Obama's labor relations board appointment ruled unconstitutional

Have you looked at all the vacancies of fed. Judges recently? I'm not saying I agree with what he did, but the volume of blocking appointees, not because you take issue with the person, but simply in order to annoy the President is turning into a serious issue.

Right, when democrats did it to Bush, it wasn't that serious, but that was just different, somehow.
Have you looked at all the vacancies of fed. Judges recently? I'm not saying I agree with what he did, but the volume of blocking appointees, not because you take issue with the person, but simply in order to annoy the President is turning into a serious issue.

Right, when democrats did it to Bush, it wasn't that serious, but that was just different, somehow.

I didn't say dems didn't do it, however it gets worse and worse each presidency. What was an annoyance under Clinton, a backlog under Bush has become a halt in the justice system under Obama. You have the right to a speedy trial, a man shouldn't have to sit in jail for years and years waiting for his case to be heard because there are no available judges.
Have you looked at all the vacancies of fed. Judges recently? I'm not saying I agree with what he did, but the volume of blocking appointees, not because you take issue with the person, but simply in order to annoy the President is turning into a serious issue.

Right, when democrats did it to Bush, it wasn't that serious, but that was just different, somehow.

I didn't say dems didn't do it, however it gets worse and worse each presidency. What was an annoyance under Clinton, a backlog under Bush has become a halt in the justice system under Obama. You have the right to a speedy trial, a man shouldn't have to sit in jail for years and years waiting for his case to be heard because there are no available judges.

I have not heard of anyone waiting on a trial because a judge can not be located.
Have you looked at all the vacancies of fed. Judges recently? I'm not saying I agree with what he did, but the volume of blocking appointees, not because you take issue with the person, but simply in order to annoy the President is turning into a serious issue.

Right, when democrats did it to Bush, it wasn't that serious, but that was just different, somehow.

I didn't say dems didn't do it, however it gets worse and worse each presidency. What was an annoyance under Clinton, a backlog under Bush has become a halt in the justice system under Obama. You have the right to a speedy trial, a man shouldn't have to sit in jail for years and years waiting for his case to be heard because there are no available judges.

Maybe if he didn't appoint liberal activists as judges...
He's been doing similar things since his first inauguration. Why expect anything different now?

Bound for the Supremes.

Rather than wasting our tax dollars on trivial shit why doesn't he just follow the proper channels?

Because if he did that..nothing would get done.

The new Consumer Protection Department has no Head and neither does the ATF. The Senate has made extreme parlimentary procedures BAU.

The Senate was not in session..they had a couple of guys camping out.
Have you looked at all the vacancies of fed. Judges recently? I'm not saying I agree with what he did, but the volume of blocking appointees, not because you take issue with the person, but simply in order to annoy the President is turning into a serious issue.

Right, when democrats did it to Bush, it wasn't that serious, but that was just different, somehow.

Bush made plenty of recess appointments and with the exception of Harriet Meirs he got every judge he wanted.

And Bolton was probably the only recess appointment to get booted. And that's because he was such a fucking nut.
Right, when democrats did it to Bush, it wasn't that serious, but that was just different, somehow.

I didn't say dems didn't do it, however it gets worse and worse each presidency. What was an annoyance under Clinton, a backlog under Bush has become a halt in the justice system under Obama. You have the right to a speedy trial, a man shouldn't have to sit in jail for years and years waiting for his case to be heard because there are no available judges.

I have not heard of anyone waiting on a trial because a judge can not be located.
Docket Is Full, but Judges Are Few: Federal judges see a jump in cases as court vacancies go unfilled - News - The Austin Chronicle

Now you have :)
Bound for the Supremes.

Rather than wasting our tax dollars on trivial shit why doesn't he just follow the proper channels?

Because if he did that..nothing would get done.

The new Consumer Protection Department has no Head and neither does the ATF. The Senate has made extreme parlimentary procedures BAU.

The Senate was not in session..they had a couple of guys camping out.
well why don't we make Obama king !!then he could year up the constitution.............libbs would love it !!
Bound for the Supremes.

Rather than wasting our tax dollars on trivial shit why doesn't he just follow the proper channels?

Because if he did that..nothing would get done.

The new Consumer Protection Department has no Head and neither does the ATF. The Senate has made extreme parlimentary procedures BAU.

The Senate was not in session..they had a couple of guys camping out.

Rules are rules. Elections have consequences. Isn't that what you all always say? You guys elected a hardcore partisan and this is the consequence.
USSC will not touch this. No reason to. The appointments were invalid. Everyone knew it. Typical over-reach by the amateur narcissist in chief.

Why will Obama not nominate people he knows can get through Congress? Why does he insist on getting radicals with thin resumes? Working across the aisle is a forgotten skill in this administration, although Biden still knows how to do it.
USSC will not touch this. No reason to. The appointments were invalid. Everyone knew it. Typical over-reach by the amateur narcissist in chief.

Why will Obama not nominate people he knows can get through Congress? Why does he insist on getting radicals with thin resumes? Working across the aisle is a forgotten skill in this administration, although Biden still knows how to do it.

Because it doesn't matter who he nominates for a position. He could nominate a right wing nut job like Scalia and the Republicans would still block it. That's what Republicans do. This administration has tried over and over to work across party lines only to be rebuffed. They are supposed to advise and consent, not deny, block, obfuscate, and filibuster every appointment.
I'm sure John Roberts will rescue him.
The new Consumer Protection Department has no Head and neither does the ATF. The Senate has made extreme parlimentary procedures BAU.

The CPD is just another useless bureaucracy that will do nothing but get in the way and the ATF should be eliminated.
USSC will not touch this. No reason to. The appointments were invalid. Everyone knew it. Typical over-reach by the amateur narcissist in chief.

Why will Obama not nominate people he knows can get through Congress? Why does he insist on getting radicals with thin resumes? Working across the aisle is a forgotten skill in this administration, although Biden still knows how to do it.

Because it doesn't matter who he nominates for a position. He could nominate a right wing nut job like Scalia and the Republicans would still block it. That's what Republicans do. This administration has tried over and over to work across party lines only to be rebuffed. They are supposed to advise and consent, not deny, block, obfuscate, and filibuster every appointment.

They are supposed to advise and consent?

USSC will not touch this. No reason to. The appointments were invalid. Everyone knew it. Typical over-reach by the amateur narcissist in chief.

Why will Obama not nominate people he knows can get through Congress? Why does he insist on getting radicals with thin resumes? Working across the aisle is a forgotten skill in this administration, although Biden still knows how to do it.

Because it doesn't matter who he nominates for a position. He could nominate a right wing nut job like Scalia and the Republicans would still block it. That's what Republicans do. This administration has tried over and over to work across party lines only to be rebuffed. They are supposed to advise and consent, not deny, block, obfuscate, and filibuster every appointment.

They are supposed to advise and consent?


Maybe that only applies when a republican is president.
Because it doesn't matter who he nominates for a position. He could nominate a right wing nut job like Scalia and the Republicans would still block it. That's what Republicans do. This administration has tried over and over to work across party lines only to be rebuffed. They are supposed to advise and consent, not deny, block, obfuscate, and filibuster every appointment.

They are supposed to advise and consent?


Maybe that only applies when a republican is president.

It never applies.

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