Obama's "forced diversity" plan to turn suburbs into ghettos

BS. Taxing cigarettes? Go to a res if you want to die so much......lol. ACA- no more freeloaders! or people dying because they can't get insurance or get cut off...No more freedom to screw over the people.
BS. Taxing cigarettes? Go to a res if you want to die so much......lol. ACA- no more freeloaders! or people dying because they can't get insurance or get cut off...No more freedom to screw over the people.

Right. Instead, millions (like myself) lost their employer sponsored health insurance, and that makes things better?

Taking from the producers and giving to the non-producers; typical liberal success story.

Now we have 10 million people on Commie Care, most of whom had private or employer health insurance before they were kicked off. So what was accomplished? More government dependents.

So now we are forced to pay for our healthcare with after-tax money instead of the way it was before as a benefit that was not taxed. Furthermore is the fact that it was estimated we had over 47 million Americans without health insurance before Commie Care, and with Commie Care, we turned the entire country upside down to have 25% of those people insured.

Liberal mindset: "Okay, so we have 47 million Americans that don't have health insurance; most of whom can't afford it. So my bright idea is to make a law that they must have insurance they can't afford, and when they don't get it, we will take more of their badly needed money away from them."

This is why we desperately need to keep liberals out of power; they don't have a clue as to solving problems in this country.
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?
Section 8 provides a voucher for housing.

You right wing bigots love you some vouchers for education.

But not housing.

Got it. Typical hypocrites.

Ok I give up how does these two compare?

Some gal who don't pay taxes get a voucher for sect 8 housing

A tax payer gets a voucher to put her kid in another school.
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
Despite the best efforts of Southern conservatives

Would you please stop picking on the South. You keep saying Trailer park meth labs or whatever. There are many of trailer parks up in WASH too. Big heroin area. I think you need to move to Memphis to learn something before you make slanderous comments.
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.[/QUOTE
Despite the best efforts of Southern conservatives

Would you please stop picking on the South. You keep saying Trailer park meth labs or whatever. There are many of trailer parks up in WASH too. Big heroin area. I think you need to move to Memphis to learn something before you make slanderous comments.
Nonetheless, those are the people who fight against tobacco reform. Yup, trailer park GOPers are everywhere, voting against their own interests...
Nonetheless, those are the people who fight against tobacco reform. Yup, trailer park GOPers are everywhere, voting against their own interests...
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.

Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.

Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
You had to be a dupe and AVOID ACA as far as I can tell...
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.

Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
Yup, we all love corrupt GOP world depressions and the stupidest wars ever, and health costs ACTUALLY skyrocketing and people dying and going bankrupt all over the place. Sounds like your boss is ALSO a fear mongered Pub dupe too...
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.

Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
You had to be a dupe and AVOID ACA as far as I can tell...

Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Something had to be done, and it will improve. Doesn't your employer have to provide insurance next year?

No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.

Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
You had to be a dupe and AVOID ACA as far as I can tell...

Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Why do all the dupes have to pay twice as much as the averages, and get no help from subsidies? The annual cap is little higher than the deductible, and a check ups are free...get the cheap one and tell your boss to get his shytte together..
No, I work for a small family run company. We have less than 50 employees so we are exempt.

I have no problem with something getting done, but Commie Care sure as hell isn't it.

I mentioned it to one of my tenants in disgust. She works at Pizza Hut. She and her bf don't want to get real jobs because they smoke pot, and better jobs often drug test.

She bragged about how she now has medical coverage thanks to Commie Care. So the short story is my tenant who works at Pizza Hut now has full medical coverage and I lost mine because of it.

Taking it from those who have (likely Republican voters) and giving it to those that don't (likely Democrat voters) is nothing more than vote buying. That's besides it's turning out to be a disaster for many of us. When you reward failure and penalize success, you can't have any good outcome out of it as we've seen so many times with Democrat policies.
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.

Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
You had to be a dupe and AVOID ACA as far as I can tell...

Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Why do all the dupes have to pay twice as much as the averages, and get no help from subsidies? The annual cap is little higher than the deductible, and a check ups are free...get the cheap one and tell your boss to get his shytte together..

You libs with your "free" again. Nothing is free. You might get something at no cost, but that only means YOU don't pay it--somebody else pays it for you.

The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that? It''s good money right out of the window and you likely will get nothing in return. You still have to pay cash for ER services, you still have to pay cash for doctors visits and tests, you still have to pay for short stays in the hospital.
The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that?

I have high deductible. But some things seem to be covered outside of the deductible which I will never reach (unless catastrophic). Generic meds seem to still be cheap? Doctor visit is $90 to me. They are paying something to Doctor, ends up towards deductible. All in deductible 2X 3X? Hard to say because all the rules changed to?
There is NO differences in income between white Dems and GOP whites. Your tenants are just as likely Pub/hater dupes as Dem voters. Here's an idea, stop pot testing. Talk aboutfreedom- another mainly Pub Law and order BS. Reaganism went nuts on all kinds of nanny stuff, drug testing and DWI insanity, we now have 5x as many people locked up, and 1/6 of blacks are felons- wonder why they're unemployed!! Great job!!

WTH is your coverage now- As far as I can tell, you avoided O-Care and screwed yourself. Duped again.

Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
You had to be a dupe and AVOID ACA as far as I can tell...

Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Why do all the dupes have to pay twice as much as the averages, and get no help from subsidies? The annual cap is little higher than the deductible, and a check ups are free...get the cheap one and tell your boss to get his shytte together..

You libs with your "free" again. Nothing is free. You might get something at no cost, but that only means YOU don't pay it--somebody else pays it for you.

The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that? It''s good money right out of the window and you likely will get nothing in return. You still have to pay cash for ER services, you still have to pay cash for doctors visits and tests, you still have to pay for short stays in the hospital.
Because many things are free, and the annual cap on out of pocket costs are the same as that deductible. A short stay in the hospital IS $7000. Doctor visits are damn cheap. They didn't come up with this so you'd hate them. Not as good as the Dems really wanted, but a helluva lot better than the Pub scam we had before for most.
The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that?

I have high deductible. But some things seem to be covered outside of the deductible which I will never reach (unless catastrophic). Generic meds seem to still be cheap? Doctor visit is $90 to me. They are paying something to Doctor, ends up towards deductible. All in deductible 2X 3X? Hard to say because all the rules changed to?
It would be nice if SOMEBODY would explain the gd thing...lol. And you'd think it was a crime to report on people helped by it. Thank-you, GOP corporate America.
Everything was fine with me and my medical coverage until that Commie invaded the White House with your blessing. Everything was better before DumBama.
You had to be a dupe and AVOID ACA as far as I can tell...

Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Why do all the dupes have to pay twice as much as the averages, and get no help from subsidies? The annual cap is little higher than the deductible, and a check ups are free...get the cheap one and tell your boss to get his shytte together..

You libs with your "free" again. Nothing is free. You might get something at no cost, but that only means YOU don't pay it--somebody else pays it for you.

The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that? It''s good money right out of the window and you likely will get nothing in return. You still have to pay cash for ER services, you still have to pay cash for doctors visits and tests, you still have to pay for short stays in the hospital.
Because many things are free, and the annual cap on out of pocket costs are the same as that deductible. A short stay in the hospital IS $7000. Doctor visits are damn cheap. They didn't come up with this so you'd hate them. Not as good as the Dems really wanted, but a helluva lot better than the Pub scam we had before for most.

So if your auto insurance had a $7,000 deductible, you would buy it? How about house insurance with a $20,000 deductible?

What good is insurance if it only kicks in if you have your back against the wall? Commie Care was sold to us as an insurance where those problems were eliminated. Now we find out (as with most Democrat policies) that it was all a lie. People will not go for preventative care if they have to pay for it out of pocket. People will not go for yearly checkups to their doctors if they have to pay for it out of pocket. We are no better off now than we were before, except now, it's going to cost taxpayers over 1 trillion dollars over the next ten years.
You had to be a dupe and AVOID ACA as far as I can tell...

Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Why do all the dupes have to pay twice as much as the averages, and get no help from subsidies? The annual cap is little higher than the deductible, and a check ups are free...get the cheap one and tell your boss to get his shytte together..

You libs with your "free" again. Nothing is free. You might get something at no cost, but that only means YOU don't pay it--somebody else pays it for you.

The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that? It''s good money right out of the window and you likely will get nothing in return. You still have to pay cash for ER services, you still have to pay cash for doctors visits and tests, you still have to pay for short stays in the hospital.
Because many things are free, and the annual cap on out of pocket costs are the same as that deductible. A short stay in the hospital IS $7000. Doctor visits are damn cheap. They didn't come up with this so you'd hate them. Not as good as the Dems really wanted, but a helluva lot better than the Pub scam we had before for most.

So if your auto insurance had a $7,000 deductible, you would buy it? How about house insurance with a $20,000 deductible?

What good is insurance if it only kicks in if you have your back against the wall? Commie Care was sold to us as an insurance where those problems were eliminated. Now we find out (as with most Democrat policies) that it was all a lie. People will not go for preventative care if they have to pay for it out of pocket. People will not go for yearly checkups to their doctors if they have to pay for it out of pocket. We are no better off now than we were before, except now, it's going to cost taxpayers over 1 trillion dollars over the next ten years.
With also a $7000 cap, yes. No more 750k bankruptcies a year and losing everything. I heard $30 doctor visits and lots of free tests. Certainly better than 45k people DYING a year and pure hell for many under the old Pub scam system- AND WILL ONLY GET BETTER.
Nope, like most people, I couldn't afford it and even if I could, it wouldn't do me much good because of such high deductibles and out of pocket expenses. The plans are pure shit unless you really want to spend about $700.00 a month for single coverage.
Why do all the dupes have to pay twice as much as the averages, and get no help from subsidies? The annual cap is little higher than the deductible, and a check ups are free...get the cheap one and tell your boss to get his shytte together..

You libs with your "free" again. Nothing is free. You might get something at no cost, but that only means YOU don't pay it--somebody else pays it for you.

The affordable plans in Commie Care have deductibles as high as $7,000. Unless you have surgery or a long hospital stay, WTF good is a plan like that? It''s good money right out of the window and you likely will get nothing in return. You still have to pay cash for ER services, you still have to pay cash for doctors visits and tests, you still have to pay for short stays in the hospital.
Because many things are free, and the annual cap on out of pocket costs are the same as that deductible. A short stay in the hospital IS $7000. Doctor visits are damn cheap. They didn't come up with this so you'd hate them. Not as good as the Dems really wanted, but a helluva lot better than the Pub scam we had before for most.

So if your auto insurance had a $7,000 deductible, you would buy it? How about house insurance with a $20,000 deductible?

What good is insurance if it only kicks in if you have your back against the wall? Commie Care was sold to us as an insurance where those problems were eliminated. Now we find out (as with most Democrat policies) that it was all a lie. People will not go for preventative care if they have to pay for it out of pocket. People will not go for yearly checkups to their doctors if they have to pay for it out of pocket. We are no better off now than we were before, except now, it's going to cost taxpayers over 1 trillion dollars over the next ten years.
With also a $7000 cap, yes. No more 750k bankruptcies a year and losing everything. I heard $30 doctor visits and lots of free tests. Certainly better than 45k people DYING a year and pure hell for many under the old Pub scam system- AND WILL ONLY GET BETTER.

The only reason it could get better is because it can't get any worse.

The government doesn't dictate the plans. When you have a deductible, your insurance usually doesn't kick in until that deductible is paid in full. But even if they paid something on it, a doctors visit is over $300.00 today, and you can't even go to an ER for antibiotics for under $1,000. A specialist? Forget about it.

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