
When going for the Bar Exam, I believe one of the questions was, "have you ever been known under another name?" He answered no and that was a lie. He was known as Barry Soetoro.

Did he ever get his name changed legally? Who in the hell is now? Obama or Soetoro? Which lie is not a lie?

Think of all the important documents he signed with "Obama". All of those EO's and legislation should be considered null and void.

Good work on the part of the person who got this information out. So, Libs, maybe birthers are more intelligent than the sheeples who just saw color and voted for that...

You do realize you're agreeing with an April Fools joke from 2009, right?
Prove it.


Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?

But you don't really care, do you? You've never had much use for evidence. Or fact checking.

Show me his college records.

Show me Reagan's.
Reagan never published a pamphlet claiming to be born in another country.

Birth Cerificate?
Who cares what a state certified birth certificate says....we got a pamphlet
I would like to see the medical records of Trump and his wife

What year did Mrs Trump get her boob job and how big?

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