Obama's Former Advisor, David Axelrod: Ginsburg's Vacancy Fight 'Could Tear This Country Apart'

If the country is torn apart it won't be us republicans fault...but we will be the victor....in the end...
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Oh no... he's scared shitless that Trump will appoint a pro-American judge.

I hope Trump appoints a judge that interprets the constitution so literally that he will be called an activist. An absolutely unshakable hawk, whom does not respect leftist bullshit one bit and puts America first every time. A judge that will rule that it's unconstitutional to not build the wall. Wow, it will be amazing.

Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett. He already said that is his choice. The radical leftists are going to have a HELL of a time accusing her of fabricated sex crimes and the usual slander from the little Goebbels of the lying scum DNC press.
Interesting...you just admitted that's it's males that commit sex crimes.....CRC males for the most part.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Oh no... he's scared shitless that Trump will appoint a pro-American judge.

I hope Trump appoints a judge that interprets the constitution so literally that he will be called an activist. An absolutely unshakable hawk, whom does not respect leftist bullshit one bit and puts America first every time. A judge that will rule that it's unconstitutional to not build the wall. Wow, it will be amazing.
He's going to appoint a she. Meet pro-Second Amendment Conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett from Louisiana where Southern values are as American as they come. She's Catholic too.

Amy Coney Barrett - Wikipedia
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Oh no... he's scared shitless that Trump will appoint a pro-American judge.

I hope Trump appoints a judge that interprets the constitution so literally that he will be called an activist. An absolutely unshakable hawk, whom does not respect leftist bullshit one bit and puts America first every time. A judge that will rule that it's unconstitutional to not build the wall. Wow, it will be amazing.
He's going to appoint a she. Meet pro-Second Amendment Conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett from Louisiana where Southern values are as American as they come. She's Catholic too.

Amy Coney Barrett - Wikipedia

Yep, and even radical abortion promoter Susan Collins will vote for her, to vote against a woman would destroy her.
Inform me the last time we had 11 justices on the Court. That is what I was saying NO to.
As for Amy whatsherface, I believe she is an outspoken ProLifer, and I do not think Susan Collins will vote to confirm her; I have a feeling she would not be the only senator who won't like Amy. My point being, the filibuster might be possible and the Dems can give Mitch back his own medicine and "postpone" the appointment until the election.
Possible, but unlikely.

The Democrats probably would have the Senate now if they hadn't tried Fascist tactics against Kavenaugh.

They'll be reminded of the threats and lies. And they'll be reminded the last time they paid a single witness was paid $750,000.00 to make vague and non-credible accusations against a man with an honorable past.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:
.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.
.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.
.3 Elections have consequences.
RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?
No, the Republicans on this board are not racist and sexist, its just that the dems/leftists on this board have had their brains fried on drugs...and are hallucinating and following the orders of their imaginary friends....

you have some of the worst reading comprehension I have ever ran across. I did not say anything about Repubs.

So, the post I quoted advocates the taking away the right to vote from women. Do you agree with that?

We have had multiple threads in the last few weeks where Trump worshipers have put forth the idea that only white people should be allowed to vote...I have never seen anything like this from anyone but Trump worshipers.

Also, we had a thread where it was stated by these same people that women are inferior to men and need to be commanded by their husbands. Is this a view you hold also?
What 'FIGHT'?

IF Ginsburg's USSC seat becomes vacant there is a process to deal with it. The President has every right to nominate a replacement and fill the seat.

In the immortal words of your beloved 'messiah', snowflakes, "Elections have consequences."
Yep, and even radical abortion promoter Susan Collins will vote for her, to vote against a woman would destroy her.
The Democrat's line will be:

"Women can choose to kill their unborn children, but can't choose to be 'Pro Life.

Not a catchy bumper sticker.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:
.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.
.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.
.3 Elections have consequences.
RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?
No, the Republicans on this board are not racist and sexist, its just that the dems/leftists on this board have had their brains fried on drugs...and are hallucinating and following the orders of their imaginary friends....

you have some of the worst reading comprehension I have ever ran across. I did not say anything about Repubs.

