Obama's "forced diversity" plan to turn suburbs into ghettos

Thanks to obama there is no way to escape the black animals. People are crazy to buy a house. Rent, and then you can move without losing a $100,000 when obama puts some savage in the unit next to you.

Man . Yall are horrible racists .
It is? Did you ever live next door to a Section 8? I have, and it's hell.

These lowlifes come in all hours of the night. Music blaring out of their car at 3:00 am on a work night, laughing and talking loud when they exit the vehicle because they can afford to get drunk. .

I've experienced that too. Most blacks are on welfare and don't have jobs and thus don't keep regular hours. They see nothing unusual with screaming and yelling at 3 AM.
Cliff notes ..

Section 8 is rental assistance . Depending where u live depends on the max amount . The idea is that the voucher helps to pay your rent , 30% of your income goes to rent . So u eventually hit an income amount that graduates u out of the program .

For landlords it's a guarenteed rental check from the gov. Downside , the gov demands the apartment meet certain standards .

It's not ghetto on the run . Sect 8 certificates are super valuable to the holder . If you get evicted for lease violations , you lose the sect 8 . So people who have them need to keep thier nose clean.

It's actually a better program than just building housing projects that ghettoize the poor (er) .

It is? Did you ever live next door to a Section 8? I have, and it's hell.

These lowlifes come in all hours of the night. Music blaring out of their car at 3:00 am on a work night, laughing and talking loud when they exit the vehicle because they can afford to get drunk. You have to watch everything in your yard so they don't steal something. I lost my gas grill which I only had one week. The lowlifes next door stole it. I bought a new one, but had to chain it to the porch so they didn't get that one.

They move in all their lowlife family so those kids can attend a public school in the suburbs. Aunt Selma seems to have a lot of adopted kids.

So you go to work every morning (if you can get enough sleep) to try and get ahead in life, and government moves in these lowlifes and puts them in the exact same spot you are at.

Sounds like your problem was an absentee landlord.

That was part of it, but it was ultimately the landlord that got rid of them, and then he never rented to Section 8 again. We have a three-strike rule here. If the police have to come out to a property more than three times in a year, they start to charge the home owner for the additional calls. The landlord and I got along, so I felt obligated to tell him of my complaints to the police so if he got charged, he knew ahead of time it was a problem.

However most landlords that do rent to Section 8 are absentee. They certainly don't want to live with them, so they look for that guaranteed rent check by using Section 8 after they've left or if they are having a hard time renting the place.

Lower income people are different than middle-class people, just like middle-class people are different than wealthy people. We all have our own way of doing things and what we consider a comfortable environment.
Thanks to obama there is no way to escape the black animals. People are crazy to buy a house. Rent, and then you can move without losing a $100,000 when obama puts some savage in the unit next to you.

Man . Yall are horrible racists .
You're the racist since you endorse all these obozo programs that give special treatment to blacks.
You guys don't understand how section 8 works do you ?

this is more than section 8. Obama is going to force communities to build low income housing in the areas where middle and upperclass people live. This means a vast influx of criminals and drug dealers and a huge reduction in their property values.
Lower income people are different than middle-class people, just like middle-class people are different than wealthy people. We all have our own way of doing things and what we consider a comfortable environment.

Oh stop with that "it's all relative" crap you liberals love to spout. Blacks are mentally inferior, crime prone, welfare trash. Lincoln had the right idea - send blacks back to africa.
It is? Did you ever live next door to a Section 8? I have, and it's hell.

These lowlifes come in all hours of the night. Music blaring out of their car at 3:00 am on a work night, laughing and talking loud when they exit the vehicle because they can afford to get drunk. .

I've experienced that too. Most blacks are on welfare and don't have jobs and thus don't keep regular hours. They see nothing unusual with screaming and yelling at 3 AM.

Agreed. And it's not like you can reason with them.

One time when they came home in the middle of the sleeping part of the night, it was summer and my window was open. So when the boyfriend exited the car, I politely asked him to turn off his radio when he came there. He got angry, started screaming towards my house, telling me to come outside so we could take care of the problem like men. Yeah, like that's what I need to do: get in a fight with this guy and if I seriously hurt or kill him, end up losing my house in a lawsuit.

The police arrived and the loser ran into the house. I knew he and his piglet girlfriend were probably listening by the window, so I made sure my comments were heard by more than the police officer.
this is more than section 8. Obama is going to force communities to build low income housing in the areas where middle and upperclass people live. This means a vast influx of criminals and drug dealers and a huge reduction in their property values.

Exactly. Whites moved to the suburbs to escape the black savages and now obozo is gonna move the animals into nice white neighborhoods and those white people are gonna see their home value cut in half over night.
Lower income people are different than middle-class people, just like middle-class people are different than wealthy people. We all have our own way of doing things and what we consider a comfortable environment.

Oh stop with that "it's all relative" crap you liberals love to spout. Blacks are mentally inferior, crime prone, welfare trash. Lincoln had the right idea - send blacks back to africa.

Who are you calling a liberal?
Lower income people are different than middle-class people, just like middle-class people are different than wealthy people. We all have our own way of doing things and what we consider a comfortable environment.

