Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed By Andrew Sullivan

From Sullivan’s article on the Great Obama’s legacy

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

Couldn’t have said it better myself

But wait, there's more

In foreign policy, Trump has been even more effective. In less than two years, he has wrecked an Atlantic alliance that every president has defended and advanced since the Second World War, and that Obama nurtured. No European government can or should trust America from now on: They know they’re on their own. And then there is the volte-face in the Middle East. Obama’s core achievement in foreign policy was to shift America from embattled enmeshment in the region to a more offshore balancing role. By getting out of Iraq, and reaching out to Tehran, as well as maintaining our links to Jerusalem and the Saudi theocracy, the U.S. increased its options and leverage, while bringing Europe into the mix through the Iran deal. There was even, believe it or not, an attempt at first to restrain the Greater Israel lobby, to use what leverage the American president has to restrain the settlements project.

Yep. You gotta wonder what would inspire voters to support such a miscreant.

Trump? We don't have to wonder. We know...

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

Right.. Democrats lost because "racists, mkay?" Not because they fucked up. Nah, it could never be that.
From Sullivan’s article on Obama’s legacy

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

Couldn’t have said it better myself

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton had his feet up on the desk.

And yet here you are complaining about the debt from Obama...you partisan hacks have very short memories.

William J. Clinton Presidency

The verdict is in - worst president ever.

Please repost where I ever complained about the debt.

I gave the links silly. Do you not know how a computer works?

Yes. I also know that commenting on nonsense claims concerning Obama and the debt is not complaining about said debt, but about the nonsense.

Oh...so you were not complaining about the debt, you were complaining about those complaining about the debt. I am sorry, I was mistaken.

I disagree with your view on the debt tough, just because we have always had debt does not make all debt equal.

Let's use me for an example. If I take out a mortgage for a house and pay it off on schedule, I will have debt for the next 30 years. But the fact I will have that debt does not somehow make it ok for me to live each month after that spending more than I bring in and adding more and more debt.

That is what our country is doing, and that is what you have no problem with. That is what makes you a "lefty". Nobody that supports a smaller government can support unlimited debt.
From Sullivan’s article on Obama’s legacy

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

Couldn’t have said it better myself

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton had his feet up on the desk.

And yet here you are complaining about the debt from Obama...you partisan hacks have very short memories.

William J. Clinton Presidency

The verdict is in - worst president ever.

Please repost where I ever complained about the debt.

The biggest damage to the recovery was Republicans insisting that austerity spending was needed during a period of extreme recession

Throw on the brakes when we are trying to get the economic engine running again

Please show with reasonable detail how Obama's doubling of debt has resulted in getting "the economic engine running again".

First of all Obama has not doubled the debt
Secondly, the increase in the debt was a result of economic obligations made long before Obama took office

No other President has had to try to balance the budget during a major recession. Demanding it is pure idiocy.

Obama's national debt rate on track to double - Washington Times

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

Obama Has More Than Doubled Marketable U.S. Debt
From Sullivan’s article on Obama’s legacy

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

Couldn’t have said it better myself

We've been carrying debt since Alexander Hamilton had his feet up on the desk.

And yet here you are complaining about the debt from Obama...you partisan hacks have very short memories.

William J. Clinton Presidency

The verdict is in - worst president ever.

Please repost where I ever complained about the debt.

^^^^ You suck at this.
From Sullivan’s article on the Great Obama’s legacy

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

Couldn’t have said it better myself

But wait, there's more

In foreign policy, Trump has been even more effective. In less than two years, he has wrecked an Atlantic alliance that every president has defended and advanced since the Second World War, and that Obama nurtured. No European government can or should trust America from now on: They know they’re on their own. And then there is the volte-face in the Middle East. Obama’s core achievement in foreign policy was to shift America from embattled enmeshment in the region to a more offshore balancing role. By getting out of Iraq, and reaching out to Tehran, as well as maintaining our links to Jerusalem and the Saudi theocracy, the U.S. increased its options and leverage, while bringing Europe into the mix through the Iran deal. There was even, believe it or not, an attempt at first to restrain the Greater Israel lobby, to use what leverage the American president has to restrain the settlements project.

Yep. You gotta wonder what would inspire voters to support such a miscreant.

Trump? We don't have to wonder. We know...

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

Right.. Democrats lost because "racists, mkay?" Not because they fucked up. Nah, it could never be that.

