Obama's family selling him out

President Obama was not born in Kenya!

He was born on Pluto and came through Uranus illegally!
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Who Cares Obama was a Great President.......Anyhow it a stupid rule,having to be born in America.....What if a child was 6 months old when his/her parents migrated to the US,...as I said a pretty stupid rule

steve did you just post what I thought you said,that Obama was a great president?:cuckoo:
You did,HE WAS,dispite what anyone says...steve
No, Steve. Obama is a disciple of Sol Alinsky and a fanatical adherent to the New World Order and a One World Government. That makes him an enemy of America along with the Clintons, Al Gore, John Kerry,Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and the other pathetic human trash who nest with them. That makes them my enemy.

Any ENEMY of yours Hoss...IS AN ENEMY OF MINE....except Barack,he was/is Great...steve

so nice to know that you like mass murderers steve.cool.:asshole:
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

Not so. This was the first time the picture was published. The brother's story was told in 2009 but Obama and Company saw to it that it was debunked. And here is today's story.

Scandal! Obama’s “birth certificate” pic revealed by his brother - The Horn News

"Not so. This was the first time the picture was published."

You really are a grade A idiot, aren't you?

The phony Kenyan BC picture has been floating around for almost a decade.

It's been shown in this thread, and the other one about 10 times now.

Hang your head in shame.
I saw the threads from yesterday and today and I believe Malik and his grandmother.

"He was born right here in this house." :smoke:.
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Who Cares Obama was a Great President.......Anyhow it a stupid rule,having to be born in America.....What if a child was 6 months old when his/her parents migrated to the US,...as I said a pretty stupid rule

steve did you just post what I thought you said,that Obama was a great president?:cuckoo:
Yes he did, he must not be American.
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.
Not so. This was the first time the picture was published. The brother's story was told in 2009 but Obama and Company saw to it that it was debunked. And here is today's story.

Scandal! Obama’s “birth certificate” pic revealed by his brother - The Horn News

"Not so. This was the first time the picture was published."

You really are a grade A idiot, aren't you?

The phony Kenyan BC picture has been floating around for almost a decade.

It's been shown in this thread, and the other one about 10 times now.

Hang your head in shame.
I saw the threads from yesterday and today and I believe Malik and his grandmother.

"He was born right here in this house." :smoke:.
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Who Cares Obama was a Great President.......Anyhow it a stupid rule,having to be born in America.....What if a child was 6 months old when his/her parents migrated to the US,...as I said a pretty stupid rule

The rule he's breaking isn't the rule that you must be born in the US. That isn't really a rule.

The rule that he's breaking is that it's ILLEGAL to lie about your birth origin when you are applying for the presidency.
Just came out today. How could it be old news?
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.
Not so. This was the first time the picture was published. The brother's story was told in 2009 but Obama and Company saw to it that it was debunked. And here is today's story.

Scandal! Obama’s “birth certificate” pic revealed by his brother - The Horn News

"Not so. This was the first time the picture was published."

You really are a grade A idiot, aren't you?

The phony Kenyan BC picture has been floating around for almost a decade.

It's been shown in this thread, and the other one about 10 times now.

Hang your head in shame.
I saw the threads from yesterday and today and I believe Malik and his grandmother.

"He was born right here in this house." :smoke:.
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Then maybe you'll believe this story. They are now finding evidence that the Hawaii health director got paid 50k to falsify documents - Barack Obama's birth certificate. Too bad it wasn't the long form because without it? You've basically got nothing - STILL. So a week after the story breaks about the payoff Ms. Fuddy dies in an airplane crash in the ocean - while all other 8 passengers - including the pilot walk away with a clean bill of health. She was floating in the water with them and suddenly she dies? How odd is that?
Obama Birth Certificate Shocker: Evidence that Deceased Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy Was Paid Off? - Freedom Outpost
Not so. This was the first time the picture was published. The brother's story was told in 2009 but Obama and Company saw to it that it was debunked. And here is today's story.

Scandal! Obama’s “birth certificate” pic revealed by his brother - The Horn News

"Not so. This was the first time the picture was published."

You really are a grade A idiot, aren't you?

The phony Kenyan BC picture has been floating around for almost a decade.

It's been shown in this thread, and the other one about 10 times now.

