Obama's global warming fraud is greeted with record cold temperatures.

I don't know? I am a trained Navy engineer, with significant training in thermodynamics, oceanography and weather forecasting. What is your experience?

Navy officer on a nuke cruiser, mainly running reactors, but also doing the OOD thing.

Ever been north of the Arctic Circle in your life? Ever been UNDER the Arctic ice pack you so casually talk about?

No. What's that got to do with anything? How does the fact that you saw an iceberg make you any more of an expert than a cruise ship tourist who saw an iceberg?

It figures you would list experience unrelated to the topic. Did you miss the part about UNDER?
Here's one of the Danish ice charts from 1901 that the deniers say can't possibly exist. Sea ice reaches the Iceland coast on this one, which never happens now.

How do you know that's accurate?
and to think that there was once a time when it was so cold that we couldnt even send rescue ships to the south pole...well hopefully global warming activists arent there now looking for melting ice caps.
Here's one of the Danish ice charts from 1901 that the deniers say can't possibly exist. Sea ice reaches the Iceland coast on this one, which never happens now.

Oh, it can exist. The problem is how accurate can it be? You think in one month the entire area of sea ice could be documented by ships that could not report their findings until they returned from sea? Also, if they encountered ice, there could have been vast areas where they could not reach that were open water, but beyond their reach.

At best, this is probably a "best guess' scenario.
It figures you would list experience unrelated to the topic

I answered the question you asked, so stop bitching.

Did you miss the part about UNDER?

Did you miss the part where I asked you what that has to do with anything, and you weaseled and found a way to avoid answering?

Don't worry. I'm sure everyone else caught it.
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we need to send someone from Fox to the north pole to interview some of those polar bears living on those 10 foot sheets of ice.
It figures you would list experience unrelated to the topic.

I answered the question you asked, so stop bitching.

Did you miss the part about UNDER?

Did you miss the part where I asked you what that has to do with anything, and you weaseled and found a way to avoid answering?

Don't worry. I'm sure everyone else caught it.

Do me a favor and don't ever claim to have been a Navy officer. It would be embarrassing to those of us who actually were.
Oh, it can exist. The problem is how accurate can it be? You think in one month the entire area of sea ice could be documented by ships that could not report their findings until they returned from sea?

As nobody ever said the map was published in April 1901, one wonders why you think somebody did say that.

Also, if they encountered ice, there could have been vast areas where they could not reach that were open water, but beyond their reach.

At best, this is probably a "best guess' scenario.

Yep. But it's a darn good guess. Again, these maps show ice much further south than we see ice today. That part is not in dispute. If you want to imagine there were vast tracts of open water north of that, go right ahead, but don't expect anyone else to join you in such an absurd belief.
It figures you would list experience unrelated to the topic.

I answered the question you asked, so stop bitching.

Did you miss the part about UNDER?

Did you miss the part where I asked you what that has to do with anything, and you weaseled and found a way to avoid answering?

Don't worry. I'm sure everyone else caught it.

Do me a favor and don't ever claim to have been a Navy officer. It would be embarrassing to those of us who actually were.
Well, if you are an example of the intellect of Naval Officers, I can see why you guys get lost and caught by North Koreans and Iranians.
Do me a favor and don't ever claim to have been a Navy officer. It would be embarrassing to those of us who actually were.


We got us another proud vet-spitter here!

It's happened before, so I'm used to it. I point out that a crank is babbling nonsense, and instead of thanking me for the eduction, they try insulting my military service.
It figures you would list experience unrelated to the topic.

I answered the question you asked, so stop bitching.

Did you miss the part about UNDER?

Did you miss the part where I asked you what that has to do with anything, and you weaseled and found a way to avoid answering?

Don't worry. I'm sure everyone else caught it.

Do me a favor and don't ever claim to have been a Navy officer. It would be embarrassing to those of us who actually were.
Well, if you are an example of the intellect of Naval Officers, I can see why you guys get lost and caught by North Koreans and Iranians.

Congratulations! You have now earned the title of he who will be ignored for stupid insults above and beyond the call of duty!
Wonderful. But I won't put you on ignore. I will just continue to demonstrate how you post without factual basis, and give links that demonstrate the stupidity of the opinions you pull out of your ass.
Do me a favor and don't ever claim to have been a Navy officer. It would be embarrassing to those of us who actually were.


We got us another proud vet-spitter here!

It's happened before, so I'm used to it. I point out that a crank is babbling nonsense, and instead of thanking me for the eduction, they try insulting my military service.

You are such a rookie that your military service deserves no recognition.

I bet I had more time underway while sitting on the shitter than you had underway total!

BTW, calling me a vet-spitter just shows how classless and ignorant you are!
Every country in the world has agreed to take action to stop Global Warming.

It has nothing to do with Obama except for the political riff-raff that have no argument so toss out a Red Herring or Strawman.
When you're a complete narcissist as obama is it has everything to do with him.
Wonderful. But I won't put you on ignore. I will just continue to demonstrate how you post without factual basis, and give links that demonstrate the stupidity of the opinions you pull out of your ass.

Oh, please just go away. You shouldn't be pissed when someone shows you are a clueless wanabee. I am just providing a public service.
Wonderful. But I won't put you on ignore. I will just continue to demonstrate how you post without factual basis, and give links that demonstrate the stupidity of the opinions you pull out of your ass.
facts that have been buggered are longer facts. You don't know if the climate is getting warmer. Only what you've been told.
When crops start wilting and rioters only weigh 150 lbs instead of 250 lbs, get back to me.
Well, do ya think as much as 4600 feet inaccuracy could present a problem with ice extent with a chronometer? Not to mention the artic wasn't exactly full of ships at every inch of its coast line every day, either. And, as has been mentioned, weather is and always has been a factor with a sextant. And there wasn't any history of ships losing their way, either, now was there?
Do you think noaa is lying when they state even today it is difficult to accurately measure artic ice extent, when they have much better instrumentation?

Ships and ice usually don't mix. You are the one escalating the stupidity by ignoring obvious inconsistencies in your data.

But ships can tell you where the edge of the pack ice is. And they did. Whaling ships especially hung out in such areas, and kept detailed logs, and those logs still exist.

Again, the point, you suck at this.

Really? How precise were their navigation systems? They couldn't even reliably tell where they were most of the time. Your ignorance and arrogance is amazing!
God damn! And you state that you are a Navy man. But never heard of a sextant, and a chronometer.
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Well, do ya think as much as 4600 feet inaccuracy could present a problem with ice extent? Not to mention the artic wasn't exactly full of ships at every inch of its coast line every day, either. And, as has been mentioned, weather is and always has been a factor with a sextant. And there wasn't any history of ships losing their way, either, now was there?

Ships and ice usually don't mix. You are the one escalating the stupidity by ignoring obvious inconsistencies in your data.

But ships can tell you where the edge of the pack ice is. And they did. Whaling ships especially hung out in such areas, and kept detailed logs, and those logs still exist.

Again, the point, you suck at this.

Really? How precise were their navigation systems? They couldn't even reliably tell where they were most of the time. Your ignorance and arrogance is amazing!
God damn! And you state that you are a Navy man. But never heard of a sextant, and a chronometer.

Some of these morons probably looked for satellite data from the 1950s to try and prove their point!

They probably think the ship captains called their reports on the ice pack in using their cell phones equipped with GPS!

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