They are no more fucked up than the Repubs, so it has to be more than just them being fucked up. Most likely it is just the pattern we have seen for our modern history, only once has a person from the same party followed a two term POTUS into office. We the people tire of the group in power and give the other group a try hoping things will be different...though they never are
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill
You haven’t the brain capacity to understand the harm obummer did to this country. You live in the land of fairy tales
Well, maybe if you tell us how this country is somehow less because of Former President Obama...........
Debt, Corruption, Divisiveness and hate filled leftists!
This is to hilarious..

Andrew Sullivan: Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed

In one respect, it seems to me, the presidency of Donald Trump has been remarkably successful. In 17 months, he has effectively erased Barack Obama’s two-term legacy.

I don’t want to say or face this. I still want to believe my colleague, Jonathan Chait, whose thesis is that the changes Obama made in his difficult but tenacious eight years in office are too great to reverse. And there are a couple of shifts that do indeed seem to be as permanent as anything is in politics: marriage equality and legal cannabis. But neither, one recalls, was a signature goal of Obama. He began as an alleged opponent of marriage equality, even though, of course, he was bullshitting. He wouldn’t touch the marijuana issue in his entire term and even at one point dismissed it as trivial. As for the rest, in specific policy terms, Trump and the Republican Congress have succeeded in undoing Obama’s work to an extent I barely anticipated.

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

This is spot on....

We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth

No its a lie, the left have told many lies since they lost and got an historic case of sour grapes.

What is a lie? Are you saying that the debt has not increased under Trump? Or are you saying that this is not a time of robust economic growth?

Which of those two facts are you calling a lie?

That's not President Trump's biggest accomplishment, you lie, is that clear now? Here perhaps these will help :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

I would say that "biggest accomplishment" is in the eye of the beholder. To me adding that much debt so quickly in a booming economy is a pretty big big accomplishment.

Of course you do not agree, as you are not allowed to ever speak an ill word about your savoir in the White House.

LOL you don't even know what the word accomplishment means but okay. Let me explain this for you, you hate Trump therefore you ignore his many accomplishments. You also ignore Dem's refusal to work with Rep's and Trump on bi-partisan spending cuts then you bitch about the deficit. You can't engage in honest debate, hence you are a worthless waste of internet bandwidth.
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill
You haven’t the brain capacity to understand the harm obummer did to this country. You live in the land of fairy tales
Well, maybe if you tell us how this country is somehow less because of Former President Obama...........
Debt, Corruption, Divisiveness and hate filled leftists!

Which has now been replaced by more debt, more corruption, more divisiveness and hate filled rightys.

The shit never changes, all that changes is the label of those in charge.
They are no more fucked up than the Repubs, so it has to be more than just them being fucked up.

I didn't say they were fucked up, I said they fucked up - as verb, not a condition. Democrats were lazy, and shot their wad, choosing to foist major change on the nation without doing the hard work of building consensus first. Then, to compound their failure, they electioneered an opponent so bad that even Hillary could beat him. And here we are...
This is spot on....

We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth

No its a lie, the left have told many lies since they lost and got an historic case of sour grapes.

What is a lie? Are you saying that the debt has not increased under Trump? Or are you saying that this is not a time of robust economic growth?

Which of those two facts are you calling a lie?

That's not President Trump's biggest accomplishment, you lie, is that clear now? Here perhaps these will help :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

I would say that "biggest accomplishment" is in the eye of the beholder. To me adding that much debt so quickly in a booming economy is a pretty big big accomplishment.

Of course you do not agree, as you are not allowed to ever speak an ill word about your savoir in the White House.

LOL you don't even know what the word accomplishment means but okay. Let me explain this for you, you hate Trump therefore you ignore his many accomplishments. You also ignore Dem's refusal to work with Rep's and Trump on bi-partisan spending cuts then you bitch about the deficit. You can't engage in honest debate, hence you are a worthless waste of internet bandwidth.

Sure I do...something that has been achieved successfully.

You cannot tell me that our debt has not been added to successfully.

Trump did not run on less spending, Trump ran on being the KING OF DEBT.

Trump did not ask for less spending, Trump wants more spending just on different things.

If we spend more on different things, guess what happens...the fucking debt keeps growing. On pace this CY for 1.6 TRILLION dollars. More than has been added in any single year...and this during a fucking good economy.
They are no more fucked up than the Repubs, so it has to be more than just them being fucked up.

I didn't say they were fucked up, I said they fucked up - as verb, not a condition. Democrats were lazy, and shot their wad, choosing to foist major change on the nation without doing the hard work of building consensus first. Then, to compound their failure, they electioneered an opponent so bad that even Hillary could beat him. And here we are...

My apologies for mis-reading your post. I do agree they fucked up, but that is because they are fucked up. It is hard for people that are fucked up to do the right thing.
No its a lie, the left have told many lies since they lost and got an historic case of sour grapes.

