Obama's "forced diversity" plan to turn suburbs into ghettos

No, they hate racist a-holes, which we have plenty of. Almost all GOPers duh...

A lot of it is not racist at all. Being able to go to work without your house ransacked daily. Your kids able to go out without threat of a 2 on 1 fight savage ending. Property value is very important. If it goes way down...........you have a loan. you can't sell. you can't get out. probably more. but it not racist to try to live and prosper. Many in SOCal say the schools slow so far down for illegals, kids are bored. Don't learn, fall behind other districts and other nations. fact.
At this point, voting for the GOP is racist and anti-poor...

Yet the reality is the Dems under obama have enriched the elite beyond anything that Reagan could ever have hoped to accomplish. The obama admin has crippled the middle class and stolen 8% of the total net worth from the middle class and given it to the one percenters. How is that you are so stupid that you support that?
Of course I don't. Why do you support the Reaganist tax rates and policies that wreck the middle class? Pubs blocked extension of payroll tax cut, at the very least. And infrastructure jobs, cheap loans for college, traing programs, etc etc etc. Dumb at least.
Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Why do all the dupes have to pay twice as much as the averages, and get no help from subsidies? The annual cap is little higher than the deductible, and a check ups are free...get the cheap one and tell your boss to get his shytte together..

You libs with your "free" again. Nothing is free. You might get something at no cost, but that only means YOU don't pay it--somebody else pays it for you.

The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that? It''s good money right out of the window and you likely will get nothing in return. You still have to pay cash for ER services, you still have to pay cash for doctors visits and tests, you still have to pay for short stays in the hospital.
Because many things are free, and the annual cap on out of pocket costs are the same as that deductible. A short stay in the hospital IS $7000. Doctor visits are damn cheap. They didn't come up with this so you'd hate them. Not as good as the Dems really wanted, but a helluva lot better than the Pub scam we had before for most.

So if your auto insurance had a $7,000 deductible, you would buy it? How about house insurance with a $20,000 deductible?

What good is insurance if it only kicks in if you have your back against the wall? Commie Care was sold to us as an insurance where those problems were eliminated. Now we find out (as with most Democrat policies) that it was all a lie. People will not go for preventative care if they have to pay for it out of pocket. People will not go for yearly checkups to their doctors if they have to pay for it out of pocket. We are no better off now than we were before, except now, it's going to cost taxpayers over 1 trillion dollars over the next ten years.

That's what I WANTED. I wanted a catastrophic-care plan! But no, not permitted...all plans now must cover all sorts of crap that I have EXACTLY ZERO chance of ever using--but have to pay for!
Everybody gets everything. Crazy, hunh. You're not paying for your pregnancy lol...
People move to nice areas to get away from the crime and poverty of blacks and illegals. They figure they're safe here since trash doesn't have the money to move to a nice suburb. They didn't count on obama giving this scum a small fortune so they can be your neighbor.
Yes, so not only do you get to pay your mortgage, you get to pay part of theirs too.
just wait till the little crack addicted tykes start mingling with your child in the 3rd grade.
Everybody gets everything. Crazy, hunh. You're not paying for your pregnancy lol...

You baked again, boy?
So what are you paying for? lol
What we are paying for is the benefit of Tulipnisha being able to bring Tyrell Jr to the doctor to get rid of whatever it was he picked up while visiting Tyrell Sr in prison.
You already were, just in the stupidest way possible. And perhaps forcing them on to welfare to get care. Duh.
Everybody gets everything. Crazy, hunh. You're not paying for your pregnancy lol...

You baked again, boy?
So what are you paying for? lol
What we are paying for is the benefit of Tulipnisha being able to bring Tyrell Jr to the doctor to get rid of whatever it was he picked up while visiting Tyrell Sr in prison.
You already were, just in the stupidest way possible. And perhaps forcing them on to welfare to get care. Duh.
do you actually believe that lie?
I mean it has to be a lie, or is the lie really the one that says all of these people had no care until obamacare came along?
Either they had it, or they didnt. cant be both.
but, all I know is that the cost has gone up by a large margin since the unafordable care act started stealing from working people.
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Everybody gets everything. Crazy, hunh. You're not paying for your pregnancy lol...

You baked again, boy?
So what are you paying for? lol
What we are paying for is the benefit of Tulipnisha being able to bring Tyrell Jr to the doctor to get rid of whatever it was he picked up while visiting Tyrell Sr in prison.
You already were, just in the stupidest way possible. And perhaps forcing them on to welfare to get care. Duh.
do you actually believe that lie?
I mean it has to be a lie, or is the lie really the one that says all of these people had no care until obamacare came along?
Either they had it, or they didnt. cant be both.
but, all I know is that the cost has gone up by a large margin since the unafordable care act started stealing from working people.
Guaranteed care with an annual cap costs more than Pub scam care lol...
No, they hate racist a-holes, which we have plenty of. Almost all GOPers duh...

