Obama's Drug Deal


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The unanswered earlier query:
Why the pressing need to award nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

My answer had to to with Hussein Obama's religious......leanings.

Now there comes to light subsidiary to the above...

Would Obama put the lives of countless Americans, right here in this country, in danger by quashing government indictments into drug connections by Hezbollah....at Iran's request.....to ensure the nuclear deal???

You betcha' he would......and did.

1. "The Iran nuclear deal was the Holy Grail of Barack Obama’s second term, and it’s no secret he subjugated other priorities and relationships to get it. But now come allegations that he also killed a U.S. investigation into drug running by the Iranian-backed terrorists of Hezbollah.

2.... the Obama Administration quashed a Drug Enforcement Administration investigation into Hezbollah’s transnational crime networks..... Politico reports compelling evidence.

3. ... the DEA had “amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself” into a global crime syndicate “that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking and money laundering,” ....Obama officials “threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way.”....“serially ripped apart [the] entire effort . . . from the top down.”

4. “during the negotiations, early on,” the Iranians “said listen, we need you to lay off Hezbollah, to tamp down the pressure on them, and the Obama administration acquiesced to that request."
Obama’s Pass for Hezbollah

5. Obama was never deserving of the presidency and the only scum worse than this man are the voters who put him in a position to poison Americans and endanger the entire world.


We knew he was doing it but to now have the proof is stunning. Just how in depth it was and to what lengths the Obama Admin went to obstructed justice.. The Ongoing Obama Criminal Enterprise.... its deep and wide...
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With the McCabe bureaucrat now leaving, who will Trump put in his place and how will that person deal with Mueller? His replacement could very well tie Mueller's hands and limit his investigation. With the new investigations into the Clinton's, the influence peddling and pay for play which includes many in the DOJ and the FBI who covered it up, a Trump leaning person will upset the deep state bureaucrats.. And now the Obama admins Obstruction of Justice...

I expect many to run from these agencies now who are loyalists to democrats and were operatives. If they leave they can not be compelled to testify to their actions or risk losing their pensions for criminal misconduct.

Things are about to get very interesting...
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Iran was on life support when Obama took office. When he left they were flush with cash to funnel to Hezbollah or who knows where and they had the nuclear agreement THEY wanted. What was Obama's allegiance to Iran? He clearly had one just as clearly as he actively worked against the best interests America. He also clearly wanted to incubate ISIS since he ignored all of his military advisors to take ISIS out before they get stronger. "Oh no, they are the J.V. and they aren't ready to play with Kobe Bryant" or whatever the fuck that idiot said.
Iran was on life support when Obama took office. When he left they were flush with cash to funnel to Hezbollah or who knows where and they had the nuclear agreement THEY wanted. What was Obama's allegiance to Iran? He clearly had one just as clearly as he actively worked against the best interests America. He also clearly wanted to incubate ISIS since he ignored all of his military advisors to take ISIS out before they get stronger. "Oh no, they are the J.V. and they aren't ready to play with Kobe Bryant" or whatever the fuck that idiot said.

"What was Obama's allegiance to Iran?"

Jeeezzzzz.....at least he only bowed to the Saudis

He gave he Mullahs his undying support, pallets full of cash, the green light on nuclear weapons and missiles.....and the go-ahead for their proxies to sell drugs in the US.

I ssooooooo want to see him in an orange jump suit.
Iran was on life support when Obama took office. When he left they were flush with cash to funnel to Hezbollah or who knows where and they had the nuclear agreement THEY wanted. What was Obama's allegiance to Iran? He clearly had one just as clearly as he actively worked against the best interests America. He also clearly wanted to incubate ISIS since he ignored all of his military advisors to take ISIS out before they get stronger. "Oh no, they are the J.V. and they aren't ready to play with Kobe Bryant" or whatever the fuck that idiot said.

"What was Obama's allegiance to Iran?"

Jeeezzzzz.....at least he only bowed to the Saudis

He gave he Mullahs his undying support, pallets full of cash, the green light on nuclear weapons and missiles.....and the go-ahead for their proxies to sell drugs in the US.

I ssooooooo want to see him in an orange jump suit.

Given the number of laws he broke and the severity of those laws its a very real possibility.

I am getting a much clearer look at what Hillary meant when she said they would all swing if Trump got elected...
Iran was on life support when Obama took office. When he left they were flush with cash to funnel to Hezbollah or who knows where and they had the nuclear agreement THEY wanted. What was Obama's allegiance to Iran? He clearly had one just as clearly as he actively worked against the best interests America. He also clearly wanted to incubate ISIS since he ignored all of his military advisors to take ISIS out before they get stronger. "Oh no, they are the J.V. and they aren't ready to play with Kobe Bryant" or whatever the fuck that idiot said.

