Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed By Andrew Sullivan

Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill
Na, Only fools thought hope and change was a real thing

It was just as real as MAGA
And this is the basic response I get every time I challenge one of you lying fucking bastards to provide even a single post to backup your claims about me.

And yet it never, ever happens, not even once.

That is because you are all a bunch of liars

Nope I am good, but thanks. You keep them in your little safe space so the next time you need to escape reality they are waiting for you.
Stop whining and stop denying your left ness. Embrace it. Own it! Take a deep breath.

I will ask you the same thing I have asked now 29 other people and see if you will be able to do so.

Other than my dislike of Trump, please find one post on here of me taking a "left" position. Just one.

Is my position on abortion to the left?

is my position on healthcare to the left?

how about debt and spending?
Here is an easier way. Tell us which conservative principles you espouse! Is there any goal of President Trumps that you support. Please and thank you.

Sure, I can do that.

I am not a conservative as I support a smaller government and more personal freedoms. Neither of those have been conservative principles since a guy named Calvin was sitting in the White House.

On the issue I stack up this way..

I am against abortion.

I am against ObamaCare for a multitude of reasons.

I am pro-2nd amendment and think we have too many restrictions on what we can own

I think that any and all anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the government itself are unconstitutional and violate the equal protection clause.

I am for the free market system, and against things like tariffs as they pick and choose winners.

I am against the tax code being used for social engineering...there should be no tax breaks for having kids, owning a house, going to college or any other things.

I support the legalization of marijuana, because if I can sit in my house and enjoy a nice IPA, someone else should be able to sit in theirs and have a toke or two or a dozen.

I am against deficit spending except in the time of emergency or war. I was against the Trump tax cut as there were no corresponding spending cuts.

I am against smoking bans, helmet laws and seatbelt laws. If people want to kill themselves, let them.

Let's see, as for Trump..

I approved of this SCOTUS pick

I liked his SecDef choice

I liked his idea to privatize ATC

I like his support of the federal prison reform.

Nope I am good, but thanks. You keep them in your little safe space so the next time you need to escape reality they are waiting for you.
Stop whining and stop denying your left ness. Embrace it. Own it! Take a deep breath.

I will ask you the same thing I have asked now 29 other people and see if you will be able to do so.

Other than my dislike of Trump, please find one post on here of me taking a "left" position. Just one.

Is my position on abortion to the left?

is my position on healthcare to the left?

how about debt and spending?
Here is an easier way. Tell us which conservative principles you espouse! Is there any goal of President Trumps that you support. Please and thank you.

Sure, I can do that.

I am not a conservative as I support a smaller government and more personal freedoms. Neither of those have been conservative principles since a guy named Calvin was sitting in the White House.

On the issue I stack up this way..

I am against abortion.

I am against ObamaCare for a multitude of reasons.

I am pro-2nd amendment and think we have too many restrictions on what we can own

I think that any and all anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the government itself are unconstitutional and violate the equal protection clause.

I am for the free market system, and against things like tariffs as they pick and choose winners.

I am against the tax code being used for social engineering...there should be no tax breaks for having kids, owning a house, going to college or any other things.

I support the legalization of marijuana, because if I can sit in my house and enjoy a nice IPA, someone else should be able to sit in theirs and have a toke or two or a dozen.

I am against deficit spending except in the time of emergency or war. I was against the Trump tax cut as there were no corresponding spending cuts.

I am against smoking bans, helmet laws and seatbelt laws. If people want to kill themselves, let them.

Let's see, as for Trump..

I approved of this SCOTUS pick

I liked his SecDef choice

I liked his idea to privatize ATC

I like his support of the federal prison reform.
Thanks for the civil response. Please discuss your position on illegal immigration, the wall, chain migration. Also he has tried spending cuts, the left has gone berserk stating he is targeting SNAP SCHIP and Medicaid. What say you?
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill

I'm still trying to figure out what the short fingered vulgarian has done apart from his white boy promises.
Border? It was at an all time low

"The U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May, according to the Labor Department. It was the worst monthly job gain since 2010".
Iran? They will have nukes sooner now
And bidding for drug prices?
Whoops didn't do that
The Great Obama’s legacy will do just fine

Stopped a Depression
Saved the banks and auto companies
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Gay rights

Any damage Trump has done can be quickly repaired

How did he stop a depression, please be specific..
That is an easy one...

Economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month, five negative GDP quarters, stock market lost half its value

Investors were bailing on the economy, banks were on the verge of failure, so were the auto companies......NOBODY was putting money into the economy

The Great Obama made it clear the US Government would stand by the economy. Propped up the banks and auto companies. Stimulus put $800 billion into the economy

The panic subsided.......Depression averted

Revisionist history much? Obama spent 800 million on pay back and the unemployment went up... no one was putting money in because of Obama and his asinine Obama care and EPA .
This is to hilarious..

Andrew Sullivan: Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed

In one respect, it seems to me, the presidency of Donald Trump has been remarkably successful. In 17 months, he has effectively erased Barack Obama’s two-term legacy.

I don’t want to say or face this. I still want to believe my colleague, Jonathan Chait, whose thesis is that the changes Obama made in his difficult but tenacious eight years in office are too great to reverse. And there are a couple of shifts that do indeed seem to be as permanent as anything is in politics: marriage equality and legal cannabis. But neither, one recalls, was a signature goal of Obama. He began as an alleged opponent of marriage equality, even though, of course, he was bullshitting. He wouldn’t touch the marijuana issue in his entire term and even at one point dismissed it as trivial. As for the rest, in specific policy terms, Trump and the Republican Congress have succeeded in undoing Obama’s work to an extent I barely anticipated.

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.
Barack's two-term legacy can never be destroyed no matter how much you guys hate blacks..

What is his two-term legacy?

Hyping race-baiting Identity Politics, politicizing the DOJ/FBI/CIA/IRS/EPA etc., and damaging our national security via his lead from behind narcissism.
This is to hilarious..

Andrew Sullivan: Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed

In one respect, it seems to me, the presidency of Donald Trump has been remarkably successful. In 17 months, he has effectively erased Barack Obama’s two-term legacy.

I don’t want to say or face this. I still want to believe my colleague, Jonathan Chait, whose thesis is that the changes Obama made in his difficult but tenacious eight years in office are too great to reverse. And there are a couple of shifts that do indeed seem to be as permanent as anything is in politics: marriage equality and legal cannabis. But neither, one recalls, was a signature goal of Obama. He began as an alleged opponent of marriage equality, even though, of course, he was bullshitting. He wouldn’t touch the marijuana issue in his entire term and even at one point dismissed it as trivial. As for the rest, in specific policy terms, Trump and the Republican Congress have succeeded in undoing Obama’s work to an extent I barely anticipated.

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

Absolutely hysterical. Andrew's atomic wedgie has sliced through his lower brainstem.
Thanks for the civil response. Please discuss your position on illegal immigration, the wall, chain migration. Also he has tried spending cuts, the left has gone berserk stating he is targeting SNAP SCHIP and Medicaid. What say you?

My position on illegal immigration is that they are here for the most part because we as a society invited them here. They come because people are willing to pay them, and pay them much less than they would have to pay one of us. I put forth that over the years we as a society have given our tacit approval by our happiness at low price produce and etc.

My plan for dealing with immigration is a three part plan.

First, bring home 1/2 to 2/3 of the troops in Europe and station them along the southern border and let them defend our country for a change.

Second, go after companies that hire illegals, and go after them hard. A company or two going bankrupt because of the fines would be a good deterrent to keep others from doing it.

Third, pass a real guest worker program. Most of us still want our produce cheap, and there are those that are willing to work for less than you or I will. Let me come, just keep an eye on them and their employers. Make it so they do not have to sneak across.

Do those three things and no wall is necessary. I despise the very idea of a wall, it makes me think we are moving backwards, not forwards. Walls are what they put around castles in the middle ages. I also personally think that Trump wants it as it would be a permanent monument to him, which is something that is very important to him.

I do not have an issue with chain migration for legal visa holders with permanent work status, it is how a lot of immigrants came here in the 1800s and 1900s. It should not be automatic and it should be earned via a set number of years working and staying out of trouble. It would be a good incentive for people to work hard and do the right thing.

Trump did not want to cut overall spending, he wants to spend it on different things, so the end result is the same, more debt. My plan would be simple. An across the board 10% cut to every single agency in the Fed Govt to include the DOD and military. It would be ushered in over 5 years with each agency deciding what to cut. After the 5 years we see where we stand and we make further cuts in a more surgical manner.

