Obama's COP21 BACK DOOR AGREEMENT to circumvent Congress.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Obama's BACK DOOR AGREEMENT to circumvent Congress.

While all the smoke and mirrors were being used, Obama quietly negotiated his own deal behind closed doors. Obama’s goal was to negotiate a “multilateral environmental agreement” that could be added by the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Commission so that this third party the TPP could then enforced the COP21 non binding agreement against the U.S. by using TPP’s tribunals, which allow countries to sue each other for multi-billion dollar fines if a country violates the agreement. And all by circumventing congress and our own laws.

Obama needed to thread a needle: A “declaration” would not be enforceable. A “treaty” would require Senate ratification. Did he succeeded? This clearly falls in the realm of premeditated treason, aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States, while dishonoring his Oath of Office.

WE need to hold these people accountable for intentionally subverting our Constitution and Obama breaking his oath of office to protect and defend the US Constitution.

This has never been about the environment. I encourage the US Congress to demand a vote on the legality of Obama's back door legislating attempt while stopping the TPP's back door attempt at subversion of US Treaty Laws, forced compliance without treaty and senate requirements that requires approval BEFORE any US citizen or corporation can be held civilly liable..

Obama's use of 'slight of hand' and executive fiat to write laws can no longer be left unaddressed.

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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That treaty was ratified by the US Senate in 1992. The current agreement is part of the implementation of it. Therefore, no further senate vote is required. If congress tries any of your stupid tricks, they'll get laughed out of the courts.

Wrong again hairball... changes to any agreement require full senate approval. But thanks for playing.. You dont have a dam clue about treaty laws do you..
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It's not a change. It's an implementation of what the previous treaty says to do.

Good luck with your very peculiar interpretation of the law.
It's not a change. It's an implementation of what the previous treaty says to do.

Good luck with your very peculiar interpretation of the law.

If you had an agreement and suddenly I changed it to add 3 trillion dollars of debt and fines would you still have no say in accepting it?


You singed the agreement now pay up!

And now I enlist a third party to make you pay up... Priceless..
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If you had an agreement and suddenly I changed it to add 3 trillion dollars of debt and fines would you still have no say in accepting it?


But as the treaty wasn't changed by the current action, that has nothing to do with the issue being discussed.

The treaty said conduct more negotiations and take necessary action. Nice and vague. And nothing in the current action contradicts that. The treaty wasn't changed.

Your sanity death spiral here is quite amusing.

Anyways, good luck in court. Your legal knowledge seems to be up there with your climate knowledge.
If you had an agreement and suddenly I changed it to add 3 trillion dollars of debt and fines would you still have no say in accepting it?


But as the treaty wasn't changed by the current action, that has nothing to do with the issue being discussed.

The treaty said conduct more negotiations and take necessary action. Nice and vague. And nothing in the current action contradicts that. The treaty wasn't changed.

Your sanity death spiral here is quite amusing.

Anyways, good luck in court. Your legal knowledge seems to be up there with your climate knowledge.

The hairballs problem is obvious...
Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG

When the facts dont support your line of crap... Funny how you will defend Obama's unconstitutional actions to the end...
well gratz to the leftist filth that hate America.

you just gave a free pass to the world to sue American companies out of business so that their companies can fill the void.

but look


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