What is a lie? Are you saying that the debt has not increased under Trump? Or are you saying that this is not a time of robust economic growth?

Which of those two facts are you calling a lie?

That's not President Trump's biggest accomplishment, you lie, is that clear now? Here perhaps these will help :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

I would say that "biggest accomplishment" is in the eye of the beholder. To me adding that much debt so quickly in a booming economy is a pretty big big accomplishment.

Of course you do not agree, as you are not allowed to ever speak an ill word about your savoir in the White House.

LOL you don't even know what the word accomplishment means but okay. Let me explain this for you, you hate Trump therefore you ignore his many accomplishments. You also ignore Dem's refusal to work with Rep's and Trump on bi-partisan spending cuts then you bitch about the deficit. You can't engage in honest debate, hence you are a worthless waste of internet bandwidth.

Sure I do...something that has been achieved successfully.

You cannot tell me that our debt has not been added to successfully.

Trump did not run on less spending, Trump ran on being the KING OF DEBT.

Trump did not ask for less spending, Trump wants more spending just on different things.

If we spend more on different things, guess what happens...the fucking debt keeps growing. On pace this CY for 1.6 TRILLION dollars. More than has been added in any single year...and this during a fucking good economy.

You also don't know what an investment is, or what a return on investment is, you willfully ignore valid points other people make in this case the Dem's responsibility for the rising deficit. You just continue spewing your nonsense, I think that's what people call trolling. :eusa_hand:
Trump's legacy will be a shitstain on US history for the next millennium.

He'll go out like Nixon did.

Trumps legacy will be as a punchline to describe failed presidencies
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill
You haven’t the brain capacity to understand the harm obummer did to this country. You live in the land of fairy tales
Well, maybe if you tell us how this country is somehow less because of Former President Obama...........
Debt, Corruption, Divisiveness and hate filled leftists!

Which has now been replaced by more debt, more corruption, more divisiveness and hate filled rightys.

The shit never changes, all that changes is the label of those in charge.
Incorrect. You never see righties attack people, burning buildings, rioting, blocking highways, defending MS 13, defending the murder of the unborns. That’s on you.
Trump's legacy will be a shitstain on US history for the next millennium.

He'll go out like Nixon did.

Trumps legacy will be as a punchline to describe failed presidencies

Hopefully his legacy will be a wake up call. A warning of just how badly things can go when the political elite dismiss the concerns of the people they claim to represent.
From Sullivan’s article on the Great Obama’s legacy

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

Couldn’t have said it better myself

But wait, there's more

In foreign policy, Trump has been even more effective. In less than two years, he has wrecked an Atlantic alliance that every president has defended and advanced since the Second World War, and that Obama nurtured. No European government can or should trust America from now on: They know they’re on their own. And then there is the volte-face in the Middle East. Obama’s core achievement in foreign policy was to shift America from embattled enmeshment in the region to a more offshore balancing role. By getting out of Iraq, and reaching out to Tehran, as well as maintaining our links to Jerusalem and the Saudi theocracy, the U.S. increased its options and leverage, while bringing Europe into the mix through the Iran deal. There was even, believe it or not, an attempt at first to restrain the Greater Israel lobby, to use what leverage the American president has to restrain the settlements project.

Yep. You gotta wonder what would inspire voters to support such a miscreant.

Trump? We don't have to wonder. We know...

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did
/-----/ Yeah we voted against that Black woman Hillary cause we beees racist
hillary fashion.jpg
You also don't know what an investment is, or what a return on investment is, you willfully ignore valid points other people make in this case the Dem's responsibility for the rising deficit. You just continue spewing your nonsense, I think that's what people call trolling. :eusa_hand:

Quit with the fucking talking points.

Tell me what has the $537,883,433,862 worth of debt that has been added to our country in the last 4.2 months been invested in? What good will come from this
$537,883,433,862 worth of debt over the last 4.2 months?

The Dems, the Repubs and Trump are all complicit in it happening, that is what separates me from you fucking partisan zealots. You can only blame the other side, you cannot see the problems with your savoir, you cannot admit that he is not fucking walking on water and turning water into wine.
Trump's legacy will be a shitstain on US history for the next millennium.

He'll go out like Nixon did.

Trumps legacy will be as a punchline to describe failed presidencies

Hopefully his legacy will be a wake up call. A warning of just how badly things can go when the political elite dismiss the concerns of the people they claim to represent.

A Trumpian presidency will be used to describe an inept president elected solely on lies, foreign intervention and popular culture

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