My alternative plan gets me into a lot of trouble on this board, but if we are not going to cut spending we need to pay for what we spend. So, if we cannot agree to cut spending I think that in April the POTUS submits his budget, by July congress does their thing and then taxes are adjusted for the following year for the whole country to cover the cost of the spending in the budget plus 10% to pay down the debt. I do not personally want taxes raised, but to me it is the lesser evil between that and adding more and more and more debt for our children and grandchildren to deal with. I also believe that doing this would cause such an uproar that the voters would make sure that spending was cut the following year. We have hard choices to make and nobody is willing to do that.
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill

I'm still trying to figure out what the short fingered vulgarian has done apart from his white boy promises.
Border? It was at an all time low

"The U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May, according to the Labor Department. It was the worst monthly job gain since 2010".
Iran? They will have nukes sooner now
And bidding for drug prices?
Whoops didn't do that

May is just barely half over, how can we know how many jobs are added this month>

And this is the basic response I get every time I challenge one of you lying fucking bastards to provide even a single post to backup your claims about me.

And yet it never, ever happens, not even once.

That is because you are all a bunch of liars

Nope I am good, but thanks. You keep them in your little safe space so the next time you need to escape reality they are waiting for you.
Stop whining and stop denying your left ness. Embrace it. Own it! Take a deep breath.

I will ask you the same thing I have asked now 29 other people and see if you will be able to do so.

Other than my dislike of Trump, please find one post on here of me taking a "left" position. Just one.

Is my position on abortion to the left?

is my position on healthcare to the left?

how about debt and spending?

Trump is authoritarian, which is why his supporters conflate libertarians with the 'left'.
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill

I'm still trying to figure out what the short fingered vulgarian has done apart from his white boy promises.
Border? It was at an all time low

"The U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May, according to the Labor Department. It was the worst monthly job gain since 2010".
Iran? They will have nukes sooner now
And bidding for drug prices?
Whoops didn't do that
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill

I'm still trying to figure out what the short fingered vulgarian has done apart from his white boy promises.
Border? It was at an all time low

"The U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May, according to the Labor Department. It was the worst monthly job gain since 2010".
Iran? They will have nukes sooner now
And bidding for drug prices?
Whoops didn't do that

May is just barely half over, how can we know how many jobs are added this month>
true did I say may?
Apologies, April was pathetic too.
Trumps job creation has been pathetic.
His uneducated supporters apparently don't know how to research.
Bleating our nazi wwii group America First is enough
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill

I'm still trying to figure out what the short fingered vulgarian has done apart from his white boy promises.
Border? It was at an all time low

"The U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May, according to the Labor Department. It was the worst monthly job gain since 2010".
Iran? They will have nukes sooner now
And bidding for drug prices?
Whoops didn't do that
Hilarious? Sounds like a twelve year old's response? You're not twelve are you. Change comes slowly but much of the ideas and positives of Pres Obama remain. Draft dodger and liar in chief Donnie John can only do so much as his failure over the farm bill proves, and the morons that come and go in his administration demonstrate. Our stupid pres proves democracy sometimes proves Churchill's quip. Emotion and hate work on snowflakes of the right but real accomplishments rarely come when all you do is BS your followers.

'28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States'

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time

'President Obama will leave office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.'

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative snowflake] voter." Winston Churchill

I'm still trying to figure out what the short fingered vulgarian has done apart from his white boy promises.
Border? It was at an all time low

"The U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May, according to the Labor Department. It was the worst monthly job gain since 2010".
Iran? They will have nukes sooner now
And bidding for drug prices?
Whoops didn't do that

May is just barely half over, how can we know how many jobs are added this month>
true did I say may?
Apologies, April was pathetic too.
Trumps job creation has been pathetic.
His uneducated supporters apparently don't know how to research.
Bleating our nazi wwii group America First is enough

How does a president create jobs when unemployment is under 4%????
You mean stagnant economy and the only time in history that the U.S. didn't reach 3% GDP during an administration? That legacy? The promise to put the coal (and oil) industries out of business when America is "weaned off fossil fuel"? That legacy? Falling for an extortion scheme and sending 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico? That legacy?
Thanks for the civil response. Please discuss your position on illegal immigration, the wall, chain migration. Also he has tried spending cuts, the left has gone berserk stating he is targeting SNAP SCHIP and Medicaid. What say you?

