Obama's Job Killing Machine Moves Forward

Umm the clean air act has been around for 40 years.
Is our government not supposed to enforce it?

Selective enforcement of laws sucks. Either enforce them or get rid of them.

The Executive Branch is not supposed to use the regulatory structure to subvert Congress.
Texas has some of the cleanest air in the US. Houston has some smog but overall we have clean air. Surprisingly, California, with the most crippling regulations, has 8 of the largest cities in the US that are heavily polluted with smog, soot, and other harmful particulates.

The best way to protect the environment is economic growth with high levels of employment. Caring about the environment is a luxury well off advanced nations. When people are unemployed or impoverished, they are not going to worry about air quality.
Umm the clean air act has been around for 40 years.
Is our government not supposed to enforce it?

Selective enforcement of laws sucks. Either enforce them or get rid of them.

The Clean Air act was to fight acid rain and pollutants to our air quality.

CO2, or plant food, doesn't pollute the air or ruin our air quality. In very suspect theories it goes into the atmosphere and increases the greenhouse effect! THIS IS NOT A POLLUTANT COVERED BY THE CLEAN AIR ACT (a law I actually support)!
Umm the clean air act has been around for 40 years.
Is our government not supposed to enforce it?

Selective enforcement of laws sucks. Either enforce them or get rid of them.

Well... Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, while we put costly new regulations on our businesses in this country China and Indiana will keep rolling along and the libs will keep blaming conservatives for the job losses.:cuckoo:

We are going to be forced to eat Chineez lettuce? :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Obama's Job Killing Machine Moves Forward"

Oh, it's an article about Texas polluters kicking and screaming because, after years of reckless environmental damage, they finally need to follow EPA regulations.

For a moment, I thought it was about something else; Obama physically removing those companies from Texas. I though Obama came barging into the companies and started firing workers. Oh, so he didn't literally kill jobs? I thought that's what we elected Obama to do: protect the environment from gross polluters...

Ya think maybe some corporations could curb their profits a bit? Maybe they could use nuclear power (or renewable energy) to produce the same product while maintaining their current employees?

Nah! That would be too costly and responsible....


Despite Pollution Worries, Texas Builds Coal Plants
October 13, 2010

So what if coal, the dirtiest of the fossil fuels, faces tightening air-pollution standards from federal regulators? Texas — probably more than any other state — is aggressively building new coal plants.

A permit recently approved for a coal plant in Matagorda County, known as the White Stallion Energy Center, is one of six granted to projects that are not yet up and running, according to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, while four more projects — near Abilene, Odessa, Sweeny and Corpus Christi — are seeking permits, including several that plan to store some of their greenhouse gas emissions underground. The TCEQ will hold a discussion about one of those four, a proposed plant called the Las Brisas Energy Center near Corpus, on Friday, though it’s unlikely a permit will be granted then. Texas, which consumes far more coal power than any other state, already has 19 operating coal-fired power plants, the majority of which are in East Texas. (Some plants, including the proposed Las Brisas facility, burn petroleum coke, a refinery byproduct that is similar to coal.)

Umm the clean air act has been around for 40 years.
Is our government not supposed to enforce it?

Selective enforcement of laws sucks. Either enforce them or get rid of them.

The Clean Air act was to fight acid rain and pollutants to our air quality.

CO2, or plant food, doesn't pollute the air or ruin our air quality. In very suspect theories it goes into the atmosphere and increases the greenhouse effect! THIS IS NOT A POLLUTANT COVERED BY THE CLEAN AIR ACT (a law I actually support)!

I have to agree. The EPA should not be regulating CO2. But then again I don't think the Feds should be able to black-mail the States with the the Super-Highway fund either. However, I'm not for new Coal Fired Power plants either. Burning coal gives off alot more than just CO2.
"Well... Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, while we put costly new regulations on our businesses in this country, China and Indiana will keep rolling along and the libs will keep blaming conservatives for the job losses."

True. China and India will keep rolling along...
I have lived in China. Granted, their economy is thriving while ours stagnates. But at what cost?
Coal mining is cheap there and nearly their entire energy demand is based on burning coal. I have seen in some of the rural cities, burning of coal is so rampant, the soot sticks to houses and building, and respiratory illnesses abound. And yet, the Chinese govt does not regulate it because the demand for coal-based power is out of control. The problem gets brushed aside as the environmental cost of economic development.

In short, the difference between China and the U.S.; we have the EPA and they do not.

In my opinion, the time for nuclear power plants has come. And yes, Obama is in favor of that.

White House open to nukes as 'clean energy' - Patrick Reis - POLITICO.com
Do it for the chillrens. Hep the chillrens. Chillrens need to breathe. Hep the chillrens.

I know, I know. Conservatives don't care about children once they are out of the uterus. Just come right out and say it. You'll feel better

I know, I know. Liberals don't care about children unless they can use them as pawns in their little shell games.
Just come right out and say it. You'll feel better.
This is going to happen throughout the county, new Regulations by Obama's EPA are going to drive more manufacturing jobs out of the country and energy prices are going to skyrocket thank you Obama.. :cuckoo:
Actually.....jobs appear to be going to intelligent-people....rather-than somewhere being dominated by pin-head Teabaggers.