Hang your head in shame.
I saw the threads from yesterday and today and I believe Malik and his grandmother.

"He was born right here in this house." :smoke:.
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Who Cares Obama was a Great President.......Anyhow it a stupid rule,having to be born in America.....What if a child was 6 months old when his/her parents migrated to the US,...as I said a pretty stupid rule

The rule he's breaking isn't the rule that you must be born in the US. That isn't really a rule.

The rule that he's breaking is that it's ILLEGAL to lie about your birth origin when you are applying for the presidency.
Your second sentence is not relevant because he was born in America......but I will correct to in as much that,to become President you must be born in America...which is a stupid law indeed,as I explained on another post ie>>>>if a 6 month old child migrates to America...this bars the child from the Presidency...what would it be then if the child was in the womb and is born within 1 second of the mother being on American soil ???????see how ridiculous this is...steve...
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve
"Not so. This was the first time the picture was published."

You really are a grade A idiot, aren't you?

The phony Kenyan BC picture has been floating around for almost a decade.

It's been shown in this thread, and the other one about 10 times now.

Hang your head in shame.
I saw the threads from yesterday and today and I believe Malik and his grandmother.

"He was born right here in this house." :smoke:.
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Who Cares Obama was a Great President.......Anyhow it a stupid rule,having to be born in America.....What if a child was 6 months old when his/her parents migrated to the US,...as I said a pretty stupid rule

steve did you just post what I thought you said,that Obama was a great president?:cuckoo:
Yes he did, he must not be American.

He's not.He lives in Austrailia.Obviously the only news he listens to over there in the world down under is the CIA controlled lamestream media,the main newspapers such as the LA TIMES,NBC,ABC,CBS,FOX,ECT,ECT.:biggrin: Like all Obama worshippers he wont watch my video of course since it exposes his hero for the mass murderer he really is just like his friends Bush and Clinton.:biggrin:

since the Liq is too afraid to watch that video obviously,just wondering have YOU seen that video before? if you have,you no what I said to be true that it is irrefutable evidence he is no different than Bush,a mass murderer and nobody has ever debunked it.

The rule he's breaking isn't the rule that you must be born in the US. That isn't really a rule.

The rule that he's breaking is that it's ILLEGAL to lie about your birth origin when you are applying for the presidency.:beer::clap::clap:
Last edited:
It got tweeted today, but it was an original false story promoted by the famous birther nutjob Taitz back in 2009. It was quickly debunked and shown to be a forged certificate.
Not so. This was the first time the picture was published. The brother's story was told in 2009 but Obama and Company saw to it that it was debunked. And here is today's story.

Scandal! Obama’s “birth certificate” pic revealed by his brother - The Horn News

"Not so. This was the first time the picture was published."

You really are a grade A idiot, aren't you?

The phony Kenyan BC picture has been floating around for almost a decade.

It's been shown in this thread, and the other one about 10 times now.

Hang your head in shame.
I saw the threads from yesterday and today and I believe Malik and his grandmother.

"He was born right here in this house." :smoke:.
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Then maybe you'll believe this story. They are now finding evidence that the Hawaii health director got paid 50k to falsify documents - Barack Obama's birth certificate. Too bad it wasn't the long form because without it? You've basically got nothing - STILL. So a week after the story breaks about the payoff Ms. Fuddy dies in an airplane crash in the ocean - while all other 8 passengers - including the pilot walk away with a clean bill of health. She was floating in the water with them and suddenly she dies? How odd is that?
Obama Birth Certificate Shocker: Evidence that Deceased Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy Was Paid Off? - Freedom Outpost

You just OWNED the liq and took him to school here.:up:
The Liq is obviously beyond clueless how politics work here in america.:lmao:

He obviously doesnt get it that that is the biggest lie and myth that America is the home of the free and that free speech exists.He doesnt understand that our government is actually the most corrupt government in the world,that the CIA makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.seriously.no joke.

He obviously does not have a clue that here in america,there is one different law for politicians than there is for the citizens,that politicians are untouchable.That health director who is dead now,probably told the people that was paying her off to keep quiet,that she wanted more money for her silence so instead og giving in to her,they killed her off. He obviously is clueless that here in america,that they either bribe you to stay silent with many willing to be bought off by staying silent by getting paid,or the people who cant be bought off,our governments agencys and the police murder them off.He clearly doesnt understand that.:rolleyes:

He clearly doesnt understand that witnesses to a crime the government commits such as the JFK assassination,if a person comes forward and and gives a version different than the governments version of events as was the case in the JFK assassination,they end up dying a mysterious death getting murdered by our corrupt agencys here in the government as was the case with many witnesses who died mysterious deaths in the JFK assassination.