Oh stop with that "it's all relative" crap you liberals love to spout. Blacks are mentally inferior, crime prone, welfare trash. Lincoln had the right idea - send blacks back to africa.
Of course we've learned since then that all races are equal in intelligence and attitude before a-holes like you get to work on them. Of course the brainwashed racist hater dupes assume the worst, never heard of crap jobs at all hours, and people on welfare having friends with cars etc etc....Racist ignorant Pub dupes. Perfect chumps of the greedy idiot rich.
Lower income people are different than middle-class people, just like middle-class people are different than wealthy people. We all have our own way of doing things and what we consider a comfortable environment.

Oh stop with that "it's all relative" crap you liberals love to spout. Blacks are mentally inferior, crime prone, welfare trash. Lincoln had the right idea - send blacks back to africa.

Who are you calling a liberal?
People with an semi-intelligent outlook and no racist hate...lol
You guys don't understand how section 8 works do you ?

this is more than section 8. Obama is going to force communities to build low income housing in the areas where middle and upperclass people live. This means a vast influx of criminals and drug dealers and a huge reduction in their property values.

That's what happened to my suburb, but it wasn't just Section 8, it was the housing bubble.

When 0% down with little credit check came into play, all the lowlifes from the inner-city moved into our suburb. Along with them came the crime. Many of our stores closed down and moved. The ones that remained open started to close early in fear of being robbed. Our mall because a ghost town. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three or more a year. One year, we had three murders in our city all within a half-mile from my home.

Teachers in our school started to get physically attacked every other week. The good people moved out, and more lowlifes moved in. Garbage and litter strewn everywhere; on lawns, on the street, in parking lots, everywhere.

When the banks finally caught up on their foreclosures, things got much better. But like a tornado, once it moves through, it's almost impossible to rebuild.
People move to nice areas to get away from the crime and poverty of blacks and illegals. They figure they're safe here since trash doesn't have the money to move to a nice suburb. They didn't count on obama giving this scum a small fortune so they can be your neighbor.
And remain useless and ruin the neighborhood. Look at Ferguson. My dad grew up there, now look at it. Funny thing, the blacks hate whites. Why do you suppose whiter leave?.
You guys don't understand how section 8 works do you ?

this is more than section 8. Obama is going to force communities to build low income housing in the areas where middle and upperclass people live. This means a vast influx of criminals and drug dealers and a huge reduction in their property values.

That's what happened to my suburb, but it wasn't just Section 8, it was the housing bubble.

When 0% down with little credit check came into play, all the lowlifes from the inner-city moved into our suburb. Along with them came the crime. Many of our stores closed down and moved. The ones that remained open started to close early in fear of being robbed. Our mall because a ghost town. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three or more a year. One year, we had three murders in our city all within a half-mile from my home.

Teachers in our school started to get physically attacked every other week. The good people moved out, and more lowlifes moved in. Garbage and litter strewn everywhere; on lawns, on the street, in parking lots, everywhere.

When the banks finally caught up on their foreclosures, things got much better. But like a tornado, once it moves through, it's almost impossible to rebuild.
It's their legacy. Name one location once all white not trashed today after blacks moved in? One.

And the white folks shouldn't be paranoid. Funny
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You guys don't understand how section 8 works do you ?

this is more than section 8. Obama is going to force communities to build low income housing in the areas where middle and upperclass people live. This means a vast influx of criminals and drug dealers and a huge reduction in their property values.

That's what happened to my suburb, but it wasn't just Section 8, it was the housing bubble.

When 0% down with little credit check came into play, all the lowlifes from the inner-city moved into our suburb. Along with them came the crime. Many of our stores closed down and moved. The ones that remained open started to close early in fear of being robbed. Our mall because a ghost town. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three or more a year. One year, we had three murders in our city all within a half-mile from my home.

Teachers in our school started to get physically attacked every other week. The good people moved out, and more lowlifes moved in. Garbage and litter strewn everywhere; on lawns, on the street, in parking lots, everywhere.

When the banks finally caught up on their foreclosures, things got much better. But like a tornado, once it moves through, it's almost impossible to rebuild.
It's their legacy. Name one location once all white not trashed today after blacks moved in? One.

And the white folks shouldn't be paranoid. Funny

The people that preach diversity are the ones who live in the whitest area they can afford, and then tell the rest of us how we should embrace our minority brethren.

That's what happened where I live now. When this was a mostly white suburb, my liberal neighbors would tell me how we were not diverse enough; how we needed to welcome people who did not look like us. Then when their wish came true, those liberals were the first to sell their homes and get the hell out of dodge.

Of course they didn't use race as the excuse. They had code words and phrases like "This neighborhood isn't what it used to be. Bad people are moving in. Things are changing around here."

Now they moved to the next whitest suburb they can afford, and preach their diversity message there.

People of different races can live together in peace--people of different cultures can't.
Of course we've learned since then that all races are equal in intelligence and attitude before a-holes like you get to work on them..

So why do blacks come in last in all standardized tests? The tests are NOT biased towards whites as proven by the fact that asians do just fine on the tests.

And - why can't africa get out of the stone age.

Answer those two questions.
And remain useless and ruin the neighborhood. Look at Ferguson. My dad grew up there, now look at it. Funny thing, the blacks hate whites. Why do you suppose whiter leave?.

Of course blacks hate whites. Dependency always leads to hatred. Blacks know that without affirmative action and welfare, 90% of blacks would starve. The more we help them, the more they will hate us.

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