Obama's global warming fraud is greeted with record cold temperatures.

Really? How precise were their navigation systems? They couldn't even reliably tell where they were most of the time. Your ignorance and arrogance is amazing!

A supposed Navy guy who doesn't even know about things like stellar navigation and dead reckoning? Wow.

But maybe you're right, and ships were all just totally lost all the time until the invention of GPS or radionavigation systems.
That is called an induced error and I'll bet no climate scientist ever used that data while making allowances for the possibility that the data was flat out wrong.

And you'd be completely wrong, because compensation for measuring from ship intakes is very definitely factored in.

And if you knew the basics of the science, you would have known that.

Is it ever going to dawn on you that you simply don't know what you're talking about?

I don't know? I am a trained Navy engineer, with significant training in thermodynamics, oceanography and weather forecasting. What is your experience? Ever been north of the Arctic Circle in your life? Ever been UNDER the Arctic ice pack you so casually talk about?
You are a what????????????????? LOL And I am a naval aviator that flew in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. See how easy that sort of thing is?

We are both anonymous posters on an internet board. You want credibility, post credible sources. Things you pull out of your ass smell that way. You have yet to show any kind of credibility.
Do you even think before you post?
Ships and ice usually don't mix. You are the one escalating the stupidity by ignoring obvious inconsistencies in your data.

But ships can tell you where the edge of the pack ice is. And they did. Whaling ships especially hung out in such areas, and kept detailed logs, and those logs still exist. And where the ice didn't retreat out of sight of land, land-based observations were there. It's not as good as satellites, but it's enough for decent estimates.

Again, you all just don't know your facts.
I don't know? I am a trained Navy engineer, with significant training in thermodynamics, oceanography and weather forecasting. What is your experience?

Navy officer on a nuke cruiser, mainly running reactors, but also doing the OOD thing.

Ever been north of the Arctic Circle in your life? Ever been UNDER the Arctic ice pack you so casually talk about?

No. What's that got to do with anything? How does the fact that you saw an iceberg make you any more of an expert than a cruise ship tourist who saw an iceberg?
And meanwhile, the volume of ice in Antarctica has been growing....

Just as Dr. Manabe, the father of global warming science, predicted back in 1991, due to the freshening of the surface ocean layer, due to melt water running off Antarctica.

Gee, guess you left that out of your equation, didn't you???

Thanks for letting me point out yet another proven successful prediction of global warming science. Climate scientists have been getting everything correct for decades now, which is why climate science has such credibility. Deniers have been failing laughably with every prediction for decades running, which is why they're considered bad jokes.

Not too long ago, there was a blurb in the news about global warming causing increased melting of the ice on a mountain in Antarctica. Ironically, the next day or so, vulcanologists studying an ancient volcano in Antarctica reported seeing new seismic activity indicating increased magma flow under the surface. Same mountain!

The gullible warming report was quickly retracted when they discovered that the increased runoff was being caused by the volcano heating the ice and melting it.
Do you even think before you post?

So when faced with the debunking of your conspiracy nuttery, you're just giving up?

But maybe you have something. Perhaps all of the world's scientists are wrong, and a handful of bitter raving internet posters are the only few brave souls who understand the RealTruth. I bet it really gives you an ego boost to believe that, eh?
Before the jet passenger air travel age we didn't have regular flights over the polls. the idea that any estimates made before then could be close to accurate is ludicrous, to say the least.

That's right, because ships weren't invented until 1970.

You cultists just keep escalating the stupid.

Not many ships went North of Greenland before 1970.
The Greenlanders - Arctic whaleships and whalers

Monday, 3 October 2011 - 1:00pm

Museum of London

Exploration and discovery, Maritime history, History, Unusual

From 1750 to the early 20th century, fleets of ‘Greenlanders’ – specially strengthened sailing ships – headed north each spring from Britain to the ice-filled Arctic seas between Canada, Greenland and Spitsbergen. Their business was whaling, their purpose to bring home oil and whalebone – raw materials for Britain’s growing industries. Arctic whaling involved more than 9000 voyages from 35 British ports: Rotherhith's ‘Greenland Dock’ is a reminder that London was a prominent whaling port. Each voyage involved dangers unique to the trade, demanding extraordinary measures of skills and seamanship. Dr Stonehouse tells of the ships, the men, and the profits and losses of a long-forgotten industry.

This is part of the Great Days of Sail Mondays at One series. The other lectures in this series are as follows:

‘They live by Trade’: Britain’s global trade in the Great Days of Sail
Why Conserve the Cutty Sark?
The Greenlanders - Arctic whaleships and whalers | Gresham College

Sometimes it pays to do a little research before demonstrating once again one's lack of knowledge.
The gullible warming report was quickly retracted when they discovered that the increased runoff was being caused by the volcano heating the ice and melting it.

Suuuuuuure it was.

Let me guess. You saw that story on a kook blog and believed, right? Same as all your other "science".
And meanwhile, the volume of ice in Antarctica has been growing....

Just as Dr. Manabe, the father of global warming science, predicted back in 1991, due to the freshening of the surface ocean layer, due to melt water running off Antarctica.

Gee, guess you left that out of your equation, didn't you???