"What was Obama's allegiance to Iran?"

Jeeezzzzz.....at least he only bowed to the Saudis

He gave he Mullahs his undying support, pallets full of cash, the green light on nuclear weapons and missiles.....and the go-ahead for their proxies to sell drugs in the US.

I ssooooooo want to see him in an orange jump suit.

Given the number of laws he broke and the severity of those laws its a very real possibility.

I am getting a much clearer look at what Hillary meant when she said they would all swing if Trump got elected...

From you keyboard to Gods in-box!

"...all swing if Trump got elected..."

Let's see who 'all' might include:

1. The Mueller Investigation has proven to be no different from the Salem Witch Trials or Stalin's Show Trials.
Apparatchiks....you.....foam at the mouth defending them.....to no avail.
He was charged by the Democrats/Bolsheviks with the mission of taking down the constitutionally elected President of the United States.

2. A year now....yet not a smidgen of evidence against Trump, nor any evidence of collusion with the Russians to sway the election.
Not a single indictment related to any 'collusion with Russia.'

3. Two of Mueller's top agents have been embarrassed and demoted as their bias has been revealed....demoted by Mueller himself due to embarrassment when their misdeeds and bias were revealed.

4. There have been no admissions of guilt, nor indictments related to any collusion with the Russians, which was Mueller's mission....nothing more than 'process crimes,' misstatements that never would have been made had this farrago not been created by the anti-Trump assassins.

5.Just as the least intelligent Democrats/Liberals were left hanging when the elites turned 180 degrees and admitted everything we on the Right have been saying about the rapist, Bill Clinton, for decades, it is now evident that Mueller's farrago ploy to institute a foregone conclusion, an attempt to remove a democratically elected President.

6. Emails revealed that FBI agent Strzok changed the working that was used to prevent Hillary from being charged.
He was at Hillary's 'victory' party, and instituted a plan to falsely accuse Trump of collusion.

7. McCabe was fully versed as to Strzok's endeavor, but he had already been bribed with nearly $700,000 to his wife by Hillary associates.

8. “If they were coming up with a quote ‘insurance policy’ in case Donald Trump won, that is devastating,” Gowdy told Fox’s Bill Hemmer."
Gowdy: Strzok Texts Show ‘A Level Of Bias You Rarely See’ [VIDEO]

9. Another Mueller agent, met with the producers of the false 'dossier' to plan the attack on Trump, and his wife worked for organization:
"A senior Department of Justice official demoted earlier in December for not disclosing meetings with Fusion GPS representatives is also married to a former employee of the firm behind the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, according to a report.
Nellie H. Ohr, wife of demoted DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr,..,." DOJ official demoted for secret meetings with Trump dossier firm is married to firm employee: Report

10. Defenders of the Leftist plan are left with egg on their.....
The time is past when any believe in the collusion strategy, or in Mueller's investigation, leaving supporters of same revealed as lying low-lives......

If it turns out that, as rumor suggests, Strzok was involved in generating, and paying for the dossier, pretending that it was factual, and marching into the FISA court with same to get warrants to eavesdrop on Trump and associates....

...he should not be allowed to resign, ala McCabe...but be charged and prosecuted.
9. Another Mueller agent, met with the producers of the false 'dossier' to plan the attack on Trump, and his wife worked for organization:
"A senior Department of Justice official demoted earlier in December for not disclosing meetings with Fusion GPS representatives is also married to a former employee of the firm behind the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, according to a report.
Nellie H. Ohr, wife of demoted DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr,..,." DOJ official demoted for secret meetings with Trump dossier firm is married to firm employee: Report

10. If it turns out that, as rumor suggests, Strzok was involved in generating, and paying for the dossier, pretending that it was factual, and marching into the FISA court with same to get warrants to eavesdrop on Trump and associates....

...he should not be allowed to resign, ala McCabe...but be charged and prosecuted.

Turn speakers up. This is what I think of the OP.:lol:

1. " This is what I think blah blah blah"
Fact not in evidence

2. I'm not white.

what does what color you are have to do with anything.

You don't know the title of the vid you posted, you dunce???

Reading your posts at times is no different than reading "Alice in Wonderland"

Could be because the posts are for folks a lot brighter than you are.

Or....could be you're simply a low-life liar who recognizes the truth of my posts, and can't dispute them.

Could be?

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