Obama's family selling him out

This is a hoax from 2009. How does it qualify as a "current event"? This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless a fake news forum becomes available.
Just came out today. How could it be old news?
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.
This is a hoax from 2009. How does it qualify as a "current event"? This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless a fake news forum becomes available.
Just came out today. How could it be old news?
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.

The dated link proves it is an old story from 2009.
The pissed off half brother is going to spill the beans.
Racist! Intollerant! Judgemental! Jingoistic! Bigot! Unedu-macated! Nationalist! Illiterate!
Racist! Intollerant! Judgemental! Jingoistic! Bigot! Unedu-macated! Nationalist! Illiterate!
No No No........Hoss is a friend..........be a bit Respectful:udaman: to your elders,even when they talk Shit......:thewave:LOL steve:thewave:.Love you Hossie....still missing Babe Hillary,I know you wanted to give her one on the Mayor of Charlotte's Office Desk.....in life you win some and lose some Hoss..................
Its too late to fret about where he was born....but if Kenya wants him now...they are welcome to him.

Worst piece of shit ever in the White House. One of the best Liars I have ever seen. Is a sure star in Hollywood, if he ever wants to give up Bolshevism.

But, Kenya...Please come get his ass. We have had quite enough of him.
No Way he's coming to Australia,we only take the Best.......considering the way you treated him AND HIS FAMILY(YES I'M TALKNG TO FILTH LIKE YOU) I think it more fitting he come here......You have the Moron Trump to feed you the SHIT you so desire...and you are Welcome to the two faced hypocrite....Enjoy
Obama is certainly welcome to move to Australia. I hear it is a lovely country. Or he may want to return to his homeland, Kenya. If he stays here it's likely he will eventually face charges of treason. If his half brother is willing to testify the matter of the birth certificate and cover up may have repercussions too. I'm really not sure about the latter.

(I should say the person Obama claimed was his half brother - I believe Obama is an imposter and not related to the family at all)
D is for DICK...H is for HEAD......now foff

Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack's Kenya 'certificate of birth' - The American Mirror

Doesn't it just piss you off when you know your shit isn't a conspiracy but because we have some who are on the same liberal side as a Clinton they think it is.



Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack’s Kenya ‘certificate of birth’
This is a hoax from 2009. How does it qualify as a "current event"? This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless a fake news forum becomes available.
Just came out today. How could it be old news?
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.

No, it wasn't. No link, plus you're well known as a liar.
This is a hoax from 2009. How does it qualify as a "current event"? This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless a fake news forum becomes available.
Just came out today. How could it be old news?
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.

No, it wasn't. No link, plus you're well known as a liar.
Yes it was and I gave suggestions for how to get to multiple links by specifically typing 'obama kenya birth certificate hoax'. I did that rather than give one link that people could whine about. Follow the instructions and you will get pages of links about the topic from many different sources. Also, I am almost always able to back up my comments and posts with much more reliable links than you rw'ers use. Well known liar? That is your reputation, not mine. But you have a right to your opinion. Explain what part of the quote you are referring to is a lie. If you can not then that makes you the liar.
This is a hoax from 2009. How does it qualify as a "current event"? This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless a fake news forum becomes available.
Just came out today. How could it be old news?
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.

No, it wasn't. No link, plus you're well known as a liar.

that is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.him and hossfly BOTH.
This is a hoax from 2009. How does it qualify as a "current event"? This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless a fake news forum becomes available.
Just came out today. How could it be old news?
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.

No, it wasn't. No link, plus you're well known as a liar.
Yes it was and I gave suggestions for how to get to multiple links by specifically typing 'obama kenya birth certificate hoax'. I did that rather than give one link that people could whine about. Follow the instructions and you will get pages of links about the topic from many different sources. Also, I am almost always able to back up my comments and posts with much more reliable links than you rw'ers use. Well known liar? That is your reputation, not mine. But you have a right to your opinion. Explain what part of the quote you are referring to is a lie. If you can not then that makes you the liar.
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

so says the troll that lies everyday about stinnets book on FDR being debunked.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Bullshyt. I have not made a comment about Stinnett's book since....I don't know when. I doubt I claimed the whole book was debunked' Portions of it have been in fact been debunked, so I may have said that.
Nice deflection to the fact that the Kenya birth certificate was debunked back in 2009. Birther crap.
The OP is missing Former President Obama. Can't stop talking about him.

I am just surprised that it was WASHAMERICA that made this thread.

by the way hate to break your heart dear but Carter was not the worst president ever after Obama,you need to stop listening to the CIA controlled news and Rush Limbaugh who paint that mass murderer reagan as a hero.:itsok: Carter was the only halfway decent president we have had since JFK,our last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers which is why the CIA killed him and why all the others have all stayed alive.:itsok:

all the other presidents since carter have been MUCH worse.:uhoh3:
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

so says the troll that lies everyday about stinnets book on FDR being debunked.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Bullshyt. I have not made a comment about Stinnett's book since....I don't know when. I doubt I claimed the whole book was debunked' Portions of it have been in fact been debunked, so I may have said that.
Nice deflection to the fact that the Kenya birth certificate was debunked back in 2009. Birther crap.

the fact you said it at one time several months ago as you DID even though it was a long time ago is irrelevent.you DID say it was debunked which is bullshit so stop deflecting it that you said it by talking about WHEN you said that and you LIE all the time and never can back up your lies about mass murderer FDR betraying americans so everything you say about Obamas berth certificate being debunked has no credibility either.:up_yours::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

next Obama apologists step forward for your next ass beating.YOU are done though.

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