. He clearly doesnt understand they either get bought off to keep their silence,the LUCKY ones do,or they get murdered which is probably what they did to that lady later on.:rolleyes:
he either lied when he said he was born in Hawaii, or he lied at Harvard when he claimed he was a Kenyan.

Both lies are crimes and preclude him from the presidency.

we don't just ignore laws we don't like, btw.
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve

Got news for ya Steve. By November 22, 1963, Kennedy was not liked by Conservatives, especially in the military. Besides, he was a philanderer. And a Progressive Liberal puke.
Not so. This was the first time the picture was published. The brother's story was told in 2009 but Obama and Company saw to it that it was debunked. And here is today's story.

Scandal! Obama’s “birth certificate” pic revealed by his brother - The Horn News

"Not so. This was the first time the picture was published."

You really are a grade A idiot, aren't you?

The phony Kenyan BC picture has been floating around for almost a decade.

It's been shown in this thread, and the other one about 10 times now.

Hang your head in shame.
I saw the threads from yesterday and today and I believe Malik and his grandmother.

"He was born right here in this house." :smoke:.
That does not jive with the hoax birth certificate. You may be right about the latest tweeted certificate from the brother. I could not find a copy of it published before the tweet. Plenty of debunking stuff from 2009, but nothing with that particular claimed certificate.
Then maybe you'll believe this story. They are now finding evidence that the Hawaii health director got paid 50k to falsify documents - Barack Obama's birth certificate. Too bad it wasn't the long form because without it? You've basically got nothing - STILL. So a week after the story breaks about the payoff Ms. Fuddy dies in an airplane crash in the ocean - while all other 8 passengers - including the pilot walk away with a clean bill of health. She was floating in the water with them and suddenly she dies? How odd is that?
Obama Birth Certificate Shocker: Evidence that Deceased Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy Was Paid Off? - Freedom Outpost

You just OWNED the liq and took him to school here.:up:
The Liq is obviously beyond clueless how politics work here in america.:lmao:

He obviously doesnt get it that that is the biggest lie and myth that America is the home of the free and that free speech exists.He doesnt understand that our government is actually the most corrupt government in the world,that the CIA makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.seriously.no joke.

He obviously does not have a clue that here in america,there is one different law for politicians than there is for the citizens,that politicians are untouchable.That health director who is dead now,probably told the people that was paying her off to keep quiet,that she wanted more money for her silence so instead og giving in to her,they killed her off. He obviously is clueless that here in america,that they either bribe you to stay silent with many willing to be bought off by staying silent by getting paid,or the people who cant be bought off,our governments agencys and the police murder them off.He clearly doesnt understand that.:rolleyes:

He clearly doesnt understand that witnesses to a crime the government commits such as the JFK assassination,if a person comes forward and and gives a version different than the governments version of events as was the case in the JFK assassination,they end up dying a mysterious death getting murdered by our corrupt agencys here in the government as was the case with many witnesses who died mysterious deaths in the JFK assassination.

. He clearly doesnt understand they either get bought off to keep their silence,the LUCKY ones do,or they get murdered which is probably what they did to that lady later on.:rolleyes:

Thanks Ram-Jam for your ridiculous Exposea on what,how and why I think....I shall start by putting the boot into your spineless thought.......Everyone knows that most American Politicians Lie...in often the outrageous ways(The Don,although not a career politician...is a true classic but there are so many that look you straight in the eye whilst BULL-SHITTING) it is an illness that trickles down and purveys into all Americans...PERIOD

It starts with your political system,of only having really only two parties to choose from.....all they are interested in is to get into power,but not that interested in the Moms and Pops....as is shown yet again by Trump wanting to spend $US 55 Billion on the Military...creating cuts to essential services that the General population need.The dreadful way your elections are held with spite,lies,abuse and really childishness is something to behold,everyone is involved and the misinformation during elections is something to behold,but SHIT seems to inspire the average Joe and Joeline..