"Companies will go where there are fast-growing markets and big profits," says Jeffrey Sachs, globalization expert and economist at Columbia University. "What's changed is that companies today are getting top talent in emerging economies, and the U.S. has to really watch out."
Umm the clean air act has been around for 40 years.
Is our government not supposed to enforce it?

Selective enforcement of laws sucks. Either enforce them or get rid of them.

It only kills jobs when the Democrats are in office, stooopid. :cuckoo:
Do it for the chillrens. Hep the chillrens. Chillrens need to breathe. Hep the chillrens.

I know, I know. Conservatives don't care about children once they are out of the uterus. Just come right out and say it. You'll feel better

How much CO2 is the threshold for the children about whom you are concerned?

If there is no CO2 in the body, we die. This is pretty plain and simple.

Carbon Dioxide in Blood

Low Carbon Dioxide in Blood (Hypocapnia)Hypocapnia refers to the condition of reduced CO2 levels in the bloodstream and is the opposite condition of hypercapnia. This condition is sometimes aroused by the treatment of medical emergencies, such as hyperkalemia, high blood pressure (hypertension), etc. On the other hand, hypocapnia can also be self induced, by hyperventilation. The state of breathing faster and deeper than necessary is termed as hyperventilation. This over-breathing results in light-headedness and several other undesirable symptoms, that are associated with panic attacks.Hyperventilation reduces the CO2 concentration level in the bloodstream, below the normal 40 mm of Hg, thereby resulting in an increased level of pH value. Since CO2 increases the acidity in the blood, a low CO2 level leads to increased alkalinity in the blood. This, in turn, leads to the constriction of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. Moreover, transport of essential electrolytes for the functioning of the nervous system is also reduced. Low level of CO2 in the bloodstream, can cause cerebral vasoconstriction, thereby resulting in cerebral hypoxia. The symptoms and signs of this are:•Visual disturbances.•Anxiety.•Transient dizziness in the person.•Muscle cramps.•Blackouts.Most of the CO2 content in the body is in the form of bicarbonate. Thus, when laboratory tests are conducted to check the CO2 level in the blood, it is actually measuring the blood bicarbonate level. The level of carbon dioxide in blood has to be around 40 mm of Hg, for the proper functioning of the body. Deviations in the amount of carbon dioxide in blood can lead to dizziness, respiratory and cardiac arrest and even death.
Then there really must be a bigger job shortage then anyone believes since there are only 30-40% of the adolescent and adult population who have higher cognitive function....:eek:
"Obama's Job Killing Machine Moves Forward"

Oh, it's an article about Texas polluters kicking and screaming because, after years of reckless environmental damage, they finally need to follow EPA regulations.

For a moment, I thought it was about something else; Obama physically removing those companies from Texas. I though Obama came barging into the companies and started firing workers. Oh, so he didn't literally kill jobs? I thought that's what we elected Obama to do: protect the environment from gross polluters...

Ya think maybe some corporations could curb their profits a bit? Maybe they could use nuclear power (or renewable energy) to produce the same product while maintaining their current employees?
Nah! That would be too costly and responsible....

Well, let's test this against reality, shall we?

How many nuclear reactors have been put on line in the USA in the last 15 years?

What percent of grid power comes from renewables in the USA?

If your answers were zero and about 1% respectively, you'd be close.

Do you wonder why the numbers for your Unicorn Power Grid are so low? If you don't, you probably should. Do you want your electric bills to double? Stupid question. Of course you do.

Putting aside for the moment the ridiculous idea that experts in the field feel that they cannot make money doing it your way and you think you know more than they do, there are Constitutional issues that the Big 0 is once again grinding into the ground in his headlong rush to destroy the Republic.

Maybe the Congress can de-fund the EPA. I wonder how committed the Unicorns are... Would they work for free? They want people who actually produce things to work for free. One might suppose they would prefer that to getting paid.

After all, if one makes money to do something, then obviously that person is corrupt.
Umm the clean air act has been around for 40 years.
Is our government not supposed to enforce it?

Selective enforcement of laws sucks. Either enforce them or get rid of them.

This administration constantly picks and chooses which laws need to enforced and which ones need to be ignored.

I thought that enforcing law based on whether or not you were a friend of the Big 0 was the new law of the land.
This is going to happen throughout the county, new Regulations by Obama's EPA are going to drive more manufacturing jobs out of the country and energy prices are going to skyrocket thank you Obama.. :cuckoo:
Actually.....jobs appear to be going to intelligent-people....rather-than somewhere being dominated by pin-head Teabaggers.

"Companies will go where there are fast-growing markets and big profits," says Jeffrey Sachs, globalization expert and economist at Columbia University. "What's changed is that companies today are getting top talent in emerging economies, and the U.S. has to really watch out."

And yet the population moves out of the Blue states and into the Red States to find work.

Kinda makes ya wonder why these folks are moving to the jobs in the Red States when all the Intelligent people are sitting around following your advice and waiting for the jobs to come to them in the Blue States, do'n' it?

Stoopit pipples!

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