Obama's Former Advisor, David Axelrod: Ginsburg's Vacancy Fight 'Could Tear This Country Apart'

If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year

McConnell followed the Biden rule. Then, the Left said he got it wrong, so it wasn't a rule. Now, if there's a vacancy, he'll bring the nomination to the floor because the Left said he should and you dolts will complain! No pleasing you.
If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year

McConnell followed the Biden rule. Then, the Left said he got it wrong, so it wasn't a rule. Now, if there's a vacancy, he'll bring the nomination to the floor because the Left said he should and you dolts will complain! No pleasing you.

Shitflinger is desperately trying to apply Alinsky's rules for radicals. For those to work, we would have to care about the opinion in the Bolsheviks. democrats are shit, but less pleasant to be around. No one cares if they claim we don't live up to our own rules. Fuck them.
If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year

McConnell followed the Biden rule. Then, the Left said he got it wrong, so it wasn't a rule. Now, if there's a vacancy, he'll bring the nomination to the floor because the Left said he should and you dolts will complain! No pleasing you.

Shitflinger is desperately trying to apply Alinsky's rules for radicals. For those to work, we would have to care about the opinion in the Bolsheviks. democrats are shit, but less pleasant to be around. No one cares if they claim we don't live up to our own rules. Fuck them.

What did Alinsky say about hypocrites?
If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year

McConnell followed the Biden rule. Then, the Left said he got it wrong, so it wasn't a rule. Now, if there's a vacancy, he'll bring the nomination to the floor because the Left said he should and you dolts will complain! No pleasing you.

Shitflinger is desperately trying to apply Alinsky's rules for radicals. For those to work, we would have to care about the opinion in the Bolsheviks. democrats are shit, but less pleasant to be around. No one cares if they claim we don't live up to our own rules. Fuck them.

What did Alinsky say about hypocrites?

I'm not sure...did he say that they are reliable Democratic voters?
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

What he’s really doing is threatening and scaring the People that if Liberals don’t get what they want, there will be violence. Obama was really good at reminding people that “Elections have consequences”. Fuck the extreme Left. They want to step out of the Constitution when they don’t get their way rather than working respectfully in the process to oppose as the Framers set up. Here’s a thought....win the Senate and the Presidency.

1. Fuck the far right.

2. Could happen.
The irony is that the Chief Justice still maintains the fiction that there is no such thing as a "Democrat" justice or a "Republican" justice.

And yet...
It's true but there are both constitutional and leftarded ones.
Part of the incessant “LOL” from liberals (when they cannot factually refute) is from the Alinsky playbook of ridicule. Like fake racism charges such ridicule may have had its day back when but we are too factually and mentally grounded for it to have Any effect.
Part of the incessant “LOL” from liberals (when they cannot factually refute) is from the Alinsky playbook of ridicule. Like fake racism charges such ridicule may have had its day back when but we are too factually and mentally grounded for it to have Any effect.
Show where Alinsky ever did anything wrong

He fought for the rights of poor people
Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia

Republican Senate leaders declared that because Scalia's seat had become vacant during an election year, the Senate would not even consider a nomination from the president.

The McConnell Rule

Joe Biden Argued for Delaying Supreme Court Picks in 1992

Biden rule.

So you agree that Supreme Court picks are not to be filled in an election year

I don't see where I said anything to indicate that.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

What he’s really doing is threatening and scaring the People that if Liberals don’t get what they want, there will be violence. Obama was really good at reminding people that “Elections have consequences”. Fuck the extreme Left. They want to step out of the Constitution when they don’t get their way rather than working respectfully in the process to oppose as the Framers set up. Here’s a thought....win the Senate and the Presidency.

1. Fuck the far right.

2. Could happen.

1. Seems like you guys have agreed to sex. Congratulations.

2. Might. Might not. Time will tell.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

What he’s really doing is threatening and scaring the People that if Liberals don’t get what they want, there will be violence. Obama was really good at reminding people that “Elections have consequences”. Fuck the extreme Left. They want to step out of the Constitution when they don’t get their way rather than working respectfully in the process to oppose as the Framers set up. Here’s a thought....win the Senate and the Presidency.

1. Fuck the far right.

2. Could happen.

Question is whether it happens legally or illegally. You people will do whatever it takes; legally,,or otherwise, to take an Election. You rigged your own primary last Election.
Obama's Former Advisor, David Axelrod: Ginsburg's Vacancy Fight 'Could Tear This Country Apart'

Am anxiously awaiting the boogaloo.
Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia

Republican Senate leaders declared that because Scalia's seat had become vacant during an election year, the Senate would not even consider a nomination from the president.

The McConnell Rule

Hate to point this out to you, Winger but the guy that's leading in the polls for you Democrats ...Joe Biden...came up with that rule LONG before Mitch McConnell invoked it! Wouldn't it be ironic if that becomes a campaign issue and Joe Biden has to explain why he was FOR it...before he was AGAINST it!
Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia

Republican Senate leaders declared that because Scalia's seat had become vacant during an election year, the Senate would not even consider a nomination from the president.

The McConnell Rule

Joe Biden Argued for Delaying Supreme Court Picks in 1992

Biden rule.

So you agree that Supreme Court picks are not to be filled in an election year

You liberals have turned our government into the Hatfields and the McCoys...attacking every conservative in office or in the media...banning us from speaking on college campuses...shouting us out of restaurants...but now you want us to play nice with you if Ginsburg retires or dies? Why would we do that, Winger? So you can seat another far left ideologue? The GOP seats moderates. Democrats seat extremists. Go screw yourself. We owe you nothing in the way of compromise!
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:
.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.
.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.
.3 Elections have consequences.
RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?

Dude .. you've gotten so much more bitter, soon and sadly you'll become an official TDS humorless crackpot..

Just sayin and good luck..
Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia

Republican Senate leaders declared that because Scalia's seat had become vacant during an election year, the Senate would not even consider a nomination from the president.

The McConnell Rule

Joe Biden Argued for Delaying Supreme Court Picks in 1992

Biden rule.

So you agree that Supreme Court picks are not to be filled in an election year

I don't see where I said anything to indicate that.
Did you say it when Garland was up for an appointment?
Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia

Republican Senate leaders declared that because Scalia's seat had become vacant during an election year, the Senate would not even consider a nomination from the president.

The McConnell Rule

Joe Biden Argued for Delaying Supreme Court Picks in 1992

Biden rule.

So you agree that Supreme Court picks are not to be filled in an election year

You liberals have turned our government into the Hatfields and the McCoys...attacking every conservative in office or in the media...banning us from speaking on college campuses...shouting us out of restaurants...but now you want us to play nice with you if Ginsburg retires or dies? Why would we do that, Winger? So you can seat another far left ideologue? The GOP seats moderates. Democrats seat extremists. Go screw yourself. We owe you nothing in the way of compromise!
I just expect consistency out of my Republican brethren

You either support SCOTUS appointments in an election year or you don’t.

Which is it?

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