Thanks for letting me point out yet another proven successful prediction of global warming science. Climate scientists have been getting everything correct for decades now, which is why climate science has such credibility. Deniers have been failing laughably with every prediction for decades running, which is why they're considered bad jokes.

Not too long ago, there was a blurb in the news about global warming causing increased melting of the ice on a mountain in Antarctica. Ironically, the next day or so, vulcanologists studying an ancient volcano in Antarctica reported seeing new seismic activity indicating increased magma flow under the surface. Same mountain!

The gullible warming report was quickly retracted when they discovered that the increased runoff was being caused by the volcano heating the ice and melting it.
Really? Of course you have a site that corroborates that claim.
Before the jet passenger air travel age we didn't have regular flights over the polls. the idea that any estimates made before then could be close to accurate is ludicrous, to say the least.

That's right, because ships weren't invented until 1970.

You cultists just keep escalating the stupid.

Not many ships went North of Greenland before 1970.
The Greenlanders - Arctic whaleships and whalers

Monday, 3 October 2011 - 1:00pm

Museum of London

Exploration and discovery, Maritime history, History, Unusual

From 1750 to the early 20th century, fleets of ‘Greenlanders’ – specially strengthened sailing ships – headed north each spring from Britain to the ice-filled Arctic seas between Canada, Greenland and Spitsbergen. Their business was whaling, their purpose to bring home oil and whalebone – raw materials for Britain’s growing industries. Arctic whaling involved more than 9000 voyages from 35 British ports: Rotherhith's ‘Greenland Dock’ is a reminder that London was a prominent whaling port. Each voyage involved dangers unique to the trade, demanding extraordinary measures of skills and seamanship. Dr Stonehouse tells of the ships, the men, and the profits and losses of a long-forgotten industry.

This is part of the Great Days of Sail Mondays at One series. The other lectures in this series are as follows:

‘They live by Trade’: Britain’s global trade in the Great Days of Sail
Why Conserve the Cutty Sark?
The Greenlanders - Arctic whaleships and whalers | Gresham College

Sometimes it pays to do a little research before demonstrating once again one's lack of knowledge.

"The early 20th century" means about 1910, at the latest. The arctic whaling grounds were fished out by then.
Ships and ice usually don't mix. You are the one escalating the stupidity by ignoring obvious inconsistencies in your data.

But ships can tell you where the edge of the pack ice is. And they did. Whaling ships especially hung out in such areas, and kept detailed logs, and those logs still exist.

Again, the point, you suck at this.

Really? How precise were their navigation systems? They couldn't even reliably tell where they were most of the time. Your ignorance and arrogance is amazing!
God damn! And you state that you are a Navy man. But never heard of a sextant, and a chronometer.
And meanwhile, the volume of ice in Antarctica has been growing....

Just as Dr. Manabe, the father of global warming science, predicted back in 1991, due to the freshening of the surface ocean layer, due to melt water running off Antarctica.

Gee, guess you left that out of your equation, didn't you???

Thanks for letting me point out yet another proven successful prediction of global warming science. Climate scientists have been getting everything correct for decades now, which is why climate science has such credibility. Deniers have been failing laughably with every prediction for decades running, which is why they're considered bad jokes.

Was away baaaaaaack in 1991?

Giving up? Nuttery? Honey, you have a vested interest. I could give you solid proof and you would still deny it. We've been there, done that already.
Do you even think before you post?

So when faced with the debunking of your conspiracy nuttery, you're just giving up?

But maybe you have something. Perhaps all of the world's scientists are wrong, and a handful of bitter raving internet posters are the only few brave souls who understand the RealTruth. I bet it really gives you an ego boost to believe that, eh?
Ships and ice usually don't mix. You are the one escalating the stupidity by ignoring obvious inconsistencies in your data.

But ships can tell you where the edge of the pack ice is. And they did. Whaling ships especially hung out in such areas, and kept detailed logs, and those logs still exist.

Again, the point, you suck at this.

Really? How precise were their navigation systems? They couldn't even reliably tell where they were most of the time. Your ignorance and arrogance is amazing!
God damn! And you state that you are a Navy man. But never heard of a sextant, and a chronometer.

sextants don't work very well when the sky is overcast.
1F this morning

You have to be a moron to say "Global Warming"
>>> still waiting for an explanation for Ketchup Man on how global warming caused this weeks polar vortex that has frozen 1/3 of the country,,,,i hear its so cold that in many cases, animals and people cannot urinate.
Not to mention It'll be another couple of decades before kids in UK dont know what winter is anymore.........restart the tipping point clock......Mark
Here's one of the Danish ice charts, this one from 1901, that the deniers say can't possibly exist. Sea ice reaches the Iceland coast on this one, a month past peak in April, and that never happens now, even during the March peak.

1F this morning

You have to be a moron to say "Global Warming"
>>> still waiting for an explanation for Ketchup Man on how global warming caused this weeks polar vortex that has frozen 1/3 of the country,,,,i hear its so cold that in many cases, animals and people cannot urinate.
You hear many things, Rex. Probably from the same source as David Fry.

"A cookie and one more cigarette": the strange, sad end of the Oregon standoff

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