Obama's college transcripts have been released.

Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect.
When going for the Bar Exam, I believe one of the questions was, "have you ever been known under another name?" He answered no and that was a lie. He was known as Barry Soetoro.

Did he ever get his name changed legally? Who in the hell is now? Obama or Soetoro? Which lie is not a lie?

Think of all the important documents he signed with "Obama". All of those EO's and legislation should be considered null and void.

Good work on the part of the person who got this information out. So, Libs, maybe birthers are more intelligent than the sheeples who just saw color and voted for that...

You do realize you're agreeing with an April Fools joke from 2009, right?
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect.
When going for the Bar Exam, I believe one of the questions was, "have you ever been known under another name?" He answered no and that was a lie. He was known as Barry Soetoro.

Did he ever get his name changed legally? Who in the hell is now? Obama or Soetoro? Which lie is not a lie?

Think of all the important documents he signed with "Obama". All of those EO's and legislation should be considered null and void.

Good work on the part of the person who got this information out. So, Libs, maybe birthers are more intelligent than the sheeples who just saw color and voted for that...

You do realize you're agreeing with an April Fools joke from 2009, right?
Prove it. Show me his college records. Oh damn. He won't release them. C'mon Mr. Who Ever you Are, release those records and prove us wrong.
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?


It never occurred to you to fact check any of it. Did it?
Fact check what? How? He wanted those records kept secret. Wonder Why?

And by 'kept secret', you mean having the same degree of confidentiality of any other student at any other college?

And you do realize that non president has ever released their college transcripts save GW....and only for Yale. And only after they'd been leaked.

So what 'secret' was Reagan keeping?
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect.
When going for the Bar Exam, I believe one of the questions was, "have you ever been known under another name?" He answered no and that was a lie. He was known as Barry Soetoro.

Did he ever get his name changed legally? Who in the hell is now? Obama or Soetoro? Which lie is not a lie?

Think of all the important documents he signed with "Obama". All of those EO's and legislation should be considered null and void.

Good work on the part of the person who got this information out. So, Libs, maybe birthers are more intelligent than the sheeples who just saw color and voted for that...

You do realize you're agreeing with an April Fools joke from 2009, right?
Prove it.


Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?

But you don't really care, do you? You've never had much use for evidence. Or fact checking.

Show me his college records.

Show me Reagan's.
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?


It never occurred to you to fact check any of it. Did it?
Fact check what? How? He wanted those records kept secret. Wonder Why?

And by 'kept secret', you mean having the same degree of confidentiality of any other student at any other college?

And you do realize that non president has ever released their college transcripts save GW....and only for Yale. And only after they'd been leaked.

So what 'secret' was Reagan keeping?
You tell me.
I guess Syr considers this right wing falsehoods that we just accept without question.Ghost Student: Obama's Columbia 30th Reunion and NO Classmate Remembers Seeing Him | Restoring Liberty.....

There is an oft repeated argument about Obamas roommate and one essay attributed to him but that is it, nada...........

Oh wait- Wayne Allyn Root- you mean the guy who ran as a vice presidential candidate on a ticket against Obama years later claims no one remembers him from his re-union?

Who claimed this?

And there is one single article written for the Columbia newspaper with Obama’s name on it. A single photo also exists of Obama in his Manhattan apartment with the man he claims was his college roommate – a Pakistani foreign student. And one single radical leftist Columbia professor who hates Israel also claims he remembers Obama.

That’s the sum total of Obama’s existence at Columbia University, Class of ’83.

Would Wayne Allyn Root lie? Why yes he would.....did he assume that gullible birthers would fall for it- yes he did.....
FactCheck Mailbag, Week of Feb. 16-Feb. 22

I knew him while he was there. He was remarkable then, but not in the way that most people think of as "remarkable." He was not trying to be noticed — he was studious and thoughtful. I said of him: "Whatever Barack decides to do for a career, he will be the best at it." When he left our group he was often on his way to a library.

We played soccer on the lawn in front of Butler — I was usually the only woman playing and he treated me as equally as the others: if I was open, he sent the ball into the space in front of me, if I wasn’t open — he never made the silly passes that some men did to try to act like they were being egalitarian. The "into the space" passing was consistent — he was a superior strategist — and many of us had been college or semi-pro players. We always wanted him on our team.

After games we had discussions — and we found that the same thoughtfulness of play was evident in his thinking about policy and social issues. He was a serious guy, but always had a ready laugh or twinkle in his eye.

I was doing my Ph.D. — I assumed he was a fellow grad student. When I saw him on television at the Democratic Convention I was only surprised that I knew him, but entirely not surprised at his achievement.

The people who are making these claims, Fox et al, do not understand Columbia. I recently told a father of a current student that he should visit the campus on a warm Friday night to see the school environment that is uniquely CU — it is the same as when I studied there: hundreds of us sitting on the library steps doing school work on laptops.

Cathie M. Currie, Ph.D.
New York, N.Y.

Young Obama Wrote Article Blaming America For 'Growing Threat of War' | Human Events

Article Blaming America For ‘Growing Threat of War’

You won’t find it in his memoir or any of the oodles of words written about him during the campaign, but this reporter has discovered a strikingly naive article Barack Obama wrote about the anti-war movement as a Columbia University senior in 1983.

Birthers will believe any crap- anything but the facts- or the truth.

Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?


It never occurred to you to fact check any of it. Did it?
Fact check what? How? He wanted those records kept secret. Wonder Why?

And by 'kept secret', you mean having the same degree of confidentiality of any other student at any other college?

