Obama's Former Advisor, David Axelrod: Ginsburg's Vacancy Fight 'Could Tear This Country Apart'

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers. Is it just coincidence?

Whaaaaat?! Holy cow, I've seen plenty of racist and bigoted comments from liberals on this forum!

But, let me guess: if a racist comment is made about whites, you don't consider it racist, right? That's the only way that anyone who regularly reads this forum could claim that the only racist comments come from Trump supporters.

We had an entire thread in which multiple Trump supporters argued that only whites should be allowed to vote. In this same thread it was stated by multiple Trump supporters that women are inferior and need to be commanded by their husbands. There is no equivalent of this from people on the left on this forum.

Sounds like BS or flaming!! lmao

I'd probably like to see Condi on SCOTUS. She's brilliant. I don't know her views well enough to be sure.

Condi Rice will not make you happy but good choice though!
She's a lawyer?

Do you have to be?

The US Constitution does not require you to have a law degree...
Only a law geek would even WANT that job, Bruce. Of course you need experience as a lawyer to be on the USSC.

Not required by the Constitution...
No, just by common sense.
Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers. Is it just coincidence?

Whaaaaat?! Holy cow, I've seen plenty of racist and bigoted comments from liberals on this forum!

But, let me guess: if a racist comment is made about whites, you don't consider it racist, right? That's the only way that anyone who regularly reads this forum could claim that the only racist comments come from Trump supporters.

We had an entire thread in which multiple Trump supporters argued that only whites should be allowed to vote. In this same thread it was stated by multiple Trump supporters that women are inferior and need to be commanded by their husbands. There is no equivalent of this from people on the left on this forum.

Sounds like BS or flaming!! lmao


Nope it was the real deal by several well established board members. And it is not the first time we have had that thread. We had one stating only white people should be allowed to be citizens
If Trump gets another pick it will be catastrophic. With McConnell killing the filibuster, the only way a justice can be confirmed is through a totally partisan charade with zero interest in respecting the Constitution. Democrats will need to expand the court to 11 in 2021 to balance it.

You talk about "respecting" the Constitution and then in the very next sentence you trash the very concept of separation of powers IN the Constitution!

Ruth Bader Ginsberg should have retired when Barack Obama was President so he could appoint her successor. She's had serious health issues for years now. Her ego as a liberal judicial "rock star" kept her on the court and now that might come back to bite the left in the ass!
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
I just hope to Christ that Ruth is not watching and reading all this talk as if she were already dead. She hasn't even resigned yet.

To be blunt...she can't resign now even if she wanted to. She's forced to soldier on until the next election, which liberals now desperately need to win. If they don't...and with the field they're running that's a distinct possibility...then RBG will have to suffer through another 4 years.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Yes they do. And he's right, it will tear the country apart. But it will also have the most negative consequences for conservatives.

As of now, afull 40% of eligible voters don't show up. The over whelming majority of that 40 % are young people who are Liberal. When they show up, Republicans lose Congressional seats, and state legislature seats.

What Republicans in the Senate are setting themselves up for is a majority of Democrats controlling Congress and state legislatures, and the residency. That is enough control to counter any decisions by the court, by simply rewording and amending current laws, and state legislatures passing laws that reflect those amended laws at the federal level.

It's not only elections that have consequences, but also Supreme Court decisions. Especially from a right leaning court making decisions for a country changing to majority Liberal and less white.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Yes they do. And he's right, it will tear the country apart. But it will also have the most negative consequences for conservatives.

As of now, afull 40% of eligible voters don't show up. The over whelming majority of that 40 % are young people who are Liberal. When they show up, Republicans lose Congressional seats, and state legislature seats.

What Republicans in the Senate are setting themselves up for is a majority of Democrats controlling Congress and state legislatures, and the residency. That is enough control to counter any decisions by the court, by simply rewording and amending current laws, and state legislatures passing laws that reflect those amended laws at the federal level.

It's not only elections that have consequences, but also Supreme Court decisions. Especially from a right leaning court making decisions for a country changing to majority Liberal and less white.
Your post is laced with delusions. Trump's appointed judges at the federal level and SCOTUS are transforming this country into a conservative Nationalist Nation. The course has been set.
Nope it was the real deal by several well established board members. And it is not the first time we have had that thread. We had one stating only white people should be allowed to be citizens
So you're really going to say you believe every poster you disagree with is being honest with you?

You know better.

But you just can't help yourself. Can you?
Nope it was the real deal by several well established board members. And it is not the first time we have had that thread. We had one stating only white people should be allowed to be citizens
So you're really going to say you believe every poster you disagree with is being honest with you?

You know better.

But you just can't help yourself. Can you?

All I can go by is what is posted on the forum. If the same person post the same tripe over and over again I will assume that is their view. If they are just making it up I do not really care, they posted it, they live with it.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:
.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.
.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.
.3 Elections have consequences.
RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?
Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Funny how the Left considers hate against whites and Jews is not racist and call every female conservative stupid.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:
.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.
.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.
.3 Elections have consequences.
RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?
Want to see sexism, replay the kavanaugh hearing, or wait for he lynching judge Barrett will go through.. you democrats are sick fcuks
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Yes they do. And he's right, it will tear the country apart. But it will also have the most negative consequences for conservatives.

