Obama's economy will doom Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As the GOP clings desperately to the hope that Hillary's email scandal will somehow bring them victory in the upcoming election, there hopes will end in failure due to the fact that too many people remember the great recession and who's fault it was. George W Bush's deregulation policy allowed financial institutions to peddle trash grade mortgage packages to everyone with a pulse, which in turn crashed the housing market and in turn the economy as a whole. Trump and the GOP now wants to lead us down the same path, but it's not going to happen. Today's economy is (by any yardstick) far better than the economy of 2009, when banks were failing at a record rate and unemployment was rampant. Most voters will vote their pocketbook,and elect Hillary Clinton. Sorry Republicans..."W" is still fresh in minds of voters!
We are a nation whose livelihoods have moved elsewhere, thanks to NAFTA and OBAMMY. Ask the blue to the bone Ohio voters. They are leaving the Demo's to their lying rhetoric and backing the only candidate who would rather see America prosper, instead of Asia prospering at our expense.

Obama's economy is dooming Hitlery. No paycheck is a real motivator. Ask Ohio.
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As the GOP clings desperately to the hope that Hillary's email scandal will somehow bring them victory in the upcoming election, there hopes will end in failure due to the fact that too many people remember the great recession and who's fault it was. George W Bush's deregulation policy allowed financial institutions to peddle trash grade mortgage packages to everyone with a pulse, which in turn crashed the housing market and in turn the economy as a whole. Trump and the GOP now wants to lead us down the same path, but it's not going to happen. Today's economy is (by any yardstick) far better than the economy of 2009, when banks were failing at a record rate and unemployment was rampant. Most voters will vote their pocketbook,and elect Hillary Clinton. Sorry Republicans..."W" is still fresh in minds of voters!

Your ignorance or denial of what happened prior to the mortgage/housing/financial meltdown perfectly explains why the Democrats are in such trouble. With all the major fatal Islamic terrorist attacks here and around the world. Security and intelligence will be of as important or more important than the dismal economy under which we have suffered for 7 1/2 years.

CIA Director Comey has written the ads for the Republicans.

During their exchange, Comey admitted that Clinton, despite her claims of innocence, shared classified information from multiple devices and failed to turn over all of her work-related emails after she was ordered to do so.

GOWDY: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received classified information over her private e-mail. Was that true?

COMEY: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent —

GOWDY: So it was not true?

COMEY: That’s what I said.

GOWDY: OK. Well, I’m looking for a little shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was not marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received, was that true?

COMEY: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.’ Was that true?

COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?

COMEY: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of State.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related e-mails from her personal account. Was that true?

COMEY: That’s a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related e-mails in — on devices or slack space, whether they were deleted or whether when a server was changed out something happened to them. There’s no doubt that the work-related e-mails that were removed electronically from the — the e-mail system.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually?


In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.
We are a nation whose livelihoods have moved elsewhere, thanks to NAFTA and OBAMMY. Ask the blue to the bone Ohio voters. They are leaving the Demo's to their lying rhetoric and backing the only candidate who would rather see America prosper, instead of Asia prospering at our expense.

Obama's economy is dooming Hitlery. No paycheck is a real motivator. Ask Ohio.

That's incorrect. Technology took our jobs. And as a matter of fact, our economy grew at its fastest rate in decades after NAFTA got going.

NAFTA does have unpleasant things about it, but it's too often scapegoated as the king of all evils when in fact it's not.

Computers and robotics that were predicted to make our lives more convenient have done so but at the price of full employment. There are simply too many people and not enough jobs. It's the reality we live in, and we can either invest in jobs as one party wants to do, or keep wagging our fingers at strawmen, which the other insists on doing.
That's what happened to Bush Sr...

... Reagan left the economy in such shambles...

... it cost daddy Bush his second term.
I agree with the title, but not the substance, of the OP. Our economy is saddled with so many burdens that any attempt at reform will be very painful in the short term. The question is whether the American public is up to the task.
We are a nation whose livelihoods have moved elsewhere, thanks to NAFTA and OBAMMY. Ask the blue to the bone Ohio voters. They are leaving the Demo's to their lying rhetoric and backing the only candidate who would rather see America prosper, instead of Asia prospering at our expense.

Obama's economy is dooming Hitlery. No paycheck is a real motivator. Ask Ohio.

That's incorrect. Technology took our jobs. And as a matter of fact, our economy grew at its fastest rate in decades after NAFTA got going.

