Obama's Former Advisor, David Axelrod: Ginsburg's Vacancy Fight 'Could Tear This Country Apart'

I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Yes they do. And he's right, it will tear the country apart. But it will also have the most negative consequences for conservatives.

As of now, afull 40% of eligible voters don't show up. The over whelming majority of that 40 % are young people who are Liberal. When they show up, Republicans lose Congressional seats, and state legislature seats.

What Republicans in the Senate are setting themselves up for is a majority of Democrats controlling Congress and state legislatures, and the residency. That is enough control to counter any decisions by the court, by simply rewording and amending current laws, and state legislatures passing laws that reflect those amended laws at the federal level.

It's not only elections that have consequences, but also Supreme Court decisions. Especially from a right leaning court making decisions for a country changing to majority Liberal and less white.
Your post is laced with delusions. Trump's appointed judges at the federal level and SCOTUS are transforming this country into a conservative Nationalist Nation. The course has been set.

Now there is a delusion. Let me explain reality to you scooter.

The country is now just 20-25 years away from a population that will be 50-50 white, non white. Your side will no longer be deciding most elections in the states or federal level.

And this isn't happening in a bubble, the change is already happening, in case you didn't pay attention to the midterms last year, where you conservative nationalists got smeared in a landslide.

Trump won by 77,000 votes out of 132 million votes. He is now at a 36% approval rating, with Republicans abandoning him in large numbers. You are probably not going to get the chance to replace Ginsberg.

There will be 4 million more younger voters eligible to vote next year. And they aren't conservative nationalists.

See you at the polls.
Trump's policies are going to reverse those demographics. White's will maintain the majority as people are now figuring out that multiculturalism and DIEversity is catastrophic to making America great again. Interracial marriage should be outlawed again for the betterment of America's future!

Trumps policies are going to change evolution? :21:
Axlerod is simply wrong, the country is already torn, it was split during Obama's admin, and is simply diverging more and more.
If Amy Coney Barrett is picked to replace RBG (86), the dems had better not give her as rough a time as they gave Kavanaugh, or the women voters will make them pay in 2020.
Then what happens when Thomas (71) retires and Trump puts a nice young conservative in?
Or when Breyer (81) retires in Trump's 2nd term?
Or even Alito (69) retires in Trump's 2nd term and Trump puts a nice young conservative on?

Trump could remake the USSC 7-2 conservative by replacing RBG & Breyer. Then again, Roberts would probably vote liberal.
If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year
Want to see sexism, replay the kavanaugh hearing, or wait for he lynching judge Barrett will go through.. you democrats are sick fcuks

I am not a leftist and I fully supported Kavanaugh, even posting that I hoped he was the choice before he was announced. I denounced everything they did against him.

What they did to him does not change that people on this very forum have said women are inferior to men and the women need to be commanded by their husbands. One of you Trump worshipers said that the purpose of women was to make babies and they were wasting money getting degrees and they were taking jobs from "more deserving" men.
We tell woman the truth, I didn’t see woman frontier the west, thats for a reason.. we live in different times but feminisms are destroying the traditional relationship between men and woman. It’s destroying the American family and when they are under attack, they will all crawl under our manily white wing when blacks are raping them like rag dolls.
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If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year
That rule is only for the oppo party's nominee <g> I'd bet that Mitch would put Amy on in a heartbeat.
If not, Trump is still probably a lock in 2020. The dems don't have a decent candidate, or decent policies to run on.
I'm sure that is exactly what Axelrod would love to see happen. Note to David Axelrod:

.1 The Republican controlled Senate blocked Merrick Garland’s appointment to SCOTUS because they could.

.2 The Republican controlled Senate will confirm Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement to SCOTUS because they can.

.3 Elections have consequences.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
Trump can't nominate Epstein now...hes unavailable.
Epstein was one of you loons. Clinton's buddy.

Weinstein's mentor.
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?
No, the Republicans on this board are not racist and sexist, its just that the dems/leftists on this board have had their brains fried on drugs...and are hallucinating and following the orders of their imaginary friends....

you have some of the worst reading comprehension I have ever ran across. I did not say anything about Repubs.

So, the post I quoted advocates the taking away the right to vote from women. Do you agree with that?

We have had multiple threads in the last few weeks where Trump worshipers have put forth the idea that only white people should be allowed to vote...I have never seen anything like this from anyone but Trump worshipers.

Also, we had a thread where it was stated by these same people that women are inferior to men and need to be commanded by their husbands. Is this a view you hold also?

I doubt that anything you post is true, it so rarely is. But link to these posts what people say only whites should be able to vote? We all know about GreenAndBlue , he is a nut job and no one takes him seriously.

Have we become a better nation by deviating from the intent of our founders?

Doesn't support your claim.

I don't see any posts there saying "only whites should be able to vote"

Face it, you're just a punk Bolshevik spewing the party lie that all whites are racists. The truth is, and we all know it, that you leftists are the racists ones.
Quit whining. None of those instances are comparable to what McConnell did to keep Garland off the court.

No, what you scumbag Nazis did is millions of times worse. No one defamed Garland or hired whores to slander him in public. Your filthy press didn't print mountains of lies about Garland and smear him as a rapist.

Try being honest for once in your life.

To be honest, I hope the Dems don't follow suit and be so despicable if they get the chance. Two wrongs don't make a right, no matter what your thug buddies tell you.

But you're not honest, and you know that you Stalinists are the most vile pigs in the nation.
Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?
No, the Republicans on this board are not racist and sexist, its just that the dems/leftists on this board have had their brains fried on drugs...and are hallucinating and following the orders of their imaginary friends....

you have some of the worst reading comprehension I have ever ran across. I did not say anything about Repubs.