But it starts with the Combatants who for example want to be the, lets say, Republican nominee>>>>>although on the same side the vitriol and abuse they give each other defies belief....so much for slight about not understanding because I am from Australia.....I understand very well,You could learn much from Australians and others but you are too myopic in thought and vision,to render you almost stupid and ignorant,as a community with respect you have been treading water,shown little or no leadership whatsoever,so now you retreat into your shell and think everyone hates you.......Pathetic,no wonder we see you as a bit of a joke......See you Guys Love yourselves ,time to wake up and open your eyes BIGTIME.

I will have to continue this at a later time as I have a meeting

I will clearly tell you personally Ram...insult from a position of ignorance anytime.....but Never speak for me thanks >>>>>You live on the periphery of relevant thought,which deems you irrelevant...steve
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve

Got news for ya Steve. By November 22, 1963, Kennedy was not liked by Conservatives, especially in the military. Besides, he was a philanderer. And a Progressive Liberal puke.

Good on him Hoss,Conservatives have ruined America........So he liked Stray Pussy...Well no doubt he was not alone.
That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve

Got news for ya Steve. By November 22, 1963, Kennedy was not liked by Conservatives, especially in the military. Besides, he was a philanderer. And a Progressive Liberal puke.

Good on him Hoss,Conservatives have ruined America........So he liked Stray Pussy...Well no doubt he was not alone.

What tripe. Meanwhile, let's review the success of socialism....You are being redirected...

Teen tells inside story of IS group linked to Parramatta shooting
Last edited:
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve

Got news for ya Steve. By November 22, 1963, Kennedy was not liked by Conservatives, especially in the military. Besides, he was a philanderer. And a Progressive Liberal puke.

JFK was our last REAL president we had because of the fact that he was serving the people trying to return us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and Israel that do now. Kennedy was the last real president we had cause he served the people instead of the bankers and Israel.He paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.that is why he was killed and WHY every president since him has stayed alive.

steve needs to watch stones movie JFK sometime.people think because it is a movie its not true but thats not the case at all.his movie is a hundred times more accurate to watch to what actually really happened than what the warren commission told us or what the corrupt schools around the country taught us that oswald was the lone assassin.:rolleyes: steve probably thinks oswald was the lone assassin the fact he goes by everything the CIA media tells him.:uhoh3::rofl:

steve you're are as bad as sealybobo,err sealyshitty,that troll has been so braiwanshed over the years by our school system he thinks that you cant go wrong voting for the democrats.:rolleyes:

He will acknowledge the corruption of the republicans and ronald reagan,the bush family and the republicans but no matter how much you present documented facts that the democrats are as corrupt as the republicans and they sleep in bed together that the clintons and Obama are just as evil as the Bushs,he covers his ears and closes his eyes refusing to look at or address the evidence.anytime I post that video to watch THE OBAMA DECEPTION-he does this all the time-:scared1: cause he doesnt want to look at the evidence how corrupt obama id.you do the same,debunk this video here.you cant.:rofl:

again,you and sealybobo=err sealyshitty, do this each time this video is shown-:scared1:
Last edited:
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve

Got news for ya Steve. By November 22, 1963, Kennedy was not liked by Conservatives, especially in the military. Besides, he was a philanderer. And a Progressive Liberal puke.

Good on him Hoss,Conservatives have ruined America........So he liked Stray Pussy...Well no doubt he was not alone.

What tripe. Meanwhile, let's review the success of socialism....You are being redirected...

Teen tells inside story of IS group linked to Parramatta shooting

That's true, this hoax of him being born in Hawaii has been debunked. He still got elected and he is gone now, so let's just let the Muslim from Kenya fade into history.
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve

Got news for ya Steve. By November 22, 1963, Kennedy was not liked by Conservatives, especially in the military. Besides, he was a philanderer. And a Progressive Liberal puke.