A lot of it is not racist at all. Being able to go to work without your house ransacked daily. Your kids able to go out without threat of a 2 on 1 fight savage ending. Property value is very important. If it goes way down...........you have a loan. you can't sell. you can't get out. probably more. but it not racist to try to live and prosper. Many in SOCal say the schools slow so far down for illegals, kids are bored. Don't learn, fall behind other districts and other nations. fact.
At this point, voting for the GOP is racist and anti-poor...

Yet the reality is the Dems under obama have enriched the elite beyond anything that Reagan could ever have hoped to accomplish. The obama admin has crippled the middle class and stolen 8% of the total net worth from the middle class and given it to the one percenters. How is that you are so stupid that you support that?
Of course I don't. Why do you support the Reaganist tax rates and policies that wreck the middle class? Pubs blocked extension of payroll tax cut, at the very least. And infrastructure jobs, cheap loans for college, traing programs, etc etc etc. Dumb at least.

I hate to break it to you but the Dems have done more damage to the middle class than the pubs have. That's a fact.
People move to nice areas to get away from the crime and poverty of blacks and illegals. They figure they're safe here since trash doesn't have the money to move to a nice suburb. They didn't count on obama giving this scum a small fortune so they can be your neighbor.
Yes, so not only do you get to pay your mortgage, you get to pay part of theirs too.
just wait till the little crack addicted tykes start mingling with your child in the 3rd grade.

Or turn them on to illegal narcotics.

Speaking of children, who pays for their schools if government is going to force them into the area? Where I live, we support our schools through property tax. Apparently these lowlifes will not be paying that property tax.
No, they hate racist a-holes, which we have plenty of. Almost all GOPers duh...

A lot of it is not racist at all. Being able to go to work without your house ransacked daily. Your kids able to go out without threat of a 2 on 1 fight savage ending. Property value is very important. If it goes way down...........you have a loan. you can't sell. you can't get out. probably more. but it not racist to try to live and prosper. Many in SOCal say the schools slow so far down for illegals, kids are bored. Don't learn, fall behind other districts and other nations. fact.
At this point, voting for the GOP is racist and anti-poor...

Yet the reality is the Dems under obama have enriched the elite beyond anything that Reagan could ever have hoped to accomplish. The obama admin has crippled the middle class and stolen 8% of the total net worth from the middle class and given it to the one percenters. How is that you are so stupid that you support that?
Of course I don't. Why do you support the Reaganist tax rates and policies that wreck the middle class? Pubs blocked extension of payroll tax cut, at the very least. And infrastructure jobs, cheap loans for college, traing programs, etc etc etc. Dumb at least.

Those payroll tax cuts were a reduction in SS contributions by employees. Of course, the employer who has to match those funds also paid less into the system. And since it didn't do squat for our economy, Republicans realized we are draining funds from an already broke system, so yes, Republicans put an end to it.
BS. SS being broke is another huge GOP hoax, AARP's #1 myth. Raise the tax cap.

Yeah, more tax the rich nonsense. Did you ever think that when you keep going back to the rich for more money, eventually they will leave like so many companies and wealth people have already?

If SS isn't going broke, why are they pushing for later retirement ages? Why should we lift the ceiling if SS is sound?

You libs don't have common sense enough to ask yourselves these questions. Obviously they are going broke.
Yeah, more tax the rich nonsense. Did you ever think that when you keep going back to the rich for more money, eventually they will leave like so many companies and wealth people have already?

It would be fine if most rich people did leave since most richies do nothing of any social value. They are lawyers and politicians and entertainers and bankers and market speculators. All useless people. Useful rich people like the late steve jobs are rare.
BS. SS being broke is another huge GOP hoax, AARP's #1 myth. Raise the tax cap.

Yeah, more tax the rich nonsense. Did you ever think that when you keep going back to the rich for more money, eventually they will leave like so many companies and wealth people have already?

If SS isn't going broke, why are they pushing for later retirement ages? Why should we lift the ceiling if SS is sound?

You libs don't have common sense enough to ask yourselves these questions. Obviously they are going broke.
They're pushing for higher retirement ages because they are REPUBLICANS, screwing the workers.
Could Social Security go bankrupt? Not Likely

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