As of now, afull 40% of eligible voters don't show up. The over whelming majority of that 40 % are young people who are Liberal. When they show up, Republicans lose Congressional seats, and state legislature seats.

What Republicans in the Senate are setting themselves up for is a majority of Democrats controlling Congress and state legislatures, and the residency. That is enough control to counter any decisions by the court, by simply rewording and amending current laws, and state legislatures passing laws that reflect those amended laws at the federal level.

It's not only elections that have consequences, but also Supreme Court decisions. Especially from a right leaning court making decisions for a country changing to majority Liberal and less white.
Your post is laced with delusions. Trump's appointed judges at the federal level and SCOTUS are transforming this country into a conservative Nationalist Nation. The course has been set.

Now there is a delusion. Let me explain reality to you scooter.

The country is now just 20-25 years away from a population that will be 50-50 white, non white. Your side will no longer be deciding most elections in the states or federal level.

And this isn't happening in a bubble, the change is already happening, in case you didn't pay attention to the midterms last year, where you conservative nationalists got smeared in a landslide.

Trump won by 77,000 votes out of 132 million votes. He is now at a 36% approval rating, with Republicans abandoning him in large numbers. You are probably not going to get the chance to replace Ginsberg.

There will be 4 million more younger voters eligible to vote next year. And they aren't conservative nationalists.

See you at the polls.
Want to see sexism, replay the kavanaugh hearing, or wait for he lynching judge Barrett will go through.. you democrats are sick fcuks

I am not a leftist and I fully supported Kavanaugh, even posting that I hoped he was the choice before he was announced. I denounced everything they did against him.

What they did to him does not change that people on this very forum have said women are inferior to men and the women need to be commanded by their husbands. One of you Trump worshipers said that the purpose of women was to make babies and they were wasting money getting degrees and they were taking jobs from "more deserving" men.
Why does Axelrod like Ginsburg's genocidal racism?
Is Axelrod also a genocidal racist?
Judge Ginsburg “It makes no sense as a national policy to promote birth only among poor people,”
Judge Ginsburg says that abortion is for babies "that we don't want to have too many of"
All I can go by is what is posted on the forum. If the same person post the same tripe over and over again I will assume that is their view. If they are just making it up I do not really care, they posted it, they live with it.
No.. They don't have to live with it.

You're living with it for them.

2-3 troll posts and your whole view of America changes... And you say 'they' have to live with it?

Keep digging.
All I can go by is what is posted on the forum. If the same person post the same tripe over and over again I will assume that is their view. If they are just making it up I do not really care, they posted it, they live with it.
No.. They don't have to live with it.

You're living with it for them.

2-3 troll posts and your whole view of America changes... And you say 'they' have to live with it?

Keep digging.

This has nothing to do with my view of America. Fuck, are you really this stupid or is it just an act like you are talking about these people doing?

This site is not representative of America, this site if the nets version of Jersey Shore.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Yes they do. And he's right, it will tear the country apart. But it will also have the most negative consequences for conservatives.

As of now, afull 40% of eligible voters don't show up. The over whelming majority of that 40 % are young people who are Liberal. When they show up, Republicans lose Congressional seats, and state legislature seats.

What Republicans in the Senate are setting themselves up for is a majority of Democrats controlling Congress and state legislatures, and the residency. That is enough control to counter any decisions by the court, by simply rewording and amending current laws, and state legislatures passing laws that reflect those amended laws at the federal level.

It's not only elections that have consequences, but also Supreme Court decisions. Especially from a right leaning court making decisions for a country changing to majority Liberal and less white.
Your post is laced with delusions. Trump's appointed judges at the federal level and SCOTUS are transforming this country into a conservative Nationalist Nation. The course has been set.

Now there is a delusion. Let me explain reality to you scooter.

The country is now just 20-25 years away from a population that will be 50-50 white, non white. Your side will no longer be deciding most elections in the states or federal level.

And this isn't happening in a bubble, the change is already happening, in case you didn't pay attention to the midterms last year, where you conservative nationalists got smeared in a landslide.

Trump won by 77,000 votes out of 132 million votes. He is now at a 36% approval rating, with Republicans abandoning him in large numbers. You are probably not going to get the chance to replace Ginsberg.

There will be 4 million more younger voters eligible to vote next year. And they aren't conservative nationalists.

See you at the polls.
Trump's policies are going to reverse those demographics. White's will maintain the majority as people are now figuring out that multiculturalism and DIEversity is catastrophic to making America great again. Interracial marriage should be outlawed again for the betterment of America's future!
Interracial marriage should be outlawed again for the betterment of America's future!

So, is this more of that "just making things up to troll" that was talked about above or are you really a racist fuck?

inquiring minds want to know.

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