JFK was our last REAL president we had because of the fact that he was serving the people trying to return us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and Israel that do now. Kennedy was the last real president we had cause he served the people instead of the bankers and Israel.He paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.that is why he was killed and WHY every president since him has stayed alive.

steve needs to watch stones movie JFK sometime.people think because it is a movie its not true but thats not the case at all.his movie is a hundred times more accurate to watch to what actually really happened than what the warren commission told us or what the corrupt schools around the country taught us that oswald was the lone assassin.:rolleyes: steve probably thinks oswald was the lone assassin the fact he goes by everything the CIA media tells him.:uhoh3::rofl:

steve you're are as bad as sealybobo,err sealyshitty,that troll has been so braiwanshed over the years by our school system he thinks that you cant go wrong voting for the democrats.:rolleyes:

He will acknowledge the corruption of the republicans and ronald reagan,the bush family and the republicans but no matter how much you present documented facts that the democrats are as corrupt as the republicans and they sleep in bed together that the clintons and Obama are just as evil as the Bushs,he covers his ears and closes his eyes refusing to look at or address the evidence.anytime I post that video to watch THE OBAMA DECEPTION-he does this all the time-:scared1: cause he doesnt want to look at the evidence how corrupt obama id.you do the same,debunk this video here.you cant.:rofl:

again,you and sealybobo=err sealyshitty, do this each time this video is shown-:scared1:

Contrary to your previous post and my reply....here you make some excellent Valid points Ram.........steve
I'm sure he is glad to see the back of all you crets.,note Barack created massive Employment during his tenure,and his policies are continuing under Trump....Trump can only claim HE HAS IMPROVED THINGS after at least a six month period.....Viva Obama.....

massive employment my ass.you listen way too much to what the CIA media tells you.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

If you like obama,then you like Bush as well since Obama has contiuned Bushs policys and both are mass murderers.:biggrin: this video here has never been debunked and I am taking you to school here what a mass murderer he is in this video.:biggrin:

No Ram I am well read from many different scources ....Look every American Democrate President since and including JFK,have all created massive employment under their tenure.....where as EVERY Repuplican President since JFK have created massive UNEMPLOYMENT....what do you not understand?????steve

Got news for ya Steve. By November 22, 1963, Kennedy was not liked by Conservatives, especially in the military. Besides, he was a philanderer. And a Progressive Liberal puke.

JFK was our last REAL president we had because of the fact that he was serving the people trying to return us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these corporations and Israel that do now. Kennedy was the last real president we had cause he served the people instead of the bankers and Israel.He paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.that is why he was killed and WHY every president since him has stayed alive.

steve needs to watch stones movie JFK sometime.people think because it is a movie its not true but thats not the case at all.his movie is a hundred times more accurate to watch to what actually really happened than what the warren commission told us or what the corrupt schools around the country taught us that oswald was the lone assassin.:rolleyes: steve probably thinks oswald was the lone assassin the fact he goes by everything the CIA media tells him.:uhoh3::rofl:

steve you're are as bad as sealybobo,err sealyshitty,that troll has been so braiwanshed over the years by our school system he thinks that you cant go wrong voting for the democrats.:rolleyes:

He will acknowledge the corruption of the republicans and ronald reagan,the bush family and the republicans but no matter how much you present documented facts that the democrats are as corrupt as the republicans and they sleep in bed together that the clintons and Obama are just as evil as the Bushs,he covers his ears and closes his eyes refusing to look at or address the evidence.anytime I post that video to watch THE OBAMA DECEPTION-he does this all the time-:scared1: cause he doesnt want to look at the evidence how corrupt obama id.you do the same,debunk this video here.you cant.:rofl:

again,you and sealybobo=err sealyshitty, do this each time this video is shown-:scared1:

Contrary to your previous post and my reply....here you make some excellent Valid points Ram.........steve

sounds to me like you actually took the time then to watch that video the fact you now realise you made a mistake that Obama was a good president and have seen the light that he was an evil man.:up::clap:

the american sheep are idiots,they think that carter was the second worst president after Obama.Obama is justified but Carter is really the only president since kennedy I would say who was NOT eviil and was halfway decent.He also tried to get rid of the evil CIA,he started too late though in his last year in office and did not have the time to do so,the only reason the CIA did not kill carter same as kennedy was because they knew he was on his way out with the rigged election of Reagan who the sheep also think was a great president when he in fact was the most corrupt ever at the time.:rolleyes:

that is why he only served one term same as kennedy,the good ones never serve more than one term anymore.Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america which every president since has expanded,that is WHY the media prop him up as one of the greatest presidents ever and sadly,the american sheep have fallen for it,hook,line,and sinker.:rolleyes:
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