Obama's global warming fraud is greeted with record cold temperatures.

Global Warming, Climate change?

It is all a scam for having an excuse to rebuild the world!

That is all


It would be one helluva mistake to rebuild the world for just one reason when it needs rebuilding for so many more. The rich set on their perches eating caviar while over 900,000,000, mostly children are starving or suffering from malnutrition. Screw rich people. I hope their assholes are invaded by large hemorrhoids.
well there are tow kinds of people in the world 99% have hemorrhoids the other 01% are perfect assholes
Global Warming, Climate change?

It is all a scam for having an excuse to rebuild the world!

That is all


It would be one helluva mistake to rebuild the world for just one reason when it needs rebuilding for so many more. The rich set on their perches eating caviar while over 900,000,000, mostly children are starving or suffering from malnutrition. Screw rich people. I hope their assholes are invaded by large hemorrhoids.
well there are tow kinds of people in the world 99% have hemorrhoids the other 01% are perfect assholes

What you mean is that 99% of Republicans have hemorrhoids. That's why they come on as a major pain in the ass!!

A Skeptical Science peer-reviewed survey of all (over 12,000) peer-reviewed abstracts on the subject 'global climate change' and 'global warming' published between 1991 and 2011 (Cook et al. 2013) found that over 97% of the papers taking a position on the subject agreed with the consensus position that humans are causing global warming. In a second phase of the project, the scientist authors were emailed and rated over 2,000 of their own papers. Once again, over 97% of the papers taking a position on the cause of global warming agreed that humans are causing it.

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we need to send someone from Fox to the north pole to interview some of those polar bears living on those 10 foot sheets of ice.
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.

Mild winter keeps Great Lakes' water levels up
Keith Matheny, Detroit Free Press10:27 p.m. EST January 17, 2016
"And then there's the ice cover. The warmer temperatures and lack of snow and ice have led to the entire Great Lakes system being only about 6.6% ice covered as of Friday. On the same day last year, the lakes were more than one-third — 34% — covered with ice."
December saw record amounts of precipitation in many parts of the Great Lakes basin — but in the form of rain, not snow, he said".
imagine if all that fresh water wasn't being shipped to china.

Obama Allows Great Lakes Water To Be Sold To China As Half The U.S. Faces Extreme Water Crisis

i'm pretty sure china doesn't even have a delta smelt, which are delicious.
and sure enough, kerry and obama have been silent regarding this weekends weather, as if it never happened, just an illusion.
Every country in the world has agreed to take action to stop Global Warming.

It has nothing to do with Obama except for the political riff-raff that have no argument so toss out a Red Herring or Strawman.

That agreement wouldn't mean diddly squat without U.S. participation.
ergo, the kyoto protocol. my dad, along with 17 thousand scientists, signed it knowing it was just a political ruse, another way to peoples paychecks.

well, doesn't that make him a coward then? Why didn't he refuse?
Do you ever take the time to look at others research into the actual data sets? And you do realize, even if the data had not been manipulated, it is only 180 years of records? You do realize the earth is many millenia older than180 years,right?

Yep, all those thoughts about the age of the earth I agree with.

But let me ask you this; in the long history of earth you alluded to, when has man EVER mined and drilled for the oil and coal and then burnt it.

What was the result of this action.

Or has man never done it before and we dont know what the outcome will be. But the preliminary results do not look like burning all this carbon is doing us any good. At least as to how it effects the climate.

Are you a climate denier that has enough integrity to admit that we are conducting an experiment burning all this carbon and we dont know the final result because we are in the middle of this experiment.
and sure enough, kerry and obama have been silent regarding this weekends weather, as if it never happened, just an illusion.

How many threads did you start about the outrageously warm weather in January?

It cuts deeper than that. I've lived in east TN for the last 70 years and the climate has ranged from deep snows all winter....sometimes into April, to winters so mild that all but about 2% of the time a light jacket was sufficient. I'm 81 years old and we used to have some winters worse than they have in northern Michigan now. I have rhododendron buds which have been trying to open for the last month. It doesn't take a genius to observe nature though most people don't even try.
when are these idiots going to understand its not global warming that we are talking about .. its called climate change ... it has to do with warming and cooling you bozo's ... not just warming

I always have to laugh loud when I hear this one!
Heard it a million times.

because there was no global warming it is now called climate change!

Well, it seems now any definition will do!

Very hot -> global warming!errrr climatechange
very cold ->global warming errrr climatechange
very wet -> global warming! errrr climatechange
Very dry -> global warming! errrr climatechange

At the beginning of the whole scam it was mentioned that there will be no snow anymore or anyware!

Well, it seems they are wrong!

Very very wrong.

Well, of course they are wrong, have you ever seen a hoax being right?

and sure enough, kerry and obama have been silent regarding this weekends weather, as if it never happened, just an illusion.

How many threads did you start about the outrageously warm weather in January?

It cuts deeper than that. I've lived in east TN for the last 70 years and the climate has ranged from deep snows all winter....sometimes into April, to winters so mild that all but about 2% of the time a light jacket was sufficient. I'm 81 years old and we used to have some winters worse than they have in northern Michigan now. I have rhododendron buds which have been trying to open for the last month. It doesn't take a genius to observe nature though most people don't even try.

But that doesn't say a thing!

There are other people at other places where the winter is MORE severe
now, New York comes to mind.

Anyway we are entering an ice age.

Climate change is a pseudo science, even according to Nobel Laureates. (Not that I do care).
What did they burn previously? There was noone to stop forest fires, they burned millions of acres. Coal used as fuel has been dated back to at least the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
Babylon had oil fields since at least 450 bc.
China was drilling wells by 347 ad. I could go on and on.
Do you ever take the time to look at others research into the actual data sets? And you do realize, even if the data had not been manipulated, it is only 180 years of records? You do realize the earth is many millenia older than180 years,right?

Yep, all those thoughts about the age of the earth I agree with.

But let me ask you this; in the long history of earth you alluded to, when has man EVER mined and drilled for the oil and coal and then burnt it.

What was the result of this action.

Or has man never done it before and we dont know what the outcome will be. But the preliminary results do not look like burning all this carbon is doing us any good. At least as to how it effects the climate.

Are you a climate denier that has enough integrity to admit that we are conducting an experiment burning all this carbon and we dont know the final result because we are in the middle of this experiment.

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