Obama's Drug Deal

Iran was on life support when Obama took office. When he left they were flush with cash to funnel to Hezbollah or who knows where and they had the nuclear agreement THEY wanted. What was Obama's allegiance to Iran? He clearly had one just as clearly as he actively worked against the best interests America. He also clearly wanted to incubate ISIS since he ignored all of his military advisors to take ISIS out before they get stronger. "Oh no, they are the J.V. and they aren't ready to play with Kobe Bryant" or whatever the fuck that idiot said.
One must wonder if that plane full of cash was some sorta drug deal
Iran was on life support when Obama took office. When he left they were flush with cash to funnel to Hezbollah or who knows where and they had the nuclear agreement THEY wanted. What was Obama's allegiance to Iran? He clearly had one just as clearly as he actively worked against the best interests America. He also clearly wanted to incubate ISIS since he ignored all of his military advisors to take ISIS out before they get stronger. "Oh no, they are the J.V. and they aren't ready to play with Kobe Bryant" or whatever the fuck that idiot said.
One must wonder if that plane full of cash was some sorta drug deal

Perhaps it was Hussein Obama attempting to re-institute serfdom....and he considered the Mullahs the 'lords of the manner' and he was offering his obeisance.

He certainly wasn't a supporter of capitalism.

President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]
Iran was on life support when Obama took office. When he left they were flush with cash to funnel to Hezbollah or who knows where and they had the nuclear agreement THEY wanted. What was Obama's allegiance to Iran? He clearly had one just as clearly as he actively worked against the best interests America. He also clearly wanted to incubate ISIS since he ignored all of his military advisors to take ISIS out before they get stronger. "Oh no, they are the J.V. and they aren't ready to play with Kobe Bryant" or whatever the fuck that idiot said.
One must wonder if that plane full of cash was some sorta drug deal
It did have that El Chapo flavor, didn't it? Out of all the WTF moments I had during Obama's reign, the cash shipment to Iran may have been the WTF-iest.

Turn speakers up. This is what I think of the OP.:lol:

1. " This is what I think blah blah blah"
Fact not in evidence

2. I'm not white.

what does what color you are have to do with anything.

You don't know the title of the vid you posted, you dunce???

Reading your posts at times is no different than reading "Alice in Wonderland"

Could be because the posts are for folks a lot brighter than you are.

Or....could be you're simply a low-life liar who recognizes the truth of my posts, and can't dispute them.

Could be?

I guess so "Alice". I just can't follow you down the rabbit hole.
Well, what should one expect from a Choom Gang member?
Breaking: Andrew McCabe has issued his retirement letter TODAY!.... The domino's are beginning to fall.. FOX News Reporting.
McCabe should he fired before he retires.

And charged with accepting bribes.

"The man who was in charge of the investigation of Hillary Clinton accepted essentially from Hillary Clinton $675,000 that went to his wife."
Donald Trump on Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 in a speech
1. " This is what I think blah blah blah"
Fact not in evidence

2. I'm not white.

what does what color you are have to do with anything.

You don't know the title of the vid you posted, you dunce???

Reading your posts at times is no different than reading "Alice in Wonderland"

Could be because the posts are for folks a lot brighter than you are.

Or....could be you're simply a low-life liar who recognizes the truth of my posts, and can't dispute them.

Could be?

I guess so "Alice". I just can't follow you down the rabbit hole.

How about we just agree that you're a dunce and let it go at that....


Oh.....and Merry Christmas.
what does what color you are have to do with anything.

You don't know the title of the vid you posted, you dunce???

Reading your posts at times is no different than reading "Alice in Wonderland"

Could be because the posts are for folks a lot brighter than you are.

Or....could be you're simply a low-life liar who recognizes the truth of my posts, and can't dispute them.

Could be?

I guess so "Alice". I just can't follow you down the rabbit hole.

How about we just agree that you're a dunce and let it go at that....


Oh.....and Merry Christmas.

No, Alice, and Merry Christmas to you as well.
what does what color you are have to do with anything.

You don't know the title of the vid you posted, you dunce???

Reading your posts at times is no different than reading "Alice in Wonderland"

Could be because the posts are for folks a lot brighter than you are.

Or....could be you're simply a low-life liar who recognizes the truth of my posts, and can't dispute them.

Could be?

I guess so "Alice". I just can't follow you down the rabbit hole.

How about we just agree that you're a dunce and let it go at that....


Oh.....and Merry Christmas.

Well I do not believe anything the Donald says, so again where is the proof (Obama roadblocks) Alice , we all know the Pubs were anti anything Obama did, and Obama did not make the Iran deal alone.

Merry Christmas.
You don't know the title of the vid you posted, you dunce???

Reading your posts at times is no different than reading "Alice in Wonderland"

Could be because the posts are for folks a lot brighter than you are.

Or....could be you're simply a low-life liar who recognizes the truth of my posts, and can't dispute them.

Could be?

I guess so "Alice". I just can't follow you down the rabbit hole.

How about we just agree that you're a dunce and let it go at that....


Oh.....and Merry Christmas.

No, Alice, and Merry Christmas to you as well.
You don't know the title of the vid you posted, you dunce???

Reading your posts at times is no different than reading "Alice in Wonderland"

Could be because the posts are for folks a lot brighter than you are.

Or....could be you're simply a low-life liar who recognizes the truth of my posts, and can't dispute them.

Could be?

I guess so "Alice". I just can't follow you down the rabbit hole.

How about we just agree that you're a dunce and let it go at that....


Oh.....and Merry Christmas.

Well I do not believe anything the Donald says, so again where is the proof (Obama roadblocks) Alice , we all know the Pubs were anti anything Obama did, and Obama did not make the Iran deal alone.

Merry Christmas.

1. "The Iran nuclear deal was the Holy Grail of Barack Obama’s second term, and it’s no secret he subjugated other priorities and relationships to get it. But now come allegations that he also killed a U.S. investigation into drug running by the Iranian-backed terrorists of Hezbollah.

2.... the Obama Administration quashed a Drug Enforcement Administration investigation into Hezbollah’s transnational crime networks..... Politico reports compelling evidence.

3. ... the DEA had “amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself” into a global crime syndicate “that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking and money laundering,” ....Obama officials “threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way.”....“serially ripped apart [the] entire effort . . . from the top down.”

4. “during the negotiations, early on,” the Iranians “said listen, we need you to lay off Hezbollah, to tamp down the pressure on them, and the Obama administration acquiesced to that request."
Obama’s Pass for Hezbollah
"Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., once falsely accused President Ronald Reagan's CIA of all but causing urban cocaine dealing in the '80s. She claimed that Reagan, by working with Nicaraguan drug dealers to defeat the communists running that country, colluded with them to created the urban drug epidemic. Never mind that The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times all debunked Waters' claim.

Yet as to "Politico's" bombshell claim that in order to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran, President Barack Obama allowed an Iran-funded Hezbollah terrorist/drug-dealing mastermind who worked for Russian President Putin to continue to operate.

Yet Waters, who calls for President Donald Trump's impeachment, has said absolutely nothing."
Why is Maxine Waters Silent on The Terrorist Drug-Dealing Probe That Obama Shut Down?

"...Obama halted a George W. Bush administration investigation of drug and human trafficking by the Iran-funded terror group Hezbollah."

"All of this is jaw-dropping. Equally incredible is the major media indifference to this big story....The story did not make the cut for the nightly newscasts of NBC, ABC and CBS, which still have a combined 20 million daily viewers."

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