NAFTA does have unpleasant things about it, but it's too often scapegoated as the king of all evils when in fact it's not.

Computers and robotics that were predicted to make our lives more convenient have done so but at the price of full employment. There are simply too many people and not enough jobs. It's the reality we live in, and we can either invest in jobs as one party wants to do, or keep wagging our fingers at strawmen, which the other insists on doing.

Bullshit. This is a UN reality.
Someone is still making steel......... just not us. Air conditioners are still being built.... but in Mexico now. Hersheys still makes candy, just not so much in HERSHEY, Pa.
Elect Hitlery and what jobs we have left will head straight for Asia, and the flooding of our country with illegals and Muslims will insure Americans never work again.
Vote for Trump and turn this assault on America around.
We are a nation whose livelihoods have moved elsewhere, thanks to NAFTA and OBAMMY. Ask the blue to the bone Ohio voters. They are leaving the Demo's to their lying rhetoric and backing the only candidate who would rather see America prosper, instead of Asia prospering at our expense.

Obama's economy is dooming Hitlery. No paycheck is a real motivator. Ask Ohio.

That's incorrect. Technology took our jobs. And as a matter of fact, our economy grew at its fastest rate in decades after NAFTA got going.

NAFTA does have unpleasant things about it, but it's too often scapegoated as the king of all evils when in fact it's not.

Computers and robotics that were predicted to make our lives more convenient have done so but at the price of full employment. There are simply too many people and not enough jobs. It's the reality we live in, and we can either invest in jobs as one party wants to do, or keep wagging our fingers at strawmen, which the other insists on doing.
So all the business that downsized, closed or moved off shore had no effect?

Liberals are stupid beyond measure.
Hillary/OJ: The team that can get away with anything, even murder

We are a nation whose livelihoods have moved elsewhere, thanks to NAFTA and OBAMMY. Ask the blue to the bone Ohio voters. They are leaving the Demo's to their lying rhetoric and backing the only candidate who would rather see America prosper, instead of Asia prospering at our expense.

Obama's economy is dooming Hitlery. No paycheck is a real motivator. Ask Ohio.
NAFTA began with Reagan, was signed by Bush and made law under Clinton..Wanna show me where Oblama is involved in NAFTA?
We are a nation whose livelihoods have moved elsewhere, thanks to NAFTA and OBAMMY. Ask the blue to the bone Ohio voters. They are leaving the Demo's to their lying rhetoric and backing the only candidate who would rather see America prosper, instead of Asia prospering at our expense.

Obama's economy is dooming Hitlery. No paycheck is a real motivator. Ask Ohio.
NAFTA began with Reagan, was signed by Bush and made law under Clinton..Wanna show me where Oblama is involved in NAFTA?

Reread post: "...NAFTA and OBAMMY."
As the GOP clings desperately to the hope that Hillary's email scandal will somehow bring them victory in the upcoming election, there hopes will end in failure due to the fact that too many people remember the great recession and who's fault it was. George W Bush's deregulation policy allowed financial institutions to peddle trash grade mortgage packages to everyone with a pulse, which in turn crashed the housing market and in turn the economy as a whole. Trump and the GOP now wants to lead us down the same path, but it's not going to happen. Today's economy is (by any yardstick) far better than the economy of 2009, when banks were failing at a record rate and unemployment was rampant. Most voters will vote their pocketbook,and elect Hillary Clinton. Sorry Republicans..."W" is still fresh in minds of voters!
Well, those claims didn't age well!

WELL, YES: Second Trump term would be ‘positive’ for economy and financial markets: report. And that goes double when compared to what the Democrats have planned.

“With monetary and fiscal policies ... the economy is likely to continue running hot,” the report noted. “That is clearly a positive backdrop for financial markets.”
The current unemployment rate of 3.5% is close to a 50-year low, and the economy continues its record Trumpian expansion.

Further tax cuts are also a possibility, Capital Economics notes. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Jan. 23 pledged a new round of tax cuts for the middle class while at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. While Capital Economics finds it “unlikely” that a tax cut package would be as large as the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, “we know that leaders in Congress would like to extend the individual tax cuts.”

Federal Receipts Surged under the last tax cut as wages rose and business expanded:


However and new round of wage and federal receipt boosting Tax Cuts is reliant on Republicans not only maintaining control in the Senate, but also winning back the House this year.

Removal of unnecessary regulatory burden would also increase under another Trump term.

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