Obama's last two years his best?

obama's best might be the democrats worst. The country will suffer from his destruction for years. To the democrats it might be generations.

History will look at what Obama accomplished and his lasting legacy

In spite of non-stop whining from Republicans, Obama did the right thing and will be looked at favorably by history

Obamacare, gay rights, immigration reform, economic initiatives,environmental protections, normalizing relations with Cuba, sanctions against Russia

All showed strong leadership and will be looked at favorably
first with the CRA mortgages for morons caper

The CRA meme is one of the biggest piles of manufactured bullshit out there.

Tell me something. When your white middle class neighbors were foreclosing, did you say to yourself, "I had no idea Biff was a Negro!"?
Republican crowing about having a "lame duck" Obama are not coming to fruition. President Obama is racking up accomplishment to rival his first two years

The liberation of Barack Obama - The Week

First came a landmark climate change deal with China, which boosted hopes that the global community could reach agreement on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol in 2015. The deal was the direct result of new EPA emissions regulations announced earlier in the summer, which amount to "the strongest action ever taken by the U.S. government to fight climate change," according to New York's Jonathan Chait.
Then came Obama's executive order to allow about five million undocumented immigrants to legally remain in the United States. It was a move that not only fulfilled an important liberal goal and shored up a crucial constituency for the Democratic Party, but also may have boxed in Republican presidential hopefuls on the issue.
Then there was the news that 2014 has been the best year for job creation since 1999, which may lift Obama's approval ratings and create space for the president to actually make some deals with the GOP.
This weekend, the Senate began ramming through Obama's judicial and executive appointments, thanks to an unintended assist from Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah).
And now Russian President Vladimir Putin, previously seen as wreaking havoc in Ukraine because of Obama's supposed inability to lead, is reeling from a currency crisis that can be partly attributed to sanctions that Obama championed.
More could be on the way. According to Steve Coll at The New Yorker, Obama is also considering closing the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — for real this time.

Just in today...Obama normalizing relations with Cuba
This could go a couple of different ways

Harry Truman left office with an approval rate in the 20's, but as time went on, and they created that play "Give em' Hell Harry", he is looked back on as a pretty good President.

Some don't get better over time...like Nixon and Carter

Some get way better over time like Reagan and Clinton.

There is no doubt Fox News righties, Tea Party types, Militia whackos, and evangelicals will always hate Obama, but the rest of America could go either way
obama's best might be the democrats worst. The country will suffer from his destruction for years. To the democrats it might be generations.

History will look at what Obama accomplished and his lasting legacy

In spite of non-stop whining from Republicans, Obama did the right thing and will be looked at favorably by history

Obamacare, gay rights, immigration reform, economic initiatives,environmental protections, normalizing relations with Cuba, sanctions against Russia

All showed strong leadership and will be looked at favorably

Yeah, by the colossally stupid and partisan. His legacy will be abysmal.. trust me. There's a reason his approvals are in the 30's.

But hey, have your delusions.
This thread reminds me of a Snickers commercial from the 1960's when Johnny Unitas was selling Snickers as health food...
"Milk chocolate made from real milk; creamy nougat made from whole eggs; and peanuts packed with protein!"
"Snickers. The good food candy bar!"
"Obama; two more years of successful leadership." Ha!
How did Clinton cause the dot com scam?

He didn't cause it, he allowed it to happen despite warnings those companies had no assets, no products, no market share while they were sucking up BILLION$ in venture capital. Bush41 came into office another $1T in the hole thanks to Willy's blase attitude toward swindlers.
Obama leads from behind. He lets the Democrats in Congress do all the heavy lifting.

But then the GOP is in line behind him. They can't decide what to do until they see what Obama does.
This thread reminds me of a Snickers commercial from the 1960's when Johnny Unitas was selling Snickers as health food...
"Milk chocolate made from real milk; creamy nougat made from whole eggs; and peanuts packed with protein!"
"Snickers. The good food candy bar!"
"Obama; two more years of successful leadership." Ha!

Sneaker as a health food!!!!! that is precious!!! :D

You made my day with the comparison:thup:
Obama's positive legacy will haunt many of you nutcases until you take your last breath.

I have a feeling that next year's SOTU address will kick off a two year promotional campaign that......finally......sees this president take credit for all the good he has done. Call it a hunch.
This thread reminds me of a Snickers commercial from the 1960's when Johnny Unitas was selling Snickers as health food...
"Milk chocolate made from real milk; creamy nougat made from whole eggs; and peanuts packed with protein!"
"Snickers. The good food candy bar!"
"Obama; two more years of successful leadership." Ha!

Sneaker as a health food!!!!! that is precious!!! :D

You made my day with the comparison:thup:

sneaker ...

you made MY day ..

Obama's positive legacy will haunt many of you nutcases until you take your last breath.

I have a feeling that next year's SOTU address will kick off a two year promotional campaign that......finally......sees this president take credit for all the good he has done. Call it a hunch.
He's been the benefactor of a promotional campaign run by our media since 2006 and he's only regenerated the Cold War; kept our economy in the hole with reduced wages against higher costs and steady high unemployment; watched Iran build a nuke; exacerbated racial segregation and division with his injection into Ferguson, Garner, Trayvon, etc.; undermined every sacrifice made by our military in Iraq and Afghanistan...
Obama's positive legacy will haunt many of you nutcases until you take your last breath.

I have a feeling that next year's SOTU address will kick off a two year promotional campaign that......finally......sees this president take credit for all the good he has done. Call it a hunch.
He's been the benefactor of a promotional campaign run by our media since 2006 and he's only regenerated the Cold War; kept our economy in the hole with reduced wages against higher costs and steady high unemployment; watched Iran build a nuke; exacerbated racial segregation and division with his injection into Ferguson, Garner, Trayvon, etc.; undermined every sacrifice made by our military in Iraq and Afghanistan...
Wow, Obama regeerated the Cold War?......how's that work?

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