My position on illegal immigration is that they are here for the most part because we as a society invited them here. They come because people are willing to pay them, and pay them much less than they would have to pay one of us. I put forth that over the years we as a society have given our tacit approval by our happiness at low price produce and etc.

My plan for dealing with immigration is a three part plan.

First, bring home 1/2 to 2/3 of the troops in Europe and station them along the southern border and let them defend our country for a change.

Second, go after companies that hire illegals, and go after them hard. A company or two going bankrupt because of the fines would be a good deterrent to keep others from doing it.

Third, pass a real guest worker program. Most of us still want our produce cheap, and there are those that are willing to work for less than you or I will. Let me come, just keep an eye on them and their employers. Make it so they do not have to sneak across.

Do those three things and no wall is necessary. I despise the very idea of a wall, it makes me think we are moving backwards, not forwards. Walls are what they put around castles in the middle ages. I also personally think that Trump wants it as it would be a permanent monument to him, which is something that is very important to him.

I do not have an issue with chain migration for legal visa holders with permanent work status, it is how a lot of immigrants came here in the 1800s and 1900s. It should not be automatic and it should be earned via a set number of years working and staying out of trouble. It would be a good incentive for people to work hard and do the right thing.

Trump did not want to cut overall spending, he wants to spend it on different things, so the end result is the same, more debt. My plan would be simple. An across the board 10% cut to every single agency in the Fed Govt to include the DOD and military. It would be ushered in over 5 years with each agency deciding what to cut. After the 5 years we see where we stand and we make further cuts in a more surgical manner.

My alternative plan gets me into a lot of trouble on this board, but if we are not going to cut spending we need to pay for what we spend. So, if we cannot agree to cut spending I think that in April the POTUS submits his budget, by July congress does their thing and then taxes are adjusted for the following year for the whole country to cover the cost of the spending in the budget plus 10% to pay down the debt. I do not personally want taxes raised, but to me it is the lesser evil between that and adding more and more and more debt for our children and grandchildren to deal with. I also believe that doing this would cause such an uproar that the voters would make sure that spending was cut the following year. We have hard choices to make and nobody is willing to do that.
The wall is necessary because no one respects our border. Sad but true.
I'll believe Obama's legacy is gone when I stop seeing butt hurt threads about him.
This is to hilarious..

Andrew Sullivan: Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed

In one respect, it seems to me, the presidency of Donald Trump has been remarkably successful. In 17 months, he has effectively erased Barack Obama’s two-term legacy.

I don’t want to say or face this. I still want to believe my colleague, Jonathan Chait, whose thesis is that the changes Obama made in his difficult but tenacious eight years in office are too great to reverse. And there are a couple of shifts that do indeed seem to be as permanent as anything is in politics: marriage equality and legal cannabis. But neither, one recalls, was a signature goal of Obama. He began as an alleged opponent of marriage equality, even though, of course, he was bullshitting. He wouldn’t touch the marijuana issue in his entire term and even at one point dismissed it as trivial. As for the rest, in specific policy terms, Trump and the Republican Congress have succeeded in undoing Obama’s work to an extent I barely anticipated.

In economic policy, Obama’s slow winnowing of the deficit even in times of sluggish growth has been completely reversed. We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility. Nothing in modern fiscal history can match Trump’s recklessness — neither Reagan’s leap of faith nor George W. Bush’s profligacy — and it’s telling that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia have accommodated so swiftly to it. Nothing is so unfashionable right now as worrying about debt.

He can only undo what Obama did. He can't undo that Obama did it to begin with. Therefore, the legacy stands.
The Great Obama’s legacy will do just fine

Stopped a Depression
Saved the banks and auto companies
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Gay rights

Any damage Trump has done can be quickly repaired

How did he stop a depression, please be specific..
That is an easy one...

Economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month, five negative GDP quarters, stock market lost half its value

Investors were bailing on the economy, banks were on the verge of failure, so were the auto companies......NOBODY was putting money into the economy

The Great Obama made it clear the US Government would stand by the economy. Propped up the banks and auto companies. Stimulus put $800 billion into the economy

The panic subsided.......Depression averted

Revisionist history much? Obama spent 800 million on pay back and the unemployment went up... no one was putting money in because of Obama and his asinine Obama care and EPA .
History disputes your claim

The disasterous drop in the unemployment rate reversed immediately after the Great Obama passed Stimulus.

Employers were assured the Government was standing by the economy and stopped dumping employees

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