And you do realize that non president has ever released their college transcripts save GW....and only for Yale. And only after they'd been leaked.

So what 'secret' was Reagan keeping?
You tell me.

Reagan kept his college transcripts 'sealed' and 'secret', per you. Thus, by your logic any batshit anyone makes up about him must be true. After all, that's your standard for Obama.
I am sure this won't go down well either.

In 2008, Harvard Law classmate, law review colleague remembered Obama as ‘a pretty cold fish’

Both Obama and dems are pros at rewriting history so it is not surprising that any blemishes to Obamas biography have been air brushed away by liberal sycophants.

Why would that not go down well- from your citation:

Despite his liberal slant, she said Obama was respectful of the conservative perspective when he was president of the Harvard Law Review.

“I knew him reasonably well — as well as most people knew him, if not better — because quite in contrast to this image that Barack tries to project, as someone who is warm and all-embracing and all that kind of stuff,” Liebau said.

“I mean, I will tell you I’ve written a piece that has praised Barack for certain things and I stand by that piece: He was color-blind in the way he chose, staffed the law review when he was president. He did give both sides a fair hearing. He always went with the far-left side, but he did give both sides a respectful hearing, which was fairly atypical at Harvard Law School at that time.”

What an indictment of Obama.....
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect.
When going for the Bar Exam, I believe one of the questions was, "have you ever been known under another name?" He answered no and that was a lie. He was known as Barry Soetoro.

Did he ever get his name changed legally? Who in the hell is now? Obama or Soetoro? Which lie is not a lie?

Think of all the important documents he signed with "Obama". All of those EO's and legislation should be considered null and void.

Good work on the part of the person who got this information out. So, Libs, maybe birthers are more intelligent than the sheeples who just saw color and voted for that...

You do realize you're agreeing with an April Fools joke from 2009, right?
Prove it.


Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?

But you don't really care, do you? You've never had much use for evidence. Or fact checking.

Show me his college records.

Show me Reagan's.
Reagan never published a pamphlet claiming to be born in another country.
Well, I learned something today.

Just how absolutely amazing it is to see so many opposing responses to a thread.

At least the thread has interested some.

Well longknife- any time Birther claims are brought up- and the college transcripts are just part of the usual litany of Birther lies- you get more of the Birther lies.

You have seen several of them made here in this thread- and refuted with actual facts. Claims no one remembered him- countered by people remembering him.

The question should be- what motivates these people to continually spread these lies?
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect.
When going for the Bar Exam, I believe one of the questions was, "have you ever been known under another name?" He answered no and that was a lie. He was known as Barry Soetoro.

Did he ever get his name changed legally? Who in the hell is now? Obama or Soetoro? Which lie is not a lie?

Think of all the important documents he signed with "Obama". All of those EO's and legislation should be considered null and void.

Good work on the part of the person who got this information out. So, Libs, maybe birthers are more intelligent than the sheeples who just saw color and voted for that...

You do realize you're agreeing with an April Fools joke from 2009, right?
Prove it.


Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?

But you don't really care, do you? You've never had much use for evidence. Or fact checking.

Show me his college records.

Show me Reagan's.
Reagan never published a pamphlet claiming to be born in another country.

Matter of fact- no President has.

Not that that has anything to do with college transcripts- and why all Presidents have refused to release theirs.
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect.
When going for the Bar Exam, I believe one of the questions was, "have you ever been known under another name?" He answered no and that was a lie. He was known as Barry Soetoro.

Did he ever get his name changed legally? Who in the hell is now? Obama or Soetoro? Which lie is not a lie?

Think of all the important documents he signed with "Obama". All of those EO's and legislation should be considered null and void.

Good work on the part of the person who got this information out. So, Libs, maybe birthers are more intelligent than the sheeples who just saw color and voted for that...

You do realize you're agreeing with an April Fools joke from 2009, right?
Prove it.


Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.

And where are those records? When you click on the link in the OP, this is their source article

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."


Which cites an article that is IDENTICAL to an April Fools joke from 2009

"In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College."

April 1, 2009

Was Obama Born in the USA?

But you don't really care, do you? You've never had much use for evidence. Or fact checking.

Show me his college records.

Show me Reagan's.
Reagan never published a pamphlet claiming to be born in another country.

Neither did Obama. His agency published that pamphlet. And they admitted it as their mistake.

Show me Reagan's transcripts. Or by your own standards I can make up any hapless batshit I like about the man.
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
OR... The college transcripts are true and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. The fact that he wouldn't release his records was always a red flag to anyone with an intellect....

What 'college transcripts are true'- there have been no college transcripts released- you have been conned.

You have been conned by the Birthers who rely upon dupes like you.

No President has released his transcripts voluntarily.

Not one.
Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached | USA Politics Today
won't let me paste and copy the story.
Basically says Barry lied to the college and claimed foreign citizenship in order to qualify for a grant granted only to foreign kids.
and he was born in Kenya with the name Barry Soetoro. ..

See here the Birther attention to 'details' stands out.

Barack Obama Jr was of course the son of Barack Obama Sr.

Why would he be born in Kenya with the name "Barry Soetoro"?

Its conspiracy casserole. It doesn't matter if it makes sense, just stir it right in.
Ah, but you forget: the credibility of a source is based soley on if it backs what a birther believes. Thus, Snopes and every article it cites is ignored because it contradicts birthers.

While an unsourced blog post on a Wordpress website citing an email released on April Fools Day is accepted as gospel truth. As it affirms what birthers want to believe.

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