Obama's family selling him out

The OP is missing Former President Obama. Can't stop talking about him.
Who can?

I mean, look at this sh*t......the guy was a MIRACLE worker...

Yes sir! That miracle worker was so brilliant as a Community Organizer that he made Chicago a model city. Chicago, the Showplace of Civilization.
Obama is out of office and he's now about to be arrested and tried for treason. We'll just add the fake birth certificate to the rest of his crimes. Actually it will be a breeze to undo everything he did now because it is bringing out the fact that he wasn't a legitimate president.
The OP is missing Former President Obama. Can't stop talking about him.
Who can?

I mean, look at this sh*t......the guy was a MIRACLE worker...

from make your own graph design.

plot - Google Search
they plot two different metrics, Imbecillus....hence the labeled axis on the right....
Dude, you don't get to make up your own graphs and present them as factual. I shouldn't have to tell you that. Bye now!
Old fake news
Old fake news? The article is dated March 9,2017. That is today, BF. Try looking at it the next time before you go with the script your gang is parroting........ fake news, fake news, give Polly a cracker, fake news, fake news......!

Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack’s Kenya ‘certificate of birth’
MARCH 9, 2017
An Obama has joined the birther movement.

Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s half-brother, tweeted image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate.

Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.
There is no question that Obama was born in Mombassa, Kenya. His grandmother revealed that she was there when he was born. In Kenya. Not Hawaii, Kenya. After that telephone interview (which was recorded) Obama had a watch put over her so they couldn't contact her again.

Then there is the mailman who met Obama, the Ayers family who paid for a foreign student's tuition (their words), and the book description which identifies Obama as from Kenya. Not Hawaii. Kenya. So how did he get away with it? He used Alinsky's method, accuse anyone who outs you of being crazy - thus the title "Birther." It was designed to make people avoid getting into a discussion about it.

I never thought he was born in the USA. For the record.
Here, Imbecillus...

FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
The cat is out of the bag and Snopes isn't a reliable fact checking source. Really. Bye!
The OP is missing Former President Obama. Can't stop talking about him.
Who can?

I mean, look at this sh*t......the guy was a MIRACLE worker...

Yes sir! That miracle worker was so brilliant as a Community Organizer that he made Chicago a model city. Chicago, the Showplace of Civilization.

One community organizer "making" the third largest city in the country?

I figger "Hossfly Holler" must have a population of what........17.......in frog gigging season?
Old fake news
Old fake news? The article is dated March 9,2017. That is today, BF. Try looking at it the next time before you go with the script your gang is parroting........ fake news, fake news, give Polly a cracker, fake news, fake news......!

Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack’s Kenya ‘certificate of birth’
MARCH 9, 2017
An Obama has joined the birther movement.

Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s half-brother, tweeted image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate.

Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.
There is no question that Obama was born in Mombassa, Kenya. His grandmother revealed that she was there when he was born. In Kenya. Not Hawaii, Kenya. After that telephone interview (which was recorded) Obama had a watch put over her so they couldn't contact her again.

Then there is the mailman who met Obama, the Ayers family who paid for a foreign student's tuition (their words), and the book description which identifies Obama as from Kenya. Not Hawaii. Kenya. So how did he get away with it? He used Alinsky's method, accuse anyone who outs you of being crazy - thus the title "Birther." It was designed to make people avoid getting into a discussion about it.

I never thought he was born in the USA. For the record.
Here, Imbecillus...

FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
The cat is out of the bag and Snopes isn't a reliable fact checking source. Really. Bye!
Aren't we lucky to have you here to assert things to the contrary, then......
One community organizer "making" the third largest city in the country?

I figger "Hossfly Holler" must have a population of what........17.......in frog gigging season?
You live where? Chicago has been historically a prime center for the Mob in case you are not already aware of that.
One community organizer "making" the third largest city in the country?

I figger "Hossfly Holler" must have a population of what........17.......in frog gigging season?
You live where? Chicago has been historically a prime center for the Mob in case you are not already aware of that.
Take that up with Hoss......he's the one defining it....
Old fake news
Old fake news? The article is dated March 9,2017. That is today, BF. Try looking at it the next time before you go with the script your gang is parroting........ fake news, fake news, give Polly a cracker, fake news, fake news......!

Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack’s Kenya ‘certificate of birth’
MARCH 9, 2017
An Obama has joined the birther movement.

Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s half-brother, tweeted image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate.

Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.
There is no question that Obama was born in Mombassa, Kenya. His grandmother revealed that she was there when he was born. In Kenya. Not Hawaii, Kenya. After that telephone interview (which was recorded) Obama had a watch put over her so they couldn't contact her again.

Then there is the mailman who met Obama, the Ayers family who paid for a foreign student's tuition (their words), and the book description which identifies Obama as from Kenya. Not Hawaii. Kenya. So how did he get away with it? He used Alinsky's method, accuse anyone who outs you of being crazy - thus the title "Birther." It was designed to make people avoid getting into a discussion about it.

I never thought he was born in the USA. For the record.
Here, Imbecillus...

FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
The cat is out of the bag and Snopes isn't a reliable fact checking source. Really. Bye!
Aren't we lucky to have you here to assert things to the contrary, then......
It isn't luck. It's divine providence.
One community organizer "making" the third largest city in the country?

I figger "Hossfly Holler" must have a population of what........17.......in frog gigging season?
You live where? Chicago has been historically a prime center for the Mob in case you are not already aware of that.
Take that up with Hoss......he's the one defining it....
You don't recognize sarcasm very well do you?

Old fake news
Old fake news? The article is dated March 9,2017. That is today, BF. Try looking at it the next time before you go with the script your gang is parroting........ fake news, fake news, give Polly a cracker, fake news, fake news......!

Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack’s Kenya ‘certificate of birth’
MARCH 9, 2017
An Obama has joined the birther movement.

Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s half-brother, tweeted image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate.

Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.
There is no question that Obama was born in Mombassa, Kenya. His grandmother revealed that she was there when he was born. In Kenya. Not Hawaii, Kenya. After that telephone interview (which was recorded) Obama had a watch put over her so they couldn't contact her again.

Then there is the mailman who met Obama, the Ayers family who paid for a foreign student's tuition (their words), and the book description which identifies Obama as from Kenya. Not Hawaii. Kenya. So how did he get away with it? He used Alinsky's method, accuse anyone who outs you of being crazy - thus the title "Birther." It was designed to make people avoid getting into a discussion about it.

I never thought he was born in the USA. For the record.
Here, Imbecillus...

FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
The cat is out of the bag and Snopes isn't a reliable fact checking source. Really. Bye!
Aren't we lucky to have you here to assert things to the contrary, then......
Actually we are very fortunate to have Jeri here [usmessageboard] to point out these indiscretions that others [seemingly purposely] overlook.
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

It was never a HOAX, it was the CIA telling the sheep it was a HOAX so they could keep their sheep in the coral and dumbed down enough to vote the idiot in again.
Camp is in Obama's camp so it is understandable that he doesn't want to believe it. Nevertheless, it is true. He was never a legitimate president. He was born in Kenya and therefore he was never qualified to run. I blame the Democrats who refused to vet him. They knew but ran him anyway.
Remember kids....

If the post you are about to publish is negative and has more to say about another member of the board than it does about the subject of the thread, it's probably a troll post.

We have a perfectly good FlameZone for that shit, 'k?
Its too late to fret about where he was born....but if Kenya wants him now...they are welcome to him.

Worst piece of shit ever in the White House. One of the best Liars I have ever seen. Is a sure star in Hollywood, if he ever wants to give up Bolshevism.

But, Kenya...Please come get his ass. We have had quite enough of him.
No Way he's coming to Australia,we only take the Best.......considering the way you treated him AND HIS FAMILY(YES I'M TALKNG TO FILTH LIKE YOU) I think it more fitting he come here......You have the Moron Trump to feed you the SHIT you so desire...and you are Welcome to the two faced hypocrite....Enjoy
This hoax was debunked about 8 years ago.

It was never a HOAX, it was the CIA telling the sheep it was a HOAX so they could keep their sheep in the coral and dumbed down enough to vote the idiot in again.
MindWars, now that Obama is being outed by others as to what he was doing (illegally) I think more people will begin to come around to the idea that the BC was fake.

The timing of the Bin Laden assassination was exact to the day that the heat was really coming down on him over a poorly forged Birth Certificate which he had released. The problem however was that Benazir Bhutto told David Frost in an interview years ago - before she died -that Sheik Omar killed Bin Laden. So how could Seal Team 6 kill him? They couldn't. Which is why some believe Seal Team 6 was killed. Dead men can't talk.

I think they got the date wrong on the title of the video - Benazir Bhutto was murdered a few weeks after she did this interview with David Frost. The CIA didn't want that out there - that Bin Laden was dead - they were keeping him on ice for the day Obama needed a wild card- which coincidentally ended up being the dispute over the bad forgery - birth certificate. I believe the Democrats had Obama in the wings for years. Before Emil Jones (President of Illinois Senate) made him a Senator.

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Apparently too many people paid attention to the BS MSM...........

Malik Obama Talks To Joel Gilbert
  • Says Barack looks like Frank Marshall Davis, not his father. Wants DNA test!
  • "Barack is Deceptive" "Not an honest man" "Cold and ruthless."
  • Says Barack shunned the Kenyan Obamas after being elected President
In this "tell all" interview with Director Joel Gilbert, Malik Obama, the "half-brother" of President Obama, reveals his pain and confusion over Barack's shunning of his Kenyan family after becoming President. Malik provides a stunning take on the film, Dreams from My Real Father, stating "Frank Marshall Davis and Barack look alike" and adds that Barack does not look like his father. Malik says he would like a DNA test so the truth can come out. Malik also states that Barack is "deceptive," "has not been an honest man," and is "a schemer." In the interview, Malik displays an early manuscript he helped edit of Barack's book Dreams from My Father with a different title. Malik Obama, also known as Abon'go (Roy) Obama, was born in 1958. He is the first child from the marriage of Barack Hussein Obama and Kezia Obama. Malik and Barack first met in 1985 when Barack flew from Chicago to Washington DC to visit Malik. Malik later hosted Barack in Kenya and they served as the best men at each other's weddings. Barack wrote of his lifelong relationship with Malik (Roy) in Dreams from My Father.

Breaking News
Its too late to fret about where he was born....but if Kenya wants him now...they are welcome to him.

Worst piece of shit ever in the White House. One of the best Liars I have ever seen. Is a sure star in Hollywood, if he ever wants to give up Bolshevism.

But, Kenya...Please come get his ass. We have had quite enough of him.
No Way he's coming to Australia,we only take the Best.......considering the way you treated him AND HIS FAMILY(YES I'M TALKNG TO FILTH LIKE YOU) I think it more fitting he come here......You have the Moron Trump to feed you the SHIT you so desire...and you are Welcome to the two faced hypocrite....Enjoy
Obama is certainly welcome to move to Australia. I hear it is a lovely country. Or he may want to return to his homeland, Kenya. If he stays here it's likely he will eventually face charges of treason. If his half brother is willing to testify the matter of the birth certificate and cover up may have repercussions too. I'm really not sure about the latter.

(I should say the person Obama claimed was his half brother - I believe Obama is an imposter and not related to the family at all)
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This is a hoax from 2009. How does it qualify as a "current event"? This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum unless a fake news forum becomes available.

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