So, the post I quoted advocates the taking away the right to vote from women. Do you agree with that?

We have had multiple threads in the last few weeks where Trump worshipers have put forth the idea that only white people should be allowed to vote...I have never seen anything like this from anyone but Trump worshipers.

Also, we had a thread where it was stated by these same people that women are inferior to men and need to be commanded by their husbands. Is this a view you hold also?

I doubt that anything you post is true, it so rarely is. But link to these posts what people say only whites should be able to vote? We all know about GreenAndBlue , he is a nut job and no one takes him seriously.
Maybe Democrats will argue Amy Barrett is too hot to be on SCOTUS.
Obama got to appoint two FAR LEFT ACTIVIST judges in Sotomayor and Kagan. Now it is Trump's turn. If Hillary had won she would have appointed more Far Left Kook women to the Supreme Court.

Should we have torn the country apart over Obama's appointments, or Hillary's if she had won?
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
Axlerod is a typical despicable racist demagogue Democrat.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
"If you want the violence to end, elect DEMOCRATS."--HILLARY CLINTON
If Trump gets another pick it will be catastrophic. With McConnell killing the filibuster, the only way a justice can be confirmed is through a totally partisan charade with zero interest in respecting the Constitution. Democrats will need to expand the court to 11 in 2021 to balance it.
It has happened before, and the constitution is under threat.
Inform me the last time we had 11 justices on the Court. That is what I was saying NO to.
As for Amy whatsherface, I believe she is an outspoken ProLifer, and I do not think Susan Collins will vote to confirm her; I have a feeling she would not be the only senator who won't like Amy. My point being, the filibuster might be possible and the Dems can give Mitch back his own medicine and "postpone" the appointment until the election.
You're going to trust Susan Collins after Blackout Brett? Absolutely not. And the filibuster is gone. McConnell killed it, turning Supreme Court nominations into a partisan farce where a Presidency and Senate have to be held by the same party for anybody to be confirmed. We'll be living under Trump's picks for 40 years. If he gets a 3rd, expanding the court is an important conversation to start.
From your lips to GOD'S ears
If Trump gets another pick it will be catastrophic. With McConnell killing the filibuster, the only way a justice can be confirmed is through a totally partisan charade with zero interest in respecting the Constitution. Democrats will need to expand the court to 11 in 2021 to balance it.
It has happened before, and the constitution is under threat.
Inform me the last time we had 11 justices on the Court. That is what I was saying NO to.
As for Amy whatsherface, I believe she is an outspoken ProLifer, and I do not think Susan Collins will vote to confirm her; I have a feeling she would not be the only senator who won't like Amy. My point being, the filibuster might be possible and the Dems can give Mitch back his own medicine and "postpone" the appointment until the election.
You're going to trust Susan Collins after Blackout Brett? Absolutely not. And the filibuster is gone. McConnell killed it, turning Supreme Court nominations into a partisan farce where a Presidency and Senate have to be held by the same party for anybody to be confirmed. We'll be living under Trump's picks for 40 years. If he gets a 3rd, expanding the court is an important conversation to start.
NO. Expanding the court is as nasty and partisan a move as was McConnell refusing to vote on Garland. The Supreme Court is the last bastion of nonpartisan neutrality left in this increasingly divided government. We need to trust that they will do their jobs of interpreting the law according to the Constitution and zeroing in on the legal questions at hand in each case.
Obama got to appoint two FAR LEFT ACTIVIST judges in Sotomayor and Kagan. Now it is Trump's turn. If Hillary had won she would have appointed more Far Left Kook women to the Supreme Court.

Should we have torn the country apart over Obama's appointments, or Hillary's if she had won?
But it should have been three.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:
.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.
.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.
.3 Elections have consequences.
RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.
When you punks lose the senate and presidency we'll see who'll be whining like bitches

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