So, the post I quoted advocates the taking away the right to vote from women. Do you agree with that?

We have had multiple threads in the last few weeks where Trump worshipers have put forth the idea that only white people should be allowed to vote...I have never seen anything like this from anyone but Trump worshipers.

Also, we had a thread where it was stated by these same people that women are inferior to men and need to be commanded by their husbands. Is this a view you hold also?

I doubt that anything you post is true, it so rarely is. But link to these posts what people say only whites should be able to vote? We all know about GreenAndBlue , he is a nut job and no one takes him seriously.

Have we become a better nation by deviating from the intent of our founders?

Doesn't support your claim.

I don't see any posts there saying "only whites should be able to vote"

Face it, you're just a punk Bolshevik spewing the party lie that all whites are racists. The truth is, and we all know it, that you leftists are the racists ones.

That is the intent that the OP was talking about shit for brains.
No, the Republicans on this board are not racist and sexist, its just that the dems/leftists on this board have had their brains fried on drugs...and are hallucinating and following the orders of their imaginary friends....

you have some of the worst reading comprehension I have ever ran across. I did not say anything about Repubs.

So, the post I quoted advocates the taking away the right to vote from women. Do you agree with that?

We have had multiple threads in the last few weeks where Trump worshipers have put forth the idea that only white people should be allowed to vote...I have never seen anything like this from anyone but Trump worshipers.

Also, we had a thread where it was stated by these same people that women are inferior to men and need to be commanded by their husbands. Is this a view you hold also?

I doubt that anything you post is true, it so rarely is. But link to these posts what people say only whites should be able to vote? We all know about GreenAndBlue , he is a nut job and no one takes him seriously.

Have we become a better nation by deviating from the intent of our founders?

Doesn't support your claim.

I don't see any posts there saying "only whites should be able to vote"

Face it, you're just a punk Bolshevik spewing the party lie that all whites are racists. The truth is, and we all know it, that you leftists are the racists ones.

That is the intent that the OP was talking about shit for brains.

Ah, so you were just lying and trying to pass your party hatred off as fact.

Well, you're a fucking commie, so lying is what you do. :thup:
If only we could take away women's right to vote right now. Women are going to whine like bitches when the next Supreme Court nominee is announced.

Why is it all the racist and the sexist on this forum are Trump worshipers.

Is it just coincidence?
No, the Republicans on this board are not racist and sexist, its just that the dems/leftists on this board have had their brains fried on drugs...and are hallucinating and following the orders of their imaginary friends....

you have some of the worst reading comprehension I have ever ran across. I did not say anything about Repubs.

So, the post I quoted advocates the taking away the right to vote from women. Do you agree with that?

We have had multiple threads in the last few weeks where Trump worshipers have put forth the idea that only white people should be allowed to vote...I have never seen anything like this from anyone but Trump worshipers.

Also, we had a thread where it was stated by these same people that women are inferior to men and need to be commanded by their husbands. Is this a view you hold also?

I doubt that anything you post is true, it so rarely is. But link to these posts what people say only whites should be able to vote? We all know about GreenAndBlue , he is a nut job and no one takes him seriously.

The fact is that the majority of men citizens agrees with trump and me

Really rediculous to try to lie and brainwash the unwise

You cannot brainwash the majority of men with their natural higher logic ability

Only foolish losers tries to lie and deceive

The ones with logic are the inventors and producers which are the conservatives

The low logics have to lie and steal to get what the high logic types produces

What happens is the high logic types invents again and stops you low logic crooks from stealing

Dude, you can't even find one person on this board who agrees with you, much less the majority of men citizens.
Yes on both because even the ones with schooling from here are blithering idiots...

You are so full of shit.

Crawl back into your hole.

Edward and you believe Condi Rice is not qualified then is Susan Rice qualified?

Why would she be?

Does she have any knowledge of Constitutional law?

Does she have any training or education that would be applicable to the work done by the SCOTUS

She just like the other Rice held positions that could work in their favor, so are you saying Susan Rice is also disqualified?

They are both amazing, highly skilled women.

Neither one of them is an appropriate choice to the on the SCOTUS.

Just as I would not go to either of them to treat my COPD or to have my engine rebuilt, I would not want them on the SCOTUS.

Why is this so complicated for you?

I'm not sure Condileeza Rice would be a wise pick for the court. She is above all, an internationalist, a globalist.
If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year

Well, good luck with that, Comrade.

Republicans have repeatedly stated that they would NEVER fill a Supreme Court vacancy in a election year
They say the people should decide
The irony is that the Chief Justice still maintains the fiction that there is no such thing as a "Democrat" justice or a "Republican" justice.

And yet...
If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year

Well, good luck with that, Comrade.

Republicans have repeatedly stated that they would NEVER fill a Supreme Court vacancy in a election year
They say the people should decide

Well, good luck with that, Comrade.
Mitch McConnell is a man of honor. If he loses his integrity, what does he have left?

I am certain he would NEVER allow a vote on a Supreme Court vacancy during an election year

It is just not done
If Ginsburg were to die in 2020, Republicans would be unable to fill the vacancy because of the McConnell rule

You can’t fill a vacancy in an election year

Well, good luck with that, Comrade.

Republicans have repeatedly stated that they would NEVER fill a Supreme Court vacancy in a election year
They say the people should decide

Well, good luck with that, Comrade.
Mitch McConnell is a man of honor. If he loses his integrity, what does he have left?

I am certain he would NEVER allow a vote on a Supreme Court vacancy during an election year

It is just not done

Well, good luck with that, Comrade.

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