Obama's farewell address longer than Reagan's, Clinton's and George W. Bush's combined


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
blah, blah, blah... I, I, I , I...... what a douche.. Just go away narcissist


President Obama's farewell address to the nation was longer than the good-bye speeches of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Clinton spoke for 7 minutes, 25 seconds; Reagan spoke for 20 minutes, 42 seconds; and George W. Bush spoke for 13 minutes, 7 seconds. Obama spoke for 51 minutes, 10 seconds, nearly 10 minutes longer than the other three put together.

Obama also broke from the tradition of delivering his final speech from the White House. Clinton and Reagan both spoke from the Oval Office, and George W. Bush spoke in front of a small audience in the White House East Room; the Obama administration distributed public tickets for his speech at the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago. Obama spoke to a crowd of 18,000.
Did you really just say narcissist?

blah, blah, blah... I, I, I , I...... what a douche.. Just go away narcissist


President Obama's farewell address to the nation was longer than the good-bye speeches of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Clinton spoke for 7 minutes, 25 seconds; Reagan spoke for 20 minutes, 42 seconds; and George W. Bush spoke for 13 minutes, 7 seconds. Obama spoke for 51 minutes, 10 seconds, nearly 10 minutes longer than the other three put together.

Obama also broke from the tradition of delivering his final speech from the White House. Clinton and Reagan both spoke from the Oval Office, and George W. Bush spoke in front of a small audience in the White House East Room; the Obama administration distributed public tickets for his speech at the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago. Obama spoke to a crowd of 18,000.
I am sorry to hear you had to sit thru it.
Obama had to go back to the hood in Chicago to get the kind of warmth he needed. Crying little bitch

Pres. Obama has a high approval rating on of the highest. It was a beautiful speech and well done.
Like I have always said the man can talk, stretch the truth, and loves to campaign. Unfortunitly for him campaigning and serving as President are two different ends of the spectrum. 9 days and counting.
blah, blah, blah... I, I, I , I...... what a douche.. Just go away narcissist


President Obama's farewell address to the nation was longer than the good-bye speeches of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Clinton spoke for 7 minutes, 25 seconds; Reagan spoke for 20 minutes, 42 seconds; and George W. Bush spoke for 13 minutes, 7 seconds. Obama spoke for 51 minutes, 10 seconds, nearly 10 minutes longer than the other three put together.

Obama also broke from the tradition of delivering his final speech from the White House. Clinton and Reagan both spoke from the Oval Office, and George W. Bush spoke in front of a small audience in the White House East Room; the Obama administration distributed public tickets for his speech at the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago. Obama spoke to a crowd of 18,000.
Good for President Obama. A very good speech. I think in the future it will rank with that of Eisenhower.
Like I have always said the man can talk, stretch the truth, and loves to campaign. Unfortunitly for him campaigning and serving as President are two different ends of the spectrum. 9 days and counting.
Yep. And then the orange clown will inherit a Dow at near 20,000. An unemployment rate of 4.5%. So he is being handed a nation in very good economic shape. Let see what the economy looks like at the end of 2019. Bet the clown can do by then what took 'W' eight years.
blah, blah, blah... I, I, I , I...... what a douche.. Just go away narcissist


President Obama's farewell address to the nation was longer than the good-bye speeches of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Clinton spoke for 7 minutes, 25 seconds; Reagan spoke for 20 minutes, 42 seconds; and George W. Bush spoke for 13 minutes, 7 seconds. Obama spoke for 51 minutes, 10 seconds, nearly 10 minutes longer than the other three put together.

Obama also broke from the tradition of delivering his final speech from the White House. Clinton and Reagan both spoke from the Oval Office, and George W. Bush spoke in front of a small audience in the White House East Room; the Obama administration distributed public tickets for his speech at the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago. Obama spoke to a crowd of 18,000.
Reagan was crippled by Alzheimer's by the time of his farewell speech, Clinton was coming off a sex scandal, and Dubya was a national disgrace with no right to speak about anything. It's no wonder Obama had a longer speech than all of them.
blah, blah, blah... I, I, I , I...... what a douche.. Just go away narcissist


President Obama's farewell address to the nation was longer than the good-bye speeches of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Clinton spoke for 7 minutes, 25 seconds; Reagan spoke for 20 minutes, 42 seconds; and George W. Bush spoke for 13 minutes, 7 seconds. Obama spoke for 51 minutes, 10 seconds, nearly 10 minutes longer than the other three put together.

Obama also broke from the tradition of delivering his final speech from the White House. Clinton and Reagan both spoke from the Oval Office, and George W. Bush spoke in front of a small audience in the White House East Room; the Obama administration distributed public tickets for his speech at the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago. Obama spoke to a crowd of 18,000.
They remember where the country was at after 8 years of Bush and the GOP. Even with the GOP trying everything they could do to destroy this president, he was still a success.

He will forever be known as the president the GOP laughed at when he said taking down Bin Laden will happen, the murderer the GOP let go and stopped looking for. Then the GOP had the nerve in a lame attempt to take credit for what Obama did. In that moment, a majority of Americans understood the filth and the dirtiness of the GOP.
But that was years ago and they've forgotten. But Trump and the GOP takeover will remind them why the GOP is so dirty.

Americans are learning that lesson all over again.

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